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Beast (Diablos MC Book 1)

Page 8

by Eden Rose

  He grips my hips in his big hands then shoves his hard dick all the way through my resistance. My pussy flutters and screams then grows wet from the intrusion but loves every minute of it.

  Beast uses my hips to help guide him home.

  “Yes! Yes!” I moan loudly. “That feels so good!”

  I feel so full. I can’t even begin to explain it. The man fills me to max capacity and then some.

  One of his hands leaves my hip, he traces the outline of my hip all the way to the apex of my thighs. I feel the blunt force of his fingertip meet my clit and I scream.


  “Take it! That’s fuckin’ it. Take my dick, baby.”

  “Give it to me,” I moan.

  I’ve become so dirty after only knowing him for such a short amount of time and I’m surprised at myself. I’m surprised at how natural it feels to be with him like this. I’m even more surprised as to how much I love it.

  I think I love him.

  He doesn’t let up, he fucks me harder than before. My clit is rubbed and manipulated in such a delicious way.

  Then suddenly he stops.

  “Get on top.”


  Don’t get me wrong, I’m loving the view from the back but I want to watch those tits bounce up and down as she takes her pleasure.

  Sliding out of her hot and wet pussy almost made me want to cry from frustration. Her pussy is so greedy and tries to suck me back in. I tease her and myself by thrusting in her deeply then dropping to the bed.

  I help her get on top of me, she’s nervous, I can tell, however, she’s fucking gorgeous.

  “Just make yourself feel good, baby. That’s all you gotta do. Whatever makes you feel good, makes me feel good.”

  She nods.

  Her knees are resting on either side of my thighs with her hot pussy burning my flesh ever so slightly. I shiver slightly at the loss of her warmth.

  “Bella,” I whisper. She looks up at me nervously. “Give me that mouth.”

  Her lips descend onto mine, passionately. I use both my hands to guide her hips over and around my dick to help her get used to the movements I want her to be doing. All she has to do is just let herself feel it, and she will be all right.

  She’s the best fuckin’ person I’ve ever been with.

  I meant it when I told her earlier I wasn’t ever going to let her go.

  I reach between our bodies, line my dick up with her hole and let her impale herself on me with a satisfied moan. It’s loud, flowing through my whole room. I don’t give two shits if the guys are listening to me pleasure my woman.

  Our tongues tangle in the middle in a intimate kiss when I feel myself bottom out inside of her. It’s quick and hard.

  “Fuck!” Bella shouts.

  She leans up a little throwing her hair back over shoulders. Her little ass is bopping up and down on my dick with precision. I believe my girl has finally got her confidence!

  “That’s it, baby,” I croon. “Fuck. You’re so good,” I moan.

  “Beast, my body… I don’t know… Shit!”

  Her body is overcome with shivers and shakes just as she collaspses on my chest with a thud. Rooting my feet into the bed, I fuck her from below. She mewls her moans but it’s magic in my ears.

  “I’m gonna come,” I warn.

  “Give it to me,” she moans into my neck.

  Briefly I consider pulling out since I’m not wearing any protection. That’s only briefly. The thought of Bella swollen with my child makes me shoot my load quicker. I bet she would look beautiful with my baby growing in her.


  “Is it that good every time?” Bella whispers while I clean her up.

  Her body is still heated to the touch from our latest session. I’ve fucked her two more times and each time was better than the last.

  The woman is insatiable.

  I won’t complain.

  “With you, I’m thinking the answer is yes.”

  She giggles. “You’re an animal.”

  “That’s why they call me Beast.”

  “What’s your real name?” Bella asks.

  “I’ll never tell,” I reply.

  “I won’t tell anyone. I did let you take my virginity.”

  I chuckle. “You didn’t let me take it, you threw it at me, baby. Nice distinction.”

  “I’ve never met a biker with vocabulary like yours,” she murmurs dreamily.

  I throw the used washcloth onto the floor and climb into bed behind her. I pull her tightly to my chest. “You probably won’t, either. Want to know a secret?” I dangle in her ear.

  She turns to look over at me over her shoulder. “Uh duh. Of course.”

  “I have an MBA from Yale.”

  Bella turns in bed to look at me. “You do not!”

  “Yes, I do. Graduated with it in 2010.”

  “So, you’re like really smart.”

  I shrug. “I guess.”

  “Yep, never met anyone like you.”

  I kiss her shoulder. “And you won’t, baby.”

  There’s a pounding on the door interrupting us and I growl at the door. “What the fuck? Someone better be dying or already dead!” I yell.

  “Beast, if you’re done fuckin’ the poor girl, we need you,” Dragon calls through the door.

  “Why the fuck do you need me?”

  “Someone broke into your house.”

  That put me into motion.

  “Get dressed, baby.”

  Whoever the fuck broke into my house better be long gone because I’m gonna kill them. I’m kill them and then set their body on fire for everyone to see what happens when you fuck with a Diablo.

  Bella’s pressed against my back and shivering from the piercing wind as we ride back to my house. I’ve got all the brothers with me and all I can think about is getting back to the clubhouse and getting a patch on Bella.

  The girl belongs to me.

  Prince is riding in the front as always, but due to the situation, I think I should be the fuckin’ one who’s leading everyone to my house. It’s my house they broke into.

  Bella’s fingers grip me tightly through the worn out threads of my cotton tee-shirt. Her nails slightly bite through the fabric but not enough to actually hurt me. I find great comfort and power from having her here with me.

  I’ve never been one to understand why people wanted their ol’ ladies with them all the time until this moment. The thought of Bella not doing this ride with me, sickens me. The thought of her stuck in that house as someone broke into my home, trashed it like they did hers, pisses me off.

  What’s worse, I know she’s fuckin’ freaked out and there’s not much I can do to ease that.

  We park our bikes in front of my house. Just by looking at it, I can tell someone’s been inside of it that shouldn’t have been. The front door has been kicked in and the lights are on inside. That’s something I’ve always managed to do, turn off the lights no matter what.


  “God damn it. Fuck. Mother fuckers. Those cock sucking mother fucking assholes!” I mumble under my breath.

  Bella’s standing off to the side looking around the house to see if there’s anyone that’s going to find her. Or something. That’s when I notice she’s struggling with something more than that.

  “What’s wrong, baby?”

  “I, I, I, uh, I don’t know if right now is the best time…” She hedges.

  I close the distance between us, place my hands on her cheeks to get her too look at me. Her blue eyes don’t sparkle like they normally do from the pleasure I’m giving her, instead they are kind of duller. I don’t like it.

  She reaches into her back pocket and hands me a picture.

  I hold the picture in my hand, it’s not very large, and see it’s Bella and I. We’re in the middle of fucking.

  Someone took a picture of us. At my house.

  “Those fuckin’ Spiders are all gonna fuckin’ die!” I yell making Bella flinch.r />

  I knew I would be making Beast mad with the picture. I knew he wouldn’t necessarily be happy with the fact someone caught us in such an intimate act. What I didn’t think was the repercussions of what could happen to the person who did it.

  That person is going to be fucked.

  Tears well up into my eyes as Beast holds the picture using his thumb to cover my body, to show his brothers. I feel defeated. I feel as if I’m a piece of fucking shit and there’s nothing more I can do to prevent myself from feeling that way.

  I’m scared. I’m so scared. I’m so scared of what can happen if The Spiders are found. I’m beyond scared.

  Its not long before I feel my knees give out. I feel defeated and it’s when I feel a steely drip holding my elbows do I feel an ounce of comfort.

  “Baby, you didn’t do anything wrong. Fuck those guys. I’m gonna fuckin’ kill them!” Beast promises as he holds me up.

  Dragon rests his hand on my back. “Sweetheart, we’ll fuckin’ kill these bastards. Don’t worry.”

  “I don’t want them to die…” I murmur with a watery smile.

  Beast’s eyes slay into mine. “Bella, those fuckers broke into our house and took pictures of what’s mine. I’m not fuckin’ cool with this.”

  Our house?

  Took pictures of what was his?

  I’ll take it!

  The moments like this, where he’s looking at me as if I’m precious to him, are the moments that make me think maybe he really cares for me.

  He kisses me hard while sliding his hands into mine.

  “This is how we’re gonna fuckin’ do it. We’re gonna search each room to see what the assholes took and then we’re gonna go over there and set some shit on fire!” Prince announces with a vengeance.

  I’ve never seen the president act with such valor. The way he talks is captivating.

  “Baby, are you gonna be okay in there?” Beast asks me gently.

  I nod, completely lying. I’m not okay. I’m the opposite of okay right now. There’s nothing about me that is okay. But, I will fake it.

  “You’re such a little liar,” he calls me out with a wink. “I should pull you over my knee and spank that little ass of yours for lying.”

  “Okay,” I blurt without realizing it.

  He winks.


  His house is completely fucking trashed. There’s not one thing in here that’s not trashed. I look around the living room, where everything he had was so neatly decorated, it’s torn to shreds.

  Beast leaves me in the living room to go through the bedrooms and all I can hear is him yelling and griping about how The Spiders fucked his shit up.

  “How’re you holdin’ up?” One of the older brothers asks me.

  I’ve never talked to him before. He’s got a beer belly, a long pony-tail which is braided down his back and a beard that reaches his breast bone.

  “Uh,” I murmur.

  He chuckles. “I’m Bishop. It’s cool you didn’t know who I am. I’ve been dealin’ with some home shit more than club shit. I came over today and got drafted to come here.”

  The way the man talks to me, I can tell he’s sincere. He’s not going to bull shit me or use anything I say against me.

  “I’m scared,” I admit.

  He pats my shoulder. “That’s to be expected.”

  “Is this how life is like here?” I ask him nervously.

  He shrugs. “Your dad was a heavy hitter for The Spiders, what do you think?”

  “My dad was a rat who ran,” I hedge.

  Bishop chuckles making his stomach jiggle a little. “Man, I should start comin’ around more.”

  I’m eager to turn the excitement away from me and put it onto him. Anything that will get my mind off of what happened here. Anything! I’m desperate.

  “Where have you been?” I ask him.

  He pats me on the shoulder again like he’s my dad. “Sweet cheeks, life has a way of fuckin’ with you. You have to look at the good while the bad fucks you in the ass. I dunno who you are or even if you like Beast, but that man is fiercely protective. You need to know that before you get involved with him.”

  Stupidly, I open my mouth and utter the words I can not take back. “I think I’m in love with him.”

  He winks then leaves me standing in the middle of the living room all alone. Well, not alone. There’s men running around and looking at this and that.

  There’s nothing for me to do, I sit on the chair, wrap my arms around my knees and wait for something. Anything to happen.

  Anything that will show me a sign that shit is going to be all right. I can’t handle anything more.


  Those mother fuckers break into my house? Those mother fuckers take pictures of what’s mine and think they can get away with it? I’m half cocked and ready to fuckin’ blow right now.

  I can’t even concentrate on doing inventory of my house right now. Everything in here can be replaced besides the one room in the house. That one room could never be replaced. If anyone were to go into it, I would fuckin’ kill them and everyone they love.

  I rub a hand down my face as I pace through my house. “Fuck!” I shout.

  I know Bishop’s in the living room talking to Bella which is a complete surprise. The man’s taken a lot of time off to be with his family- completely understandable.

  “Beast!” Prince shouts at me.

  My hand recoils from almost punching a hole in the wall. I didn’t even realize I was about to punch a wall until Prince drew my attention from it.

  He grabs me by my cut and shoves me against the wall with a loud thud. A couple other brothers hurry to gather around to make sure we’re okay- he waves them off.

  My eyes squint, my jaw tightening and ticking from grinding my teeth. He’s about to be become my next enemy and I don’t think he’s ready to fuckin’ go head to head with me.

  “What’s your problem, prez?” I shout.

  Prince’s eyes widen then narrow. “I know you’re pissed as fuck right now. You’ll not blow this fuckin’ shit. We’re gonna handle it. The right way. My call. Go tend to your girl and we’ll have a meetin’ at the clubhouse.”

  “They fucked with my house!” I yell.

  He gets closer to my face. “You wanted the girl, you got the girl. You’re only showin’ her that you can’t take care of her. Is that what you want? To show that girl who’s lost everything that you can’t take care of her?”

  I don’t take my eyes off of him. That’s how people get sucker punched and I’m not interested in getting sucker punched. Fuck that. “How can I protect a girl when they’re takin’ pictures of me fuckin’ her?” I ask defeatedly.

  When it comes down to it, the stuff can be replaced. Bella can’t.

  He shrugs. “That’s something you’re gonna have to figure out. Get your head outta your ass and take her back to the clubhouse. We’ll get Dragon to pull the tape outside and see who trashed it.”

  I look at him for a hard minute to see if he will falter. He doesn’t. His face is set and his body language tells me he’s done with this conversation. Fuck. There’s not fuckin’ shit I can do.

  “All right,” I mumble unhappily.

  His hands let my cut go and I walk over to Bella who’s talking to Bishop still.

  “What are you majoring in?” He asks.

  “Science. I love science,” she answers innocently.

  Why didn’t I think to ask any of these types of questions? Instead, I take her back to my bed and fuck her like she’s an animal. I’ve never tried to get to know her outside of what her body likes.

  “I liked science too when I was in school. You’ve got a good head on your shoulders. You be careful with my boy, all right?”

  She nods.

  Bishop gets off the chair and walks past me with a nudge. “Don’t fuck it up by being you,” he murmurs.

  “Thanks, brother. That’s comforting.”

  “I try.”<
br />
  I get down to my knees in front of Bella and place my hands on her thighs. “Are you okay, baby?”

  She shrugs. “I don’t know. I’m just bad luck. None of this would have happened if I would have just stayed with The Spiders…”

  Her words hit me like knives.

  “That’s not true. This war’s been brewin’ since a few years ago when some lady died.”

  Her eyes widen. “What lady?”

  “Some lady your dad was seein’ or somethin’ got…”

  That’s when it clicked.

  “Holy shit. That was your mom?” I ask her.

  “Where’s Peter?” Dozer asks the woman again for the fourth time.

  She shakes her blonde head. “I don’t know! I don’t know anything!”

  “You’re fuckin’ lying. You know something and you’re not telling us it. What do you know?” He yells.

  I’ve just patched in and I’m standing off to the side watching a scene I never want to watch again. Dozer’s a man of action and he doesn’t give two shits where he gets the information he needs.

  Peter’s an enforcer for The Spiders MC but he has a big problem paying his shit back. The longer he doesn’t pay us back, the more trouble he gets himself in.

  Right now, he owes only ten grand. Not a lot considering the fact he’s worth a lot of money.

  “I don’t know anything about Peter. He’s my ex. I swear to you!” She begs.

  I believe the woman. There’s times a woman will lie to protect the man she loves and then there are times she just doesn’t know. This is one of those times she just doesn’t know where he is.

  “He’s behind on child support, too,” she adds as if that will help her.

  Dozer’s hands tighten into fists but then he lets unravel. “When was the last time you saw him?” He asks.

  “A year or two ago. I’m telling you the truth!” She yells in the middle of the street.

  I’m surprised there aren’t as many neighbors out wanting to know what’s happening. In fact, the neighborhood is pretty much dead.

  That was until we heard a gun shot ring out.

  Her body falls with a sudden thud and we all turn to see who’s holding the gun.


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