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His Darkest Salvation

Page 25

by Juliana Stone

He felt like the worst kind of bastard ever and snarled at his brother once more though he knew there was no one to blame but himself. His control was leaving fast, and if he didn’t get it together . . .

  She grabbed his chin and forced him to look into her eyes. They were huge, intense. He noticed for the first time small golden flecks that surrounded the irises. Funny he’d not noticed before, but then again, it’s not like they’d had a normal relationship.

  There’d been no romance. No courting. Declan was right—it had all been about the sex. For a second, he thought it would be nice to romance the woman in front of him.

  “Are you okay?” The words fell from her lips like soft whispers, and the concern in her eyes couldn’t be hidden. “I need for you to be okay. I need to know that you’re not gonna go all ape-shit on me before we get this done.” She moistened her lips and tried to smile. “We can do this, Julian, but not by fighting amongst ourselves.”

  She gently pushed him away, and he let her, watched as she turned to his brother and flicked a long piece of hair behind her shoulder. He focused on the silky strand, feeling the wash of madness leave him as he did so, and his heart slowed, beating in a more normal manner.

  Jaden squared her shoulders and faced his brother like the fierce warrior she was. Something melted inside of him, a piece of ice that broke from the darkness.

  “I will not have you question my loyalty, Jaxon.” She paused, and Julian’s gaze settled onto Jaxon’s intense features. He knew what his brother had lost. What the DaCostas had done to Libby.

  When had the world become so twisted and dark?

  “I’ll forgive your harsh words. I know that my family has done much to deserve your hatred and disgust. So you can imagine how I feel.” He heard her blow out a long breath. “Because you’re right.” She shook her head, and her hands waved wildly in the air. “We do share the same blood. I am a DaCosta. Jakobi is my father, I can’t change that.” Her voice dropped to just above a whisper. “But I’m also DeCruz, and my mother’s blood is pure and strong, and I’m filled with the power of her people.”

  Julian stepped forward until he was beside Jaden. He was calm, the beast had been beaten back, his resolve was firm.

  “You will show her the respect she deserves.” He spoke sharply and arched an eyebrow as he stared into his brother’s eyes.

  Jaxon frowned and opened his mouth to speak, but Declan cut him off.

  “Christ, we all agree Jaden’s one of the good guys. We trust her. Now can we get the hell out of here? Are we not wheels up in less than an hour?”

  Jaxon nodded and turned to the sorcerer. “If anything happens that jeopardizes my team, my family, I will hold you personally responsible, O’Hara. Understood?”

  Declan flashed a smile and turned away. “Yeah, no worries, my friend.”

  Jaxon’s gaze fell to Jaden. “I meant no disrespect. I know you’ve sacrificed a lot, I just . . .” He paused for several seconds. “I have a son now, and I can’t risk his future or the future of every single human on this planet. What we do will affect all of them. I need to know we’re on the same page.”

  Jaden nodded. “We are.”

  His eyes narrowed, and he looked to his brother. “Okay.” Jaxon held out his hand, and Julian slowly grasped it tightly. His brother’s grip was strong. “Don’t make me regret trusting you,” Jaxon said.

  Jaxon released his hand and turned to follow in Declan’s footsteps. The thrum of energy that surrounded him was powerful. “We leave for the airstrip in twenty minutes.”

  Jaden’s hand crept to Julian’s arm. He ignored it as he felt his emotions tighten. He sensed the quiet strength that she possessed, and nearly turned into her embrace, but something stopped him. A need to separate, to acknowledge a future that could never be.

  Yet through the confusion, something shone through, gripped him hard. Love. I love this woman.

  He opened his mouth, but the words died before he could speak them. What was the point? In the end, it would only hurt her more.

  They stood there, each listening to the other’s breaths, then she tugged on him, and whispered, “I know things are complicated, but I won’t play this game, Julian. After this is all over, we’ll figure things out. But in the meantime”—her eyes flashed—“let’s go kick Cormac’s ass.”

  Chapter 25

  They boarded the jet an hour later. It was a large crew, consisting of his brothers, Cracker, Libby, and Skye, as well as Ana, Declan, Finn, and Nico. An eclectic but deadly bunch.

  Jaxon had just boarded when the pilot messaged that Drake was on the line and needed to speak to him urgently. Julian watched a muscle ripple across Jaxon’s jaw sharply as he went to answer the summons.

  Drake was Jaxon’s direct commander and technically the person in charge of PATU. Technically because Jaxon had always run his unit without outside interference. His success rate was high, and, from what Julian understood, Drake usually gave him free rein.

  Things had changed over the last few months, and Jaxon had kept Drake in the loop on a need-to-know basis only. The stakes were too high, and at this point there was no way to know who could be trusted. Anyone could be compromised.

  As of now, Jaxon and his branch of PATU were basically working dark. No contact with anyone outside the people in the jet.

  Julian kept to himself, sitting near the back and avoiding eye contact. It was the only way to keep conversation to a minimum. He had nothing to say really. The end of his journey was near, and he’d either fail or succeed. It was that simple.

  Jaden sat across from him, her face tense as she stared out the window. Her long, elegant fingers kneaded her thigh, and she kept biting her bottom lip. It was a nervous gesture, and the weight of the coming hours was something she’d have to work through on her own.

  And she would, of that he had no doubt. She was a warrior, after all, tough as nails.

  He watched Nico from beneath hooded eyes. The shifter was quiet, his features blank. He couldn’t hide the hunger and need that reflected in his eyes each time he glanced toward Jaden.

  Julian sighed and settled back into the soft leather. What a sorry-ass fucking bunch they were. Each of them had scars. Some were visible, all were deep, the kind that cut into hearts and souls.

  The kind not easily fixed.

  He had a chance to do just that, to put back together the part of himself that was broken. Though it meant leaving everything behind to serve the mysterious Bill. And now he was left with regret for what could have been. Jaden represented a life that he hadn’t even known he wanted.

  Until last night.

  She looked at him then, and his breath hitched as their eyes met. He felt her like a physical punch to the gut. He saw the thin sheen of moisture that lay upon her skin, the flushed heat of her cheeks. She smiled warily, but he could not reciprocate. The cold part of him was locked into place. That was how it had to be.

  He looked away and ignored her soft sigh.

  Within twenty-four hours, he’d either be dead or tied to a new life that could have nothing to do with the old. Things were better this way. Luckily. he played the part of bastard well.

  “All right, listen up.” Jaxon’s calm voice drew everyone’s attention, and Julian sat a little straighter in his seat. The energy in the room intensified, and he saw the dead seriousness on each of their faces. The past year had led to this. His gaze fell to Libby’s tense features.

  Hell, the past three years had led to this.

  He was surprised she’d come. That she’d leave her child. But the woman was determined to see Cormac pay for his sins, and Logan would be fine. Mr. M was in charge, and an elite team of guards was there to protect them.

  “We’ll be landing on a private strip in Nevada about an hour outside of Las Vegas. A team will meet us there and escort us to a safe facility, where we’ll prepare.”

  Jaxon took the time to look at each and every one of them. “I don’t need to tell you how important it is that this plan goes o
ff without a hitch. We can’t afford any fuck-ups. The consequences are too great. Cormac must be stopped. The portal must be retrieved.” He paused for a second as his gaze fell on Libby. “There is no other objective other than that, and I’ll do whatever it takes to get it done.”

  The engine rumbled beneath them, and Julian glanced out the window. Snow continued to whirl in thick bands of white, obscuring everything within its grasp.

  “We’ll land in just under five hours. Once in Nevada, I’ll brief you.” He nodded to them all. “I’m finalizing our plan now, so I suggest you get as much rest as possible. I need all of you on your game. Once we hit the dry heat, there’s no turning back.”

  Jaxon slid into the seat beside Libby and his arm went around her shoulders almost immediately. Julian watched the way she rested her head on his chest, the way his brother pulled her into his embrace like she was a breakable.

  The power of the engine accelerated, and the plane took off down the runway, leading them toward an uncertain future and a date with evil. Declan turned around and nailed him with a half smile, his eyes icy cold. “Been a slice, but glad the ride is almost over.”

  Julian nodded ever so slightly, then pushed it all from his mind as he closed his eyes and pretended to sleep.

  Jaden leaned back and forced her body to relax. She wasn’t tired, but her muscles ached with tension. She was wound so tight, it was a wonder she could even breathe.

  That wasn’t a great way to start a mission. She needed to conserve her energy, not waste it fretting and freaking out. She had to keep her mind alert and free from distractions.

  Though she wished Julian would move his ass to the other end of the plane. That would make it easier. His raw energy was intoxicating. He called to her on such a primal level that everything inside of her was aware of him. Of each breath he took. Of the long-as-sin lashes that fringed his eyes, the aristocratic nose and square chin.

  She ached inside at the thought of him and her animal moved restlessly. The night she’d shared with Julian had been breathtaking. But the magic hadn’t lasted. He was already pulling away from her. Her jaguar was in turmoil, sensing the mixed signals Castille was swimming in and the coming battle. For so long her life had been about revenge and hatred, and, now that the end was near, what did that mean for her? What did she have to show for her efforts?

  She had a family that was fractured—screwed up and dysfunctional didn’t even come close to describing her situation. Her father was an evil son of a bitch, and, sadly, her brothers were more than ready to fill his shoes. Never mind that they’d already lost the youngest DaCosta to battle.

  She’d never had an adult relationship that was anything beyond fulfilling her body’s needs. Hell, her longest relationship had been with a cockatoo. Even that had failed. She was gone more than she was home, and eventually her maid had claimed the poor thing.

  No strings . . . that had always been her motto.

  Her gaze strayed to Julian. Until he came along. Boy, had she screwed up with him. What she wouldn’t give to turn back the clock and have that moment over. The one where she refused another drink and left the bar. Alone.

  Choices. It was all about the choices. Unfortunately, when you fucked up, the consequences tended to bite you in the ass. Like being mated to a man who would never want to be with you, not in the way you wanted.

  Sex wasn’t everything.

  She gazed out into the bright sun and winced. It reflected off the stark, clear morning. Down below, the earth was covered in a white dream, and soon it would fade, give way to green and blue, then to the heat of the desert.

  Las Vegas. Cormac had been hiding in plain sight for months. How in the hell had the bastard managed to keep that on the down low? Not just from PATU but from her father? He’d placed a huge bounty on O’Hara’s head months ago. Truthfully, nothing Cormac did surprised her. He was one hell of a slippery son of a bitch.

  Jaden felt a tingle of something ripple across her skin. Apprehension? Fear? They said it was called Black Magick, Las Vegas’s newest casino. A fitting place, really, for the final battle.

  She sank farther into her seat and stretched out her legs, taking care not to touch Julian’s. Though his eyes were closed, she knew he was awake. All around her, she heard muted voices, whispered words of love.

  She supposed in times of crisis that was what you did, reached out for the one who mattered most. Seriously, she wished everyone would can the love crap and shut the hell up. It did nothing but leave her empty inside, aching, as she did everything in her power to ignore the man who sat across from her.

  “You feel it.”

  She turned her head slightly and arched an eyebrow at Nico. He looked tired, somewhat resigned.

  “Feel what?” she asked, sitting a little straighter.

  “The end,” he answered softly before turning toward his window.

  Jaden shivered at the finality of his tone and once more sunk into her seat. She wrapped her arms around herself, trying to find what comfort she could.

  She had a bad feeling about the coming hours, and she’d always learned to trust her instincts. Her tummy rolled beneath her fingers, and she closed her eyes as she broke out in a cold sweat.

  A bad feeling indeed.

  It was early afternoon when they deplaned. The airstrip they’d landed on was out in the middle of nowhere; however, there were two large SUVs waiting for them.

  After the chill of the Canadian north, Jaden welcomed the warmth of the sun and took a few moments to drink in some vitamin D before following the others. She slipped in beside Julian, and though he nodded politely, there was no conversation. No touch or lingering glance.

  His face was dark, and the tightness around his mouth spoke volumes. If she were a girl with issues, the cold shoulder would be a definite blow to the ego. As it was, it just fed the ball of nerves in her belly until her entire body was humming from the force of it.

  Her teeth chattered, and she clamped her mouth shut. It was odd. She was in the middle of the freaking desert, and, still, she was trembling. No one spoke as the SUV started off, and though she’d wished for silence on the plane, here, now, it was heavy. Uncomfortable.

  Her eyes followed the distant skyline, glancing past the sparse vegetation and brown earth as they sped down the highway. The desert was an unforgiving space, so different from the lush jungles of her home.

  She was suddenly filled with such longing for home that it brought tears to her eyes. The jungle had always been the place she ran to when she needed to escape the shit reality of her life. This time was no different. She felt as if she was on the precipice. That the darkness she’d been chasing for years was no longer on the horizon but had bled into the here and now.

  She closed her eyes and let her mind wander. You’re not in Kansas anymore.

  They drove for over an hour in silence, and when they finally stopped, Jaden jumped out quickly, needing to be away from Julian. His dark eyes had flattened to a dull opaque, and she felt his power coiled tightly around him. His energy was dark and agitated her cat something fierce.

  Her jaguar was scratching hard, the burn was uncomfortable, and she walked a bit, shaking out her limbs in an effort to calm her nerves. They’d driven underground, into what appeared to be a bunker at first, but instead led to a secure facility controlled by PATU.

  She stretched in quick, precise motions and felt a sense of pride as she eyed her crew. They’d all been touched by the evil of Cormac and had vowed to end his reign. It would happen. Tonight.

  “You all right?”

  Nico stood a few feet from her, his shoulders held stiffly, his hands clenched at his sides.

  “Not really,” she answered, a smile tugging the corners of her mouth as his dark gaze rested on her. She raised an eyebrow. “You?”

  The shifter stared at her, his handsome face devoid of emotion. He loosened his body and rotated his powerful shoulders. He ignored her question and answered with one of his own. “You and Cast
ille . . . has he acknowledged your claim?”

  Jaden felt her cheeks burn hot under the warrior’s intense glare.

  “Will he not honor you as his mate?”

  Christ, like she had time for this shit. Irritation colored her words in sarcasm. “My God, Nico, don’t confuse me with Jane and go all Tarzan on me. That’s not the way it works.”

  He frowned. “Actually, that’s exactly how it works.”

  Jaden blew out an exasperated breath and closed the space between them. Sometimes the jaguar warrior’s Neanderthal outlook irritated the crap out of her. She supposed they couldn’t help it, really. It was part of the genetic code. “It doesn’t matter, Nico, do you understand? Whatever happens between me and Julian should not matter to you.”

  Nico hissed, and she sensed his anger but pushed forward, knowing it was not the time to dance around his feelings. Besides, he’d started it.

  “There will never be anything between us, not the way you want. You need to listen and understand, Nico. I don’t love you. I don’t want you as a mate.” I already have one.

  She thumped him in the chest. “You think you have these feelings for me, but you’ve never gotten over Bella.” She grabbed his hand, hating the way he held himself so stiffly. Hating the way her words hurt him. “You still love Bella, and until you come to terms with what happened, with how she died, you’ll never be able to move forward.” She had to make him see. “You say that Julian is using me? How is that any different from you wanting me as a replacement for a dead woman?”

  He wrenched his hand from her and took a step back. “You would preach to me about moving forward when you’re fucking the man who threw you away like nothing more than a piece of garbage three years ago?”

  His voice echoed against the concrete, and Jaden was aware that she and Nico were the focus of everyone.

  They’d heard his words. Julian must have heard his words. Jaden swallowed thickly. She couldn’t deny the fact that the man was right.

  Nico’s face was thunderous as he plunged on. “It is unacceptable to me that you’d settle for him.” He tossed a dark look toward Julian and growled before his voice fell to a whisper. “I would give you everything.”


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