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Then, There's Love (Revealing)

Page 17

by Rena Manse

  Ashley gnawed the inside of her lip. “My mother knows of this?”

  His eyes narrowed. “She didn’t say anything? She knows why she’s being fired, what she’s looking for, but nothing of what I’ve told you about the will.”

  How could her mother know and not let on? “I don’t believe it. An inheritance can’t cover that kind of money if you’re talking about a company Revealing’s size.”

  He threw out a figure of hundreds of millions. “When I turned twenty-one he matched the balance, and told me the stipulations of the trust and investments. Interest is considerable. To tell you the truth, I think Val’s been sneaking in some funds. So, yeah, it’ll do a pretty good job of getting us on par.”

  She shook out of her frozen state. Val herself lived a frugal life. She’d mentioned her late husband took measures to ensure his family’s care. How he’d kept pennies for himself and gave to others.

  “It’s incredible that your grandfather started a little cosmetics company for African Americans. And look where it is today.” She chuckled, a fake-sounding, high-pitched noise that never should have made it out.

  “Making money doesn’t differentiate race.”

  “Millions of ethnic women pour their hard-earned living into your cosmetics. Trust me, it’s race.”

  “Just—Ashley—do you understand the situation here?”

  She tried not to. Leave me to my clueless sanctuary.

  “We know about three accounts, and it’s a whole separate legal issue to claim them. Until then, Revealing Raes needs to keep afloat. Granddad knew I wouldn’t need what he left me. It’s a bonus. I swore at twenty-one I’d be a bachelor forever.”

  A one-sided, shy grin flashed his fond memory. Ashley’s heart melted.

  He shook his head. “Val can’t know any of this. I could never explain why one of her sister’s sons cheated and embezzled what her dead husband worked so hard to acquire. Whatever the press fabricated over the years never came close until now. I need it to die. In her world, simple values are upheld. Family is strong. We’d never cheat one another. This—she wouldn’t be able to take this.”

  Chills shimmied up Ashley’s spine. She’d come close to informing Valerie of Aaron’s unscrupulous business tactics on numerous occasions. And, he wasn’t unscrupulous at all.

  “You’re trying to save a desperate situation,” she whispered. “I’m sorry.” The only way she knew her shame-ridden whisper reached him came from his accepting nod.

  “Thank you. The problem still needs to be fixed, and it can be without anyone outside the top executives finding out. I need your co-operation.”

  Her heart shuddered to be back in the spotlight. She bounced out of her chair, but stood behind it for the support. “I’m sure Miss Beverly won’t mind accommodating you.”

  “I don’t want to accommodate anything.” He’d growled it like she should have known she’d hit a nerve. “You’re here. The one desperate enough to agree. Keep it in the family, so to speak. You’ll be adequately compensated.” They stared at each other while he shifted in his seat, eyes darting to the newspaper. “Maybe save a little face.”

  Because she had a non-existent love life?

  “Your mother will be free to remain at the job she loves so much. In the end she won’t have to know what happened, only that a resolution presented itself and she’s in the clear. No harm done. No grudges.”

  “Only Mom is being fired? All this time I thought it was a management thing.”

  “We couldn’t draw attention to it, or Uncle Trent.”

  “So, Kavin, he’s…”

  “Looks harmless but he doubles as the company executioner.”

  Panic slapped her insides. She’d left her mother with the company executioner?

  “You don’t take the Chief Operations Officer and stick him in a temp job for nothing. The public thinks he’s there because it’s our uncle who passed. Val believes along the same lines.” Aaron’s voice grew soft. “We do this, my grandmother stays safe. End of story. Your mother’s happy, the company’s happy, I’m happy.”

  “I’ll be married. To you.”

  “Ever hear of annulments, Ashley? No consummation, no consequence. It’s only to satisfy the requisite of the will. I don’t want anything else from you.”

  They locked eyes again. Her breathing quickened. “Everyone will know what I’ve done to myself. You, me, the minister, your executives, lawyers, the government, God Omniscient.”

  “Let me take care of all that.”

  “God Omniscient? I bet you will. Did it occur to you, Mr. I’ll-take-care-of-it, that I wouldn’t accept?” Didn’t want anything else from her? Surely he expected favors from the woman to whom he gave his name. That was currency. Did he hunt for a marriage victim the second his business went under? “Is this why you had the business dinner?”

  Eyes narrowed as he stood and made his way toward the door. “That’s the closest we came to making Revealing a public company. Dish out the sarcasm all you want, but there’s a date for your mother to take her final walk down the halls. Need to set our own date, darling.”

  “Have I agreed?”

  “Have you declined?”

  Did he think she’d just jump at the chance to become Mrs. Aaron Gilyard?

  He pointed to the golden calendar atop the table beside the door, then leaned his back against the wall, sliding his hands into his pockets. “I don’t think you fully appreciate the magnitude of your refusal. If this isn’t resolved, when the public finds out they’ll look for someone to blame. The world will believe your mother lost money for the company.

  “Is that what you want? Her to go down in ill-repute because you’re afraid of a piece of paper? By then it’s out of my hands, Ashley. And you know the media has no mercy on people of questionable character who cheat other people out of their hard-earned living.”

  A headache tapped at her temples.

  “Sandra McKenny’s head is on the chopping block and you can save her.”

  “You only care about a company. This is people’s—”

  “My only concern is Valerie Gilyard!” The viper released his venom. He strode toward her, dark and threatening. “I’m a powerful man. I can do a lot of things. Mending her heart isn’t one of them.”

  Turning to the side, he scratched his temple with an index finger, looking like he contemplated his next chess move.

  “Your father invested in the stocks of his company before it went under, yes? Think about it. What would happen if word got out your mother advised him in the transaction? The public will think she gave bad advice to her husband. A soiled reputation will indubitably bar her from obtaining another position. Even if she starts her own business she’ll be pariah. And at her age, well, it’s not so easy to start over again, now is it?”

  Lightheadedness tipped her sensory reception…Oh, God, help me…her vision shrank…lungs tightened…

  “Your whole family could be black-balled in the business community. Your father accumulated serious debt as a result of his former investment, not reflected very well on him, by the way. Keeping afloat with the payments, is he?”

  Father, deliver from evil…sank in exactly what he was saying.

  “Your mother is a dud and an alleged embezzler. She’s trying to gain financial security for them—for you, Ash. I hear you’re no stranger to criminal records. Has either of your brothers ever been arrested—?”

  “You maggot!” Jolts of fear blasted her civility. Stop him. “How…could…you? That’s blackmail!”

  “I hardly think so—”

  “You hardly think? I could—” kill you. “Who gave you the right!”

  “I’m not saying anything that’s not already out there. In a few weeks the rest of the story will be public record. All of it.”

  “You had my whole family investigated and now you’re blackmailing me like a common crook. I’ll marry you when pigs fly, you greedy, perverted freak!”

  She stomped to the door, but as
she opened it, the handle slipped from her fingers as her escape slammed shut. A dead-lock fist clamped over the lever. Did he truly believe she would agree to this? It was absurd.

  “I’ve killed many reputations in my day. That’s not what I’m doing here. There’s more at stake than your prissy comfort zone.”

  “Mooove,” she growled. “I don’t want to be near you.”

  Aaron shoveled his shoulder into the door when she launched for the handle “We don’t have to like each other. You care for your family just as I do for mine, and we’ll do anything to keep them safe. So trust me on this, I’ll fight with everything in my arsenal to protect Val.”

  Alarm white-blinded her. Ashley McKenny against the Revealing empire?

  “What happened to the woman kicking the life out of her car in the underground garage? Where’s the passion, Ashley?”

  “You idiot. You can’t use my family to get me to agree to this.” She tried once more for the door, but she’d have to go through him.

  “Oh, so all the fire’s pent up and wild, but when it’s time to harness it into something productive, you fall flat. We have an opportunity to help each other.”

  “You’re using me. I don’t like it.” She shouldered him out of the way, wrenched open the door and stocked out. Her arm was seized. She jerked away so hard, she spun around on his grip instead.

  “You know the situation your mother faces. Probably thought of all her options. Don’t be naive because I’m the one not afraid to say the truth out loud.”

  She wriggled her arm, but he took hold of both shoulders. Ashley shut her eyes tight, stamped her feet. Please, God, tell me I’m not refusing because of how he makes me feel. She needed to get away, but there was no hiding from what lived inside, and what awaited out.

  Save her mother, save her family’s reputation, save Valerie, save a conglomerate—save the world, and the vast universe while she was at it for Pete’s sake! Ridiculous!

  “What are you afraid of?”



  She opened her eyes.

  “I know it’s hard to be objective, but don’t refuse because it’s me asking.”

  “You’re taking marriage as a joke. My objections are perfectly reasonable.”

  He slackened his hold. “I haven’t heard any except that I’m a perverted freak. I can live with that.”

  An awkward pause kept her eyes lowered. Was it all right to laugh? She’d try, but that would shatter her angry funk. Despite the shouting they’d done, neither one seethed with rage. Aaron tapped a finger under her chin. She met his eyes, staring her fear in the face while his thumb played over her lips.

  “You’ve kept my secrets, and more. I’m grateful, but I need to ask you to do it one more time. You and your family benefit in the long run.”

  “It’s not right.”

  “That’s what you always say. It’s your blanket answer for everything about us.” His fingers danced over her cheek. His words softened. “I’m sorry to pressure you. But I’m not asking you to give up your beliefs, stop fighting long enough to see that. I’ll take very good care of you.”

  “I don’t care about your money. I can’t agree to it because it’s not a real marriage.”

  “That depends on your definition of a real marriage. We’re right as partners. I’m trusting you with a lot here.”

  She wiped fake moisture from her eye, annoyed to be covering her feelings. “Yeah, well, you shouldn’t.”

  “I don’t think I have a choice in the matter.”

  “Marriage isn’t a cure, Aaron.”

  “It is for us.”

  Something resonated. Could he be making sense? She couldn’t believe he had her considering it. No. No! It is wrong! So wrong! It boiled down to a marriage of convenience. Her brain splintered. Marriages of convenience ruled in many places. Marriages of convenience stopped wars, created unbreakable alliances, mended feuds. How could she argue when a union with Aaron offered a remedy for both families and so much more?

  Her protest ceased when she found her head a weight in his caressing hand.

  The other day he’d asked if she could sacrifice herself for her family in the name of love. His love guarded Val, and all he asked was her commitment. Perhaps he’d summed her up just right; she couldn’t be passionate enough.

  But it was more than her. Frightened of what she’d be doing before God, her breath hitched and she shook her head. Aaron cupped his palms on either side of her neck. His thumbs caught her jaw and stilled her head. Would you marry for love? Yes. Love of what?

  “I can’t do this.”

  “Shhh. Ashley.” He held her face. “When we were together the other night you talked about knowing what’s important. This is important.”

  “That was about God and keeping my body.”

  “I respect that. I see who you are, and I won’t take advantage of you when we’re married. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t things I can’t compromise because they’re equally as important to me. Val and the integrity of my family come first.”

  He shouldered the responsibility of his family’s actions. And a part that family had been in the wrong. Was she selfish not to risk her safe life for her family members who were innocent? She didn’t know what to think. Light brown eyes dimensioned with ash told her the decision affected more than their futures. If she stared long enough she’d believe it.

  Aaron nodded, asking for compliance, then he leaned in, planting a tender peck on her forehead. It soothed her, and he held there, breathing just below her hairline until the only sound was the hypnotic rhythm. She put her hand over his and tried to control her rushing pulse as the length of his body heat coated her.

  The stillness extended along with Aaron holding her for a kind minute. Too afraid to ask, she wished he’d wrap his arms around her. This was too much.

  Tears, hot and stinging, leaked from her tight lids. Aaron pulled back and smudged a streak on her cheek, following it with an open-mouthed kiss.

  “We’ll be okay.” His breath a cool whisper on her wet, heated skin, drugged her.

  His confidence enveloping her like a warm sheet, Aaron touched an old tear beside her mouth and might have chased that with a kiss, too. He could have tried, but an exhale escaped her lips with her decision, and Ashley knew she’d have turned to capture him. When he hesitated at her reaction, she guessed he knew it. His hands angled her head for him to take what he wanted.

  He didn’t move, and after a second, his gaze shifted over her shoulder. She’d never seen him spooked before, so she turned to see what he stared at. Valerie sat at the library door smiling. Ashley’s heart leapt to her throat.

  “Is that marriage you two are discussing?” The beam across her face said she already knew. When neither answered, Val laughed and raised both a shaky cast and a quivering fist in triumphant excitement. “I don’t believe it. Aaron, you’re getting married!”

  Tidal waves drowned Ashley. Through the crashing surfs she watched Aaron take her hand and kiss the palm.

  “That’s right, Grandmother.”

  Maybe she imagined the vein strung taut at the side of his neck, the involuntary twitch contracting his hand muscles around her trembling fingers. His distant eyes glazed, but his smile matched an overjoyed Valerie.


  Valerie and Janet showered her with kisses. Ashley laughed for crying, living in the delirious haze to protect her sanity from reality. After a mental blackout, she watched Janet’s back as the woman’s words became intelligible on her hurried path to the kitchen. She’d prepare a meal to melt their souls.

  Val giggled and turned to face them. “I should have known you were involved.” A mischievous smile, so like Aaron’s, punctuated her blue eyes alternating between them. “The way you always look at each other, I could have cooked ham.”

  Earth. Open. Now.

  Ashley didn’t need ham with her special side of beef.

  “Ashley and I are well
aware you have eyes.”

  She knew she was in trouble when Aaron blushed under his grandmother’s scrutiny. “And, a special portfolio set aside for this occasion.” Val took one of their hands in each of hers. “Starting with an engagement party.”

  “Valerie!” Ashley’s heart flopped around in her throat. “That’s not necessary.”


  “Grandmother. This is all pretty new for the both of us.” As he spoke, Val placed their hands together, and rubbed. “We’ll hold off on any announcements for the time being.”

  Val kissed the back of his hand, and turned her chair back down the hall. “You two have enough to worry about. Let this be my gift to you. Goodness, I haven’t planned a good party in a long time. By the time you’re ready to announce, it’ll be ready. Ooh, I’m so happy.”

  Ashley stared at Val wheeling away, afraid any news to the contrary would kill her. She scratched her head.

  “And, Aaron...” Valerie stopped her chair. Peering back, she winked. “It’s about time.”

  Any chance of backing out disintegrated. With Valerie gone, Ashley whipped her hand away. “Look what you’ve done.”

  His countenance darkened. “Quiet.”

  Ashley squeezed her head between clammy palms and tried to keep her brain from exploding. Why hadn’t she said anything? “I didn’t agree to this. Do you know what kind of position you’ve put me in?” With arms still akimbo on her head, he dragged her by the elbow into his office. “How can you live with yourself after this? How can you lie through your teeth to your grandmother’s face?”

  “You seem to forget I’m not the only one harboring secrets.” He grimaced as he tossed the door closed. “What do you propose I do? She expects me to be married, and if it kills me I’m going to do just that.”

  “If it k—? Do you hear yourself? You’re a grown man!”

  “Let me think.”

  Ashley took her shaky legs on a walk around the room. Rattling her hands in front of her, she moaned. “What have I done? I didn’t agree to this. I didn’t sign up for this. You said this would stay between us.”


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