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One Lucky Bastard

Page 4

by Abby Wood

  Mick frowned. “It will work out, baby.” He shook his head. “Do this for me. It’s important.”


  He crossed the room, stroked the lengths of her arms, and smiled. “Because it is… I told you, I don’t play games, and I want us to commit one hundred percent to our relationship. You know how I feel about us.”

  She nodded.

  “Okay, then. I’ve got to head on out.” He pecked her lips. “I’ll see you tonight.”

  She remained against the wall after he left. Staring at the empty doorway, she sighed. This wasn’t the first time he had demanded she give up her apartment.

  Pushing off the wall, she bent down and lifted the basket. Not understanding why this seemed so important to him, she went downstairs to throw her laundry in the washer. She’d figure out what to do later.

  Chapter Six

  “Nathanial, put down the puzzle.” Debbie rushed over and held her hand out. “Thank you, kind sir.” She grinned at the little boy’s giggle. “Now go join the other kids around the circle. Mrs. Mead is going to read another Dr. Seuss book, and I know how you like those.”

  She slid the wooden puzzle board into the proper cubbyhole, tiptoed along the perimeter of the room, and slipped out the door. “Whew! I think half of those kids are still working their Halloween candy off.”

  Her friend Juanita pursed her lips and stared her down. Debbie threw up her hands.

  “What? Do I have finger paint all over my face?” She scrubbed her cheeks with the back of her hand.

  “No, girlfriend, but that mock collar isn’t hiding that love bite on your neck.” The other assistant teacher leaned forward. “You still seeing that old dude?”

  Debbie snorted, sank down to the floor, and leaned against the wall. “Oh, stop it. He’s not that old.”

  “He’s twice your age.” Juanita sat down beside her. “Lordy, girlfriend, you could have anyone you wanted.” She shook her head. “Why saddle yourself with someone who wants to stay at home and tend his garden?”

  “You don’t know Mick at all. He’s not like that.” Debbie sighed. “He completes me. I love the stability, attention, and maturity he brings into my life.”

  “I don’t know,” Juanita scoffed. “Maybe you just need to hop on a plane and go visit your daddy for a little while.”

  “Okay, that wasn’t fair.” She crossed her arms. “Besides, Mom and Dad are living it up, and I wouldn’t dream of slowing them down. They both deserve to travel and enjoy life after putting in all those years raising me.”

  Both of them fell silent. Deb sighed. She didn’t understand the way Juanita judged Mick for his age.

  “Why don’t you like him? Do you see something that I can’t see? He’s a great guy—successful, confident, secure in our relationship.” She turned her head toward Juanita. “It hurts that you and some of my other friends aren’t accepting him.”

  “You seriously don’t get it?” Juanita pursed her lips. “What kind of guy hooks up with a girl young enough to be his daugh—”

  “It’s not like that.” She slapped a hand down on her thigh. “God, that’s pathetic. You know me. Can’t you have faith in my decisions? I’d never settle down with someone whom I didn’t love with my whole heart. Hell, my track record should show you that. I never even get past the stage of dating, much less talk about committing myself to a relationship.”

  “Fine. I apologize. I’m cranky today.” Juanita leaned back and closed her eyes. “God, I can’t wait for Friday to arrive so I can find a new place to live.”

  “Why? I thought you just moved,” she asked.

  “I did, but I didn’t realize how hard it would be to sleep with a bar below my room.” Juanita clenched her hands in front of her. “All night. Boom. Boom. Boom.”

  Mick’s asking her to move into his house completely came back from this morning. She chewed the corner of her cheek.

  Debbie sat forward. “You know what? I have the perfect solution.” She grabbed her friend’s hand. “You can have my apartment.”

  “Girl, I’ve been in your apartment. We’d have to sleep on top of each other.” Juanita raised her eyebrows. “I don’t wiggle the sheets that way.”

  “No.” Debbie scooted around to sit in front of Juanita. “I’ve been staying with Mick. He wants me to get rid of the apartment and move in with him permanently, but this is better.” She tossed her hair behind her shoulder. “He has this idea that I need to get rid of the apartment anyway to show him I’m making a full commitment to him, but my parents didn’t raise a dummy. Our relationship is too new. I can’t throw away everything I’ve worked for until I know this is the real deal.”

  Juanita laid her hand on Debbie’s arm. “You sure? What if he dumps you for someone…older?”

  “Not funny.” She rolled her eyes.

  “Hm…” Juanita slowly nodded, seeming to think about the offer. “Are you absolutely sure you want to do this?”

  “Positive.” She leaned forward and held out her hand. “But if Mick asks, tell him I gave up the apartment, ‘kay? I’ll tell him the truth once I can think clearly and know that nothing will ever break us apart.”

  Juanita smiled and shook her hand. “Deal.”

  * * *

  Debbie managed to open the door despite the bag in her arms. “Mick!” She bent over and dumped her belongings on the other boxes at her feet. “Anyone home? A little help here, please!” She stumbled over a suitcase and yelped.

  “Deb?” Mick hurried to the foyer. “What are you doing, baby. Did you fall?”

  “You think?” She laughed and held out her hands. “Help me up.” Pulled to her feet, she turned and looked at the mess. “I never realized I had so much stuff.” She pivoted and flashed him a grin. “There’s even more in the car.”

  “How?” He shook his head. “Why?”

  She kicked the bag out of the doorway. “I took off from work a couple of hours early and closed up the apartment.”

  “Dammit. You should have called. I could have loaded all this for you.” He picked up the box. “You shouldn’t have to do this all by yourself. I would have helped you get everything moved over here this weekend.”

  “Well, it’s done.” She grabbed another bag. “I’m exhausted.”

  “Just leave everything right here. I’ll go get the rest of it and put it in the corner somewhere until you decide where to put it all.” He leaned over and gave her a kiss. “Mm. I missed you.” He pointed into the house. “Go take a shower, relax, and when you’re done, I’ll whip you up something to eat. You’ve probably worked up quite an appetite with all this moving.”

  “I’m not going to argue with that.” She gave him another kiss. “Thanks, Mick.”

  Debbie climbed the steps to the bedroom, threw her clothes off, and stepped into the bathroom. She reached for the drawer where she kept her hair clips and froze. Tonight’s the night! She’d forgotten all about it.

  Yesterday she’d worn the largest size butt plug, and Mick had promised that tonight he’d take her virginity. She shivered and hurried to start the shower. With all the importance he had put on letting go of her apartment, tonight’s plans had completely escaped her.

  She pinned up her hair, grabbed a towel out of the cabinet and hung it over the bar, and stepped into the shower. Moving under the stream of hot water, she closed her eyes. Was she ready for anal sex? So far, she’d only worn something that didn’t move. What was going to happen when Mick plunged his much bigger cock into her?

  She shivered, and her nipples hardened. She grabbed the soap and her net scrubber and lathered it up good. Running the scrubber over her body, she sighed. She was ready. Even when she wasn’t properly stretched the way Mick wanted her to be for her first time, the desire to have Mick fuck her that way had simmered beneath the surface. She trusted him and couldn’t wait to find out how it would feel to have his hard cock up inside of her anus instead of a butt plug.

  Turning, she rinsed off all the suds, flipped
the water off, and reached up for the towel. Drying off, she hurried into the bedroom when her stomach growled. Forgoing clothes, she put on her robe and headed back downstairs.

  Mick stood at the stove and raised his head. “Hungry?”

  “Starved.” She scooted onto a bar stool and leaned over the plate on the counter. She sniffed. “Chicken stir-fry?”

  “Yep. Leftovers from my lunch.” He poured her a glass of water and set it beside the plate. “Eat up. I ate a sandwich earlier, so it’s all yours.”

  Mick moved back and leaned against the counter on the other side of the kitchen. She picked up her fork and dug in.

  Nodding her head, she pointed at the food with her fork, swallowed, and moaned. “Really good.” She lifted another forkful. “How did your meeting go?”

  He crossed his legs and watched her eat. “Good. I might have to swing down to Costa del Mar in a couple of weeks and talk to one of the contractors, though.”

  She covered her full mouth with her hand and said, “Oh, I hear that place is beautiful. It has all those old buildings along the waterfront that sell art from all the independent artists in the area. They say it’s a regular gold mine to have your work showcased there.”

  Mick nodded. “I want you to come with me.”

  “Shut up!” She set down her fork. “I already took my one week of vacation this year to spend with my parents the last time they came back from their travels.” Lifting her glass, she frowned. “I would have loved to go with you, though. This is a real bummer.”

  “Quit your job.”

  She swallowed wrong, coughed, and patted her chest. “I can’t do that. College costs big bucks, and I want to go back and finish my degree.”

  “I told you that I will do everything possible to make you happy. If college makes you happy…great. We’ll talk about it all later.” He pushed off the counter and straightened.

  Debbie carried her plate to the sink, washed her hands, and stood in front of Mick. Sliding her arms around his waist, she cuddled up in his arms.

  “Don’t be mad.” She rubbed her breasts against him and grinned. “I’ll make it up to you.”

  He sighed. “I know you will.” She pinched the side where he was ticklish, and he squirmed. “I like your kind of torture.”

  “I want to hear about the deal with your apartment. Is this you finally realizing that I want you around forever?” He cupped her face and studied her. “I’m falling in love with you, baby. You have to realize that by now.”

  Her lips curved into a smile. “I feel the same way, Mick. It’s crazy to think I had this idea growing up that I wanted what my parents had—commitment, stability, a tangible love that everyone saw.” She licked her lips. “I knew I wanted those exact things.”

  “Have you found them?” He rubbed her back.

  She nodded. “No one understands why I’ve always found myself attracted to older men. I didn’t want guys my own age who drank too much and stayed out all night with their friends.” She rolled her eyes. “I wanted someone who could treat me like I deserve to be treated. How you do.”

  “Let’s go lie down, baby. I have an urge to put you up on a pedestal tonight.” He let her go, picked up her hand, and led her to the stairs. “Have you remembered what we planned to do?”

  A thrill traveled from her lower stomach to her pussy. “Yes.”

  Mick let go of her and moved right into removing his clothes. She slipped out of the robe and tossed it toward the closet. She loved how he always undressed slowly, folded his clothes, and set them on the dresser. Meticulously neat, he never ragged her about her sloppy housekeeping.

  “Grab that wooden stool, baby.” He stepped out of his slacks. “Go ahead and set it over there in front of the mirror.”

  Debbie carried the backless stool over and sat on it. She set her feet on the bottom rung, put her hands between her legs, and leaned forward. Mick undressed and moved about the room with grace and dignity.

  His whole charisma shone through, and she couldn’t help the fascination that came over her as she studied his debonair ways. “This is what I mean.”

  Mick strolled over to her. “What are you talking about?”

  “All the people who judge me for my attraction to you.” She placed her feet on the floor and stood up in front of him. “Everything about you turns me on. You’re stable, secure, confident—gorgeous.” She ran her hand down his cheek. “I feel your love.”


  “No. Let me explain. I’m not in this relationship needing love.” She trailed her finger over his lips. “I have everything I want. Yet you enrich my life more than I ever dreamed, being with me, loving me.”

  “Thank you.” He brought her mouth to his and kissed her.

  She shut her eyes, and she melted under the tenderness of his lips. Mick trailed kisses down her chin, along her jaw, and enveloped her in his arms. She swallowed past the lump of emotions welling up inside.

  “I love you, baby. Don’t ever doubt that.” He stroked the back of her head and pressed her against his chest. He chuckled. “We’re quite a pair. Both of us wanting someone unique for different reasons and lucky enough to find each other in this lifetime. I say we deserve everything we’ve found.”

  Basking in the glow of sharing their feelings, of connecting with someone on almost a spiritual level, and reluctant to break the physical bond between them, Debbie remained in his arms. Mick’s hands roamed her back. She hid her smile. Despite the sentimental moment, Mick’s cock hardened against her lower stomach.

  Chapter Seven

  Debbie slid her hand in between her and Mick’s bodies. Wrapping her fingers around the base of Mick’s cock, she stroked the length of him. Excited all over again for what they’d planned tonight.

  “Stand on the top of the step stool, baby,” he said.

  Not wanting to let go of him, she led him by his dick. After stepping up on the stool, she turned and held on to his shoulders.

  Mick gathered her hand and kept hold of it as he moved behind her. “Bend over and hold on to the stool.” He clamped his hands around her knees. “I won’t let you fall.”

  Wobbling, she bent forward and wrapped her fingertips under the seat. “Mick?”

  “I’ve got you.” He squeezed her legs. “Scoot your feet apart until you feel the edge of the stool.” Not letting her fall, he waited until she was comfortable. “Hang on.”

  Mick’s tongue slid along her slit. She squeezed her eyes shut. The swarm of pleasure and her precarious position tilted the room.


  Mick groaned against the lips of her pussy. He slipped his tongue into her wet hole and fucked her. She gasped. The danger of falling and yet trusting Mick with her safety heightened the thrill.

  Lifting his head, Mick zeroed in on her anus. Her legs shook with the intensity of all the different sensations she received. Her desire to fulfill Mick’s dream of taking her virginity rushed to the forefront.

  “Mick?” She opened her eyes. “Please.”

  He helped her straighten and find her balance, then guided her off the stool. After leading her over to the bed, he steered her down onto the mattress. “I want to fuck that wet pussy first.”

  She opened her legs, and Mick licked his way up her body. Latching his mouth on to her nipple, he gently rubbed her clit with his fingers. She moved her hips in lazy circles, letting the warmth and delight build.

  “Mm…yes.” She squirmed underneath him. She pushed her fingers through his dark hair. “That drives me wild.”

  Mick lifted his head and moved up farther. His cock slid into her cunt in slow motion. One inch at a time, she stretched and accommodated his size.

  “I want you to”—he thrust his hips back and forth in tight succession—”work your clit.” He held his weight off her with his arms. “Come for me, baby.”

  She slid her middle finger over her clit, and shuddered. Her clit was swollen and sticking out of its hood. She caressed around the nub light
ly with the pad of her finger. She thrust her hips in time to Mick’s plunges.

  She sped up and put more pressure on the top of her pussy. Teasing her clit and drawing her orgasm out of its shell. Biting down on her lip, she lavished in the wet, smooth strokes of Mick’s cock gliding in and out.

  “Oh!” She dug her heels into Mick’s ass, and lifted her butt off the bed.

  Her finger didn’t move from the receptive spot right above her clit. Her lower belly muscles clenched and exploded into a million pieces. She closed her eyes and rode her orgasm out.

  Mick withdrew his cock, kissed her open mouth, and pulled her into a sitting position. “That’s only the beginning, baby.”

  He led her back over in front of the mirror. This time he sat down on the stool. His cock glistened with her juices. “God, I love how wet you get when you come for me.” He turned her around. “Face the mirror, back your tight little virgin hole onto my cock, and fuck me when you’re ready.”

  Stepping between his outstretched legs, she turned and put her hands on his thighs. “Like this?”

  “Perfect, baby.” He ran his fingers over her moist dripping pussy and lubricated her anus. “Just the thought of fucking your ass makes me want to shoot my cum all over you.” He rubbed the head of his cock down the middle of her butt. “Right there.”

  The pressure from his hardness pressing against her anus pushed her on. She wanted nothing more than to experience his cock filling her up. He was so much bigger than the butt plugs she’d practiced with, and she knew the pleasure would be out of this world.

  Relaxed and ready to accept him, she lowered herself. The bulbous head of his cock slipped past the taut ring. She froze.

  “Breathe.” His hands stroked up and down her arms. “Take your time. Let me stretch you.”

  “I-I can’t—”

  “Does it hurt, baby?” His hands paused.

  She shook her head. “I. Can’t. Wait.” Lifting her hands off his legs, she sank down fully onto his cock. “Oh.”

  Her shoulders shook with the passion of what she and Mick accomplished together. Packed with his whole cock up inside of her ass, she shivered. Her pussy spasmed at the new sensations she was experiencing.


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