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Fear Is Louder Than Words: Her stalker taught her fear. Her suspicions taught her terror.

Page 27

by Linda S. Glaz

  Dr. Reinholdt leapt across the table. The men scuffled for a minute, and Dr. Reinholdt, definitely the stronger of the two, pinned the other man to the floor.

  “What’s going on in here?”

  Rochelle saw Tessa Borland enter the lunchroom.

  Rochelle kicked against the cabinet door with all her strength and popped the door off the hinge.

  Tessa screamed and Dr. Reinholdt dove for the gun.

  The man ducked, but not before Dr. Reinholdt grabbed the weapon.

  He lunged at Dr. Reinholdt. “You don’t get to hurt her.”

  Rochelle’s heartbeat thrummed in her ears.

  Dr. Reinholdt raised the weapon to shoot at the cabinet, but the other man jumped at him. Dr. Reinholdt shot the guy in the chest. Feeling flashed through Rochelle’s limbs, and her mouth opened as if it had been poised for the muscles to return. She shouted, and Dr. Reinholdt whipped back toward the cabinet.

  Pounding echoed from the front of the building.

  “Police. Open up!”


  “Tessa, what have you done?”

  Then the sound of smashing glass. In a matter of seconds, Dr. Reinholdt fled out the back door.

  A police officer rushed around the corner and dropped near the man on the floor.

  He turned to his partner. “Call for backup and an ambulance.”

  His gaze fell on Tessa. “I’m Officer Price. Who did this?”

  She indicated the door and then pointed to the wall. “He’s gone. But there’s a woman in that cabinet.”

  While Price put pressure on the man’s chest, the other officer ran over and helped Rochelle out.

  “Can you move? What’s wrong?”

  Tessa dropped to her side, and Rochelle struggled to move against the tape. “I can’t believe he did this to you.”

  The policeman pushed in. “You’re going to be all right. My name is Officer Kendall and I’ve called for help.” He drew out a small knife and freed Rochelle of the tape.

  Relief filled her lungs as she watched, helplessly. She wiped at her mouth. “He drugged me. Funny name like sucky. Or, I don’t know.”

  Tessa stared. “Succinate. It paralyzes for a short time.”

  Price turned to Kendall when he heard sirens out front and in the parking lot. “Go around back. Check for the shooter.”

  “Dr. Reinholdt did this.” She indicated the downed man. “He shot this cop.”

  He was no cop. He was Rochelle’s attacker. But he looked so—alone. Young. Not frightening. Not at all as she’d pictured him.

  And he’d saved her life.

  Officer Price tried to stop the bleeding but shook his head. “Not a cop. The guy looks like security. And if they don’t get here soon, it won’t matter.”

  He was going to die?

  Rochelle plucked at the last piece of tape and crawled along the floor. Noises gurgled from the man’s chest. “I’m coming. Everything’s going to be all right.”

  She moved the officer away. “I’ll sit with him. Here, I’ll hold that cloth.”

  The floor was thick with blood, and her stomach churned as she pushed forward through the slick wetness. Taking a calming, steadying breath, she knelt over him, recognized the green eyes immediately. He was much younger than she’d expected. Nineteen or twenty at the most.

  A kid.

  Just a kid.

  God, he saved my life!

  This was the man who had terrorized her, but he was dying.

  She struggled to pull his head onto her lap, stunned at how clear his eyes were now. Not the monster she remembered. She smoothed a lock of dark hair from his eyes and did her best to let him know it was going to be all right, even though she didn’t believe a word of what she said. She kept pressure on the cloth over his chest. “Who are you?”

  “…Kyle. Kyle … Laherty.” He licked his lips.

  “Laherty? Donald’s son?”

  His eyes widened, and he nodded. He tried to speak again but couldn’t. He breathed deeply and closed the heavy lids.

  Donald had told her how he’d destroyed their family. All because of his drinking. Was this possible? Donald had wanted his son to find his faith again.

  “My, my dad.”

  “What about your dad?”

  She struggled to clear her head. Staring at the carnage on the floor, her heart reached out in a way Rochelle didn’t think possible. Could she say what she knew in her heart was right so he might have peace?

  God give me the strength to not only say it, but to mean the words. Let me know this is what You want me to do.

  Then she saw it, her necklace. Dangling around his neck.

  She dipped her head toward him and whispered with a surreal calm. “Listen, if you can hear me. I want you to know something.”

  If You tell me what to say, I promise I’ll say it.

  “I forgive you for what happened. Do you understand me, Kyle? God forgives. I don’t know why you came here today, but you saved my life! Can you hear anything I’m telling you?”

  When she gazed into his face, tears dribbled from the corners of his eyes as he nodded in short, jerky movements. Peace, instead of the fear which had haunted her for the last four months, washed over her.

  He struggled to rise up, but couldn’t. “Dad.” He coughed up blood.

  “It’s all right. You don’t have to say anything. But know that you’re going to be fine.”

  “Tell … my dad … I did—” He blinked at her, then a ragged choking sound, and he coughed up more blood. His eyes grew heavy. “Please. He’ll know.”

  As he lay across her legs struggling for air, she heard him suck back a deep breath. Tears streamed over her cheeks as she smoothed the lock of hair one more time, like a mother might soothe a fever. Sirens again, like those she’d heard on that night. Louder and louder, but too late to do Kyle any good.

  Oh, God, let him have peace at last.

  What was it he wanted his dad to know?


  SUNDAY MORNING, ROCHELLE HELPED Ed as he wrestled against the sheet to sit up in bed, his color pale, and he was noticeably weak. She plumped the pillows and piled them high behind his head.

  “Like some ice water? Only this time, I refuse to leave the room. That woman might come back and try to seduce you again.”

  “I’m so sorry. I really didn’t—”

  “It’s okay. You don’t have to explain anymore. I wouldn’t want to give you up, either. She, at least, has good taste in men.”

  He grinned and drained the glass halfway without pause.

  If Kyle hadn’t traded his life for her, she might never have seen Ed again. Life could be so bewildering. The man who had frightened her, stalked her, injured her, had saved her life.

  Ed reached for her hand. “I’m so glad you’re here. That you’re … all right.”

  “I’m glad I am, too.” She smiled, thinking that Friday could have been her last day.

  “I feel like I let you down. Wasn’t … there when you needed me.” Ed’s eyes filled and he closed them, his mouth a grim line of frustration. “I want to protect you … always.”

  He had to relax and stop worrying about her all the time. Although, she had to admit it gave her great pleasure.

  “For now, let’s leave that to the police. They went to Dr. Reinholdt’s house and found his wife hiding in a closet. He’d been there, but she was smart enough to hide from him. Now, they’re convinced, with all his father’s ties, he’s left the country. Hopefully, for good.”

  Ed pulled her closer. “I’m not letting you leave.” He inhaled and stared into her eyes. “I want to look out for you, ’Chell, for the rest of our lives.”

  He grimaced and fought for breath. Must still be in a lot of pain.

  Did he really mean what she thought? How she would gladly stay in his arms forever. She sighed.

  “Don’t worry. Friday night they put a lounge chair in the room right next to you.” She giggled and realized she must
sound like a girl with her first crush. “Don’t you remember? The nurses said you were hollering the place down when you found out I’d been hurt. Dr. Norris got special permission for me to sit in here and help take care of you while they monitored me at the same time.”

  “I don’t remember much of anything.” He sagged against the pillows again.

  “It’s a long story, McGrath.”

  With a determined expression, he dropped his legs over the edge of the bed and stood, though wobbling with the effort. He held onto the bedrail and inched his way into the second chair and drew her hands into his. “Maybe you should start at the beginning.”


  Ed’s hands tightened into fists, relaxed, and tightened again all the way to his shoulders, causing his incision to burn. He couldn’t believe her story.

  Here he was, trapped in tubes and lines so he couldn’t hold her the way he would have liked. Well, he’d fix that. He pulled the line from his hand and shoved the others as far back as possible. “C’mere. Closer.”

  She laughed at his transparency. “And what do you want?” Her lips brushed his—softly at first.

  Too sisterly.

  He slid forward in the chair and pressed into her kiss with no intention of moving. His heart pounded as they deepened the kiss. “Whew! I waited a long time for a kiss like that.” The monitor set off the alarm, and he fell against the back of the chair, laughing.

  His nurse, LuAnn, rushed in. “What’s going on?”

  Warmth crept over his face, and he licked his lips. He laughed more and nodded, indicating Rochelle’s direction. “She kissed me. It’s all her fault.”

  He didn’t miss the look when LuAnn rolled her eyes and grinned at Rochelle.

  “What? It’s true.” He lifted his eyebrows up and down as he flirted with both women until they couldn’t help but giggle.

  Yeah, he still had it. “By the way, that alarm might go off again.”

  LuAnn walked over and picked up the IV line. “I suppose she pulled this out, too.”


  Settled for the night with the door slightly ajar, Rochelle lounged in her chair and Ed stretched out on the bed. They held hands as they watched the recurring news story about Dr. Reinholdt’s clinic. Even comments from the governor dominated the stories. How many children had been affected? Would they ever untangle all of the deceptions?

  It wasn’t long before she heard gentle snoring less than two feet away. She fought to keep her eyes open because of all the tension the last few days. Exhaustion won out. Now, she wished she’d had some coffee. She’d rather sit here and watch Ed sleep, but she snuggled against the pillows on the chair and stopped fighting the yawns.

  A streak of light shot across the floor as the door opened behind her. Another nurse. She pulled the blanket closer. The door closed and the light disappeared.

  “LuAnn? Is that you again? Not to worry, he’s behaving.”

  “LuAnn won’t be bothering you good folks anymore. I’m here instead.”

  Rochelle froze. No!

  “Don’t hurt him, please.”

  She reached for Ed, and Dr. Reinholdt lunged.


  WHY WERE THEY WAKING him up now? Hadn’t he just fallen asleep?

  Ed clicked on the light and peered over the edge of the bed, searching for the source of the noise.


  “It’s Dr. Reinholdt!”

  “Shut up.”

  The doctor held a gun to her throat.

  He was dreaming. No, not a dream. Too real.

  “What do you want?” Ed took in the room. Anything that he could use as a weapon.

  “Ed, stay out of this. He hurt LuAnn.”

  “Don’t make a sound, or I’ll kill your girlfriend here. Don’t do anything foolish. And don’t try to be a hero.”

  He pressed the barrel of the gun against her neck.

  Ed tried to get up, but the lines confined him.

  Dr. Reinholdt tightened his grip on Rochelle. “I said, no heroes, McGrath.”

  “What do you want from us?”

  Dr. Reinholdt’s gaze was blank. A person with no soul.

  Ed looked over the doctor’s shoulder to draw his line of vision. Dr. Reinholdt glanced back.

  At the same time, Ed yanked out the IV again. Adrenaline surging, he jumped out of bed and grabbed the hockey stick he’d signed for Bunky.

  Then he let instinct take over. Picturing Grabey, he brought the stick down on Dr. Reinholdt’s arm as hard as he could. The man dropped the gun and sprawled across the floor where Ed struck him a second time.

  Dr. Reinholdt went limp.

  Ed dropped to his knees, pain shooting through him from head to toe like demons from hell poking him. But he didn’t care. He shoved the doctor aside and scooped Rochelle into his arms. He leaned against the bottom bedrail. Reaching over his head with a flick of his hand, he pressed for the nurse.

  “What’s going on in … what happened?”

  Ed heard shouts from the hallway. “Code Blue! Code Gray! Room two eleven!”


  ED’S CHUCKLE WAS DEEP and husky, not weak, and Rochelle laughed at the difference a few hours made. Monday morning came surprisingly early for two people who hadn’t slept much.

  When Ed climbed into the chair and reached for her, she held her hands up. “Be careful. You’re going to hurt … something. If you didn’t already.”

  “Naw.” He pulled her to him and then flinched. “Okay, that hurts.” But she could tell he didn’t care. He tugged her onto his lap, wrapping his arms, lines and all, completely around her. “I’m never going to let go of you again. I love you, Rochelle Elizabeth Cassidy.”

  She bit the corner of her lip and stared into those heavenly blue eyes. “And I love you. You really did save me.” She squeezed him and snuggled against his chest.

  “Okay, really, really hurts.” He eased back, but wouldn’t release her.

  She frowned, her tears dripping onto his hands. “Hey you, be careful. I won’t have you re-injured because you’re worried about me. I’m so sorry about all this. If I had listened to Brooke, I wouldn’t have gone to the clinic alone. And then Dr. Reinholdt wouldn’t have come.”

  “Shh. It’s okay. I’m okay. You’re okay. Cody’s okay. We’re all okay.”

  “Dr. Reinholdt’s not so okay.” She smiled.

  Rochelle’s fingers were crushed in his grasp, but she felt safe for the first time in months. If Ed hadn’t acted when he did, she would be dead. She shivered in spite of the warm arms protecting her, telling her she was where she belonged. Danny was far from her mind. She’d been completely wrong about Ed. He was nothing like Danny.

  “What about Lindy something or other? Remember?”

  She closed her eyes for a second, remembering. “Yes, I guess some of the women reacted to the compounds and hormones. She wasn’t the first suicide at PhD. They’re finding out all kinds of nightmares took place there. Tessa Borland, one of the nurses, was the one who called the police. Guess she knew plenty and wanted to be the first to try and make a deal.

  “Lindy had been given massive amounts of steroids. Each patient reacted differently to the diverse chemical cocktails. According to Tessa, he used any combination he thought might produce a more astounding infant. Then tracked the babies after they were born. It’s why he also did pedes.”

  He hauled a blanket across her shoulders and hugged her tighter. “And what about the babies? Any miracles?”

  “He and his father kept a photo album of the babies born as a result of his tests. We saw it on his desk before we left the clinic. Some of them are horrible and others? Well, you wouldn’t believe how strong and beautiful they are. Hopefully, for their sakes, people will leave them alone. Can you imagine how scientists will want to dissect them? It will be months, maybe even years, before they know all the procedures and pharmaceuticals he used. I can’t help thinking of Cody, wondering what all he and Donna suffered at that man’s

  Ed pulled her fingers to his lips, and she sighed at the gentle kiss that fluttered over them. “But you’re safe. And the doctor said there won’t be any long-term effects from the drug he injected into you.”

  “I am safe. You’re not to worry, Ed.”


  Ed shook his head. He itched to punch something. God had been dealing with his temper, so he closed his eyes and prayed until the primal feeling passed. But he was grateful his temper had finally been put to good use last night. Righteous anger, wasn’t that what he heard it was called? If only God would allow Ed to marry Rochelle, he would protect her the rest of their lives. “I’ll worry all I want. From now on, I’m the one to be your protector. My arms will never leave your side.”

  “It’s going to make doing the dishes a little tough.”

  He chuckled. “I have a commercial dishwasher.”

  He gazed into her beautiful eyes—bluer, clearer than an ocean. And all he wanted was to kiss her … again and again. No time like the present.

  She yielded her lips to his. Both of them clung to each other as if the realization of the last two days had just hit them.

  “You’re crazy. Ed, there’s so much more to tell you, but right now, I simply want to be here and be assured you’re on the mend.”

  “I’m fine.” He shifted against the back of the chair. “A little sore after my wrestling match, but Doc says I checked out all right.”

  “I intend to take good care of you, too. Like you did me.”

  Her sweet smile stirred every emotion in his body. Everything he’d fought so hard to avoid was rolled into this one beautiful woman. “You’re well enough to be fussing with me?”

  “Yes. Isn’t it funny and true after all, God can turn any bad situation into a positive one if we let Him?”

  There she went again, looking on the bright side. “How do you figure that?”

  “If I hadn’t gone to PhD, maybe hundreds more women and their babies would have been harmed. Dr. Reinholdt might have gone unchecked for years, and who knows what kind of damage could have resulted from his work. And I was able to truly forgive Kyle Laherty.”


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