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Rock Her (Rocked, #1)

Page 6

by Liz Thomas

  Kip leaned forward and sawed at another slice of steak. “I would have. I just, I just have issues with going back,” Kip said, raising his eyes to her.

  “Are you going to tell me why?”

  Kip took another bite and leaned back again. “Are you going to eat your steak? It’s delicious. Once you’ve eaten it, no other steak will every compare, trust me.”

  Annie plopped the steak into her mouth and closed her eyes. The flavor was unexpected. This truly was the best steak she had ever eaten. Kip smiled and raised his eyebrows at her, nodding. “Did I not tell you?”

  “You’re right again, Kip,” Annie said between chews, slightly embarrassed about talking with her mouth full in a place as classy as this. Then Kip’s features darkened and he became serious.

  “I was on a mission and it went south. Four of my friends, two of them I went to boot camp with, were killed. I was hit several times with AK47 rounds. When I came to I was in the basement of an old warehouse with bandages wrapped around me and tied to a bedspring mattress. All of the covering had been ripped off. The metal was stabbing me in the back. Later I learned I had been there unconscious for 6 weeks before I came to. But then I had no idea how long. I was bleeding all over my body from where the rusty springs had pierced me.”

  Kip raised his arms to demonstrate where, even though his shirt covered him. His fists were clenched tight.

  “It’s why I have the tattoos on my back and arms, to hide the scars. Just like with the tattoos of bullets to hide my gunshot wounds.” Annie nodded in understanding.

  “Anyway, when I came to a doctor was there. He had been treating me, trying to save my life.” Annie nodded.

  “No, he wasn’t a good guy. He was keeping me alive because my captors wanted information from me. He was no humanitarian. Shortly after I woke, he was helping them to torture me. In some of my more sane moments when I wasn’t being tortured I called him ‘Kevorkian’.

  Anyway, I was kept there for 3 months. I would not speak to the animals. Finally, they gave up torturing me and left me to rot strapped to that bedspring. I was left there for about 5 days. No one came in; no one gave me food or water. They just left me to die, I thought. I had beaten them. I was giddy at the thought of it. I remember laughing there in the dark like a crazy man. Oh, I knew I was going to die, but I was in so much pain by then I was welcoming it. But I was happy that I had withstood the test. I had beaten them for sure. They never got a scrap of information from me other than my serial number.”

  “Then, in the middle of one of my maniacal moments, the door to the basement opened and four ragheads came down and unstrapped me from my wire prison. They dragged me upstairs and shoved me to the floor on white sheets. When I looked around I saw that I was in front of a camera on a tripod. Kevorkian was behind it and running it. Then the four men and another man who wore a hood gathered behind me and they started speaking into the camera in Arabic. I had no idea what they were saying, but I knew that I was about to be killed on video. Kevorkian, the doctor, was just watching. Aren’t doctors supposed to help people?”

  “Anyway, now you see my problem with going to see the doctor about my deep cut from the bullet?”

  “I understand,” Annie said, half in tears at hearing his story.

  “So, the hooded guy, who I assumed was the guy in charge, finished his speech to the camera and came up behind me. Kevorkian stepped from behind the camera and handed him a scimitar, that’s a long ceremonial sword and was about to cut my throat, behead me.”

  “Just then, flash bangs went off and then building filled with smoke. I was knocked unconscious again. When I came to Navy Seals were standing over me and the four men who had dragged me up from the basement and the hooded lunatic were lying around me, dead. But the doctor wasn’t there. He had gotten away in the firefight. Believe it or not, I was wounded in that firefight too.” He pointed to a spot on his right shoulder.

  Annie sat there with her fork halfway to her face. This was the best steak she had ever tasted and she could not bring herself to put it in her mouth. Her eyes were welled up and her beautiful mouth hung open.

  “My God, Kip. I never knew!”

  “Of course not. That’s because I don’t like talking about it. And it’s why I have some reservation about going back to Afghanistan.” Kip took another bite.

  “I know things are different there now, and I am not longer in the service so I am not going to be in action. But I’ve got real hang-ups about that day. I was never afraid to die when I was in combat. I was a real John Wayne. I did some crazy shit over there. Stuff that wasn’t by the book. Risky stuff. But when I was kneeled before that camera and they were about to separate my head from my shoulders, well, that was a totally different feeling. Remember the helplessness feeling I was trying to explain today on the helicopter?”

  Annie nodded.

  “That’s exactly what I was talking about. I was bound. I was surrounded. And they were going to cut my head off. I was helpless to do anything about it. I have never experienced such horror before. I didn’t like it very much. I could not unclench my fists until I was out of the country and landed in Germany. Whenever I think about Afghanistan, my fists clench up again. It’s reactionary. I can’t help it.”

  Annie put down her fork and picked up her napkin. She wiped her eyes with it. “PTSD?” she asked him.

  “That’s what they say,” Kip answered.

  Annie put her napkin back on her lovely thigh. Kip watched her and almost forgot the story he was telling.

  “Kip, I understand your hesitancy to tell this story, but don’t you think it would be for the best? To get it out there, maybe help in the healing?” Annie asked.

  “Of course I do. But there is more,” Kip said. He made the effort to unclench his fists. Damn this is hard.

  “My father… Well, he died while I was being held captive,” Kip continued. “We had a falling out when I joined the Marine Corps. He wanted me to join the family business. When I told him I was going to enlist after nine eleven, he stopped speaking to me. We didn’t speak for several years after that. Then, just before my last mission when I was taken captive, He called me and apologized. Told me how proud he was of me, and made sure I knew that I had a place in the family business when I returned.”

  “Wonderful!” Annie said, smiling.

  “Yes, it is,” Kip said. But he didn’t tell me he was sick. He had cancer. When I landed in Germany and was being strapped into a gurney for the ride to the hospital, my commanding officer told me he was dead and that there was an attorney flying directly to see me.”

  “He left me everything. The entire empire. But I didn’t know what to do with it. So when I recovered and returned to the states, discharged, I left it all in the hands of the board of directors and started up a rock band. I get paid a lot of money for doing nothing. I mean a lot of money outside of the studio and tours. I mean money from the company. I give everything away. Every bit to charity. And still I live like a king. The empire is so huge I can hardly go anywhere without running into some holding somewhere. I pay for very little. I suppose I take advantage of it, though I am embarrassed that I do. I never intended to live like this. So, to put all of that in a book for everyone to read troubles me.”

  Annie blinked at him. “But Kip, this is your life. You asked me to write a biography about you. How can I not include any of that? Your story is amazing. And like I said, it may be a healing process for you.”

  “Then why does everything to do with my captivity, my father and my fortune make me feel like shit?” Nothing feels good about any of that,” Kip said.

  Annie shrugged. “Kip, if I don’t write about that much of your life, what’s left to write about?”

  Kip forced a smile. “My rock and roll days. The band. The hotel we trashed last year. The bus we rolled three years ago. Sex, drugs, rock and roll.”

  “But that’s all been done before, Kip.”

  “I am not in a contest here, Annie. I am not t
rying to outdo all of the other rock stars out there. Look, you approached me. I thought it would be interesting to have you write about the band. Tell our crazy stories. And… and you sounded cute on the phone.”

  Annie blushed.

  “And I was right. I have excellent ears,” he winked at her. And you have a magnificent body!

  Annie put her elbows on the table and clasped her hands over her plate. She rested her chin on her fingers.

  “So, Kip. Are you telling me that this is the boundary of the book? Only the rock and roll story? No war? No father? No wealth?”

  Kip stared at her for a moment before putting another cut of beef into his mouth. Then he spoke while chewing. “Well, Annie, there might be more than just the rock and roll story.”

  “Like what?”

  “Well, I am a great fuck.” And so are you!

  Annie smiled. “So, you want me to write about how good you are in bed?”

  “Sure,” Kip said looking serious. “Couldn’t hurt my future any. And besides, you can do lots of research.”

  Annie beamed at him across the table. Then her face changed. She became serious too.

  “Seriously Kip,” she said. “I don’t know about this anymore. If there are limits it will really hamper my prospects. I intend to make a very strong career out of my writing of biographies. I am really good at it. I have never had rules before about what I could write about and what I couldn’t before. I am troubled at the prospect.”

  Kip put down his fork and spread his hands on the table.

  “Annie, there is always the prospect of not needing a career,” he said.


  “I just mean, who says you need to write biographies? Who says you even need a career?” Kip said.

  Annie’s eyes widened. “I do, Kip. I need to eat.”

  Kip smiled and reached out and took her hands in his.

  “Annie, haven’t you been listening? I am rich,” he said.

  Annie’s face went blank.

  “Are you saying you’d pay me to not write your story?” Annie asked.

  Kip shook his head. “No. I am just saying that you can do what you want. You don’t have to worry about what to add or what to keep out of the book. You don’t even have to write the book about me. I’ll support you no matter what you do.”

  Annie took her hands from Kip’s and turned sideways in her chair. She looked at the floor. It was true, she could get used to living like Kip does very easily. She always dreamed of it. It was not that Annie was a shallow person. Much to the contrary. But her ex had always promised her an elevated lifestyle, but had never delivered. It left her wanting. She was not too proud to admit it.

  But Annie was also a writer. She loved to write. She knew that whatever would happen to her in her life, she would always be a writer.

  “Look, Annie,” Kip said. “We can talk more about this tomorrow. It’s nothing to stress about.”

  Annie smiled. “You own this restaurant, don’t you, Kip?” she asked.

  Kip smiled and shrugged.

  Annie looked at him sideways. “I am busy tomorrow, Kip.”

  Kip chuckled. “We’ve already been over this. I know that you have no life, remember? What do you have to do tomorrow?”

  “I have to get ready for my trip to Afghanistan with you, Kip,” she said.

  Back at the hotel room, Kip left Annie in the living room when he went into the bathroom. When he returned, he found her standing behind the kitchenette counter. Her dress was off and Kip laid eyes on her black lace bra. Annie was pouring two drinks. She would look great with a tattoo right above that left nipple, Kip thought.

  “Have a seat, I’ll be right there,” Annie said holding up the bottle of zinfandel.

  Kip pulled off his shirt and tossed it across the room. He smiled at her. Whatever you say!

  He dropped to the couch and kicked his feet up on the table. He watched her pour. Then she rounded the bar and walked toward him. She was wearing no panties. Just the bra. Kip grew instantly hard.

  “You lost something,” he said.

  “I never had them, remember?” Annie smiled.

  “Hell Yeah” By Rev Theory

  She sat next to him on the couch and handed him the wine. Kip leaned over her and kissed her. She held her glass to the side and let him. Then he broke the kiss and scanned her body. He held his glass over her belly and let it tip. A small stream of wine splattered on her white skin, dribbling down her belly, into her belly button, and between her legs. She giggled. Then Kip leaned in and cleaned her with his tongue. The scent of the wine was sweet, but soon the scent of her sex was overtaking it. Kip’s pants grew tighter and he poured the rest of the wine over her, drenching her. The couch was white leather, and now it was stained pink by the wine. So was Annie.

  Kips tongue ran up and down her belly, over her bra covered breasts and flicked over her erect nipples underneath the thin fabric. When the glass was empty, Kip threw it over his head. It crashed somewhere in the kitchen. Then he used his hands to spread her legs slightly, before he buried his face between them.

  Kip brought Annie to ecstasy there on the couch, sweet wine mixing with her own juices. Then the pulled her into the bedroom, where he pulled her bra off and tossed it somewhere. He took her nipple into his mouth while falling back onto the bed and she helped him out of his pants. Moments later he was kneeling beside her while she laid on her back, his cock casting a shadow across her body from the city lights outside the window.

  He pulled her nipple as she stroked him over her.

  “Annie, have you ever considered getting a tattoo?” he asked her.

  “Never,” she answered softly.

  “It’s not a big deal, really,” he said, looking down at her. “Just a little prick.”

  Annie smiled up at him. “I prefer your big prick,” she said.

  Cheesy. At least she is trying.

  She pulled him to her face and wrapped his stiffened cock in her lips.

  God, she’s really good with her mouth!

  Within minutes Annie brought Kip to the edge with her lips and tongue, but she stopped before he coated her throat with his cum.

  Kip climbed over her and let Annie guide him inside her. He slid in his full length slowly, and Annie realized then that as good as the steak was at dinner, Kip’s meat was the best she’d ever had.

  Kip made love to Annie repeatedly. He brushed the hair from her face so that he could look into her eyes while they made love. He smiled at her with each thrust, and she smiled back. He brought her to orgasm again and again before he filled her well attended pussy with his creamy load.

  When they were both well spent, they cuddled softly together until Kip started to doze.

  “Kip,” Annie said quietly just before he fully dropped off.

  “Yes, Annie?”

  “I can go with you to Afghanistan, can’t I?”

  Kip was quiet for a minute. Then, “Afghanistan is a dangerous place, Annie.”

  “I know.”

  “But I am going to do a concert,” Kip added. “I guess you want to be writing about it.”

  “I will.”

  “Well, I guess you’ll be going then,” Kip said.

  Annie smiled in the dark and pulled him tighter to her.

  “Kip?” She said again.


  “Have we had our last words about what can and can’t go into the biography?” Annie asked.

  “Like I said, Annie, we can talk more about it tomorrow.”


  “Yes, Annie?”

  “Will you go with me to my apartment tomorrow and help me pack?” She asked

  Kip turned over to face her. “Jacky said we’re not leaving till this weekend, Annie. We’ve got a few days before you have to pack.”

  “Ah,” Annie said. She looked down and away from him.

  Kip saw the consternation on her face and realized there was a different question that she hadn’t asked.
  “Annie,” Kip said. “You want to come stay with me here?”

  Annie looked at him with pleading eyes.

  Kip smiled. “Sure, I’ll help you pack tomorrow.” Annie smiled too.

  Chapter Three

  Neither one of them slept in late. They both woke when the sun filled their room. Kip was up wandering around when Annie rose and shuffled into the shower. Her body was pink with wine stain. Smiling, Kip watched her as she headed for the bathroom. Annie caught his gaze and stopped to pose for him, showing off her pink hue.

  “I like pink.” Kip snickered.Minutes later she returned, sans pink. She had a towel wrapped around her hair, but not her body. Kip was sliding clothes on hangers across a rack in the closet. When he found the shirt he wanted, he yanked it free and turned to find Annie standing behind him. He looked her up and down, admiring her curves.

  “I still like pink,” he said.

  “There’s no more wine in the fridge,” she said grinning.

  Never enough, Kip thought to himself.

  “I’ll get more delivered today. We’ll make it a pink evening,” he said as he pulled on his shirt.

  “It’s a date.” Annie stood there with a constant smile, as if it were painted onto her face.

  Kip stared back at her. “What?” he asked.

  Annie blushed. “Oh, I don’t know. I guess it’s just that I had no idea breaking rules could be so rewarding.”

  Kip shrugged. “Clearly you have not spent enough time with rock stars.”

  “That’s what I mean,” she said. “My rule about dating rockers. I have to admit I have thoroughly enjoyed being with you Kip.”

  Kip smiled deeply at her and pulled her to him. “It was a phony rule anyway. You said it yourself.” He kissed her and pulled her tighter to his chest, feeling hers rise against him as she breathed deeply at the closeness. The smell of her shampoo and body wash made it that much better and hard for Kip to let go.

  “The rule was phony. Just meant to keep you focused on the real reason I was there and off of my,” she looked down between them, “breasts. But I really have always avoided guys like you. Or at least, guys like I thought you were.”


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