Lovers and Reprisals (Lovers Series)

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Lovers and Reprisals (Lovers Series) Page 16

by Turner, Lori

  Caleb walked inside with Dr. Stone, while Geff and Noah remained outside by the cab.

  Irritated, her brother said…

  “No one told us that we couldn’t take Ona home in a cab. Why is this the first time that we’re hearing this?”

  Dr. Stone said…

  “I specifically explained Ona’s condition. If the information was not clearly communicated, I cannot, nor will I be blamed for the miscommunication.”

  Lucien didn’t want this exchange to get any uglier than it already had, so he thought it best to interject his suggestion.

  “Will a limo suffice?”

  His remark caught them all off guard.

  Dr. Stone said…

  “What? A limo?” She’d geared up to defend herself from false accusations, and now there was talk about a limo. She looked at Lucien, then she understood his remark.

  “Yes… A limo would be fine. As long as Ona can stretch out her leg on the seat…a limo will be perfect.”

  Caleb glared at Lucien, when he said…

  “This has your fingerprints all over it.”

  “Caleb!” Ona was shocked by her brothers overt claims, especially when he didn’t have any proof to back him up. Lucien sighed heavily, when he said…

  “Mr. Zelle I’m just as surprised as you but, we must respect Dr. Stone’s suggestions. After all…until she leaves this facility, she is still Ona’s doctor. And as such…we must follow her orders.”

  “So that’s it? She can’t leave unless we get a limo to take her home. Is that what you’re saying?”

  Dr. Stone narrowed her eyes when she said…

  “What I am saying is that Ona Zelle must extend her leg…and it is up to you to provide a vehicle that will allow for this.”

  Caleb turned his back to them, then he stared at the cab. Noah and Geff appeared perplexed and it was clear that they wanted answers. He didn’t need to turn around to know what lie behind him.

  While staring through the glass, Caleb made a decision.

  He turned meeting Lucien’s eyes, when he said…

  “Fine…Ona will ride to the dock in your limo. And I’m going along for the ride.”

  Caleb turned to leave, and Ona wanted to stop him, but she muffled her voice when Dr. Stone began to speak, addressing her remark to her benefactor.

  “Now that that’s settled…don’t be a stranger.”

  Lucien replied…

  “Thank you Angela for everything and I’ll see you at the next board meeting.”

  “Goodbye Ona…it was lovely making your acquaintance.” Dr. Stone inclined her head, then she left.

  Now that they were alone, Lucien wanted to fix things before being rejoined by her brother. He could see them talking outside, and they appeared locked in heavy debate. Ona said…

  “I’m must apologize for my brothers behavior. He’s over protective and he only wants to do what is best. Especially with both of my parents out of the country. This is our way; the eldest brother assumes charge.”

  “Is Caleb the eldest?”

  “No…Noah is. But…Noah cannot come into the hospital so it had been decided that Caleb would be the family’s mediator on my behalf.”

  Lucien grab the attention of one of the lobby doormen.

  He said…

  “Could you have my driver come around to the front of the hospital. And explain to him that we’ll be joined by my guest and her brother.”

  “Yes…certainly sir.”

  It didn’t take long, and Ona watched a long black limo driving up the horseshoe shaped hospital entrance drive. Lucien pushed Ona towards the door, then it slid open. She was greeted with a hug from Noah.

  He stood back smiling while saying…

  “Ona…we’ve missed you. You look well.”

  She returned his smile, and she was genuinely happy to see him as well.

  “I’m fine Noah.”

  Geff clumsily ambled forward then he nodded in greeting. He said…

  “It’ll be good to have you back at the commune. My parents are looking forward to that dinner.”

  There were more awkward stares, and uncomfortable moments, then the limo pulled right up in front of the door.

  Noah addressed Lucien.

  “Sir…I hope you don’t mind, but my brother Caleb will ride in the cab with Geff, and I will join you and my sister in the limousine.”

  Lucien didn’t have a problem with this happy change of events.

  He said…

  “You’re more than welcomed to join your sister as a passenger. As a matter of fact…may I pay for the cab? It wouldn’t have been an unnecessary expense if you’d known before hand.”

  By Noah’s expression, Lucien knew that he’d offended him.

  Noah said…

  “It is a matter of pride that we care for our own sir. The expense is neither a bother or unnecessary. Ona is a member of our commune and we take care of our own.”

  Two hospital assistants were helping Ona out of the wheelchair, and steadying her as she wobbled, negotiating with gravity and the use of her walking cast. When she was safe inside, Noah climbed in, then Lucien told his driver their destination. It was late afternoon, and the traffic was beginning to get heavy. This made for slow driving and the silence was a form of torture. When she spotted landmarks, indicating that the dock was near, Ona broke the silence.

  “Noah…I’ll need special seating on the ferry.”

  “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of that”

  When the limo stopped, Ona leaned towards the door, to look out the window. Her eyes were drawn to her brother when he said…

  “Thank you Mr. Delors. My family is deeply grateful for all that you’ve done for my sister and we apologize for any inconveniences.”

  Noah extended his hand, and Lucien graciously accepted his handshake. Noah looked at his sister, and he said…

  “Stay here Ona. I’ll need to talk to the boat master to secure special seating.”

  Noah jumped out of the limo, leaving Lucien and Ona alone. There were so many things that he wanted to say. So many questions that he wanted to ask. But he knew that he only had five or ten minutes alone—at best. Lucien chose to address the most important question.

  While reaching in his coat pocket, he said…

  “I see that you’re wearing your band.”

  He wasn’t sure when that had happened.

  Ona smiled, then she said…

  “Caleb brought it to me weeks ago. I couldn’t wear it because I still had my arm cast on.” She lifted her arm for inspection, moving it freely.

  Lucien uncurled his fingers. He said…

  “I found this near your body, on the night of the accident. I should have given it to the police officer but I didn’t. When you woke up, I should have returned it to you then…”

  His voice broke off, but Ona completed his sentence.

  “But you didn’t”

  They stared at each other, and their eyes penetrated the depths of their souls. Ona had to know. She had to understand what this meant. She shifted in her seat, looking for the return of her brothers. When she didn’t see either of them, she turned in her seat. When she faced him, she said…

  “Why did you keep it—I mean, after all this time, why are you telling me about it now?”

  Lucien was direct when he answered her.

  “I was curious Ona. From the moment I first set eyes on you…I was curious. Since that day, one question has plagued me.”

  Lucien slanted his head, viewing her at an angle.

  “Are you married Ona? Or—are you promised to someone?”

  He didn’t know if he was using the correct terminology, but by her expression, he rightly concluded that he’d been dead on.

  Ona frowned, then she considered his wonderment. The notion that he’d considered her marriage status for months sparked a patchwork of emotions. On one hand, her sensibilities employed her to dissuade his concern. Then on the other hand, she wanted him to k
now and she wouldn’t leave without telling him the awful truth concerning the band.

  “I’m not married.” She had to get that out first, just in case one of her brothers suddenly popped up.

  Ona looked at the band, lying in his hand, then she continued…

  “That band…it isn’t even mine. I borrowed it.”

  She weighed the odds of telling the truth, then she measured his countenance. He looked like his hopes were perched on the edge of the seat and for whatever reason, she didn’t want to say something that might disappoint him. She liked Lucien, and she didn’t want to hurt him and she wouldn’t lie.

  “Geff…that band belongs to him. He gave it to me before I appeared in front of the Conclave council. It was a nice gesture—that’s all. I am not his intended.”

  Lucien’s face had appeared hopeful before she responded, now he looked pleased. His mouth twitched, forming a half smile. He sighed, as if a heavy weight had been lifted. And in truth—it had. He reached across the small distance, offering her the band. When she opened her hand, she’d expected him to drop the band in her palm—but he didn’t. Lucien lay the band in the center of her hand, then he caressed the inner surface, gently gripping her hand. His grey eyes traced the outline of her face, then his gaze drew her in like a breath of air. When he spoke, his tone and manner was unlike any of their brief encounters. His voice held an emotion that she’d never experienced while being in his company. He was only holding her hand, but every nerve in her body, lit then exploded like a firecracker. Her body had never experienced this kind of thunderbolt response.

  Lucien tenderly stroked the outer side of her hand, when he said…

  “I’d like to see you again. Maybe one day after you’ve settled in with your project, and your days aren’t busy.”

  She was shocked by his suggestion. So shocked, that her jaw gaped open, but not one word left her mouth. Lucien had expected this, given her closed community and her religion. He also knew that he was treading on dangerous ground. Even though Ona couldn’t see her brothers, Lucien could. Or at least, that’s what he’d thought. For a few brief moments, he’d become engrossed in Ona, and her innocent beauty. He didn’t care that what he wanted was wrong. None of that mattered to him. His heart had been loss to her from the first second he’d set eyes on her.

  The door to the limo opened, and Noah stood on the outside frozen in time. He didn’t want to leap to the wrong conclusion—and he’d listened when Caleb complained about Lucien Delors; but as the oldest of his parents children, Noah’s responsibilities required that he behave with the utmost propriety. He couldn’t blow his stack, like Caleb often does. When Caleb had been adopted, chronologically, he’d been older than Noah. In spite of this, Noah had been a Samaritan by birth, and according to the Creed, this made Noah the oldest sibling. After witnessing the scene at the hospital, Noah had instructed his brother to wait at the dock while he and Geff helped Ona board the ferry. He was glad for this, because based on what he’d just seen; there was reason for concern.

  “Ona…have you thanked Mr. Delors.”

  Lucien released her hand; leaving the band in her possession. Ona shyly smiled, when she said…

  “Yes I have…but given all that he’s done for me…I’d like to thank him again.”

  “That is understandable. Please…express your gratitude, then bid him farewell. The boat master is waiting. Also, a contingent of medical workers are on board. They’d like to begin their assessment before your arrival at the hospital.”

  Ona nodded, and she knew that they wouldn’t be left alone. She looked at Lucien, and in their brief exchange, she saw something worth exploring. She didn’t understand this notion that dared her to want more of him. If she had the power to stop time, she would do it.

  Ona began shifting towards the exit, mainly because Noah would expect this of her.

  She said…

  “Thank you so much Mr. Delors. And please…relay my thanks to everyone else—all the people that I didn’t get a chance to talk to before being discharged from the hospital.”

  “It was our pleasure Ona. You needn’t thank us. Just get better, and take care of yourself.”

  “I will.”

  Noah offered her his hand, and she took it but before she left the car, she couldn’t leave without addressing his remark.

  Hastily, she spoke, not giving Noah or Lucien time to interrupt or stop her.

  “If you’re in the area…take a moment and stop by the Children’s Center once we get everything up and running. It would be nice to show you how appreciative I am, for the use of your building.”

  Lucien replied…

  “It’s a date.”

  Poor choice of words, but he wouldn’t have said it any other way. He didn’t want there to be any misunderstandings. He didn’t know if what he was doing was right or wrong but he couldn’t leave her, without letting her know that he was interested in her.

  Noah held on to Ona, practically lifting her out and onto the sidewalk. He allowed Geff to steady her while he spoke to Lucien before closing the door.

  “Thank you for the transportation. Geff and I will see to my sister now. He has patiently waited for her return.”

  Noah closed the door, giving Lucien something to ruminate on.


  It was late, and the cocktail hour had ended. After leaving the dock, Lucien’s driver had aimlessly drove around the city because he felt powerless in the Ona situation. The way Noah spoke to him, then made mention of the man Geff; he didn’t know if Ona could be forced to marry him, even if he wasn’t her choice. He didn’t return to the internet looking for information about the Samaritan’s and their marriage customs. He’d done that months ago, and the grueling task had left him with a lingering monster of a headache. He’d had his usual one drink, then he retired from the library where the rest of his family remained, engrossed in witty conversation. Lucien had an apartment in the city, but biweekly dinners were mandatory in the Delors family and he wouldn’t break with tradition. Instead of driving home, Lucien retired to his bedroom. Actually, it wasn’t a bedroom—and it couldn’t be referred to as a suite. When Lucien and Chantel attended college, their parents knocked down walls, extending their childhood bedrooms, then turning them into private apartments within the family home. That’s where he’d gone after he’d parted ways with his family and since then he’d stood by the window, examining a garment. He was near the window, but the street traffic didn’t interest him; instead, he’d been absorbed, staring at his white duster. The cloak that he’d worn on the day of Ona’s accident. When her surgery had been completed, and she’d been taken to the recovery room; one of the nurses had sought him out with an update. She’d also handed him a Lincoln Medical airtight sealed bag, containing his cloak. The cloak that had been stained with Ona’s blood. After the accident, and the hours of fear, and thoughtful contemplation; when Dr. Hazzar met him in the lobby with the first update—Lucien had been told that her outlook was promising. He recalled being told that he still had blood on his hands. He’d had a bullheaded notion, that told him, he could never cleanse himself of the unknown woman’s blood. Even then, he’d known that there was something about her that he deemed special and worth keeping. Even so, the nurses and doctors had been persistent, maintaining that he observe universal precautions. At that time, Lucien had enough to worry over, so he conceded to the prodding, and he thoroughly washed his hands. When he’d finally left the hospital, he’d gone straight to his parents home, because after learning about the accident from Eliza; everyone had waited for his return.

  Lucien sighed because even though only a few months had passed, he knew that meeting Ona Zelle had been a major shift in his life. And he couldn’t bring himself to wash his cloak. He was staring at it now; much like he’d done in the past. His mind was on Ona, when his sister, Chantel walked into the room, catching him daydreaming. This had not been a first occurrence for her and she also knew what he was doing.

p; “You’re thinking about that Samaritan girl.”

  He turned ever so slightly; adjusting his gaze to see the cloak and the expression on Chantel’s face. She was irritated by this preoccupation of his.

  Chantel said…

  “This is sick. You’re standing in your room, all alone, staring at a blood stained cloak. An item that isn’t even worth the expense of dry cleaning. You should trash that thing. Or better yet—burn it, and be done with the memory.”

  “It’s not that simple Chantel.”

  Chantel wasn’t a slacker. If the rules didn’t work; she would change them. In her mind, no problem was too big, and no solution was impossible. There was no such thing as—I can’t get it done, or there are too many details to deal with. Whatever she set her mind to; Chantel always came out on top—and once upon a time, so had Lucien. But something had happened to him, at the beginning of the year. Lucien had agonized over the accident, and he’d been brooding over the girl; and none of it made any sense to her. Their lives were picture perfect and she expected him to snap out of it, and rejoin the rest of the world. Chantel had been so curious about Ona Zelle, that she’d requested a picture of her. At Lincoln Medical, identification photo’s were a part of the admission process. When Chantel saw the bruised and broken Ona; even in her crippled state, the young woman exuded an inner and outer beauty. She understood Lucien’s reasons for being transfixed by the Samaritan woman. He couldn’t control his obsession, and she wished that he could.

  Chantel lay it all out on the table.

  “How long are you going to do this? How long are you going to pine over a woman that you cannot have?”

  Lucien crossed the room, leaving his bedroom area. He walked back into the sitting area, where his sister had come in. Note to self; change the locks or never forget to lock the doors.

  He walked over to the kitchenette, then withdrew a bottled water from the refrigerator.


  Chantel pressed, because there were other issues to consider. It was late, and her husband Clive had already retired to their quarters. She didn’t want him falling asleep only to be awaken after she’d joined him in their bed.


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