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Rosko, Mandy - Night and Day (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

Page 10

by Mandy Rosko

  Silus liked this possessiveness. It quickened his heart, which in turn pooled blood faster into his prick, which wept with impatience.

  “Let me take care of that.” Cedric bent down and touched his tongue to the slit.

  Silus’s hand flew to his mouth. He would not be so loud in bed that Cedric had reason to tease him with the threat of a belt.

  Oh, how lovely this would be when they were alone at Silus’s cabin house. There would be privacy, absolute and total privacy. They could both be as loud as they pleased without any threat to each other.

  Of course, Silus could still gag Cedric and tie him up with his belts if the occasion called for it.

  Cedric slid his whole mouth around Silus’s dick, and the pressure was too much. He grabbed that golden hair, moaned low, and came down his lover’s throat in pulsing spurts. Cedric choked a little in surprise but then forced himself to swallow every drop of it.

  Silus loosened his grip and ran his fingers through Cedric’s blond strands appreciatively. Despite how he had just finished, Cedric kept his mouth moving, his tongue swirling until Silus’s shaft twitched and throbbed once more. Very soon, he was thrusting his hips toward that mouth and mewling.

  But Cedric did not stop. It seemed the eager sprite wished to suck Silus to completion twice in a row, and that would not do. He grabbed his lover by the arms and hoisted him up. “You are a devil,” he said.

  Cedric grinned. “It’s debatable on which one of us is a devil.”

  Which reminded him. Silus slithered out from under his lover and left the bed. He went to his door and locked it.

  Cedric had a confused look on his face.

  “They are able to break it down if they choose, but it will give you enough time to escape if we are caught.”

  “Right.” The reminder of the dangers they faced, and the benefits of a locked door, did not seem to do anything for Cedric’s spirits.

  Silus meant to rectify that. He returned to their bed, and Cedric made room for him, but his jaw dropped when Silus was the one to get to his hands and knees.

  “What are you—?”

  “I want to give this to you. ’Tis what you wanted that first night, is it not?”

  “Yeah…” Cedric croaked then cleared his throat. He had to force his eyes away from Silus’s ass. “Yeah, but, uh…”

  “What is the matter?”

  Cedric pushed him onto his back and kissed him. Silus allowed their mouths to mesh and massage for about a minute before he pushed Cedric away. “What is wrong?”

  Cedric traced Silus’s perfect face with his finger. “Have you ever let anyone top you before?”

  Silus was at a loss for words.

  “I figured. You don’t seem the type, which is why it means a lot to me that you’d even offer.”

  “I would follow through with that offer in an instant,” Silus proclaimed. He would do it, too.

  “I know, but when I top you, I want everything to be perfect for you. I don’t want it to be rushed because we’re in your parents’ house.” Cedric smirked. “Or the pool house.”

  Silus returned that smirk. “I have a new fondness for that pool house.”

  “Me, too, but all the same, me taking it rough and quick is one thing. We can do that no problem. You on the other hand…”

  “I understand,” Silus said, sparing Cedric from speaking anymore, though that did not stop the disappointment from running through him.

  “Later,” Cedric promised, kissing him and settling comfortably in his lap. “When we’re at your place. We can do whatever we want.”

  Silus shivered. Whatever they wanted. Lovely.

  “I want you, right now,” Silus said, and he meant it. He would have preferred that Cedric take him, but he would not be choosy.

  Silus did not wish to add any more time for stretching, but his fingers reached around, slipped into Cedric’s crack, and found the tight channel they sought.

  Cedric gently bit down on his nose. “We’re just missing one thing.”

  “Cannot do without that,” Silus said, withdrawing his fingers and leaning back. He reached again for his tidy bedside drawer. His hand found the lubricant even though his eyes could not see inside. It was slick and warm on his fingers, and even slicker and hotter on his shaft.

  He reached behind his lover again. Cedric lifted himself on his knees for better access. He was clumsy and quick with his movements, but he couldn’t wait to be inside Cedric, and his lover made no complaints.

  “Sit on my lap. Straddle me.”

  As Cedric was already on his lap, he knew to what Silus referred. Cedric lifted himself back onto his knees, being sure to keep Silus between his legs, then reached down to position Silus’s swollen manhood, and sank down just enough for the head of Silus’s prick to enter before halting, waiting, and then going the rest of the way.

  Silus groaned as his body received what it so desperately wanted. Cedric closed his eyes, opened his mouth, and—

  Silus silenced the loud moan before it could start with a kiss. Cedric clutched him tightly, his knees already rising up and down, hips humping back and forth. Silus wrapped his arms around Cedric’s back, putting them chest to chest, and pumped his hips in accordance with Cedric’s rhythm.

  The kissing was nearly not enough to contain the noise, and it wasn’t all just Cedric. Silus could hardly contain his pleasure either. His mate made him lose all control like this. Silus’s hand slid down along Cedric’s leg, and, gripping his thigh, he pumped into him harder, delighting in the feel of that body vibrating in pleasure, Cedric’s trapped, hard length, throbbing in delight as it moved between them, receiving extra friction.

  Silus’s fangs found the bruised puncture marks in Cedric’s neck and sank in. This time he took in more of Cedric’s blood than he dared to before, and he was not afraid of it. This blood would never dare cause him harm. Then Cedric began to glow as he groaned louder. All three stimulations brought him higher and higher until he spilled his seed between them.

  The bright light he emitted during orgasm didn’t so much as sting Silus’s skin. It felt wonderful, like how he had always imagined sunlight to feel. Eventually, it became dimmer and dimmer as his sprite came down from his high.

  Silus had already come once, thanks to that delightful mouth, and so he required another minute before satisfaction could be his.

  Cedric continued to ride him like the wanton creature he was, despite having already reached his pleasure. “Come in me.”

  His sprite bit down hard on Silus’s neck, right where he liked it, and Silus threw his head back and cried out as the delightful spasm rocked him.

  Cedric held him close when all was done, easing himself off Silus’s prick so they might lie together on top of the sheets.

  Silus inhaled deeply, enjoying the scent in the air and the feel of his lover in his arms during this peaceful moment.

  “Do you think anyone heard us?”

  Silus grinned. “If so, I could always tell them I am pleasuring myself.”

  Cedric groaned. “That was so not cool.”

  Then something occurred to him. Something he forgot to ask the last time they were together, talking into the night and early morn. “Cedric?” Silus asked, stroking his lover’s back.


  “What is your favorite color?”

  Chapter Ten

  “This is my phone number.” Silus wrote the number in elegant script on a crisp sheet of fresh paper beneath the address to his cabin. He folded it and handed it to Cedric. They were both fully clothed again, and the sun was nearly down outside. He could barely make out any hint of light through his tinted windows, which meant Cedric had to go. To stay any longer would not only be reckless of him, but would now be approaching the life-threatening levels. Especially because Cedric could not flash himself away without the sun.

  “Does your place have a phone line? Because if I stick this number in my cell and tried calling you, just having the wrong person see m
y name on your screen—”

  “Understood, and yes, it has phone, cable, and everything you should require until I arrive.”

  Cedric pulled him close for a kiss, glowing softly as their lips met. “I don’t think I’ll have any fun until you get there.”

  “Good,” Silus said, and in a fit of savage bravery, he grabbed and squeezed Cedric’s crotch, delighting in the grunt his lover emitted. “Because this is mine, and you are not allowed to play with it.”

  “Not fair. That only applies if I’m in the same room as you.” Cedric licked his lips, and Silus could feel the organ becoming hard again under the cloth of his jeans. “And only if I don’t feel like watching.”

  “Indeed, I must have forgotten.” He rolled his hand around, delighting in how his touch made Cedric harder, ready again for him. But then he sighed and released him, becoming serious. “There will be time aplenty for this later. Right now ’tis too dangerous for you to stay.”

  Any remaining trace of Cedric’s happy glow vanished. He seemed to deflate right before Silus’s eyes. “Right,” he said, and then perked up once more. “When you get there, it’ll just be the two of us.”


  “We’ll be alone, all the time in the world, and you want me in you, remember?”

  Silus felt heat in his cheeks. “Idiot.”

  They embraced, and Cedric went to the door. He opened it to let himself out, and the weak rays of twilight that came inside did not so much as bring a sting to Silus’s eyes.

  Cedric’s light didn’t harm him, nor did the dim glow of the fading sun. What would it be like to stand outside on a bright day at noon with his lover beside him?

  “Tomorrow night?” Cedric asked, standing in the light.

  Silus nodded. “One way or another.”

  They kissed again, hard and quick, and Cedric flashed, his body vanishing into the light.

  Silus shut the door, leaving himself in a lonely darkness. His bedchamber was suddenly so much bigger, so much quieter without his glowing sprite in it with him.

  The bed sheets were a mess, but he did not want to throw them on the floor and be without Cedric’s scent, but lying in them now was out of the question, so he pushed them to the side so he could stretch out on the mattress.

  He stayed in that position, the same one he’d been in when Cedric came to his door in the first place, for nearly an hour before a knock sounded from the door leading to the hall.

  His parents.

  “Enter,” he called.

  It startled him when his mother and father entered with, not only the family physician Crowley, who, though he looked no more than fifteen, was in actuality nearing his third century, but another aged vampire Silus had never seen before. The man actually had grey in his dark hair and lines around his eyes beneath round spectacles.

  Silus sat up, his eyes suspicious on the both of them. “Who are you?” he demanded of the older vampire, then turned his attention to both. “What are you doing here?”

  Wiktor cleared his throat. “Silus, you already know Dr. Crowley.” The pale, youthful doctor bowed in greeting. “But this is his associate, Dr. Charles Winchester, a psychiatrist who comes highly recommended by Dr. Crowley.”

  Silus stopped listening at the word psychiatrist. “And he is here for me?”

  “As is Dr. Crowley,” Wiktor said.

  “We only wish to ask a few simple questions, my lord,” Crowley said in his prepubescent voice.

  So this was the reason for his parents’ odd choice in meeting time. They wanted to speak with him specifically after sundown to give the good doctors ample time to arrive at their home and inspect their son.

  “Is it true you have had relations with a sun sprite?” Winchester’s calm voice couldn’t quite mask the slight upturn of his nose.

  “Recently, from the smell and look of things.” Crowley eyed Silus’s bed with distaste.

  Wiktor bristled. “That creature returned to my home?” His hand flew to his nose, as though suddenly noticing the scent of sex now that someone had pointed it out to him.

  There would be no convincing his father. Perhaps his mother would see reason. She could always persuade him so much better than he could. “Mother, we just celebrated my centennial. You must know I am of a mature age, able to decide for myself whether this was what I wanted. I want this sun sprite. His name is Cedric, he is from a noble house, and we have mated. He is mine.”

  There was a gasp. He cared not where it came from. Silus’s gaze remained locked on his mother. Her face was a mess from her earlier weeping, her eyes red from tears shed rather than anger.

  Her tiny arms were folded across her chest, and she turned her face away, as though merely looking at him caused her pain. “Speak not to me, for I shall not say a word.”

  Silus’s heart sank, yet he stood from his bed, back straight, his soul determined. “This is how it is to be then? My decision cast aside as inconsequential? Doctors brought in to examine me?” He shook his head. “My good doctors, I am sorry to have wasted your time, but I will not agree to an examination. In fact, after I have had time to collect my belongings, I will be leaving my family’s house.”

  Cedric had requested he give his parents a chance, and he had. They failed.

  Despite the strength of his words, his inner self was in turmoil. If he had known this was going to happen, known there would be no chance for him to make his case, he would have left with Cedric immediately, regardless of his word.

  He had lied once to his parents already. What would once more have been?

  Dr. Winchester removed his spectacles, lifted a square cloth from his suit pocket, and polished the lenses before returning them to his sunken face. “I am the one who must apologize, my lord.”

  He did not like the sound of that. “What for?”

  His father took his mother’s arm, and, heads bent low, the pair of them left Silus’s chamber. Three of the household guards replaced them, large werewolves whose suit jackets stretched when they folded their hands together in front of them, and every nerve in Silus’s body tightened.

  He wanted to run, his legs ached for it, but even if he managed to pass them, there were at least a hundred others on the grounds and in the manse that would catch him.

  “My lord,” Dr. Winchester said, “your parents are under the impression that this sun sprite may have cast a spell on you, a sort of mind altering hex. Dr. Crowley and I have assured them that sun sprites are incapable of such magic.”

  “However, that is not to say he could not have paid for someone else to cast the hex for him,” Crowley said. “We simply wish to perform the examination and ask you some minor questions.”

  “To satisfy the belief that I have indeed been hexed,” Silus spat, rage making his body shake.

  “We can do this the easy way or the hard way, my lord. Your sire has given us total control of your care,” Crowley said, and one of the werewolves in sunglasses stepped forward in case he should be needed.

  No matter what he told them, they would assume Cedric had brainwashed him. Though he could certainly fight off a single werewolf on his own, three of them would put him down with little effort.

  Damn him, damn himself to hell! He should have left when he had the chance. “I refuse to cooperate with you,” Silus said.

  Winchester sighed. “Very well. Take him.”

  All three of the werewolves in shades stepped forward this time. Silus didn’t move as his arm was grabbed by one of them. The rest surrounded him, as if to keep him from going anywhere. He wanted to rip the throats from the lot of them. Calm. He needed to maintain his focus and calm.

  “How long have you been fornicating with a sun sprite?” Winchester asked him.

  Silus didn’t answer.

  Winchester sighed and shook his head. “We only wish to help you, but if you refuse, I can do other things until you are ready.”

  The good doctors used the opportunity to search around in his room. Silus growled at the c
omplete invasion of his privacy, but both men ignored him. They searched in his drawers—Winchester lifting a brow when he pulled out the lubricant—and under his bed for possible signs of witchcraft, perhaps burned into his carpet, but then Crowley snapped on a pair of gloves and began lifting his sheets around.

  He squawked and dropped them within seconds, his mouth wide open. Because it was impolite, he lifted his hands to cover it, but then must have remembered where they had been before quickly dropping them again.

  “What is it?” Winchester asked, coming around to look at where Crowley pointed.

  Winchester gasped, then looked up at Silus. “Is this blood?”

  Shit! Some of Cedric’s blood must have dribbled out of his neck while they were rolling around. Now those fool doctors found it.

  “Well? Is this the blood of that sun sprite? Answer, you fool!”

  Silus’s jaw tightened. “It is, but as you can see, it did not kill me.”

  “Good God, this man is in even more danger than we thought,” Winchester said. “He has been drinking sun sprite blood!”

  “I agree. He must be bled at once.”


  Crowley snapped his fingers, and this time all three werewolves grabbed onto Silus.

  “Release me!” Silus screamed, this time attempting to fight them off. Their hands were like steel shackles on his body, holding him steady, making him helpless, even when he used all of his strength. He hated it. “Release me! I order you to release me!”

  “Disregard that order. Put him on the bed. Tie his arms and legs,” Crowley said, throwing the sheets from his mattress. “Dr. Winchester, go to his parents, tell them the news but be gentle. All hope is not lost. Tell his mother that four salad bowls will be needed, his father’s shaving razor, chains, and Lord Wiktor must also be present for when the bleeding commences.”

  “Bleeding? Are you mad?”

  Winchester bowed, and the lousy, filthy, blood-whore had the audacity to stare at Silus with sympathetic eyes as his own guards tore his blue sheets into strips and tied his hands and feet to the bedposts. “We will help you, my lord, fear not,” one of them said.


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