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Brutal Sin

Page 5

by Eden Summers

  Shock addled her brain, making coherence impossible. She didn’t know whether to apologize or lash out. Whimper or snarl. She’d been in this situation before. Many times. But always in reverse. She’d never been accused of not taking a hint. She was always the accuser. Difference was, she wasn’t such an ass about it. “A simple ‘no’ would’ve sufficed.”

  “Then, ‘no.’” He raised his voice and his arms at the same time, drawing attention. “I’m not interested.”

  She blinked on rapid repeat, trying to remain strong while humiliation burned her cheeks. “You’re a rude son-of-a-bitch.”

  She walked past him, unwilling to let him get his belittling fix.

  “Hold up.” The command reverberated off the walls, stopping orgasms, pausing foreplay. Her cheeks heated as more than one inquisitive stare turned toward them. “I’m a son-of-a-bitch?”

  Panic clogged her throat. She was confident. Empowered. But up against a man like Brute, her self-worth flickered, threatening to snuff completely.

  “That’s enough,” Zoe’s voice carried from the bed. “Whatever this is, it doesn’t need to be shared in front of a crowd. Brute, you should know better.”

  No, Pamela should’ve known better. She should’ve listened to her gut and left well-enough alone. Before resentment settled in. Before she’d turned to Shay for help. And definitely before this thug had entered the picture.

  “I’m not the only one who should know better.” Bryan strode by her. “Ignorance to the club rules is becoming an epidemic down here.”

  He entered the main area with his smooth gait still intact. Each step he took promoted his control, his self-worth, while her resilience to stand tall teetered on a precarious edge.

  This could’ve been worse. At least he’d confined her humiliation to a small room and a minimal number of witnesses. He could have—

  “I shouldn’t need to remind everyone in attendance that no means fucking no.” He demanded the attention of the entire club with a raised voice. “You take rejection without pause or you get the fuck out of my club. Are we clear?”

  Her lips parted, her mortification spilling out with a ragged breath.

  There were no words to describe the carnage of his attack. He was deliberately ostracizing her. For what? Because she’d asked him to play?

  “You all received my email earlier in the week,” he continued. “And I’m fucking pissed that a lot of you took it upon yourself to use my cell number as your personal booty call.”

  She glanced around, expecting condemnation and judgment. What she found was the same discomfort staring back at him from numerous women. Some looked abashed, others appeared confronted, while men ping-ponged their attention around the Vault trying to determine who’d triggered the earthquake.

  Bryan glared, taking the time to pinpoint every female in sight. “That shit has to stop. We have strict rules in place for a reason, and I’ll be damned if I’m made to feel pestered in my own club. Respect boundaries and take non-verbal cues or expect to have your membership canceled.” He sucked in a breath and let it out with force. “And if I find out anyone has a cell phone in here instead of keeping it secure in the locker room, there’s going to be hell to pay.”

  The silence thickened.

  “Thanks for the reminder,” Leo called from the bar, a hint of amusement in his voice. “Who wants a drink?”

  As quickly as the wildfire had spread, the flames were doused under the offer of alcohol. Couples returned to their canoodling, voyeurs assumed their positions, and exhibitionists sank back into bliss.

  The world began to revolve again, circling around her while her feet remained in place.

  “I wouldn’t take it to heart.” Zoe came to stand beside her, the gorgeous woman’s brows pinched. “From the whispers I’ve heard tonight, the outburst was inevitable.”

  “I…um.” Lost for words? Really? The effect of this man had no bounds. She still had no clue what had just happened.

  “I’m sure it wasn’t supposed to be directed at you.” Zoe narrowed her gaze. “Unless you’ve been calling and texting him to hook up.”

  “No. God, no.” If it wasn’t for his magic touch, she wouldn’t have given him the time of day. “I wouldn’t be that stupid.”

  “You’d be surprised how many women are. I’ve heard whispers that there’s a bet over who can sleep with him next. The members involved aren’t shy about it. They’re all trying to be the lucky lady who takes him off the market.”

  “As far as I’m concerned, he’s all theirs.” The rhythmic sounds of sex and fulfillment built as if they had never stopped. “I just wish I didn’t feel like such an idiot.” She had pestered him and hadn’t taken his not-so-subtle cues. “I should’ve paid more attention to his demeanor.”

  “Brute’s demeanor?” Zoe laughed. “If we all did that, nobody would ever talk to him.”

  “I guess.” She nodded, trying to appreciate the camaraderie even though acid ate through her stomach. “I better get going.”

  “You can’t go now.” Zoe turned to the men on the bed and raised a splayed hand, asking for five minutes. “If you leave, his shitty attitude wins. Let’s get a drink first.”

  She wasn’t interested in claiming any sort of victory. Besides, she couldn’t fight someone who was striding from the room. “No, I’ve reached my limit.” Of bullshit and alcohol. “Don’t leave your guys waiting.”

  “Honey, they’re not going anywhere.”

  “Maybe not, but I am. I can’t stay here. Thanks for the offer, though.”

  She didn’t say goodbye. Not to Zoe, Shay, or a single soul as she slinked her way through the main room, the newbie lounge, and the entrance hall. She had to get out of there before her head exploded from the vacuum to her pride.

  Chapter Six

  Bryan had his hand in the safe, reaching for his keys, wallet, and cell, when the office door flung open, only to be slammed shut seconds later.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you?” Shay came up behind him, a solidified form of indignation and fury.

  “The Vault was getting way out of hand. It’s time I pulled everyone back into line. I’m not going to apologize for reminding them of the rules.”

  “I’m not talking about that. I want to know why the hell you would make an example of Pamela when she did nothing wrong.”

  He winced. That name. It fucking killed him. Every time. “Nothing wrong?” The question came through clenched teeth. “How about calling me a son-of-a-bitch for declining a hook-up?”

  “I don’t care if she forcibly tried to give you an anal exam. You could’ve let her down gently. There was no need to make a fool out of her.”

  “Mind your own business, Shay.”

  He didn’t regret a second of his anger tonight. Especially after he’d been stopped in the Vault stairwell and told about the group of women who had started placing bets on his sex life. That knowledge had been enough to send him nuclear.

  The only saving grace was their luck at choosing him as a target. If another man, or woman, for that matter, had been treated this way, he would’ve gone postal long ago.

  “It is my business, seeing as though I was the one who convinced her to speak to you.”

  His chest tightened, the unmistakable beat of rage clogging his throat. “You told her to hassle me?”

  “Hassle you?” She cocked her hips. “She didn’t even want to go near you. I had to talk her into it.”

  He should’ve known Shay was a part of this. Should’ve fucking known. “Then you’re to blame. Not me. I made it obvious I wasn’t interested. I barely said two words to her before walking away. She was the one who followed me. She’s the one who continued to act like I was a sure thing because, apparently, she got the wrong impression from you.”

  Her posture shifted, the slightest sign of guilt.

  Just because Ella wasn’t as forthright as the others who had called or texted, didn’t mean she wouldn’t be the next time the Vault opened. His a
nnouncement had been a caution to every patron who needed to be reminded that hints of rejection were to be taken as seriously as blatant refusals.

  “And like I said downstairs, she’s not the only one.” He lobbed his cell toward her, the device fumbling in her fingers before coming to rest in her grip. “Check the messages. See just how many women from the Vault are trying to ride my dick.”

  “I don’t—”

  “Fucking look.” He didn’t care if she thought he was irredeemable. But he sure as shit wouldn’t have her thinking the women down there were all sweet and virtuous.

  She raised a haughty brow and cocked a hip as she unlocked his screen and navigated to the texts. She scrolled and scrolled, her eyes skimming messages he knew were as vulgar as they were annoying.

  “Your girl may not have been a serial offender. But it was only a matter of time.”

  “She’s not like that… Holy shit, I can’t believe Elise sent you a nude selfie.”

  He nodded. Elise had a fine rack, but he would still delete the pic and place her firmly on his shit list. “One of many.”

  She winced and handed over the phone. “It doesn’t mean you have the right to take your frustration out on Pamela. Her involvement was my fault.”

  “Shay admitting guilt?” He pocketed his cell, along with his keys and wallet. “You must really like this woman.”

  “I feel sorry for her. She’s too young to be a widow.”

  He’d almost forgotten about the dead husband. Didn’t matter, though. The only thing worse than a pushy woman was a pushy woman with baggage. “She’s attractive, and new men continue to join the Vault. She’ll find someone to suit her soon enough.”

  There was no doubt. Apart from her beauty, she was passionate and sexual. The top three checkboxes on any hot-blooded male’s list.

  “And what about you?” Shay crossed her arms over her chest. “After your demeaning display, I think you’re going to find it hard to get laid in the Vault. Female solidarity can be a bitch.”

  “Female solidarity can kiss my ass. It’s my club. If I want to wipe the slate clean of women members and start fresh, I will.” Culling members seemed like a damn good idea.

  “You’re not the only one who owns the club. It’s Leo and T.J.’s, too.”

  He growled, his teeth clenched tight. He loved this woman. Really, he did. But holy fuck, he hated her at times. “Tell Leo I’m leaving.”

  “I don’t think—”

  He held up a hand. “When it comes to me, don’t think. Ever again. You hear me? Stay out of my sex life unless you want me meddling with yours.”

  Her chin hitched, the expression held for a brief second before she nodded.

  “I’m glad we’re finally on the same page.”

  Those arms remained locked tight over her chest as he walked from the office.

  He strode into the hall and down the stairs to the bar. The club was in full swing with loud music and a packed dance floor. His peripheral vision caught sight of the opening Vault door, and he paused to make sure he didn’t have to hide in the crowd to save himself from another female leech.

  The guard manning the entrance stepped aside to welcome someone from the darkness.

  Bryan should’ve kept walking. Should’ve gone straight to the parking lot without giving a fuck about anyone from the private club. But then it was too late. Ella strode from the shadows, wearing a silky dress barely covering the scant lingerie beneath.

  She gave a half-hearted smile to the guard, then worked her way across the dance floor, heading toward the main entrance to Shot of Sin.

  “You can’t let her walk out on her own.” Shay’s raised voice came from over his shoulder, having the effect of a surprise enema.

  “I’m on it.”

  There was a reason they’d renovated the Vault to have a parking lot exit. Escaping through a mass of drunken revelers at the front of the club wasn’t an option, especially for a woman on her own. She’d have to walk around the building unattended. Unprotected.

  “Goddamn it.” These women would be the death of him. Or at least his libido. He turned to face Shay. “Go back downstairs. I’ll make sure she gets to her car.”

  “Will you make sure she gets an apology, too?”

  He scowled. Apology, my ass. “Good night, Shay.”

  She smiled, big and wide and full of spite. “Night, Brute.”

  Finding Ella again wasn’t hard. She parted the sea of pussy-starved men with a whiplash effect. He followed, hanging back at least ten feet. He wouldn’t talk to her. She wouldn’t even know he was there. All he would do was shadow her to her car and kiss her annoyance goodbye once she safely drove away.

  She reached the club doors, tipped her head so she didn’t make eye contact with the bouncer, and walked into the night.

  He did the same, approaching Greg a few seconds after.

  “Everything okay, boss?”

  “Yeah. Heading home.” They both stared after Ella.

  “A friend of yours?”

  “No, she’s from downstairs.”

  Greg nodded, lowering his attention to her swaying ass.

  Nobody inside the club knew what lurked behind the guarded Vault of Sin doors. Not the bouncers, not the Shot of Sin staff, and definitely not the crowd who continued to carve up the dance floor on a weekly basis. There was only Bryan and his business partners, along with very minimal bar staff. To everyone else, it was an exclusive VIP area, with the people coming in and out carrying the intrigue of celebrity status.

  “Keep your eyes on the door,” he growled. “I’ll make sure she gets to her car.”

  “Sure thing.”

  Ella gained distance, and two men waiting in the crowded line for a cab stepped back to follow her along the building. They framed her, leaning close, making their intentions known as Bryan lengthened his stride.

  To her credit, she didn’t slink away. She stopped, faced one of the men with a jut of her chin, and announced loud enough for everyone to hear, “I’m not interested.”

  He could’ve laughed at the parallels of their earlier situation. Then again, it made him think of the differences, too.

  Her position contained vulnerability. His hadn’t.

  She needed to use aggression to get them to back off. He’d merely done it to cause a scene.

  The men took the rejection, chuckling to themselves as they made their way to the end of the cab line. Bryan slowed, waiting to overhear a derogatory comment, a snide remark, anything to give him the justification to break a nose or crack a jaw.

  Nothing came.

  The men were harmless as well as tactless.

  Ella continued along the building, her heels tapping with her sure stride. Once she turned the corner of the building she’d be out of sight from club security. From anyone. Except those who thought it might be a good idea to follow a gorgeous woman into a private parking lot in the early hours of the morning.

  With a quick glance over her shoulder, she took a hard left and disappeared from view.

  She hadn’t seen him. Hadn’t paid enough attention to her surroundings to notice he’d followed. Her main focus was on the cab line and the men who had approached her.

  Big mistake.

  She needed to pay more attention.

  He increased his pace, wanting to make sure nobody waited in the darkness. Once he turned the corner, his feet hit the gravel of the parking lot. The crunch beneath his soles was unmistakable.

  She heard it, too, if the way she gripped her handbag and riffled through the contents was any indication.


  If she turned, he’d have to talk to her. And if she didn’t, he’d be stuck with the guilt of knowing he’d unintentionally scared her. Maybe he should call out. Say a quick, “Hey, you fucking idiot, why didn’t you use the other exit?”

  But he didn’t want to speak to her again tonight. Or anyone else, for that matter. The thought of socializing had the appeal of a drug-free circumcision. Not tha
t the feeling was a stretch from any other moment when he had to be chatty.

  He ignored the crunch of his footsteps and followed, closing in on her. His pace hadn’t increased. Hers had slowed. Why the hell had she slowed?

  He was about to announce his presence in an effort to ease her fears, when she swung around, raising a pocket knife in his direction.

  Her lips parted at the sight of him, the determined squint of her eyes changing to a widened stare of confusion.

  “You plan on using that?” He focused on the knife, the blade barely long enough to cause significant damage. Didn’t stop her from squinting at him as if planning the best way to slash and dash. “The Vault has an exit to the parking lot for a reason. You shouldn’t be out here on your own.”

  Her cheeks darkened, in embarrassment or anger, he wasn’t sure. But she kept wielding that knife like she had every intention of using it. “You followed me all this way to give me a lecture?”

  “I followed you to make sure you got to your car safely.”

  She scoffed, closing the knife with a confident flick before throwing it back into her handbag. “Chivalry doesn’t suit you. It doesn’t even make sense, seeing as though you’re the reason I felt too humiliated to walk back through the Vault.”

  The pang in his chest wasn’t appreciated.

  “Go back inside.” She swiveled on the toes of her shiny black shoes and continued along the building. “I don’t need your help.”

  She walked away from him, striding in the opposite direction when every other woman seemed to salivate over the ability to have a conversation with him. Maybe Shay was right. This woman might not be a leech after all.

  “That wasn’t the case two weeks ago.” His retort came from left-field. An unscripted retaliation he didn’t see coming.

  She kept walking. One step. Two. Then she gifted him with another swirl, rounding on him, spitting contempt in his direction. “You know what?” She snapped her lips closed.

  “What? Let me have it.” He shouldn’t have found her fury humorous. “Get it off your chest, princess.”

  Her eyes flared. “Oh, buddy, I don’t know where you get off speaking to me like that when I’ve done nothing wrong. Tonight, you treated me like I was trying to tattoo myself on your charcoal-riddled soul, or steal your cherished bachelorhood.”


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