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Thief: A Bad Boy Romance

Page 21

by Aubrey Irons

  The world starts to spin a little as I watch in almost slow-motion as his hand slips into his pocket and comes back out.

  With my necklace.

  “Ivy Hammond?”

  Oh what is happening.

  “Marry me.”

  He looks up at me, his eyes full, his lips slightly parted.

  “Again, or, I don’t know, stay married to me.”

  I’m speechless for one second, feeling the eyes of my whole family on me.

  Another second ticks by as I try and even comprehend what’s happening, and try and slow the thudding of my heart enough to even say the word I’m trying to say.

  Sierra sighs loudly behind me. “Oh say yes. We all know you’re going to no matter what anyone says anyways.”

  My dad chuckles, and Silas grins.

  “Marry me, Ivy,” he says, reaching out and holding my hand. “Stay with me.”

  And then the word does manage come out. The only word I’ve ever been able to say to the man kneeling in front of me who was once the boy doing the same thing.


  It comes tumbling out before I’m falling into him, feeling his arms go around me, feeling him spin me around as my mom and my sisters go nuts and Rowan and my dad grin and nod.


  Chapter Forty-One


  I’m back at the house I used to know, on the back porch overlooking the backyard about to have a real, straight out-of-a-Rockwell-painting Hammond family dinner.

  And I couldn’t be more excited.

  Irene’s cooking, Rowan’s making smart-ass comments about me and his sister, Stella’s playing big sister and telling me to make myself useful and shuck corn.

  Ivy is sitting on my lap, her hand in mine.

  And it’s all exactly how I remember it.

  Well, the beer in my hand was given to me by Jacob instead of me stealing it out of his fridge when he wasn’t looking, but besides that?

  Exactly the same.

  “So now what?”

  I grin at Ivy, pulling her against me as I sit back against the railing of the back porch.

  “I’m open to ideas.”

  “Well,” she says, matter-of-factly. “I’m being sued by my management company.”

  “I have no job and live on a houseboat.”

  She laughs, turning in my arms to kiss me.

  Goddamn this is perfect.

  “We’ve got each other.”

  She rolls her eyes. “I’m going to ignore how cringingly cliché that was.”

  “Long as you keep kissing me, gorgeous,” I grin at her. “You ignore anything else you want.”

  She smiles as she presses her lips to mine. And there’s just a hint of tongue before there’s a coughing sound from behind her. She breaks away sharply, both of us going red as we look up at Jacob Hammond.

  He raises a single brow at me sternly.


  I clear my throat, trying to hide my grin. “Sir?”

  “Special Agent Riley is here.” He crosses his arms over his broad chest, looking at me with a stony gaze.

  “He’d like a word.”

  Ivy slips off my lap, and I’m standing from my seat when the screen door to the back porch swings open.

  “Now, you’re sure you wouldn’t like to stay for a drink or something, Agent Riley?”

  Yep, there’s Irene, offering the damn FBI agent some Hammond hospitality.

  Agent Riley smiles at her, shaking his head. “No, ma’am, but thank you.”

  He turns his eyes to me, and I can feel my heart draw up a little inside my chest.

  “Mr. Hart.” He steeples his hands in front of his chest, raising a brow at me.

  Fuck. This is it. This is where I get hauled in for being in that van, or for even being a fucking associate of my uncle.

  “Look, I don’t want a scene, Agent,” I mutter as I draw my head up high and meet his look. “Not here, not in this hou-”

  “You’re in the clear, Hart.”

  I blink, the words tripping over themselves in my mouth before I frown at him.

  “Excuse me?”

  “I said you’re in the clear.”

  “Sir, I-”

  Ivy elbows me in the ribs and kicks my shin at the same time.

  I clear my throat and shrug at Agent Riley. “I mean, yeah, of course I’m in the clear.” I smile broadly at him. “I mean it’s not like I did anything, right?”

  He raises a single brow at me, clearly suppressing the grin.

  “So you wouldn’t know anything about an attempted robbery at the North Shore Shipping office down in Lynn?”

  My brows perk up.

  Attempted robbery?

  Agent Riley smirks at me. “Relax, Silas, I told you you’re in the clear. Your uncle on the other hand,” he shrugs, another smirk coming to his face, “well, not so much.”

  “And just what sort of trouble might my dear uncle have gotten himself into, Agent?”

  Ivy elbows me again, and Agent Riley arches another brow.

  “Don’t get cute, Hart. We got a tip-off call from your aunt right before Declan and his little pals tried to hit the offices.”


  Agent Riley looks at me sharply. “I’d send that aunt some flowers, if I were you. When she called, she wanted us to be sure to know that you,” he jabs a finger at my chest, “that you were ‘one of the good ones’.”

  I grin.

  “I’m going to need you to come down at some point and answer some basic questions, but other than that, I don’t think we’ll be seeing each other much.”

  I frown, that last lingering thought in my head scratching to get out.

  “So, that’s it?”

  He nods slowly. “Declan and this Jerry character had prints that checked out with an open case - this armored truck robbery down outside Boston about eight years ago.”

  He grins thinly at me. “But of course, a good kid like you wouldn’t know a damn thing about that, would he.”

  I swallow.

  Agent Riley chuckles. “Relax. The prints match up, and I’m pretty a-okay closing an otherwise dead case. What do you think?”

  I bring my hand up and run my fingers through my hair. “I’ve lately decided that cleaning up lingering messes is a good idea.”

  He grins. “Let me know if you ever finish that tour guide for Dublin,” he half-turns to the backdoor.


  He steps back into the kitchen, thanking Jacob and Irene and apologizing for interrupting dinner.

  And then he’s gone.

  And another chapter closes.

  “You are not that lucky,” Ivy mutters into my ear.

  I laugh as I turn and scoop her into my arms, pulling her against me.

  “Oh yeah? Think I should go correct his mistake?”

  “Don’t you even think about leaving me,” she murmurs, throwing her arms around my neck and kissing me.

  “Alright, alright,” Jacob growls behind us, breaking us apart again.

  He wags a finger at me. “Watch those hands under my roof, son,” he says with an arched brow and a grin on his face.

  Ivy goes bright red.

  “Shall we eat?”

  Irene steps onto the back porch with a tray of barbecue chicken.

  We follow her and Jacob down the steps and through the yard to the big wooden table - Rowan, Stella and Carter, Sierra, and Ivy.

  And me.

  All together, sitting at one table, eating one family meal.

  Exactly how I remember.

  And damn is it perfect.

  Chapter Forty-Two


  I wake up in the morning to the smell of bacon.

  Yep, I’m home.

  I feel like I’ve been thinking about how much this feels like home ever since I got here, except it hasn’t quite been there. It hasn’t quite felt perfect until this very morning, because something was missing.

  And no, it
wasn’t bacon cooking.

  It’s the man I know is sleeping on the couch down in the basement rec room.

  Silas, of course.

  Yes, I’m twenty-six years old. Yes, I’m a grown adult woman capable of having mature, adult relationships. Yes I’m married, for crying out loud. But my dad letting Silas Hart share a bed with me under his roof?

  Not in a million years.

  Some things never do change.

  I swing my legs out of bed and stretch, glancing at the phone still lying on the pillow next to where I slept and feeling my face get red. He might have been on the couch downstairs, but that didn’t stop a very steamy string of texts followed by a hushed, gasping phone conversation to take place anyways.

  I pull on my old softball t-shirt and a pair of loose pajama pants, ducking my face in front of a mirror and doing…something with my hair before I open my bedroom door and head downstairs. The smell of bacon, pancakes, and sweet, sweet coffee hits my nostrils, getting stronger with every step.

  The hallway door to the basement cracks open as I get to the bottom of the stairs, and I stop and grin at the sleepy, bleary-eyed man still pulling a shirt on that steps out into the light.

  “Hey sleeping beauty.”

  He jumps at the sound of my voice before he turns and grins at me.

  “Hey yourself, gorgeous.”

  He glances behind him at the sound of voices down the hall in the kitchen before he pulls me against him, kissing my lips.

  I wink at him. “You look tired. Did you sleep well?”

  Silas’s eyes flash at mine as he pulls me against him again. “Someone kept me up, actually.”

  “Oh?” I smile innocently.

  “You know,” he murmurs. “This someone has developed quite a dirty little mouth since the last time I had phone calls like that with her.”

  I blush scarlet at the memory of the night before.

  “And I can’t wait to learn more about it,” he growls, his hand sliding up my side and brushing against my breast.


  The sound of my mother’s voice calling from the kitchen has us jumping apart. We both catch it and roll our eyes, realizing we’re still acting like this is some sort of illicit teen romance instead of the two married adults we actually are.

  We turn towards the kitchen, but I stop short, frowning at what’s sitting in the foyer by the front door.

  “Who’s are those?”

  Two suitcases - one jet black and silver and very important looking and the other a very expensive Prada bag lie next to each other in the middle of the floor by the door.

  I turn to see Silas looking as puzzled as I am.

  “No idea?” He grins. “Maybe it’s for us? Think they’re trying to tell us something?”

  I laugh. “Yeah, right. Irene would have us live here if we’d go for it.”

  “Would that still entail me spending every fucking night on that shitty sofa downstairs?”

  I nod. “Most certainly.”

  Silas laughs before taking my hand. “C’mon, lets go get some coffee.”

  The sound of laughter and boisterous conversation gets louder and louder until we step into the kitchen and-

  And my jaw drops.

  “Kyle?!” I scream as my youngest brother looks up from his pancakes and jumps up from his chair.

  “Slimy! You’re up!”

  I shriek as I jump into his arms before looking over his shoulder and noticing a gorgeous, elegantly dressed girl who I’ve definitely seen in tabloid magazines.


  I pull away from Kyle and cringe at the goofy pajama outfit I’m wearing while I meet my brother’s girlfriend Vivian Ames - an actual socialite - for the first time.

  “Uh, hi, I-”

  “Dude, relax,” Kyle throws an arm over my shoulder as he grins at his girlfriend. “She’s a huge fan. She buys like every skin cream you market.”

  Vivian’s faces goes red and she rolls her eyes at my brother before giving me a sheepish look.

  “It’s true, I sort of stalk you on Instagram. And oh my God, I love your new yoga line!”

  I turn to my brother. “Oh, I like her-”

  I stop suddenly as I realize Kyle is ignoring me, staring and grinning at the kitchen doorway instead.

  “Well hell,” he says evenly. “Silas freaking Hart, back for breakfast at the Hammond house.”

  There’s only a second of hesitation before he suddenly grins and grabs Silas into a big bear hug.

  “Guess I should say welcome to the family, huh brother?”

  Apparently, Kyle’s been filled in.

  Silas steps away, a huge grin on his face as he stares at Kyle in disbelief. “What the hell are you doing here?”

  My dad coughs.

  “Heck, sorry,” Silas nods at my dad.

  Kyle shrugs, clapping him on the shoulder. “Look I’m sorry man, I got Rowan’s call like two weeks ago man. I’ve just been so busy. Work’s been taking all my time.”

  “Tell me about it.” Vivian sighs dramatically, bringing a laugh to the whole kitchen.

  “Hey, some of us have to work,” Kyle frowns.

  Rowan snorts. “Kyle, you’re literally a millionaire. Cry me a damn river, buddy.”

  Kyle grins sheepishly, but Silas looks at him curiously.

  “Phone call?”

  “About the company? Your company idea?”


  Kyle nods eagerly. “Dude, I’m in.”

  Silas’s jaw drops. “You’re in? Just like that? I haven’t even had a chance to tell you anything about it.”

  Kyle shrugs. “Eh, Rowan filled me in on the basics. I mean, I want to hash out some details with you, but I think we could kill it with this thing. Besides, I’m done grinding it with the Bureau, man. Apparently I’m not cut out for a regular desk job.”

  Silas is still shaking his head, a look of disbelief on his face. “Tell me you’re not messing with me, Kyle.”

  Our younger brother laughs. “I’m completely serious, man. I’m in for the whole thing. Let’s do it!”

  I shake my head as I step forward. “Hang on, hang on. You’re in for what exactly?” I raise a brow at Silas. “What company?”

  Kyle snorts. “She doesn’t know?”

  “No, I don’t.”

  He grins back at my husband. “Always with the secrets, this one.” He turns back to me. “A securities firm - private, corporate, the works.”

  I turn back to stare at Silas. “Are you serious?”

  He grins as he shrugs. “I didn’t want to tell you until it was more than just an idea.” He glances at Kyle. “It’s, uh, it’s gonna take some serious startup cash. You know that, right?”

  Rowan groans over the rim of his coffee. “Dude, he’s a millionaire. Why does everyone keep forgetting that?” he says with a wink.

  “A securities firm.” I cock my head, grinning as Silas moves towards me and puts an arm around my waist.

  “A thief and a hacker, what could possibly go wrong,” Sierra says with a laugh from the breakfast table.

  “Well these pancakes could get even colder, for one thing, and I am not cooking more.” Mom arches a stern brow as she comes up behind Silas and I, ushering us towards the table.

  My siblings scoot over as Silas and my dad pull two more chairs in from the dining room. Mom brings over another stack of pancakes and a pot of coffee as we all sit and start to dig in.

  It’s crowded, and loud, and everyone’s talking over each other, and by the end of it, someone’s spilled coffee in their own lap, and there’s sticky syrup all over the place.

  But everyone’s smiling.

  Silas says something that gets the whole table cracking up before he slides an arm over my shoulders, leaning down to kiss the top of my head.

  We’re all together, sitting here sharing a moment and a meal.

  One big happy family.

  And it’s perfect.



  Emma runs across the sand, giggling as her cousin Carter chases her. She stumbles for a second before Carter catches her, both of them laughing up a storm before they run off again.

  “Is she wearing enough sunblock?”

  I grin as I turn back to look up at Silas, who I’ve been using as a beach recliner.

  Being seven months pregnant has its perks.

  “Yes, she’s wearing the SPF 9000,” I say evenly. I love how much he worries over our first daughter.

  He frowns, still watching Emma “They don’t make that.”


  He looks down and sees the sarcasm on my face.

  “Oh har-har-har,” he murmurs, grinning before he leans down to steal a kiss.

  “She’s fine, don’t worry.”

  We’re all fine.

  It’s been five years since the day on the pier of Shelter Harbor when I said yes, again. Four years and eleven months since we held a real ceremony, this time with my family present. We even got Father Murray, who married us the first time in the rectory at St. Michael’s, to come and preside over what was this time around just a formality.

  Silas and my brother Kyle started their securities company. It’s based out of New York City, so there’s a fair amount of travel involved for Silas, but its working out, and the company is doing phenomenally well.

  And he always comes home.

  “Home” being here in Shelter Harbor.

  Yeah, we stayed. We got our house, of course. No more basement couches under Jacob’s roof.

  Sierra’s friend did put me in touch with an amazing lawyer. But, it turned out I never really needed him because Blaine managed to break contract himself when he was caught on camera blowing coke at some nightclub.

  He and Ainsley are still together, for whatever that’s worth. I honestly don’t have an opinion on it.

  After that though, Lori saw no reason to sue each other, and actually asked me to stay with the management company.

  I declined.

  I went solo, and it’s been the best thing I could have done. Plus, it’s the digital age, and I could honestly do my work from anywhere. And as it happens, my fans love “quaint New England charm” in their pictures. I took my yoga line that the management company had been holding over my head for years along with me. And after Vivian put me in touch with a few of her high class trust fund friends, it launched six months after I left to a pretty huge response.


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