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Perfect Design: A Reverse Harem Romance (The Code Book 5)

Page 16

by Bethany Jadin

  Damn. With her legs now spread around my hips, it’s the perfect angle to slide right into her. I pull her ass to the edge of the table, her legs winding around me, and I press my stiff cock against her once again. Emma digs her teeth into her bottom lip and angles her pelvis so I’m rubbing right against her sweet spot. I move with her in a rhythm I know she recognizes, because her hips are now glued to mine.

  Daniel joins us, his fingers dipping into the tub of soft Italian cream, and he applies a thin layer to the swell of her breasts. “I’ve tried a lot of different foods, but I’ve never had this by itself. I’ve only ever tasted it in the layers of tiramisu.”

  He leans over her, his lips coming into contact with her skin. Emma’s sigh is immediate, and her fingers run through his hair, holding him to her. Daniel’s tongue smooths over her delicious skin.

  I can’t help myself — I reach up and pull the cups of her bra down, exposing her breasts to him. He spreads the cream around her areola and nipple. Emma arches her back, pulling her shoulder blades together to lift her from the counter and closer to Daniel’s touch.

  Hot damn, I want to be the one whose lips are pressed against her warm, smooth skin, but from this vantage point, I get to watch Emma’s every reaction — the rise and fall of her chest as Daniel’s mouth moves up the swell of her breasts, the way her nipples harden in anticipation, the goosebumps along her stomach.

  I reach up to the belt line of Emma’s pants, grab hold of a handful of the fabric at the button, and twist it tight in my hand as I make a fist. I pull her against me and grind into her. Her sigh turns into a moan, and her lips part.

  Daniel’s flicks her nipple with his tongue teasingly before his mouth closes over her breast and he sucks the cream from her areola. Emma’s head tips back, and her moan becomes strangled.

  He lifts his head and takes in the view of Emma’s erect nipples with satisfaction before pressing his lips to hers. Emma kisses him back passionately, but Daniel lifts once more, and I can tell the man is absolutely loving every second of the tease. He eyes how I press myself into Emma, and I must look just as desperate as she is.

  Daniel nods with amusement in his eyes, and he dips his fingers back into the tub of cream. He starts with a thin line below her breasts and traces it down to her belly button. I know where he’s headed, so I pull up on the front of her jeans as he gets a little more from the tub then dips his fingers beneath her jeans.

  Emma grabs onto the table as he keeps venturing south. I know when he’s hit her clit, because Emma’s ass lifts from the countertop, grinding into my cock as she presses against his fingers.

  Daniel removes his hand from beneath her panties and licks his fingers clean. “Mmm, I don’t know what tastes better, you or that cream.”

  His fingers dwell at her breasts, tracing a teasing circle around her nipples as I lean over Emma, starting at the top of the trail of cream and making my way down the soft skin of her stomach. It’s a light, sweet taste, and goddamn if I’ll ever think of tiramisu the same way again.

  Those delicious moans are coming from her lips again as I near her belly button and dip my tongue inside. I let go of her hips and work at the button of her jeans as I move down to that tender skin that leads to her pussy.

  The metallic sound of her zipper sliding down creates a Pavlovian response of my cock, throbbing to be inside of her. I mentally tell the fucker to calm down, because it isn’t time yet. I need to follow the trail to the end.

  I pull her pants down as I lick the path of cream Daniel has laid out for me. As I near the line of her panties, Emma’s soft sighs are becoming more high-pitched, and I can tell she’s having a hard time keeping still.

  With a single finger, I pull the band of her panties down bit by bit as my tongue licks up the light cream, working my way down — going for the truly sweet spot. Finally exposing her clit, I reach the end of the trail and suck the last of the cream from her sensitive bud.

  She rotates her hips and presses against my mouth. “Yessss,” she breathes between moans.

  When I look up from between her legs, I see the red flush that’s spread over Emma’s breasts and up her neck. Daniel is still teasing a light finger over her breasts, but his attention has turned to the bottle on the countertop.

  “You know what else I’ve never tried?” he asks, picking up a glass bottle. He reads the label. “Lavender tea milk. I’ve never even heard of this stuff. Is it good?”

  He looks to Emma as though she could see him through her blindfold. Realizing she has no idea he’s addressing her rather than me, he lifts the blindfold from her eyes, and I feast on that playful look of lust she has. Even after all this time, it still fills my stomach with butterflies. I’ll never get enough of her, ever.

  She makes eye contact with Daniel, and her words come out breathy. “It’s very good. I make some to drink before bed. It’s delicious warmed up.”

  “Interesting.” Daniel nods, taking it all in stride as though this is really just a sampling of new foods.

  “You should try some,” she suggests.

  “I think I will.” He twists the cap from the bottle and lifts it directly over her body. He cocks an eyebrow at her, and Emma’s eyes go wide.

  “That’s not what I meant!” she yells, but Daniel’s already pouring it out, and he slowly upends the whole bottle on her stomach.

  Emma shrieks out laughter, her legs kicking around my hips, and I grab on to hold her in place. My heart beats faster, and I laugh with her as she wiggles to get away from the continual stream of milk, but I make sure that she doesn’t get away.

  After the bottle is empty, Daniel sets it back on the countertop. “Hmm. Looks like your pants need to go in the laundry, too.”

  I couldn’t agree more. I pull them off her ass and down her thighs as Daniel goes in to suck some of the milk that has pooled between her breasts. “You’re right, that is good. But, look, ah, your bra is soaked now, too.”

  The wet fabric of her pants resists me, but I finally pull them off and toss them to the kitchen floor. Daniel laps more of the lavender-scented milk from her stomach, and I eye one last piece of fruit, wondering what her reaction will be.

  I pick up the banana and hold it up for inspection. “Daniel, what you do think?” I wrap my fingers around it, judging its girth.

  Her eyes go wide. “Don’t you dare!”

  Keeping a straight face, I pull at her wet panties. She kicks and squeals as I run the fruit down her thigh, taunting her with it.

  “What the fuck?” A deep voice I know well sounds from the doorway of the kitchen.

  I look up to see Jude’s brow furled, his eyes blinking to take in the scene. Gunner appears behind him a second later, each of them with grocery bags in hand. Jude is still staring at us, trying to make sense of what he sees, but Gunner’s face turns into a pout.

  “Dude! Why didn’t I get invited to the food fight?”

  Emma is still laughing, but now her hands are steepled over her mouth and nose. I debate whether to invite Gunner in, but I’m pretty sure the mood has shifted. So instead, I help Emma from the table, balancing her so she doesn’t slip with all the milk that’s dripped onto the kitchen floor.

  Jude’s dubious look hasn’t changed one bit. “What the hell is going on in here?”

  “We were, uh, just making smoothies,” Emma says with a shameless grin, standing before us naked except for her panties, her wet skin glistening.

  “I wanna help,” Gunner says eagerly. He starts to stride forward, but Jude puts a hand out and catches him across the chest.

  “Don’t you guys have a shift with Hungry Helpers tonight?” Jude asks.

  “Oh, shit!” Daniel says. He checks his watch. “We’re supposed to be there in ninety minutes.”

  “Crap, I almost forgot about it!” Emma frets. She looks down at herself. “I need a shower, obviously.”

  “I think I do, too,” Daniel says.

  “Me, too,” I agree, even though it’s mostly an e
xcuse to move what we’ve started here into the bathroom.

  Emma looks at the two of us, a smile at the corner of her lips, before turning to Gunner. “I could use a lot of help getting washed off. Anyone else up for the task?”

  Jude just shakes his head, trying to hide an amused smile. “Very tempting, but I’ve got some phone calls to return before close of business.”

  “I volunteer,” Gunner raises his hand quickly, practically salivating as he drinks in the sight of Emma’s bare breasts and wet panties. “But you might need washing off again when I’m done with you.”

  Emma smiles coyly at him. “Is that a promise?”

  Gunner cocks an eyebrow at her and rubs a hand over the outline of the thick erection already bulging against the front of his jeans. “That’s a goddamn guarantee.”



  “This is Daniel’s thing.”

  Jude paces the small room we’ve been waiting in, just outside of the university’s main conference hall. It’s a multi-use room, as evidenced by the odd assortment of furniture in it, but there’s a couch pushed against one of the walls, and that is where I have taken up residence.

  I call Mabel over from where she’s following him back and forth. Jude has been going over his speech for the ribbon cutting ceremony with a fine-toothed comb, and he’s developed a case of the nerves.

  “Just the public part,” I remind him. “You speak in front of gatherings of the entire Pentabyte workforce all the time.”

  He shifts from foot to foot. “Sure, but those are my people, you know?”

  “These are your people, too,” I assert. “They’re all here to celebrate the groundbreaking of the new facility. They’re enthusiastic about what you’ve done here, to bring your vision to life with the Canine Rehabilitation Center. They’re your supporters.”

  Jude begins pacing again. “I barely know most of them.”

  Mabel lays her muzzle on my leg, and I rub at her ears. “Is Major Jude Turner scared of speaking in public?”

  That gets him to stop and furl his eyebrows. “I’m not scared.”

  “You are.” I give him a deadpan look and point at him. “That’s the first time you’ve stopped fidgeting all day, just now.”

  He glowers at me, but he gets the point and widens his stance, standing still for once. “It isn’t just the crowd. This means a lot to me. I’ve always done these rescue efforts on my own.” Jude crouches down, inviting Mabel to come in for a neck scratch. “When I came back from the Marines, there was so much going on inside me, I couldn’t put it to words.”

  I snort-laugh then cover my mouth. “Sorry, sorry,” I say, waving a hand at him.

  His lips turn up in a soft smile. “Yeah, yeah, I know. But I was way worse before I met you. What I’m trying to say is I didn’t feel like I was fulfilling my purpose anymore. When I was in the Marines I was helping people. Really helping people.”

  “You help a lot of people, Jude, every day,” I insist.

  He nods a little, acquiescing the point. “Sure, but giving people a job isn’t the same as literally saving a life. It’s different. Being able to take dogs like Mabel out of awful situations — it gave me some meaning back. Made me feel needed in a way that starting a business couldn’t.”

  “And that’s why you insisted on staffing the Rehabilitation Center with returning veterans instead of interns from the university like they wanted?”

  Jude doesn’t look up at me, keeping his attention on Mabel’s neck massage, but I can see the emotion building in his features. “There’s a lot of veterans who need healing just as much as these dogs, and they may as well do it together.”

  There’s a choke in his voice, and I know the last thing my rock of a man wants is to get emotional before speaking in front of a room of strangers. Luckily for him, I know how to break the spell. “You are such a fucking softy.”

  The seriousness dispels, and a gleam comes into his eye along with a sly smile. “Shut your mouth, woman.”

  I sit back against the back of the couch and give him a cocky grin. “Make me, sir.”

  Jude stands to his full height, taking an imposing step toward me. “I can put that wicked little mouth of yours to better use.”

  My eyes drift slowly to below his belt buckle then back up. “I don’t know if we have time for that.”

  Not caring, Jude lunges onto the couch. I squeal out laughter as he grabs me and throws me to the cushions, pinning me beneath him. My giggling is cut off when he crashes his mouth onto mine, and my mood changes suddenly from delighted to hungry. He leans onto me, letting me feel his weight. I love his strong, solid body pressing down on mine — how he applies just the right pressure to be in complete control and yet not hurt me.

  Snaking my hands around to his back, I pull him in until there’s no space between us. Jude nestles in between my legs, and I bend my knees, pressing my thighs against his sides. The action brings his cock fully against me, and he takes hold of my wrists. I breath in deep, reveling in how easily he grows rock-hard.

  I smile into our kiss, because I know exactly how he wants me. Jude forces my hands above my head, pinning me to the spot with force. He rocks into me, his shaft teasing at my sensitive clit. I moan for him, needing less clothing between he and I.

  A loud report sounds on the door, making me utter a startled gasp. The knocking ceases but is followed by, “Mr. Turner, we’re ready for you. Five minutes?”

  Jude groans softly with frustration, but he replies with a civil, “Thank you. I’ll be right out.”

  I shift my hips, grinding against his hard cock. “What are we going to do with this?”

  He groans again and reluctantly lifts himself off me before reaching out a hand and helping me to an upright position. I straighten my clothing and try to catch my breath as he begins to pace again. I clear my throat and give him a look.

  He stops walking, but he’s got too much energy to just stand there, so he starts to bounce on the balls of his feet, looking like an MMA fighter about to take the ring. “Do I have to go out there? I’d much rather stay in here.”

  I let out a long sigh of agreement — I’d love to stay right on this couch with him. But, then Mabel approaches me, looking for an ear rub, and as my hands run over the ridges of her scars, I’m reminded of how much I want Jude to receive this acknowledgement.

  This is our last stop before heading to the airport, and we delayed our trip to the island by two days to ensure Jude could make an appearance here today — most of our friends and family are already there, kicking off the commitment ceremony festivities without us. But the rest of the guys as well as Zoey, Callie, and Cora are waiting in the conference hall here at the university, ready to applaud Jude alongside the hundreds of other attendees. He’s done amazing work over the last few months, partnering with the university’s veterinarian college to take this project from conception to groundbreaking, and he deserves to be recognized for it.

  “Yes, Jude, you have to,” I say, standing up and moving to place a hand on his chest. “And you’ll do great. I know you will. You’re fucking Major Jude Turner, and you’re going to kick ass out there.”



  The heat of the sand beneath my toes serves as a reminder of how quickly circumstances have changed. The large tent which was set up for the bridal party on the beach is light enough fabric to let the sunlight stream through, but at this early hour, we also need several field lamps to illuminate the furnished interior before the sun comes up.

  After a long, private flight down to the Keys and then a shorter trip in a fleet of boats carrying an ungodly amount of supplies — half of which, the guys mysteriously wouldn’t even explain to me — we finally arrived on the island late, just after sunset two nights ago. The darkness didn’t afford me much visibility to appreciate the landscape, but yesterday morning, I awoke to the most glorious view off my balcony.

  But this morning’s view will be even more magnificent, and not
just because of the island’s tropical beauty. My five handsome men will be waiting for me by the water’s edge, ready to take my hand and profess their vows.

  Zoey finishes fastening the back of my dress and moves around to the front of me to double-check everything. My hair and makeup are done, my jewelry is on, and now my simple but elegant wedding gown is in place. I draw in a deep breath, steadying my nerves. This is such a momentous occasion, I can barely believe it’s actually happening — and that so many of our friends and family are here to support us.

  The posh resort on the island has been privately booked for the sole purpose of our guests. Zoey, Callie, and Cora have chosen to take the guys up on their offer of an all-expenses paid two-week vacation.

  “Which means I’ll be seeing plenty of you during our honeymoon,” I say, responding to a comment from Cora about their stay on the island.

  My best friend stoops to fuss with the hem of my dress, but not before I catch an expression on her face that gives me pause. “Zoey… what was that look?”

  She keeps her face turned to the bottom of my dress and shrugs. “What look?”

  I stomp my foot, not buying that innocent act for a second. “Spill it, woman.”

  She stands, and I can see the strain in her face as she tries to make her expression nonchalant. “Oh, nothing. I was just thinking, you might not be seeing much of us.”

  Beside me, Callie nods. “Zoey has a point. After all, you’re going to have five new husbands to tend to.”

  “Exactly,” Zoey says, looking relieved.

  I narrow my eyes at her. Somehow, I don’t think that’s what she was talking about. My mind races back to the immense amount of supply crates I saw on the boats. My guys are up to something.

  But Zoey isn’t telling. She averts my gaze and changes the topic. “And let’s not forget — I’ll have at least five cabana boys tending to me. Maybe more. I’m not even counting, I’m just going to start collecting.”


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