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His Darkest Salvation

Page 3

by Juliana Stone

  When he returned with a pair of trackies and a T-shirt, she snatched them from him.

  “I don’t need an audience.”

  The words slipped through tight teeth, and she watched from hooded eyes as Julian turned away from her. She stood on shaky legs and, with great effort, managed to get the shirt over her head, then slipped the gray track pants up over her hips. They were huge, and she fumbled as she tried to tie the waist.

  She felt sweat break out along her skin, small rivulets of water that were tinged with the scent of poison. Shit, this is not good.

  “Here, let me.”

  Jaden wanted to refuse his help, but, truthfully, she just didn’t have the strength. She felt his fingers, warm against her tummy, and as he quickly hiked the pants up and secured them, her head fell against his chest.

  Her tongue was thick, the acrid taste from the demon strong. “Water,” she whispered softly.

  Julian’s body was high on adrenaline and the beast inside him was agitated something fierce. The smell of blood was in the air—both Jaden’s and the dead otherworlders that littered his home.

  He looked down at the woman who rested against him and tried to block the conflicting emotions that struggled inside him. His mind was a chaotic mess, but it was the dark thoughts that held sway. They were always the strongest.

  His first thought was to leave. Grab his shit and go.

  Declan was waiting for him, and every minute counted. That had been drilled into their heads. They had maybe a week—if they were lucky—to find the portal and destroy it. If not, the alternative wasn’t something he wanted to dwell on.

  Jaden DaCosta didn’t figure into his plans. Even now, he could smell the poison as it infiltrated her cells. Soon, it would hit her major organs, and she’d be a goner anyway. A waste of time.

  “Water,” she whispered against him.

  Julian clenched his teeth. He’d like to say he was shocked at the calculating, coldness of his mind. But he wasn’t. He was forever damaged, and after spending six months in hell, how could it be any other way? The hole inside him was a reminder of what he’d lost, what had been ripped from him. It was a burn that was constant, and it wouldn’t let him rest.

  And yet Julian was afraid that even if he was successful and completed his mission, he’d never be whole again. He feared the half of his soul that was still intact had been poisoned by the steady diet of darkness from which he’d fed.

  He sighed harshly. Angry that he’d been back less than an hour, and things were already fucked up.

  He glanced around his home and knew there wasn’t much time. He’d been liberated from his hellish prison but it seemed the demon underworld was determined to drag him back.

  Though liberated might be an overstatement. It’s not like his release came without consequence if he was unsuccessful in his mission. There would be repercussions.

  Deadly repercussions.

  Jaden groaned and tipped her head up, dragging him from his thoughts to focus on her once more.

  She’d been fucking amazing.

  Her dark eyes were dulled with pain, and she moistened her lips in an effort to speak more clearly.

  “I need to get to the plane,” she managed to get out.

  Julian leaned her back against the counter and grabbed a glass of water, helping her drink as much of the liquid as she could.

  His mind was circling the entire time, but the images of her in battle touched what little bit of humanity there was left inside him. As she struggled to stand upright, clad in his oversized T-shirt and his track pants, he knew he could never leave her here to die with the filth that littered his home.

  She should be with someone when it happened.

  “Where can I take you?” he asked, trying not to notice the tilt of her neck or the vibrant tattoos that shimmered along the skin there.

  Her eyes narrowed slightly, and she pushed away from the counter. It cost her, the effort it took, and the grunt that escaped her lips echoed into the quiet.

  “Forget it. I don’t need your help.” Her face whitened as she clenched her teeth. “I’ll get there on my own.”

  She took a step, then another, and admiration rifled through him as he watched her slowly make her way to the door.

  Something tugged at him, and he took a step forward. Fuck! He had no time for this shit. He was supposed to meet Declan in the morning. The clock was ticking for the both of them.

  “It’s been a slice, Castille. Thanks for nothing.”

  Jaden yanked the door open, letting in the soft light from outside, and he saw the bloody footprints that followed along behind her. Shattered glass was everywhere, and while he had his boots on, she was barefoot.

  Again he hesitated, pissed off at himself, knowing in another lifetime he’d never contemplate abandoning someone who was in need of help. Except this wasn’t another lifetime ago. This was the here and now, and he wasn’t whole.

  She disappeared from view, and he blew out hot air as he quickly grabbed the cell phone he’d thrown on the sofa. The headless body of the demon Jaden had slaughtered lay before him, mocking his inability to act.

  He took one more look around the penthouse and cursed loudly before following Jaden’s lead. He caught up with her at his private elevator. She was leaning against the wall, her breaths raspy.

  He stopped beside her and, as the doors slid open, grabbed her up into his arms. She struggled but was substantially weaker than only a few minutes before and eventually became still.

  Julian entered the code that would take him to his private garage and settled back as the lift descended rapidly.

  Her hair wrapped around him, the long silky strands flowing loose as her head rested in the crook of his arm.

  “Where can I take you?” he asked again, his voice gruff as the doors slid open to reveal his private collection of cars. He strode toward the large black SUV parked in the far corner, ignoring the BMW, the shiny Mercedes and the collection of Harleys.

  “My private jet,” she managed to whisper.

  She curled into a ball as he slid her into the passenger side, and, minutes later, Julian was backing the large vehicle from its spot. The truck hadn’t been used in nearly a year, but the mechanic he paid to maintain his vehicles had done an excellent job.

  He cruised along the darkened streets of DC, and when the cell phone rang, he picked up quickly.

  “Castille.” The hoarse voice belonged to Declan O’Hara.

  “You sound like shit,” Julian answered as he sped along the highway that led to a private airstrip outside of town. He’d managed to get that much info from Jaden before she passed out.

  “You have any visitors?” Declan asked.

  Julian’s lips thinned. “A couple.”

  He continued to navigate the roads, his senses still aflame from the threat of danger that lurked beyond the darkness.

  “Yeah, me too. I have a feeling our little vacation from hell ain’t exactly gonna be restful.” The heavy sarcasm was noted.

  “I’ve got Jaden DaCosta with me.”

  Long moments of silence greeted his words. Julian exited the highway and headed toward the private tarmac at the small airport. He saw several jets in the distance, but the black-and-gold one screamed DaCosta.

  “You still there?” he asked as he turned to the left and drove through security with no issues at all. He shook his head. Had 9/11 not taught them anything?

  “Yeah, I’m just trying to shake the whole déjà vu thing. Wasn’t too long ago your brother called me about finding Libby. No offense, but life pretty much went to hell after that. Like literally.” The Irishman paused, and Julian could hear the wheels turning.

  “She dead?”

  “Not yet.” Julian’s voice was dry, and he glanced toward the unconscious woman. Though that would change. Very soon.

  “Again, the déjà vu thing. Care to explain?”

  Julian pulled up alongside the large plane. “No. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

  “Just don’t—”

  But Declan’s words were lost as Julian pocketed the cell. He exited the truck and opened the passenger-side door. Jaden’s eyes flickered open, and she grimaced as his arms slipped underneath her body once more.

  They were glassy, and her pupils were so large her eyes appeared to be solid black pools of velvet. He admired her strength but didn’t know how much longer she could last.

  The jet was running, and the steps were lowered. It was adorned with the DaCosta crest, which was woven underneath, NIGHT SKY RESORT AND CASINO. He vaguely recalled something about hotels in Mexico and the DaCostas.

  Carefully, he made his way up and ducked his tall frame through the narrow entrance. His senses rode the wind, and as far as he could tell, he was alone; but he knew that didn’t mean a thing.

  He proceeded with caution, expecting the worst.

  The jet was large, luxurious, and surprisingly tasteful in both décor and furnishings. Gently, he laid Jaden on the nearest chaise, propping her head against a soft cushion.

  “In the cupboard,” Jaden whispered, her voice so faint he barely heard her. She motioned toward a large bank of cabinets that lined the far side of the cabin, and he looked at her, not understanding.

  “Antidote,” she managed. “Hurry.”

  Antidote? Since when?

  Julian hesitated, and she glared up at him, wincing in pain as she rasped, “Are you trying to kill me?”

  He crossed over to the cupboards, yanked them open, and was taken aback at the interesting array of weaponry displayed. Several firearms were stored there, as well as daggers, and an interesting-looking bow. He spied a container of vials and grabbed one. The shelves were labeled with some long weird word that he didn’t understand, but underneath it one stood out boldly and it was one that he did know, DEMON.

  He ripped the cap off and returned to Jaden, feeling that spark of respect and admiration jump again as he watched her struggle to a sitting position. The woman had balls. He’d give her that.

  He held it to her lips, and as her fingers intertwined with his, and she gulped the potion, he couldn’t ignore the emotion that pummeled his chest. He didn’t know what the hell it was, but it felt so much better than what he’d been used to for the last while—pain and nothing.

  “Thank you,” she whispered, as her head collapsed against the cushion. Her long, elegant neck was fully exposed, and as her breathing returned to normal, he was fascinated by the clan tattoos that crept up her skin.

  They were beautiful, exotic, and his hands found their way to her flesh without thought.

  Electricity tingled along the edges of his fingers as he traced the lines that shimmered beneath her skin. Slowly, he made his way down and paused at the base of her neck, relishing the feel of her pulse now that it was beating strong and steady.

  A soft gasp escaped from her lips, and he looked at her, surprised to see her eyes regarding his, their dark depths clear and shiny.

  “Demon antidote,” he said dryly. “Since when?”

  “It cost me a fortune, but my science team finally managed to get it right.”

  His eyes wandered over her face, to land on the full lips. His fingers followed where his eyes had traveled, and when they traced the outline of her mouth, he reveled in the softness.

  “Move away from her, or I will put a bullet clean through the back of your skull.”

  They both turned, startled by the words that slid from the darkness, and Julian felt his animal begin to burn beneath his chest as two men walked from shadow to light.

  One he vaguely remembered, a tall, lean, blond man—Skye Knightly’s brother, Finn. He was an eagle knight. The other, he knew quite well, and his jaguar erupted painfully as he leapt to his feet.


  “I’m not joking, Castille. Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t take you out right now.”

  “I could give you a hundred, in alphabetical order if you like,” Julian retorted, his words tinged heavily with sarcasm.

  “Nico, enough,” Jaden rasped as she stood up, her legs still a little shaky.

  The warrior growled and took a step toward them. “There’s no way we can be sure he’s not compromised.”

  Julian laughed at that. The asshole had no clue. He was way beyond contaminated.

  “You will not touch him,” Jaden growled, surprising Julian by stepping past him and squaring her shoulders.

  “Give me one good reason why?” Nico snarled.

  “Because,” she said as she pushed her way past them, “he belongs to me.” She disappeared into the darkness beyond, leaving only her words trailing behind.

  Julian stared after her. “I belong to no one.”

  “Oh really?” she shot back, her voice stronger, deeper. “Where the hell did you think these warrior tattoos came from Castille? An immaculate conjugal?” She laughed.

  He opened his mouth to speak, but her voice sliced through the dark, effectively silencing him.

  “I’ve had them for three years, Castille. You do the math.”

  Chapter 4

  Jaden closed the door and leaned against the cool surface. Her chest felt tight, but as the seconds ticked by, the iron band loosened and she was able to breathe normally.

  What the hell had she just done? Why on earth did she spill to Julian about their bond? It wasn’t like he gave a shit. It wasn’t like she wanted him to give a shit. She was doing just fine without him.

  She pushed away angrily, pissed at herself and her lack of control. A shower would clear her head.

  Her shoulder was killing her, but the antidote was working. She felt the pain receding as the poison slowly left her system. Underneath her feet, the jet hummed, its energy vibrating with a subtlety that tickled her bare flesh. She knew they’d be wheels up within the hour.

  Julian Castille would be long gone.

  She grimaced as she slid out of the oversized T-shirt he’d given her. She could smell him, his tangy, earthy scent teasing her nostrils. It had been months since he’d worn it, yet it still called to her.

  For a jaguar, smell was a powerful thing, more potent than visual memories. She hated that his scent tortured her, riding her hard with a sense of unfulfilled need.

  It was an ache she’d come to know well, but she’d deal. She’d been doing just fine without the bastard for the last three years.

  Her hands fell to the waistband of the pants that she wore, and she was about to drop them when the door crashed open behind her. Nico’s angry growl echoed into her quarters, but it was not he who stood inches from her.

  “What the fuck did that mean?” Julian’s furious words ripped into her. “We’re mated? I don’t want you,” he began, “we can’t . . .”

  Jaden cocked her head to the side. “No shit,” she whispered hoarsely, as his words swept across her like physical blows. She knew they had no future, but still . . . to hear his denial, his dislike, was like a kick to the gut.

  She felt his anger. It was in the coldness of his voice and the subtle vibrations that lingered in the air. Inside, her jaguar stirred, and her skin began to burn as she clenched her teeth tightly.

  “I am going to enjoy throwing your ass off this plane.” Nico’s threat was met with harsh laughter.

  “You could try,” Julian answered.

  “Leave us, Nico,” she said quietly, and held her breath. The warrior was a wild card at best, and she didn’t have time to referee the two of them.

  She felt the chilled air against her back and fought the urge to grab the newly discarded T-shirt. She was naked from the waist up and was suddenly very much aware of the fact. Her nipples puckered into hard pebbles, a reaction to the cold, and she crossed her arms over her chest, glad the men were behind her.

  “We leave in ten minutes,” Nico said, his voice angry, barely controlled.

  Jaden winced as the door slammed shut. Lately, the warrior had become more than a little protective of her. She would never claim him, and his attitude was
n’t good for either one of them.

  She forced a calm over her body, one that she wasn’t feeling, and walked to the closet that held her clothes. She felt Julian’s gaze upon her back, knew that he watched her closely. She pulled the door open, loosened the tie at her waist, and let the trackies fall to the floor.

  She heard Julian hiss as he exhaled loudly. Her heart began to beat heavily inside her, and she felt the electricity in the air begin to tingle, jumping over her bare flesh in small pulses.

  She grabbed a robe, slipped it over her shoulders, and took a few moments to tie it properly before she turned to him.

  His eyes were dark, the irises’ bleeding into gold until they glittered dangerously. They bored into her with an intensity that left no doubt as to what he was feeling.

  Julian Castille was in a dark place, and his anger was focused solely on her.

  What fucking nerve.

  “Are you going to explain to me how a DaCosta jaguar is mated to a Castille?” His tone was harsh. “On what planet is that even possible?”

  “Apparently on ours,” she snapped back.

  He raked his hands through the thick mess of hair atop his head. “How in the hell did this happen?”

  She arched her eyebrow. “For Christ sakes, Castille, do you really need me to explain the fine details? Did Daddy never explain the birds and the bees and the warrior mating rituals?”

  “You don’t get it!” he exploded, and he moved so fast, she felt the wind against her cheek as he stood in front of her. Jaden was startled at his speed but held her ground, her dark eyes meeting his boldly.

  “There will never be anything between us,” he spit out. “I will not accept your claim.”

  Jaden smiled and shook her head, swallowing the bitterness that hung in the back of her throat. “Don’t worry about it. You made that more than clear three years ago.” She nodded. “Move back. You’re crowding me.”

  Julian bared his teeth. He was on edge, the strange darkness that clung to him rising to the fore. It agitated her cat something fierce, and she trembled slightly at the force of it.


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