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The Bloodtruth Series (Box Set: Heiress of Lies, The Queen's Betrayal, Trials of Truth, A Heart's Deceit)

Page 35

by Cege Smith

  “Your request would be irrelevant,” Elvry said in a high-pitched, whiny voice, and Connor realized that she was mimicking Angeline. “She thinks that she’s so clever. She may have maneuvered things to her advantage this morning, but she’ll find that I’m not so easily swept aside.”

  Connor feigned boredom and yawned. “Is there a point to your rant?”

  He almost laughed at the look of sheer outrage on Elvry’s face. For a moment he thought that she was going to attack him again, but then she turned to the bed and seconds later was sucking on Lord Redley’s neck. Connor turned away, but not before he felt a sudden urge to join her. Even though his eyes were now on the opposite wall, he had the image of her body writhing on top of Lord Redley’s still form burning in his mind. Even though he fought against it, he couldn’t deny that he was attracted and aroused by it. He placed his palms on the cool stone wall and willed himself to forget. He thought about Angeline’s face and her laugh.

  He didn’t mean to open up the connection between them, but suddenly he felt her. She was distressed and anxious, and it made his heart beat faster. Just as he was going to say something to her, he felt a hand on his shoulder. Angeline’s face swept from his mind and with it his connection to her.

  Elvry’s chest was heaving but her face was serene once again. Connor looked over her shoulder and grimaced at the mess on the bed. “I thought that you weren’t supposed to kill him.”

  “Dear old dad served enough of his purpose,” Elvry said. She fingered the necklace around her throat, and Connor wondered if there was more to it than a simple piece of jewelry. “Besides, we all know that I’m not big on always following instructions.”

  She looked him up and down. “You can’t wear that to the Ball. Where are the clothes you were going to find?”

  “I didn’t know how long you were going to be gone,” Connor said. “I didn’t feel like venturing outside quite yet. I’m not as strong as you are, so I’ve just been conserving my strength.”

  “Well, I need to find myself something to wear as well,” Elvry said. “I think that I may go find a gown of Lady Gallow’s. That one could use being taken down a few pegs.”

  Connor was glad that her attention was focused on someone other than Angeline. “I looked through Lord Redley’s things,” he said, lying smoothly. “None of it is of my taste. I am going to go find something in one of the other nobleman’s rooms.” Connor made his way to the door and looked back at Elvry. “I’ll be back soon.”

  The fact that she only nodded at him was surprising, but he quickly left before she could call him back. He considered what he should do. No doubt Angeline was with Malin Baford, especially if Elvry had caused the kind of scene that he suspected she had. He would give her some time to sort through that mess. Connor pulled Alair Robart’s journal out of his belt. He decided instead to go deeper into the palace and find a quiet corner to read and see if he could find any clues to what had happened before. There were clues that seemed to indicate that the Master was replaying a game that he had previously played.

  He heard a group of voices headed in his direction and took a moment to ensure that the trick of the light that allowed him to be invisible was firmly in place just as a swarm of men came around the corner. He kept close to the wall. Even though they couldn’t see him, he still took up physical space and if any of them ran into him they would definitely feel it.

  “Can you believe it?”

  “I am going to ask Lord Redley for permission to take his daughter off his hands the next time I see him!”

  “Baford looked like he swallowed his tongue…”

  There were multiple conversations going on, and although Connor caught only phrases here and there, he gathered that these nobles had also attended the Ceremony of Allocation. He had been right—Elvry had caused quite a stir. The men passed and Connor scooted around them, heading toward the main corridor. Then he shot down the stairs and found a floor that seemed quieter than the rest. It was also below ground, which meant that he didn’t have to worry about the sun.

  As he started to make his way down the hall, he opened Alair’s journal to a random page and started to read.

  “My dreams will forever be nightmares. Last night, despite the protections that Grayson said were around our chambers, the vampires infiltrated the palace walls. Marietta and Josiah were found outside this morning in the garden in their night clothes. Although their eyes were open and they were alive, the marks all over their bodies told me another story. I will never forget the look of betrayal on their faces when I gave the order for the pyre to be lit. The obscenities that spewed from their mouths will ring in my ears forever, but it was for their own good. They had been tainted. In their right minds, they would have understood. They would have asked me to do what I did.”

  Even though Connor knew that Alair had condemned his wife and eldest son to death for being turned into wraiths, it still twisted his stomach to read the man’s words. Alair had never considered trying to help them. Instead, the king killed them without any hesitation.

  “I am going to lead my men out at first light and search for the one that I’ve heard is called the Master. This is the one who has brought death to my doorstep. He will pay for what he has done to my kingdom and to my family.”

  Connor flipped forward further in the journal. A word caught his eye and he stopped. It was a notation about children.

  “The Master’s insidiousness knows no boundaries. This morning a dozen families woke to find their children had been returned to them. Only their joy was short-lived, for they were not human children anymore. By the time my men were able to reach each home, drawn by the screams of those inside, it was too late. But at least now the men knew how to deal with those that are called wraiths.

  Evil, wicked, deadly creatures, these beings are tainted but still wear the faces of angels. We have been culling the vampire’s numbers every day that we go out on the hunt now. We’ve become the predators, and this was the Master’s response. I thought the children who disappeared months ago long gone, but I was wrong. Terribly wrong. My men are looking at me like a madman. No matter what they saw that these evil creations had done to their own families, they still hesitated in killing them. I lost several hardened soldiers to that hesitation. It was unfortunate, and an entirely too clever ploy; one that we won’t soon forget.”

  All of Monroe’s talk of chaos and doom made sense to him now. Even though the creation of wraiths was strictly forbidden, the Master had used it as a tactic in his war against Alair Robart.

  He wondered if Rhone and his men had found the storefront yet. Although he still felt guilt about his decision, he knew that it was the right one. Monroe planned to create wraiths from the children they had kidnapped. They would be perfect assassins, and by the time that the soldiers untangled what happened and discovered who was behind it, the city would be panicked and out of control. Too many would die needlessly. Those that made it safely through would turn on their new queen and blame her for bringing the vampire back down on their heads.

  It was all stupidly easy. Without a strong leader in place, Brebackerin first and then all of Altera would fall to the Master. Connor slowed and leaned against the wall. The only thing that stood between the Master and what he considered his rightful position was Angeline, the last living Robart. Of course the Master would see her as weak. Connor decided that they might be able to use that to their advantage, because if there was one thing that Angeline was not, it was weak.

  Thinking about her brought the desire to see her again to the forefront of his mind. He knew that he should give her more time, but he couldn’t wait any longer. He didn’t know what Elvry had in store for the Ball, but he knew it involved Malin Baford. He couldn’t be sure that Elvry wasn’t planning to somehow get in touch with Monroe before the Ball either. She was a wild card and a dangerous one at that. Connor was going to have to deal with her himself. That meant that he really did need to conserve his strength.

; Elvry had been glutting herself on human blood since entering the city and that was going to make her even more lethal than before; the only thing Connor could do was catch her by surprise and stake her. As long as he got the wood into her heart, he would be able to kill her.

  As Connor contemplated the best way to do this, his feet had taken him across the entire length of the bottom floor and then back up to the second level again. Once he realized what had happened, he knew that he had been searching for Angeline. He saw the guard by a large heavy wooden door and knew that he was in the right place. His ears picked up two voices arguing just on the other side.

  “There was something wrong about her.” It was Baford’s voice.

  “That wasn’t what I noticed. I think what everyone in the room noticed was that you couldn’t keep your eyes off of her,” Angeline replied.

  Connor’s eyes narrowed. He wondered if Angeline was jealous, and the thought made his own jealousy flare.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Malin, please. The woman practically ruined the entire ceremony and you did nothing to help me but sit there and gape at her like some kind of lovesick fool.”

  Connor thought again about Elvry’s confidence that Baford wouldn’t know her for a vampire. That kind of magic was powerful, and despite what he had been told, that was usually beyond a vampire’s abilities. It was possible that the Clan was involved, but if that was the case, that meant that Baford had either fallen out of favor or was being deliberately kept in the dark.

  “I think you are mistaken, Majesty. I admit that I sensed something out of place, but I stepped in when things seemed to be going awry.”

  Angeline’s laugh was high-pitched and almost screechy. “You? You did nothing. I was the one who put things back on track, no thanks to you. How can you expect me to trust you when you fail to help me when I need you?”

  In that moment Connor made a decision. He could only hope it was the right one. He slammed his fist into the guard’s jaw and the man went down cold. Then he swung the door open and dragged the man inside and slammed the door closed behind him.

  Angeline and Baford stood toe to toe, but now they were both looking at him with shocked expressions.

  “I can probably help the Chief Advisor answer that question, Majesty,” he said. “There is much you both need to know.”


  Angeline didn’t think anything could have prepared her to see Connor barge into the war room with her unconscious guard at his feet. Her cheeks flushed as she realized that he had obviously heard her and Malin arguing and she wondered how much he had caught.

  She saw Malin move toward Connor out of the corner of her eye. “Stop!” she yelled. She was amazed to see that he actually did, although he was just inches from Connor. He had a wooden stake in his hand. Angeline hurried to them and pushed her way between the two men. Malin was forced to take a step back.

  “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t stake him right now,” Malin said through gritted teeth.

  “As if you could,” Connor chuckled. His voice sent shivers of warmth down her spine. She was backed up against his chest and felt small against him, but there was no way she was going to let the exchange come to blows. She had no idea why he had decided that now was the time to intrude and she felt annoyance bubbling up inside of her.

  Malin’s hand with the stake came up again and Angeline swatted it away. “I command you to stop,” she said. Then she spun around and slapped Connor hard across the face. “You dare to eavesdrop on my conversation and then injure my guard?” This time it was Malin’s chuckle she heard behind her.

  Connor rubbed his jaw. “I’m sorry to interrupt you, Majesty, but I think once you hear what I have to say you will understand why I thought it was appropriate.” His eyes were wary but he looked determined.

  Angeline sighed. Connor had forced her hand, but perhaps it was inevitable. With everything swirling around them, she required the cooperation of both men. She could only trust that Connor knew what he was doing by revealing himself.

  Angeline looked back at Malin. “You wanted to know how I knew that there were vampires in the city? It’s because Connor told me this morning right before the Ceremony of Allocation began. It’s why I was late.”

  Malin’s look over her shoulder at Connor was murderous. “I told you to stay away from her,” he spat.

  “It’s a good thing I decided not to listen to you,” Connor said.

  Angeline could see that she had her work cut out for her. The two men obviously detested each other. It would be the first test of her royal negotiation skills. She put up her hands and said in her calmest voice. “This bickering is not going to get us anywhere. I am telling you both right now that I am not going to put up with this from either of you. I think it’s time to clear the air and I can tell you that I need both of you now more than ever to help me. If you can’t at least be civil then I’m going to have the guards escort both of you out and I will figure out how to do it all by myself.”

  She looked back and forth between them. Connor’s lips twitched but he nodded. Malin looked like he was eating rocks by the movement of his jaw, but he finally gave a short nod as well. Angeline was relieved. For the moment, she had the attention of both of them. She gestured to the table and then had a flashback to the night before. Even though the table’s surface was spotless she felt the tug of that dark presence shifting within her.

  “Are you all right, Angeline?” Connor put his arm around her.

  “You dare?” Malin said. “You will address her as Your Majesty and you most certainly will keep your filthy hands off of her.”

  Angeline put her hand against Connor’s chest and steadied herself. For the moment she ignored Malin entirely. She looked up into Connor’s alarmed eyes and took a deep breath. “Your sire’s messenger impaled himself on a knife on this tabletop last night. It was then that I realized the wraith had never left me. Malin was able to get me out of the room before I lost control.”

  Connor’s face was grim. He led her over the table and helped her into the seat at the head of the table. He settled into the seat next to her and then glared at Malin, who slipped into the seat on her other side. “I thought your Clan had her wraith consciousness bound in Craven.”

  Malin glared back at Connor and Angeline felt her head start to ache. She needed to remain calm.

  “The Clan did do a binding spell on the wraith, but it’s something that’s never been done before. I don’t know why the spell is unraveling now,” Malin said. “I’ve asked the elders to redo it. I will make them redo it.”

  “Malin,” Angeline interrupted. “I would like some more of that tea. I think that would be helpful right now.”

  Malin jumped to his feet. “Of course, Majesty.” He went to the corner of the room and rang the bell cord to summon the servants.

  Angeline stared into Connor’s eyes. “I need us to all work together,” she pushed in her mind. Connor’s eyes widened. “But don’t tell him that we can communicate like this.”

  “You can’t trust him,” was Connor’s reply.

  “I need him.”

  Connor sighed but nodded.

  Malin returned to the table and Angeline turned her gaze back to him. “Malin, you said that you would help me and tell me what you knew. It’s time to pay up on that promise. I am going to ask Connor why he has decided to risk revealing himself to you, and we are both going to listen to what he has to say. Then I have questions for you about the Clan. Can you agree to do this for me?”

  A war of emotions flew across Malin’s face. She sensed great conflict within him and she hoped that she was making the right decision. Finally a long breath escaped his lips and he looked again at Connor. “The only reason I’m sitting here right now and not attempting to drive a stake through your heart is because she has asked me not to. That is the only reason. If I suspect that you are doing anything that will cause her harm, all agreements are off

  Connor sneered. “As long as you understand that the same threat applies from me to you, then we are fine.”

  Angeline wanted to scream at their intolerance toward each other, but she couldn’t afford to get upset again. “May I remind you both that in the end you will do as I command? So let’s get on with it. Connor?”

  Connor finally looked back her. “I don’t know everything, but I think I know enough to be of use. I told you that Monroe and the other Death Bringers are here in the city. His plans include a deception that centers on the Chief Advisor.”

  “So Monroe is in charge of these vampires?” Angeline asked.

  Connor nodded. “Yes, this group of vampires fought at the Master’s side during the war with Alair Robart. They are old and vicious. None of them have any regard for human life, and they find joy in the death and destruction of those they consider beneath them. Just those four, unleashed on the city, will bring about certain ruin.”

  His description gave Angeline shivers. There was a knock on the small door at the back of the room and a servant entered carrying a tray with a teapot and cups. Angeline watched the girl look curiously at Connor as she set the tray down in front of them. Angeline knew what she was seeing: a tall, dark, handsome stranger with bewitching green eyes. It would be all over the palace by the evening.

  “Thank you, Mila,” Angeline said.

  The girl started at Angeline’s abrupt tone and quickly left the room. Angeline saw that Connor looked amused, but Malin did not. Angeline pulled the pouch that Malin had given her earlier from her pocket and quickly made her tea. At Connor’s inquisitive look, she said, “It’s Veatred root. Malin has done some research. This helps calm the wraith. Please continue.”

  “There is magic afoot,” Connor said. “That is the reason I chose to reveal myself. Because one of Monroe’s companions is using more magic than she could possibly be able to harness on her own, and since it is being directed at the Chief Advisor, I think there may be some double-crossing going on.”


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