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Beast (Diablos MC Book 1)

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by Eden Rose

  Charger and Roman were the two who wanted in my pants more than any of the others and I constantly tried to get their attention away from me. Without my dad here and his reputation shattered, I’m fucked.

  “Better, thanks. Why are you so nice to me?” I ask him.

  He shrugs. “You remind me of my sister.”

  Well that shot that horse in the face. I guess he doesn’t find me attractive.

  Just when I’m about to ask him what happened to his sister, the sound of fifty biker boots echoes throughout the shell of my father’s house. Two men stand in front with scowls on their faces. One of them is Roman and the other has to be the other president.

  Roman’s eyes tell me how pissed he is at the situation. “Since your dad left you to fend for yourself, you’re going to work off what he owes The Diablos.”

  My breathing comes out ragged again. “I didn’t do anything!”

  The other guy smiles. “You have two choices. One, go with The Spiders and get sold off. Or, two, come with us.”

  Go with them? Go with them and do what? “What do I have to do with you?”

  The guy smirks at another guy behind him. The man is the largest, sexiest man I have ever seen in my life. “You will become mine. You decide.”

  Two different lives. Two different decisions. If I’m sold off, who knows what will happen to me. They will turn me into someone’s slave and I can’t do that. They will probably try and get me to… You know.

  But if I go with this guy, what would that mean? Will I be his wife or something? Do these types of guys even have wives? Do they even settle down? I don’t think I ever remember my dad having someone long term.

  My head pounds.

  “Tick tock, princess,” the guy who told me I would be his says.

  My heart constricts in my chest and I feel light headed. I slip from reality and fall flat on my back.


  It’s simple really. All the princess has to decide is if she wants a chance at life. The Spiders are going to use her body for their gains and then rent her out like a whore. Or worse, sell her on the black market. The black market circuit is cut-throat and women kill each other in there in hopes of surviving.

  I’m offering the girl a chance of a lifetime. I would never hurt her or make her do something she doesn’t want to do. The problem? She doesn’t realize a helping hand when its being offered to her.

  “Mr. Hero, you made her pass out!” Dragon exclaims with humor.

  “Fuck my life,” I mutter to myself.

  If I hadn’t told Roman I would take Bella as a good faith payment, she wouldn’t have even known she was being used as a bargaining chip. Taking Bella was an easy decision and Prince backed me up on it too. I was surprised he didn’t tell me to fuck off.

  Roman was pissed off because he said she was pure and he wanted to have a taste before she became Diablos’ chew toy.

  One look at the girl, she wouldn’t last a day in the circuit. The poor woman wouldn’t know what to do if she had instructions.

  The Spiders are filing out of the house after raiding it to find anything more. I didn’t take the time to go through the whole house and find the guns and money that is probably hidden in there.

  “She still passed out? Maybe we should wake her up with a kiss,” Roman taunts.

  “Fuck off. She’s coming with us and I want the rest of the money and guns owed,” Prince yells at him.

  “We’re takin’ the girl?” I ask him.

  He nods his head and gets in her face. Prince snaps his fingers to get her attention and her eyes snap open with wonderment. “You have two choices. Either you come with us and have a chance at life or go with your dad’s club. The club your dad fucked over. You decide in five seconds or I’m making the decision for you.”

  We already made the decision for her.

  “We gotta get outta here before the cops come!” Tank yells.

  In the background, I can hear the sirens blaring as they drive this way. Bella’s eyes are filling with tears while she contemplates her fate.

  “I choose you guys.”

  I smirk. “Get on the back of my bike and hold on.”

  I hold out my hand for her to grab and help her off the ground. My bike is just around the corner from the house in a safe place so The Spiders wouldn’t fuck with it. By the time we get to the bikes, she’s shaking.

  “I’ve never ridden on a bike before,” she murmurs quietly.

  “Don’t worry. I got you.”

  I’m sure there are many firsts Bella hasn’t done yet.

  And for the first time in a long time, I’m excited for what the future holds.

  My house isn’t too far from Bella’s old house and we’re there in about ten minutes, which is good. Feeling her warm body pressed up against mine for the past ten minutes has made my dick so hard it could hammer nails.

  I’m definitely going to need to reduce some stress tonight.

  We’re pulling up in my driveway where she’s going to be staying until we can get our money and guns that we are owed, when I feel panicked. It’s been a long time since I’ve lived with someone or even had a woman over.

  A very long time.

  I park my bike in the garage, shutting off the engine with my thighs balancing the bike. “Swing your leg around so you can use both legs to get down. It will make it easier to get down.”

  “Thanks,” she mumbles as she follows directions.

  Once her feet are firmly on the cement ground, I climb off my bike. “How was that for your first time on the back of a bike?” On the back of my bike.

  Bella giggles and gathers all her hair into one hand. “It was great! I really liked it… Well, in spite of everything happening…”

  I know exactly what she’s thinking about. She’s nervous over what she thinks I’m going to make her do. I’m not going to make her do shit she doesn’t want to do.

  I stare off to my wooden door which leads into my house. My house that I’ve had been perfecting for the past five years and have made it my own. I bought the land off a brother who had to sell it to pay off some lawyers after getting pinched in a drug deal. He sold it to me for pretty cheap and I’ve built my house to be my solace from the MC world.

  That and to have a piece of normalcy when needed. When times get really fucking tough and I need to step away from the temptation, I go to my house. I don’t stay at the clubhouse in my room. Sure, I could always lock myself in my room, but the temptation gets to be too strong sometimes and I need to get out.

  Sure, some of the brothers have come over to take a look but I don’t usually have them over since we have the clubhouse. And the clubhouse has club pussy. A shit ton of club pussy.

  There’s always a set of women who flock to the club as they are attracted to the cut. The cut means danger and bad boys with guns who do gang bangs and all that. Women are constantly throwing their pussies at us in hopes of a wild time or to become an ol’ lady. Ol’ ladies status is hard to come by and rarely happens for club pussy. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to be fucking some girl that all my brothers have fucked.

  Plus, there’s only about five brothers who have ol’ ladies. A majority of the brothers have kids with random women and it doesn’t mean they spend time with the women. Or even the kids, I should say.

  “Are you ready to go in?” I ask her.

  Bella stares at the ground for a moment, sucking in air. “I, uh, I…”

  “Spit it out,” I coach.

  “Fine. Are you going to force me to sleep with you?” She mumbles.

  I can’t help it, I laugh loudly at her assumption. Holy shit! This girl is a riot.

  “I’m glad you think I’m funny,” she grumbles with her hands on her hips.

  “Holy fuck, little girl.”

  Bella’s ears turn red from embarrassment. “I know how you clubs work. You take what you want and then throw the women off to the side.”

  That got me to stop laughing. “Look,
Bella. I don’t know what kind of shit your dad did to you or exposed you to. I don’t need to force a woman to have sex with me. Trust me, puddin’, you’re the one who’s gonna be beggin’ for it.”

  With that, I leave her to either follow me or get lost.


  I don’t know if it’s the sheer terror of being at a man’s house I’ve never met or if it’s the fact my virginity is begging to be taken from me. One of those two things is warring with my mind and I’m craving Beast.

  What kind of name is Beast anyway?

  I will tell you one thing, the man is built like a beast. His shoulders are broad, his shirt is stretched to the max to cover his muscles. I could feel the cotton of his shirt stretching on the ride over to his house. The man is so super sexy and so horribly wrong for me.

  Warm to the touch. Growly at times. He’s the epitome of a beast.

  I want him.

  The ride over here did absolutely everything to get me in the mood for Beast. The vibrations of the bike, the sexy way he handled the bike… Everything about him has me needing to fan my face. Like bad. Not to mention how wet I am between my legs.

  What do I even say to that? He’s not wrong.

  God damn it.

  “Thank you for, uh, saving me…”

  He turns his head to look at me while opening the door to the house. “Don’t mention it,” he replies with none of the playfulness he just had in his voice.

  I’ve been around the man for fifteen minutes, I almost died during that fifteen minutes. I’ve had my life changed during that same fifteen minutes and now I can’t help but feel bad I insulted the man.

  “I’m sorry for insulting you,” I say as I walk behind him into the house.

  And, oh my god, what a house! The kitchen is immaculate with stainless steel appliances, black cabinets, granite counter tops and huge overhead lighting that makes the room look like it belongs on one of those cooking shows. “This kitchen is amazing!” I gush.

  My mouth is wide open with my eyes moving all around to make sure I get the whole room in. With patio doors off to the side, I can see the outline to a pool. On the other side of the kitchen are two arch ways that lead into other rooms.

  I don’t know who this man is, but he sure put in a lot of money and time into making this house look good. It looks great!

  Beast’s low timbre of a laugh has my attention now and I turn to look at him. “What?” I question with an eyebrow raised.

  “What is it with girls and kitchens?” He chuckles.

  I giggle. “I guess it’s like guys and man caves,” I suggest using my best efforts to flirt with him.

  Beast places his hand on my back to lead me through the house. Each room on the bottom floor is as beautiful as the last. I can see through the windows that he lives on a lake with a couple of docks off it with boats attached. I love to go swimming and being on a boat… I’m hoping I can convince him to let me go out on one of the boats.

  My yawn is so huge I have to close my eyes and let out a deep breath to get through it. Beast chuckles and I don’t see him stop in front of me until I’m crashing into him. Our bodies clash against each other resulting in him putting his hands on my waist to steady me.

  For a second, I’m not the captive and he’s not that captor.

  I tip my head up for him to see my lips a little better. Beast’s eyes take in my face before settling on my lips. He licks his own lips clenching his jaw. I see the tick in the side of his chin and his Adam’s apple moving.

  His fingers grip my waist tighter bringing me closer to him so our bodies can touch completely. “Bella,” his voice sounds as if he’s struggling with something.

  “Beast,” I breathe his name. The tension between us is thick, almost to the point where I can gag on it.

  He pushes me away causing me to stumble trying to catch my footing. “This is your room,” he points to an open door to a room off the hallway.

  I look inside it trying to see if it’s as nicely decorated as the rest of the house. I’m even more impressed by the guest bedroom. “Who decorated your house?” I blurt without even meaning to.

  The guest bedroom is painted a tan color with white sheets and bedspread and deep brown wood flooring. My mouth is wide open as I take in the minimalistic design of his house, especially the guest bedroom.

  Instead of answering me, he opens the door wider and turns on the light. “If you need anything more, let me know and I will get it for you.”

  “What about my classes?” I ask. “I don’t want to lose my year and I’ve worked hard for my scholarships and everything…”

  He shrugs me off. “Don’t worry, princess, you’ll still go to school.”

  I let out a deep breath I didn’t know I was holding. “Thank you,” I mumble, turning my head around to see if he’s still behind me. “Good night,” I call out to his fleeting back.


  I had to be the fucking hero and rescue her from a life of servitude. I had to do it and now I’m hiding in my room like a fucking coward. I can’t be around the woman without wanting to lay her out in front of me and kiss her body all over.

  When my hands gripped her waist, she let out a little moan that made my whole situation a lot harder. I can’t fuck her into the mattress even if she’s begging for it with her eyes. I don’t need to trick her into bed or some shit.

  Plopping myself on my bed, I can still smell Bella on my clothes. Her body was pressed against mine the whole ride back here. Making our scents mingle in a sexy way.

  I just want one line… That’s it. One line and I can put it away again. Something to ease my mind from the war waging in it.

  My first year at Yale University, I did what every freshman was supposed to do, fuck my way through the female student body. It wasn’t until my sophomore year, I realized I might need to slow down. Christal, a girl who let me do anything with her body that I wanted, approached me at a party to inform me she was pregnant.

  Everything around me faded away and I held onto that for a couple of weeks. It wasn’t until I ran into her at the hospital, I found out the real truth. Turns out, Christal didn’t want to lose her scholarship to Yale because there was no way her parents could pay for the tuition, she had an abortion.

  “What did you just do?” I demanded in front of her.

  Christal held a piece of paper in her hand and a grim smile spread across her lips. “You honestly thought I was going to have your baby?” She snarls at me.

  If she would have shot me in the heart, it would have hurt less than the pain of hearing her admit it. “You killed our baby!” I yell.

  She jumps back. “I did us both a favor. If we would have had the baby, we would be nothing like your nothing family. We would have to drop out of school and everything.”

  I might not be the richest guy here, but I’ve been working on top of going to fucking school. I can’t believe she would assume I wouldn’t take care of her. I wouldn’t take of our baby. Fuck her. If I could, I would fucking kill her right here.

  “You’re such a fucking bitch. I hate you!” I yell at her in the middle of the hospital, not caring who heard me.

  When I went back to my dorm room that day, I destroyed it after I did something to help put my mind at ease. Unfortunately, it didn’t work the way everyone said it would. The shit didn’t numb me at first, it made me angry. Angry enough to set fire to the trash can holding my books and threw it out the window in hopes of getting expelled. Maybe if I got kicked out, it would stop the pain. I didn’t like Christal, or anything. She was just a school slut. However, she was pregnant with my kid and I would do anything for her and that kid.

  Needless to say, hearing you got some girl pregnant and then she tells you she had an abortion, that is a quick way to put the fire out on man whoring it up through out college. I did graduate at the top of my class with a degree in business. I don’t use the degree but I managed to graduate with honors.

  People think that just because I�
��m a biker, I’m stupid. Bella looked at me as if I didn’t have the class or taste to pull off decorating my house. That’s a common misconception because I ride a bike, it means I’m stupid. Fuck all of you guys for thinking that. I happen to have an MBA from Yale University.

  I rub a hand over my heart and look down at my wood floor. Having Bella here isn’t something I expected nor did I think I want. Did I really want to have an ol’ lady and a litter of kids? I never thought I would be one of those types of guys. The more I’m around her, the more I think I would like it.


  I reach for my phone and call Prince.

  “Yeah,” he answers after the third ring with his voice distracted. “This better be good.”

  “Just wondering if you came across anymore intel,” I mumble into the phone.

  He moans. “Dude, Beast, I’m in the middle of something right now. I’mma call you back later.”

  Before I can say anything, he hangs up.

  Maybe after a shower, I will feel a little more at ease in my own house. I can feel the tension from Bella and she wants me just as much as I want her. I could take her right now, she’s that ready for me.

  Stripping my clothes off as I enter my bathroom, I hear Bella scream. She’s screaming at someone begging them to leave her alone.

  I run straight to her bedroom from mine without bothering to put on clothes.


  He only comes to see me when it’s dark outside. He never comes to my bedroom when it’s light because he’s worried about getting caught. I don’t understand because he said what we are doing is natural.

  Whatever that’s supposed to mean.

  At first he would just touch me and tell me to watch him stick his hand down his pants. He looked so angry every time he would do it, grunting while telling me I’m a bad girl. After he finished grunting, he would always kiss me on the lips to tell me good night.

  I became used to the silence that fell around my room at night time right before he came into my room. Each night was always the same. It was quiet until I could hear his footsteps outside my door. The door to my room opening with just enough pressure to open it but not have it creak open.


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