Rock Her (Rocked, #1)

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Rock Her (Rocked, #1) Page 3

by Liz Thomas

“Why do you apologize for him?” Kip asked her finally.

  She hesitated before answering. “Because I love him. Or at least I used to. Oh, fuck, I don’t know. I am so confused when it comes to Stewart. He didn’t use to be like that, you know?”

  “Well, he’s like that now,” Kip said, “and you deserve better, Annie.”

  “I know. Would you believe I used to council battered women?” She said with a forced chuckle. “I cannot believe I let myself get into this situation.”

  “It should be easy enough to get out of,” Kip said.

  “You think so, huh?” Annie replied sarcastically.

  “Yes, it is. You went to see him, right?


  “Okay,” Kip said. “So stop doing that.”

  “You think it is that easy?” Annie said with contempt in her voice.

  “No. No, I didn’t say it was easy. But you do have to do it. So do it. Stop seeing him. Stop even thinking about him. Yes, it’s hard. Believe me, I know.”

  Annie looked at him with outrage as they walked side by side. Then her face softened. “Yes, I know.” She said, tears forming in her green eyes. “I know you’re right, of course.”

  “So, resolve to stay away. Stop answering his calls. And forget the idea of getting back together. You said it yourself, he’s not the man he once was.”

  “You do make it sound so easy,” she said.

  “I’m not trying to. I am just trying to make it sound necessary. ‘Cause it is.”

  She gave him a look to the side and he gave her his patented Kip Jones smile. She smiled back. Then she winced from the pain.

  “Thanks,” she said.

  “Oh, just doing my part,” Kip replied.

  “Actually, you have no part. This was really none of your business.”

  “Well it is now since I snapped your ex’s knee. I am probably going to get sued even if I don’t get brought up on criminal assault charges.” Kip said smiling.

  “You’re probably right,” Annie said. “Stewart is an attorney. Not a trial lawyer, but he knows a lot of them. I am sure he will try to sue you.”

  “It’s Okay. I am rich,” Kip said quickly.

  “I hope so, Stewart has very good attorneys.”

  “Well, I am very rich, so bring them on,” he laughed.

  Brag much? Hope she forgets I said it.

  Annie stopped walking and turned toward him. Looking very serious she asked him, “How rich, Kip?”

  Fuck. Kip stopped walking, too and looked deadly serious right back at her.


  Annie squinted, “How very is very?”

  “You got your notebook on you?” Kip asked.


  “Well, you might want to wait for me to answer that until you get it.”

  Kip looked over Annie’s shoulder and saw a familiar face approach. It was the dirty grey duster he was wearing that Kip first noticed. Shit, not a good time.

  Kip had learned in his short time of fame that when you’re in the public spotlight you should never dodge your fans and admirers. So, he straightened up and looked sincere.

  “Annie, do you have a pen on you?”

  Annie patted her tight dress and cupped her luscious tits in her hand. “Fresh out,” she said. “Left it in my other bra.”

  As the same disheveled man from before the Hilton bar incident approached, Kip held up his hands toward him. “Sorry, buddy, I’ve still got no pen.”

  Then the man opened his duster and pulled out a small handgun, aimed it and fired.

  Kip saw it coming and pushed Annie to the ground and dodged to the side, rolling on the concrete sidewalk. Pandemonium broke out on the crowded street. Kip quickly recovered and looked up to see the man spinning around and looking at all of the running people, a huge grin on his face. Kip was on his feet and heading toward him just as the bum caught sight of him and brought the gun up for another shot. Kip dove and planted his shoulder in the filthy guy’s chest, knocking him to the ground in the street. Traffic screeched to a halt and Kip gained feet again just as a taxi skidded to a stop inches before hitting him. Kip slammed his hands on the hood and steadied himself. He looked around for Annie, who was safe on the sidewalk, pulling down her dress where it had ridden up during the fall. Then he spun around looking for the gunman. He was nowhere to be seen. Others had seen him though, and were pointing in the direction he ran. No one went after him.

  Kip caught his breath and walked over to Annie, who was being helped to her feet by two men.

  “This night just keeps getting better and better, huh?” he said to Annie smiling.

  Annie looked up and her jaw dropped open just as her eyes, widened.

  “Kip,” she said, exasperated and staring at his chest.

  Kip stopped. What? He thought. I was just a hero for the second time tonight? Why the anger?

  But it wasn’t anger that Annie was trying to express. It was horror.

  “Kip, I think you’ve been shot!”

  “Huh?” Kip looked down following Annie’s gaze. He saw a bright red flower growing on his shoulder. Shit, not again!

  The man next to Annie that had helped her up rush to him. “I’ll call an ambulance,” he said. “Stay calm.”

  Kip looked up at him and smiled. “Oh, I am calm, buddy. No worries there. And don’t do the ambulance thing. I will be fine.”

  He walked to Annie calmly and held out his hand. “Shall we? I promised you some truths about me, didn’t I?”

  Annie was in more shock than Kip. She just nodded with her mouth open.

  “Good. The Plaza is right there. I can get this cleaned up in my room.”

  The gathering crowd all looked at one another in confusion, as did Annie.

  He took her hand and led her through the milling people. One woman looked at him and pointed to her own shoulder. Kip smiled at her. “All it did was graze me. Nothing that gauze can’t fix,” he said, winking at her.

  Kip and Annie reached his room and made their way inside. As soon as he closed the door behind them he pulled his shirt off and walked to the bathroom, leaving the door open. Annie just stood in the living room, still in shock.

  “Yup,” Kip said from the bathroom, “Just as I thought. It’s hardly anything.” She finally cleared her senses and went to the bathroom. She saw Kip splashing water on his shoulder. As she approached, he turned and showed her his shoulder. “It was just a .22 and the bullet only grazed me,” he said. “He must not have been serious anyway because it wouldn’t bring down a poodle.”

  Annie saw the deep cut in his shoulder and watched as more blood seeped out. Kip washed it away too. He walked to the bedroom and pulled an old T-shirt out of the drawer, balled it up and put it over his wound, keeping pressure on it. Then he walked back to the bathroom, pulled a wash cloth from the rack and escorted the still somewhat shocked Annie back to the living room.

  “Have a seat, Annie,” he said. She just stared at him. Kip walked to the freezer and pulled some ice from inside the door; he wrapped it in the towel and brought it back to Annie. He motioned for her to put it on the side of her head. She took it and did so.

  “It’s okay, Annie, really. Everything is fine.”

  Annie sat down. “Why?” she asked.

  Kip raised his eyebrows at her and shook his head.

  “Why did he try to kill you?” she asked.

  Kip shrugged. “Deranged fan? Maybe he was incredibly pissed that I refused to sign his autograph twice. Who knows?”

  “But, you took it so calmly,” Annie said. “Even now, you’re taking it so calm.”

  “Annie, it’s okay,” Kip said. “It’s not the first time.”

  “Do you mean it’s not the first time someone has tried to kill you?”

  “Well, actually no. It’s not,” Kip said tilting his head. “Nor is it the first time I’ve been shot.” Kip bared his chest at her showing his bullet hole tattoos. Annie looked at them and then tilted her head, about to scol
d him for making a joke out of something so serious.

  “No, Annie, look closer.” Kip said. Annie did, and then it hit her like a bullet itself. The tattoos were covering actual bullet wounds. Annie gasped and recoiled onto the couch. Tears formed in her eyes.

  “My God, Kip, what has happened to you?”

  Kip shrugged. “I was shot.”

  Annie just stared at him.

  “Let me try to get this straight. You’re some kind of super wealthy rock star ninja assassin? And you’ve agreed to let me write a biography about you, but all you’re going to give me is the rock star part?


  “No, that’s not all you’re going to give me?” Annie asked.

  ‘No, I mean I am not a ninja assassin. If I were a ninja, there is no way I could have gotten shot tonight, or have these scars from the past.”

  “Kip, this is no time for humor!”

  The hell it’s not. This is the best time for humor!

  “Okay, Annie,” Kip said, “I made a deal with you at the bar before this night went crazy. I’ll keep the deal. You want to whole story I’ll give it to you. But on one condition.” Kip checked the wound for bleeding.

  “And that is?”

  He looked up at the ceiling and tried to figure out the best way to explain it. “I have… hang ups, Annie. I have done and seen some truly incredible things in my life, but some of the ones closest to home are, well, close to home, you know. Yes, I agreed to let you write a book about me, but even as I was agreeing, I was thinking there were things that I wasn’t going to want included in it. I have been trying to figure out a way to tell you all of the really great, incredible stuff I have seen and done without including the stories that got me there. But, frankly, I can’t think of a way. So, maybe… maybe the best way to do it is lay it all out for you, and let you help me edit the things out that I don’t particularly want to share with the world.”

  “But you said yourself, you thought it was impossible to leave out the things that got you to where you are,” Annie said. “And Kip, we really should get you to the hospital.” She pointed to his bloody T-shirt that he gripped to his chest.

  Kip pulled it away and looked at the gash again. “Nah. Bleeding stopped. There’s no bullet. Tomorrow I’ll just have to get another tat.” He smiled at her. Her jaw dropped again.

  Oh damn, what a sweet mouth! How I would love to have my lips on that. How I would love to have my cock in that! Stop thinking about her and be serious. Stop thinking about her and be serious.

  “Actually, no. What I said was that I couldn’t think of a way, because I wanted you to understand what you were writing. But you, as the professional writer that you are, should have no trouble pulling it off, right.”

  Annie could not take her eyes off of him.

  “So, do you agree?”

  “Agree to what?” Annie asked.

  “That you leave out what I don’t want in the book, even though I agree to tell you everything.”

  Annie reached out and touched one of his bullet hole tattoos. She ran her finger over the raised skin that circled a small depression, hidden by ink from all but only the closest observers. Then she touched another. She started to count them.

  “How can I not agree? Anyone who has four bullet wounds in his chest…”

  Soft fingers. Fight the temptation.

  “…must have a pretty incredible story to tell. I can’t refuse. I agree,” Annie said.

  “Great,” Kip said. “This makes things so much easier, don’t you think?”

  “I think I need a drink,” Annie said wiping her brow and kicking off her shoes.

  “Me too!” Kip said. “I’ll pour.” He walked over to the counter and picked up the half empty bottle of crown that Jack had not finished off earlier.

  He poured two glasses and brought them over to Annie, setting them down in front of her. Then he pulled the T-shirt away and poured a little of the Crown over his wound. He winced and quickly pulled a drink from the bottle.

  “My God, Kip!” Annie said.

  Kip bared clenched teeth though a tight smile. “Don’t want infection to set in.”

  Annie took a drink and Kip sat down beside her.

  “So, are you ready?” Kip asked.

  “Well, I mean, I didn’t expect to be working tonight. I didn’t bring my notebook.”

  “Ah, I see,” Kip said. And then Annie was on him. She leaned over on the couch and straddled his legs, wrapping her arms around his neck. Kip held onto the bottle with one of his arms while his other one was trapped between her and him. She closed quickly and kissed him, her mouth covering his. Kips tongue went into her mouth and curled around hers. His hand with the bottle was desperately trying to blindly find the coffee table to set it down. Yes, he was rich, but if there was one rule that never got broken, it was never deliberately drop a full, or even half full, bottle of Crown. Finally he managed to lean forward enough to get the bottle on the edge of the table, and then his hand was free. He slid it over her ass as she kissed him, and pulled up her skirt. His fingers expertly slipped under her thin panties and he gripped her ass in his palm. He pulled her closer so that her dampening pussy was grinding on his stiffening cock.

  Then he suddenly pulled away from her kiss.

  “Wait, I thought you had a rule?”

  “Rule?” she asked.

  “About not dating rockers,” Kip said.

  “Oh, I made that up cause you kept looking at my tits. And even if I had that rule you are much more than a rocker.”

  “Ah,” Kip said. “Well I am looking at your tits now.”

  “No you’re not,” Annie said. Then she slipped the straps from her shoulders and let her dress drop around her waist. Then she shimmied out of her bra, letting her ample breasts free and fills his face. Kip admired them for their beauty for only a moment, before he sucked one erect nipple into his mouth.

  “Uh, Kip,” Annie said from above his head.

  Kip, did not, could not, answer since his mouth was full of her supple flesh.

  “Could we go to the bedroom?”

  Kip pulled his mouth from her nipple. “Yes, But why not right here?”

  “Because, Kip, I know rockers, we are going to need the freedom and space of the bed.”

  Kips cock grew harder when he heard the words and he stood, lifting Annie with him.

  “You like to mix business with pleasure?”


  “What?” Kip asked while pressing himself against her. Her hands slid down his back to his ass. She pulled him closer, crushing his partially engorged cock against her pubic bone.

  “Maybe I shouldn’t mix business with pleasure. This could really affect my writing.”

  “Don’t worry about that. You’re writing will be better because of sexual tension you get out.”

  “Really?” She laughed.

  “Really,” he signed as his lips touched hers.

  “Something In Your Mouth” By Nickelback

  Annie stopped and started walking towards the bedroom dropping the rest of what she was wearing. Kip picked up the bottle and took another swig as he followed her, watching her ass swing as she walked in front of him. He worked his belt with his sore arm and before he reached the room he let his pants fall to the floor. His cock was straining at his boxers as he entered, and Annie turned around and dropped to her knees at the end of the bed. She yanked down his boxers and gripped his raging penis in her hand pulling him closer toward her. Then she impaled her face upon his spear like cock, taking all of it into her mouth until his balls slammed her shin. Kip put his hand on her head and fucked her mouth with abandon as he watched. She slowly led her hand to her pussy and began masturbating while she sucking him.

  In control, unlike the other women I’ve been with.

  Kip pulled out of her mouth, leaving a stream of cum from her lips to the tip of his dick. He reached down and pulled Annie up to a standing position, then spun her around without protest. He
pushed her from the neck until she was bent over the bed. Annie reached back with both hands and spread her ass wide, inviting Kip to fill her dripping fuck hole. And he did. Kip rammed forward and separated her shiny, smooth opening with a powerful thrust, making her gasp into the comforter. Kip fucked her hard as long as she kept her hands on her ass keeping it spread for him. When she lost grip because it became too slick to hold onto anymore, he flipped her over on the bed and pushed her legs up into the air. Annie looked down at Kips full size cock as he aimed it at her shaved opening, and she reached down and spread her lips for him with one hand and took his throbbing shaft in her other, guiding it into her. She rocked back into him as he fucked her, fucking him as much as he was fucking her, filling her dripping honey hole with his meat, making her grunt with each stab.

  Kip reached up and took her bouncing tits in his hands and squeezed them tight as he violated her, and he felt her pussy lips clench around his cock. He knew she was about to cum. He only fucked her harder until he felt her juices flow around his swollen balls. Then as she reached orgasm, thrashing on the bed as Kip continued his jackhammer violation of her body. When she started to slow and relax, he let himself feel the throbbing hum in his cock, and he readied himself to aim his cock at her chest, to give her a bath in his love cream. At the last moment, he pulled out of her hot, throbbing pussy, expecting to coat her belly and tits. But Annie was also prepared, and she quickly sat up and placed her face in the line of fire, taking the brunt of his slick, warm cum in her open and waiting mouth. Some missed and glazed her cheeks and chin.

  Holy shit, holy shit, she’s a keeper! Kip thought. And even as he thought it, he could not believe he had.

  Kip had never thought of a girl as a keeper before. He made a mental note to give this some more thought at a later time. It wasn’t just the sex. It was everything about her.

  Annie, spit her mouthful of Kip’s cum onto the floor. Then she pulled him onto the bed to lie beside her. “How long do you need?” She asked.

  Kip looked at her, not understanding the question.

  “To go again, how long do you need to recover?” She repeated herself.

  “You want to go again?”

  “I need to forget my problems. You have no idea how badly. One orgasm is not going to do the job tonight.”


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