Book Read Free

The Kingdoms of Terror

Page 17

by Joe Dever

  (227) Replaced ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’.

  (229) Replaced ‘archers and’ with ‘archers, and’.

  (230) Replaced ‘guardedness and’ with ‘guardedness, and’.

  (232) Replaced ‘small piggish’ with ‘small, piggish’. Replaced ‘Action Chart), and’ with ‘Action Chart) and’. Added a period to the end of the illustration's caption.

  (234) Replaced ‘aside and’ with ‘aside, and’. Replaced ‘Die northlander’ with ‘Die, Northlander’. Replaced ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’.

  (236) Replaced ‘dead and’ with ‘dead, and’. Replaced ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’.

  (243) Replaced ‘with a bow’ with ‘with Bow’.

  (244) Replaced ‘horsemen but’ with ‘horsemen, but’.

  (246) Replaced ‘place but’ with ‘place, but’. Replaced ‘darkness and’ with ‘darkness, and’.

  (247) Moved the Divination choice into the first position.

  (249) Replaced ‘ceiling but’ with ‘ceiling, but’.

  (250) Replaced ‘or cannot’ with ‘or if you cannot’.

  (251) Replaced ‘rest but’ with ‘rest, but’.

  (252) Replaced all occurrences of ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’. Replaced ‘Enter it in the ‘Weapons’ section of your Action Chart as a Silver Oak Bow and make a note of its particular property.’ with ‘Enter the Silver Bow of Duadon on your Action Chart as a Special Item and make a note of its particular property.’. This change brings is in harmony with how this item is used and referred to in later books.

  (253) Replaced ‘Meal of black bread’ with ‘meal of black bread’. Replaced ‘It's going' t'be’ with ‘It's going t'be’.

  (255) Replaced ‘Psi-shield’ with ‘Psi-screen’.

  (257) Replaced ‘hard unyielding’ with ‘hard, unyielding’. Replaced ‘on to’ with ‘onto’.

  (258) Replaced ‘drawbolt’ with ‘bolt’. Added a period to the end of the illustration's caption.

  (261) Replaced ‘seconds but’ with ‘seconds, but’.

  (262) Moved the Divination choice into the first position. Replaced ‘guildhouse’ with ‘guild-house’.

  (263) Replaced ‘bodyguards and’ with ‘bodyguards, and’. Replaced ‘lapels and’ with ‘lapels, and’.

  (264) Replaced ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’. Replaced ‘on to’ with ‘onto’.

  (265) Replaced ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’.

  (267) Replaced ‘Varettian plain’ with ‘Varettian Plain’.

  (268) Replaced ‘with a bow’ with ‘with Bow’.

  (270) Added a period to the end of the illustration's caption. Added ‘ If you wield the Sommerswerd in this combat, you may double all ENDURANCE point losses inflicted upon your enemy.’ in harmony with the Collector's Edition.

  (271) Replaced ‘competition and’ with ‘competition, and’.

  (272) Replaced ‘east and’ with ‘east, and’. Moved the Curing choice into the first position.

  (273) Replaced all occurrences of ‘..’ with ‘ … ’.

  (274) Replaced ‘you and’ with ‘you, and’.

  (276) Replaced ‘warhammer and’ with ‘warhammer, and’.

  (277) Replaced ‘lightning fast’ with ‘lightning-fast’.

  (278) Replaced ‘feet but’ with ‘feet, but’.

  (279) Replaced ‘doors and’ with ‘doors, and’. Replaced ‘building and’ with ‘building, and’. Replaced ‘battle but, unlike’ with ‘battle, but unlike’. Added a period to the end of the illustration's caption.

  (280) Replaced ‘or choose’ with ‘or if you choose’.

  (283) Replaced ‘power your’ with ‘power, your’. Replaced ‘ground and’ with ‘ground, and’. Replaced ‘Die northlander’ with ‘Die, Northlander’. Replaced ‘attack you’ with ‘attack, you’. Replaced all occurrences of ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’.

  (284) Replaced ‘huge fat-bellied’ with ‘huge, fat-bellied’. Replaced ‘men and’ with ‘men, and’.

  (286) Replaced ‘cover and’ with ‘cover, and’. Added a period to the end of the illustration's caption.

  (287) Replaced ‘here but’ with ‘here, but’. Replaced ‘cakes and’ with ‘cakes, and’.

  (288) Replaced ‘esteem for’ with ‘esteem, for’.

  (289) Replaced ‘wineshops’ with ‘wine shops’. Replaced ‘A knot of brawling rivermen tumble’ with ‘A knot of brawling river-men tumbles’. Replaced ‘doorway and set about each other’ with ‘doorway, and they set about each other’.

  (290) Replaced ‘siegeworks’ with ‘siege-works’.

  (291) Replaced ‘palm and’ with ‘palm, and’.

  (292) Replaced ‘head and’ with ‘head, and’. Replaced ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’.

  (293) Replaced ‘new-found’ with ‘newfound’. Added ‘(Remember to erase the Small Silver Key from your Action Chart.)’.

  (294) Switched the section numbers given for the two choices to be consistent with the choices in Section 151 and the text of Sections 67 and 108. Replaced ‘men and’ with ‘men, and’. Replaced ‘forever but’ with ‘forever, but’.

  (295) Replaced ‘charge but’ with ‘charge, but’.

  (296) Replaced ‘target but’ with ‘target, but’. Replaced ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’. Replaced all occurrences of ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’.

  (297) Replaced ‘plunder but’ with ‘plunder, but’. Replaced ‘mercenaries but’ with ‘mercenaries, but’. Replaced ‘gleefully,’ with ‘gleefully.’. Replaced ‘main mast’ with ‘mainmast’.

  (299) Replaced ‘you but’ with ‘you, but’. Moved the Huntmastery choice into the first position.

  (300) Replaced ‘city you’ with ‘city, you’. Replaced ‘hall there’ with ‘hall, there’. Replaced ‘gold and pink’ with ‘gold, and pink’. Replaced ‘library and’ with ‘library, and’. Replaced ‘the Tower of the King and marks’ with ‘the Tower of the King and it marks’.

  (301) Replaced ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’. Replaced ‘shrieks,’ with ‘shrieks.’. Replaced ‘aim and’ with ‘aim, and’. Replaced ‘his sword and cloak’ with ‘his cloak’ since Roark clearly does not deposit his sword with the innkeeper (cf. Section 219).

  (302) Replaced ‘Varetta, or’ with ‘Varetta or’.

  (303) Replaced all occurrences of ‘arrow’ with ‘Arrow’. Replaced ‘saddle and’ with ‘saddle, and’.

  (305) Moved the Divination choice into the first position.

  (304) Replaced ‘Action Chart), and’ with ‘Action Chart) and’.

  (306) Replaced ‘freezing and’ with ‘freezing, and’.

  (307) Replaced ‘today and’ with ‘today, and’.

  (309) Replaced ‘T'is’ with ‘'Tis’.

  (311) Replaced ‘However the’ with ‘However, the’.

  (313) Replaced ‘points), and’ with ‘points) and’.

  (315) Replaced ‘procession are’ with ‘procession is’.

  (316) Moved the choice regarding handing over all Gold Crowns into the last position.

  (317) Replaced ‘surrounded and’ with ‘surrounded, and’. Replaced ‘unconscious and’ with ‘unconscious, and’. Replaced ‘riders are galloping’ with ‘riders gallop’.

  (318) Replaced ‘east and’ with ‘east, and’. Replaced ‘direction you’ with ‘direction, you’. Moved the Animal Control choice into the first position.

  (319) Replaced ‘Varetta and’ with ‘Varetta, and’.

  (320) Moved the Pathsmanship/Divination choice into the first position.

  (322) Replaced ‘guard and’ with ‘guard, and’.

  (324) Replaced ‘workshop but’ with ‘workshop, but’. Added a period to the end of the illustration's caption.

  (326) Replaced ‘fades and’ with ‘fades, and’.

  (328) Replaced ‘Action Chart), and’ with ‘Action Chart) and’.

  (329) Replaced ‘you and’ with ‘you, and’. Replaced ‘wounded and’ with ‘wounded, and’. Replaced ‘chest and’ with ‘chest, and’.

  (330) Replaced ‘village and, although
’ with ‘village, and although’. Replaced ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’.

  (331) Replaced ‘way, and’ with ‘way and’. Replaced ‘horizon you’ with ‘horizon, you’. Replaced ‘streets and’ with ‘streets, and’.

  (332) Replaced ‘barge and’ with ‘barge, and’. Replaced ‘wharfs’ with ‘wharves’. Moved the choice regarding having no Gold Crowns into the first position. Moved the Pathsmanship/Divination choice into the second position. Replaced ‘If’ with ‘Otherwise, if’ in that choice.

  (334) Replaced ‘huge lumbering’ with ‘huge, lumbering’. Replaced ‘head and’ with ‘head, and’. Moved the bow choice into the first position. Replaced ‘bow’ with ‘Bow’.

  (338) Replaced ‘surrounded and’ with ‘surrounded, and’. Replaced ‘shortlived’ with ‘short-lived’. Replaced ‘completely and, as’ with ‘completely, and as’.

  (339) Replaced ‘If you possess a Kalte Firesphere, a Torch, or a Tinderbox’ with ‘If you possess a Kalte Firesphere or a Torch and a Tinderbox’. A Torch is unusable without a Tinderbox; this parallels wording in sections from future Lone Wolf books. Replaced ‘Firesphere, a Torch, or a Tinderbox,’ with ‘Firesphere or a Torch and a Tinderbox,’. Replaced ‘Items’ with ‘items’.

  (340) Replaced ‘jerkin, enters’ with ‘jerkin enters’. Replaced ‘field are’ with ‘field is’. Replaced ‘with a bow’ with ‘with Bow’. Replaced ‘on to’ with ‘onto’.

  (341) Replaced ‘riverbank’ with ‘river bank’. Replaced ‘Cener mountains’ with ‘Cener Mountains’. Replaced ‘Huntmastery and Pathsmanship’ with ‘Huntmastery, and Pathsmanship’.

  (342) Replaced ‘matron, as’ with ‘matron as’. Replaced ‘Alether plant’ with ‘alether plant’. Replaced ‘Alether berries’ with ‘Alether Berries’. Replaced ‘another, and’ with ‘another and’. Replaced ‘Welcome brave sir, welcome’ with ‘Welcome, brave sir. Welcome’.

  (346) Replaced ‘Each wear’ with ‘Each wears’.

  (347) Replaced ‘Swords and, as’ with ‘Swords, and as’. Moved the Huntmastery choice into the first position.

  (348) Replaced ‘manouevre’ with ‘manoeuvre’. Replaced ‘secure and’ with ‘secure, and’.

  (349) Replaced ‘spongy and’ with ‘spongy, and’.

  (350) Replaced ‘appears and’ with ‘appears, and’. Replaced ‘fade you’ with ‘fade, you’. Replaced ‘you and’ with ‘you, and’. Replaced ‘Lone Wolf’ with ‘Lone Wolf’ when referring to the series. Added a period to the end of the illustration's caption.

  (Map of the Stornlands) Replaced ‘Varetian Hills’ with ‘Varettian Hills’.

  (Combat Rules Summary) Replaced ‘cross reference’ with ‘cross-reference’. Replaced ‘top of chart’ with ‘top of the chart’. Replaced ‘fall to 0’ with ‘falls to 0 or below’. Replaced ‘Kai Disciplines’ with ‘Magnakai Disciplines’. Replaced ‘Pick number from’ with ‘Pick a number from the’. Replaced ‘Turn to Combat’ with ‘Turn to the Combat’. Replaced ‘to random number’ with ‘to the random number’. Replaced ‘when ENDURANCE’ with ‘when the ENDURANCE’. Replaced ‘ignored, only’ with ‘ignored; only’.

  Note on Adjusted Combat Statistics

  One enemy in this book has had his statistics altered in accordance with the Collector's Edition to balance the game. Here is a table to show which enemy has been altered.

  Revised combat statistics

  SectionEnemyOriginalCollector's Edition

  26 Altan CS 30 EP 50 CS 28 EP 50


  [1] (Section 4) Lone Wolf Club Newsletter No.6 clarifies: ‘Strictly speaking, the Sommerswerd [or Dagger of Vashna] is a Special Item — not a Weapon. You should erase a Weapon from your Action Chart. If you do not possess a Weapon, only then do you lose the Sommerswerd [or Dagger of Vashna].’

  [2] (Section 17) If you cannot afford to pay for a room, the tavern-keeper will accept one Backpack Item or Weapon in lieu of payment for a night in the dormitory.

  [3] (Section 26) For this combat, you may not gain bonuses from a Shield or any weapon other than a Bow. In this case, Weaponmastery with Bow grants you the 3 COMBAT SKILL bonus points that Weaponmastery with mêlée weapons normally grants, rather than adding 3 to each Random Number pick (which would not work for the Combat Results Table). Other restrictions may apply, depending on your interpretation of the rules.

  [4] (Section 26) If you are using the Jakan and pick a 0 from the Random Number Table at any time, turn immediately to 335.

  [5] (Section 98) The shop owner will buy 4 Arrows for 1 Gold Crown.

  [6] (Section 232) You should deduct the Meal from your Backpack immediately if you decide to head to your room. The ensuing sections will make it clear why this is so.

  [7] (Section 252) The 3-point bonus to your Random Number picks when using this Bow can be added to the 3-point bonus you may already have with Weaponmastery with Bow for a total of 6 points. As with the bonus for Weaponmastery with Bow, you may only add this bonus when determining the success of a Bow shot.

  [8] (Section 298) The penalty for picking a 0 only applies during the second portion of the tournament.

  Table of Illustrations

  The following is a list of all Sections containing illustrations found in this book:

  Primary Illustrations

  Illustration I (Section 11)

  Illustration II (Section 26)

  Illustration III (Section 47)

  Illustration IV (Section 63)

  Illustration V (Section 71)

  Illustration VI (Section 77)

  Illustration VII (Section 100)

  Illustration VIII (Section 116)

  Illustration IX (Section 127)

  Illustration X (Section 151)

  Illustration XI (Section 164)

  Illustration XII (Section 188)

  Illustration XIII (Section 219)

  Illustration XIV (Section 232)

  Illustration XV (Section 258)

  Illustration XVI (Section 270)

  Illustration XVII (Section 279)

  Illustration XVIII (Section 286)

  Illustration XIX (Section 324)

  Illustration XX (Section 350)

  The Stornlands

  Action Chart

  Secondary Illustrations

  Magnakai Disciplines


  Section 1

  Section 5

  Section 6

  Section 15

  Section 73

  Section 79

  Section 87

  Section 119

  Section 125

  Section 126

  Section 135

  Section 139

  Section 144

  Section 167

  Section 202

  Section 204

  Section 211

  Section 230

  Section 247

  Section 251

  Section 256

  Section 300

  Section 341

  Project Aon License

  21 August 2009

  0. Preamble

  Joe Dever, author of the Lone Wolf game books, and Ian Page, author of the World of Lone Wolf books are providing certain of their works for free (gratis) download from the internet. Rob Adams, Paul Bonner, Gary Chalk, Melvyn Grant, Richard Hook, Peter Andrew Jones, Cyril Julien, Peter Lyon, Trevor Newton, Peter Parr, Graham Round, and Brian Williams are similarly offering the illustrations that they did for these books. This license is intended to protect the rights of the authors and the illustrators, grant rights to their readers, and preserve the quality of the books distributed in this way.

  By viewing or downloading the books or the illustrations, you agree to refrain from redistributing them in any format for any reason. This is intended to protect readers from getting poor quality, unofficial versions or from being asked for payment in exchange for the books by someone who is redistributing them unofficially.

  Anyone who wishes to simply view or download the Internet Editions for their own
personal use need not worry about running afoul of the terms of this License. These activities are within acceptable behaviour as defined by this License.

  This section does not contain the legally binding terms of this license. Please read the precise terms and conditions of this license that follow.

  The current version of this license can be found at the following URL:

  1. Definitions


  ‘License’ shall hereafter refer to this document.


  ‘Authors’ shall hereafter refer to Joe Dever, Ian Page, and Gary Chalk, copyright holders for the literary works covered by this license. Where Joe Dever, Ian Page, or Gary Chalk is mentioned singly, they will be referred to by name.


  ‘Illustrators’ shall hereafter refer to Rob Adams, copyright holder of portions of The Magnamund Companion; Paul Bonner, holder of the copyrights for the illustrations of the World of Lone Wolf books; Gary Chalk, holder of the copyrights for the illustrations of Lone Wolf books one through eight counted inclusively, holder of the copyrights of portions of The Magnamund Companion, and holder of the copyrights for The Lone Wolf Poster Painting Book; Melvyn Grant, holder of the copyrights for the illustrations of Freeway Warrior 1: Highway Holocaust; Richard Hook, copyright holder of portions of The Magnamund Companion; Peter Andrew Jones, copyright holder for the illustrations used in the Lone Wolf 10th Anniversary Calendar; Cyril Julien, copyright holder of portions of The Skull of Agarash; Peter Lyon, copyright holder of portions of The Magnamund Companion; Trevor Newton, copyright holder of the illustrations of Voyage of the Moonstone; Peter Parr, copyright holder of the illustrations of Black Baron and White Warlord, Emerald Enchanter and Scarlet Sorcerer; Graham Round, copyright holder of portions of The Magnamund Companion; and Brian Williams, holder of the copyrights for the illustrations of Lone Wolf books nine through twenty-eight counted inclusively with the exception of the illustrations for book twenty-one, The Voyage of the Moonstone, holder of the copyrights of portions of The Skull of Agarash, and holder of the copyrights for the illustrations of books two through four, counted inclusively, of the Freeway Warrior series. Where Paul Bonner, Gary Chalk, Melvyn Grant, Richard Hook, Peter Andrew Jones, Cyril Julien, Peter Lyon, Trevor Newton, Peter Parr Graham Round, or Brian Williams is mentioned singly, they will be referred to by name.


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