Lovers and Reprisals (Lovers Series)

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Lovers and Reprisals (Lovers Series) Page 17

by Turner, Lori

  “Lucien—we’ve all noticed your strange preoccupation with this girl; but I’m the only one brave enough to confront the issue.”

  “This Isn’t your concern Chantel. Go. Go be with your husband.”

  “And what is going to happen when I’m gone. Will you spend the night, staring at that damn cloak?”

  He would, but he wasn’t going to tell his sister that.

  Lucien said…

  “I’m going to see her again. I’m going to take a chance—even if I’m shot down.”

  “Why are you chasing after girl that you cannot have? A girl, who more than likely is already engaged to another man.”

  He wouldn’t respond to that. Telling Chantel that Ona was not engaged would be sinking his ship before it set-sail.

  “I’m in love Chantel.”

  “Oh bullshit. You are in guilt—and I don’t know why. Just because she was hit by a Delors employee, that doesn’t give her the authority to lay the blame on you.”

  “She doesn’t blame me.”

  “Good because she shouldn’t.”

  Now that he’d been reduced to the truth, Chantel said…

  “Lucien—I don’t want to see you get hurt. If you’re persuaded to believe that you are ready to settle down, then choose a woman with less luggage. Someone like Marisela.”

  “Chantel…” He said warningly. “I’ve told you—I am not interested in your friend.”

  “How would you know, unless you give her a chance, and spend a little quality time with her.”

  “Chantel—please. Not now. I have a great deal on my mind.”

  “So does Marisela. Do you know that she is still mourning the loss of her brother? I’ll bet you don’t even know, that her family’s private investigator got his hands on the police files and the medical examiners report. According to Marisela—their team of scientist and investigators aren’t buying the suicide angle. They think that Tollin was murdered.”

  “Murdered?” he said surprised.

  “Yes. And typically in situations like this, every detail of the victims life is paraded in the open, bringing judgement on the dead and the family members left behind.”

  Lucien said…

  “I’m very sad to hear that. I’m sure this is difficult on Tollin’s parents.”

  “Yes—it is. And it’s also difficult on Marisela. Lucien—if you’d talk to her, or take her out to dinner; your attention could make all the difference in the world. She’s depressed Lucien—and the only time she smiles, is when your name is mentioned.”

  Lucien couldn’t be bothered by this. He abruptly said…

  “Chantel—did you hear me when I said that, I am in love?”

  “Yes—and did you hear me when I said, that Ona Zelle is off limits. Lucien you would be crazy to waste your time on a woman you’ll never have to yourself. Maybe not even as a friend.”

  “Then call me crazy—because I will make every effort to be with her.”

  “And what about Marisela? What am I supposed to tell her.”

  “Tell her whatever you want—as long as you aren’t involving me.”

  “Lucien…” Chantel tried to make her point but Lucien interrupted her.

  “Go Chantel. Go and leave me to my thoughts. I don’t want to discuss this matter any further.”

  “You’re making a mistake.”

  “Fine—if that’s what you want to believe. I can’t explain it—and it isn’t rational but I can’t stop thinking about her.”

  “You don’t know anything about that woman. If you do this, people will think that you’ve gone mad.”

  “Look at me Chantel. Do I look crazy to you?”

  She was quiet, and he felt the need to remind her about her past.

  Lucien said…

  “And what about you and Clive. Remember what your friends said when you broke off your engagement to Drake, then took up with Clive, flying off to the South of France.”

  Clive and Chantel were complete opposites, yet their three year marriage couldn’t have appeared stronger. In spite of his remark, she didn’t come to his room to talk about her past. Chantel said…

  “You’re going to pursue this woman, regardless of what I say. You aren’t going to listen to anyone, are you.”

  Lucien responded…

  “When have you ever known me to be illogical?”

  She thought about that for a moment, because she wanted to give a true and honest answer. After less than a minute, she replied.

  “Never. I’ve never known you to be illogical. You’re very serious; especially as it involves others.”

  Lucien didn’t say another word, he looked at the entrance to his bedroom. The place where he’d kept his blood stained cloak. He said…

  “I don’t want to give you the wrong impression because as I stand here, I don’t have all the answers and in the end, I just might make an ass of myself.”

  He took a breath, then finished his thought.

  “But…I believe in destiny. I believe in being at the right place at the right time; and on New Year’s Day, I was in the right place. When I got involved, my interference mattered.”

  Lucien’s eyes became pleading when he said…

  “I know this doesn’t make any sense—and I’d be the first to admit that but—there is something about Ona that I can’t get out of my head. I’ve got to see her again, and I’m sure that her brothers won’t make that easy.”

  “I hate this. I hate seeing you like this.”

  Chantel walked towards the door. She placed her hand on the doorknob, then paused before opening it. Her brother was a catch and for years he’d avoided any talk that hinted of marriage. Yet, here he was, considering a woman that he couldn’t have.

  She said…

  “Is she worth disappointing our parents? Mom and dad haven’t mentioned anything directly to you, but they are deeply concerned. We all are.”

  Lucien spoke decisively, when he said…

  “Whatever happens between me and Ona Zelle is a private matter. I will be tactful, and respectful of her beliefs but her religion will not deter me. I won’t curb my interest in her to assuage either of our families. If my advances are unwanted; Ona will have to tell me to stop, using her own words to personally communicate her discontent. At this point, I won’t settle for anything less. I won’t allow her family to tell me that I can’t see her. I did that once, but never again.”


  Chapter 12

  Family matters.

  “What are you doing here? I thought you had an all important job, working with Eliza Pendleton.”

  Bolden muttered a curse. Of all the people in the world that he didn’t want to see; Fawn’s name topped his list. After their last run in, he’d sworn that he wouldn’t be goaded into another confrontation. He scanned the large entry way, avoiding her angry gaze, then his thoughts flipped into reverse. This morning, he’d been in Dubois, Idaho with Eliza, expanding his horizon’s on another one of her scavenger hunts. Bolden had sat in a private hanger inhaling jet fumes, while Eliza boarded an Eclipse 550 without him. The plane had been there waiting before they arrived. His head had ached and he’d blamed his anguish on combustable vapors. While he endured the pain, he’d wondered what was so gotdamn secret that this meeting couldn’t be conducted in an office. An hour later, Eliza stepped off the plane, then they boarded their private jet. Before the pilot had reached cruising altitude, Eliza had leaned across his seat, surprising him with an unexpected kiss. She’d pressed his lips with hers, seducing him until he’d opened his mouth, then she teased him by stroking her tongue along the inner softness of his cheek. Her enticement had been beyond anything he could resist; so he’d given in. They made love in the cabin, while the pilot flew at about thirty-five thousand feet. When their passion had been sated, they zipped and buttoned their clothes, then Eliza settled in her seat and delivered a message. She told him when the plane landed, she would disembark and he was to remain on board because the
ir destinations weren’t the same. When he questioned this, she explained that she was returning to the hub and he’d been called home on a family emergency and she didn’t have anything further to add. The message had been vague, devoid of specifics. During the past few months, he’d learn to expect the unexpected where Eliza was concerned; but there was something telling in her remark. He’d never known Eliza to be without answers. He’d suspended his thought, then he pulled out his phone. He started first by dialing his mother. When her voicemail answered, he thumbed out a hasty text. His mother had always been the center of his world, and he would die if something happened to her. When she responded, texting back that she was well; in those few minutes, Bolden felt like his world had tilted off its axis. It was then that Eliza realized her mistake, and she quickly corrected it by telling him that the message had come from his father’s office. And now, here he was standing in his fathers sprawling Maine estate. Morpheus owned homes all around the world, but Bolden couldn’t recall ever coming here in the past. If he’d been alone, he would have studied the entryway further, but his examination was cut short by the whining tenor of his sisters voice.

  She was heading down a long hallway, where the walls were adorned with works of art.

  She was moving at a steady pace when she blurted out

  “Are you coming? I don’t have all day to be here—and with you stalling, I’ll never get out of here on time.”

  Bolden had a a snide retort, but he recalled his promise. No tit for tat. No giving just to get even for what he’d got.

  He followed her and the enormity of the house overwhelmed him completely. He’d lived away from his father for so long, Bolden had forgotten how insanely wealthy his father was.

  Fawn had crossed through an archway, leading into a richly decorated dining room that was so huge it could double as a soccer field. There were groupings of chairs, and sofa’s strategically positioned throughout the room. The floor plan had been thoughtfully arranged and it was perfect for intimate gatherings. In a room like this, people could kickback, not fearing that they’d broken rules that define decorum and proper etiquette. He was just about to admire the fireplace when his eyes caught sight of Raal, Morpheus and his mother. What in the hell was going on here? Where was the emergency?

  “Bolden. Son. Come join us. I was just explaining to your Uncle Raal, that you’ve recently taken a position at the governors office.”

  Governor indeed; that was a crock. The more he learned about his job, the more he didn’t want to know; and if it weren’t for Eliza he would have left months ago. Bolden flipped the thought around in his head. Promises, promises; he replayed his declaration of peace. Bolden had an unhealthy dislike of his father and his New Year’s resolution required him to be amicable when negative emotions rose to the surface.

  Bolden payed close attention to his mother, studying her for cues or suggestions that might aid him. He crossed the room to join them, and he didn’t notice that Fawn was out of sight. Raal extended his hand in greeting…

  “Nice to see you Bolden. Twice in one year.” He laughed.

  “Yes…and we’re just four months into the year.” Bolden spoke, asserting a calm presence.

  Mikita said…

  “Bolden… Did you meet Kyle at the New Year’s Day party? He and your uncle are planning to marry at the end of the year.”

  He considered her question but on reflection, so much had occurred on that day. However, he did recall seeing his uncle standing with a group of people and a young dark haired man had been closest to him. Had that been Kyle? He couldn’t say for sure—but what did it matter. For all he knew, he might not see Raal for another ten years.

  Bolden forced a smile when he addressed his uncle; a man he knew so little about.

  “Congratulations Uncle Raal. I wish you well.”

  Raal nodded, then he said…

  “So…what’s it like working for Eliza?”

  Bolden had been prepared to rattle off one of his stock phrases, but there was something in his uncles wording that unnerved him. His uncle didn’t say ‘working with Eliza‘; he’d said ‘working for Eliza’. He didn’t want to be overly paranoid, mainly because the wording could have been a slip or a grammatical error.

  He said…

  “I’m learning a lot and she keeps me pretty busy.”

  “She’s the best.”

  Mikita knew her son, and by his expression, it was obvious to her that he’d been rattled by Raal’s comment. She was pretty sure that he would let the remark slide, but she didn’t want to take a chance. She smiled at Raal when she asked…

  “So…does Kyle get along with your kids?”

  Raal smirked, and she could see parts of Morpheus in him, when he said…

  “Kyle loves my kids…it’s their mother’s that he has the problem with?”

  Raal laughed, then he turned his attention to Morpheus.

  “Enough about me and my love life. Now that Bolden is here…what’s the big emergency? And it had better not be Will talk. You know how much I hate talking about death and estate planning.”

  Morpheus said…

  “Yes Raal—I know. But before you ride off into the sunset; the attorney’s have informed me that Kyle hasn’t signed that prenup.”

  The brother’s exchanged an uncomfortable moment but Morpheus didn’t pause. He continued…

  “We will discuss that later. For now…I’ve called you all here because you are my family. Each of you are important to me—and it’s high time that we all make amends.”

  Fawn stuck out her lip, then slanted her head at an angle when she said…

  “Are you kidding me? Is that the reason you insisted that I be here? I rearranged my day for a freaking family powwow?”

  “Fawn!” Morpheus shouted. “Have a seat, and be quiet.”

  “Daddy…you said that this was an emergency meeting. You asked me to come because you said that there would be an exchange of important information. But that isn’t true. You’re manipulating me…and you know it.”

  There were so many aspects of her life that she hated; and two of those annoyances were currently present. When her mother abandoned her, leaving her to be raised by her father; her mother had fled because Morpheus had given her no choice. Mikita had come into the picture and Morpheus had fallen madly in love with her. And when she gave him a son, Fawn had felt invisible. But when her father cheated; like he’d done so many other times in the past—Mikita and Bolden had left and Fawn had her father all to herself. Now, Morpheus was determined to rebuild relationships that had nearly deteriorated and he wanted her to sit quiet as if she didn’t have a voice.

  Fawn was furious when she said…

  “I can’t deal with this. I have to go. I’m flying back into the city to meet up with Judd.”

  Morpheus said…

  “I thought that young man of yours was busy with a community charity project.”

  Fawn snidely said…

  “Nice of you to remember—given that you didn’t give my boyfriend five minutes of your time.”

  “I had a meeting Fawn. Your boyfriend understood.”

  “He has a name dad.”

  “Fawn…stay for dinner. Cook made one of your favorite dishes.”

  This was one of her father’s old tricks. He would change the subject, hoping to delay or avoid a topic. She wouldn’t play that game, mainly because segments of her life seemed to be peeling away. She had abandonment issues and from the moment Judd infused himself with that damn charity, she’d been seeing less and less of him. Fawn detested being alone and that fueled the irony in this situation because currently she wanted to be any place except here.

  She was nearly at the door, when Morpheus crossed the room to stop her. A roar of voices cautioned him. Raal’s voice was louder than Mikita’s

  “Morpheus…let her go. We can do this at another time.”

  “Raal is right Morpheus. If she has plans, it might be something important to her.”

  Bolden didn’t chime in—mainly because his feelings mirrored his sister’s.

  Morpheus grabbed hold to Fawn’s arm. She spun around to face him. Rage colored her face when she said…

  “You can’t make us a family just because that’s the way you want it. You can’t treat us like we’re cogs in your mighty Gustafson’s machine. This is one situation that you can’t fix just because you are Morpheus Gustafson. We aren’t your puppets.”

  Morpheus glared at his daughter, and he wanted to strike her because she knew how to wound and rip at his gut. He wanted to rant a string of curses, and he would have had it not been for Mikita. She had a way about her that was as soothing as a stream.

  “Morpheus…release her.”

  He felt the fingers on his hand tighten, and Fawn’s arm trembled due to his strength. He’d never hit her, although there had been countless close calls, but something had always stifled his anger. A thought from her childhood or an image of her when she was a little girl. He loved her but he couldn’t abide the triggers that sparked her uproarious nature. He was her father—he was in control; she understood this. But this knowledge didn’t squelch her challenges.

  Morpheus didn’t have placating verbiage in his vocabulary arsenal. His terminology tended to be seething ultimatums. He aimed one of those comments at his daughter.

  “This isn’t over—you will have to deal with me, sooner than you think.” His hand fell away, then he said… “I’m disappointed in you.”

  “What else is knew.” She scowled.

  She was walking out the door, taking long determined strides.

  Mikita was standing behind him, and in a soft voice she said…

  “Don’t let her leave angry. Go…make this right.”

  She’d always known that Fawn harbored hate and resentment towards her. She didn’t blame her of course; and she couldn’t fault Morpheus for the way circumstances had played out and they couldn’t turn back the hands of time. Fawn’s mother was gone and more than likely, fear had kept her from returning. Morpheus blew out of puff of air that sounded like a raging bull. He was hot under the collar but he wouldn’t kowtow to his bullheaded daughter.


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