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Eclipse of the Heart

Page 2

by J. L. Hendricks

  “Well, I am sorry to hear the General died, but you need to be honest with me. I can help you. You do realize that I have more powers than just mind speak, right?”

  “No, I didn’t know that. I don’t know much about you or about your kind. Maybe you should come back and go sightseeing with me today? We could get to know each other better.” I felt better when Fillie was around, like she was another protector of mine. I realized that I needed her. It was the bond, I was sure of it. With her gone, I felt like something was missing from my soul. I was sad and lonely, even though the compound was full of fae warriors, some of whom I called friend. But without Fillie, I felt lonesome.

  “Girlie, I can’t be there for the sightseeing trip, but I will be there this evening. Stay close to that Ash fellow, he will take care of you. But no more kissing! I don’t think he is the one for you. Besides, don’t you have enough to worry about right now?”

  “Fillie, are you jealous? Do you have a crush on Ash? You do know that he is just a player, right? I may be attracted to him, but I don’t think he feels the same for me. He wants me, but I think it is more about conquest than actual feelings for me.” I knew that Ash only wanted what he couldn’t have.

  “What are you blind? That boy can’t take his eyes off you whenever you are near him. I have only known you two for a couple of days, but I have followed you since you first arrived. I noticed that he is always touching you or looking at you. That boy has it bad for you! But be careful, I don’t trust him to take care of your heart.”

  “Ok, Ok, enough boy talk. Where are you and why can’t you be here today?”

  “I am visiting family, telling them about you and to let them know I won’t be around for a while. Don’t worry, you will get sick of me always stopping Ash from touching you or kissing you soon.”

  “Alright, I’ll see you tonight Fillie.” I laughed after we said goodbye as I thought back on what Fillie said about Ash caring deeply for me. I just didn’t see it.

  After my strange conversation with Fillie I went to find Ash and see what the plans were.

  Ash was out in the garden sitting alone on a bench. He had this pensive look on his face, like he was a million miles away. His right hand was touching his lips and his eyes were half way closed.

  “Ash, am I disturbing you?” I asked as I walked up to him and touched his shoulder.

  He took his hand and put it on my arm and pulled me down next to him on the bench. “No, you are just the person I was hoping to see. I was able to get ahold of my sister as well as Cash’s sister. Xandrie is going to join us all for shopping and lunch today. I have just the place to go for lunch. Do you like seafood?” Ash was slowly moving his hand up and down my arm while he spoke to me. It felt too good, my arm was very warm and the tingling feeling that started where he touched me started moving towards my heart. I knew I was in trouble, but I couldn’t fight the attraction.

  I scooted a bit closer to him on the bench and laid my head on his shoulder. “Yes, I do like seafood actually. Is yours like ours? Or do you guys eat weird creatures from the sea?” I laughed a little bit as I said that last question. I imagined strange flying water creatures that had been caught and were cooked whole before getting on our plates.

  “We might have one or two sea creatures that are different, but most are the same. Don’t worry, you won’t have to eat anything you don’t like.” Ash kissed the top of my head after he wrapped his arm around me.

  “Thank you for arranging this for me. I know we are taking a chance, but I really want to see your world. I don’t know when I will get another opportunity to see it all.”

  “It’s dangerous, but I agree that you should see everything you can. I know I worry about your safety a lot, it’s because I care about you. I trust you to take care of yourself, I do. It’s the rippers I don’t trust. Most seem to want to capture you, but a few want to drink you dry. Both of those scenarios scare me. It would kill me if something happened to you.”

  Ash turned towards me and took my face in his hands and looked directly into my eyes and said, “You do know how much I care for you, don’t you? I would do anything to keep you safe.”

  “I know that I am your responsibility and that we are friends, good friends. I would do anything to keep you safe as well Ash. But I need you to stop being so flirty with me, it is very confusing and distracting.” I tried to pull back from his hands but he moved one hand behind my head and pulled me close to him.

  He leaned forward and touched his forehead to mine and almost whispered, “B, I am not being a playboy here, I really do care for you. I know what Lancer said about me. Most of it’s true, I was a playboy and a huge flirt. When we first met, I didn’t have the best intentions. But over these past few months I have grown to care very deeply for you. I would never do anything to hurt you. I hope you understand that.”

  “I… I am not sure I do. I know you care for me, and that we have become very close friends. And I trust you with my life. I am just not sure I can trust you with my heart.” Ash leaned in closer and barely touched his lips to mine. It was one of the purest, yet most intense kisses I have ever shared with anyone, human or fae. His lips lingered on mine for only a few moments and then he moved to the side of my mouth and started leaving a trail of soft, sweet kisses along my jaw line up to my earlobe. He softly kissed my earlobe and brought it into his teeth and nibbled it. I gasped and grabbed on to his arms with all my might as I closed my eyes and a small moan escaped my lips.

  Just then someone walked out into the garden and we both quickly jumped away from each other.

  Lancer walked over to where we were standing, “There you are. I have been looking everywhere for you B’Lana. Can we talk, privately?” Lancer looked at Ash and me with a quizzical look on his face. “What were you two doing out here alone?”

  “Hi Lancer, we were just talking about everything going on and the need to be careful when we go shopping today.” I answered without looking at either of them. I was focused on a flower near me, hoping he didn’t see how guilty I felt.

  “I was also telling B’Lana about the seafood place we were all going to for lunch. I’ll go get everyone ready and double check the vehicles for safety. B’Lana come out front when you’re ready. Be sure to grab your pouch of throwing knives from the armory. I took them in there last night to have them cleaned and sharpened.”

  “Ok, thanks Ash, I appreciate it. I hope you added more to my bag? I don’t think a dozen is enough anymore.” I laughed, but it was more of a forced laugh. I was still feeling a bit odd. For some reason I felt guilty about what Ash and I were up to before Lancer walked out. I knew he didn’t see us, but I still felt like he caught us or something. Men, ugh I am so confused.

  “Lancer, what did you want to discuss?” I asked as Ash closed the door to the garden.

  “Let’s take a walk.” Lancer put his arm out for me to take while we started to walk around the other side of the garden.

  Chapter Three

  “B’Lana, I’m worried about your trip today. Every time you have been outside this compound you have been attacked. One of these days your luck is going to run out. I don’t want to find out you have been hurt, or worse, while out sightseeing. Do you really need to leave today?” Lancer wouldn’t look at me while he was talking, he kept his focus on the path in front of us as we walked along.

  “Thank you for your concern, but since this is a last minute trip I hope that we will be safe. We are going to be in very public places that would be difficult to attack; unless they were already planning an attack on the location. Plus we are taking more guards with us this time. Don’t worry about me, focus on finishing up your trial so you can go home to Earth with us.”

  Lancer looked at me and smiled, “B’Lana, it won’t be worth going back if you aren’t there. So please stay safe and do everything Ash tells you. Don’t let him leave your side for even a minute. I trust him to keep you safe, just remember that.”

  “I know Ash will keep me
safe. I don’t question that at all” I just question his motives behind all of the flirting. I thought to myself.

  “Is this what you wanted to discuss with me alone today? If that is all, I need to get going.”

  Lancer looked at me and opened his mouth, but closed it right away and looked down and his feet. “Yes, that was all I had to say. Please stay safe. It may not seem like it, but it would kill me if something happened to you while you were here trying to help me.”

  I reached over and gave him a quick hug. “Don’t worry, I’ll be safe. Is there anything you want me to bring back for you?”

  “Just yourself, safe and sound.”

  “Ok, see you later. Try not to have too much fun with that wonderful judge of yours.” I really did not trust that judge, something was very off with him.

  I joined Ash out front and everyone piled into four SUV’s. We drove off to the seafood joint Ash told me about.

  It was about a thirty minute drive. I could smell the salty air and knew we were close to the ocean. There were even a bunch of seagulls flying overhead as we pulled into the restaurant parking lot. The place was called The Salty Brine. It was rather large and the parking lot was full of cars, most of which came from Earth.

  “Mmmm is that fried fish I smell? Do they do fish and chips here?” I asked as we got out of the vehicles and started to walk towards the front door.

  “They do have fried fish, but I thought we might have something a bit nicer. Do you like lobster and shrimp?” Ash asked me as he held open the door and motioned for me to enter before him.

  “Yes, I do! Lobster is one of my favorite dishes, but always so expensive.”

  Xandrie spoke up, “Don’t worry about the cost, Ash is treating everyone for lunch, aren’t you Ash?”

  “Of course I am.” Ash just smiled as he looked at the display of live Lobster in the foyer.

  “Xandrie, do you like lobster too?” I asked.

  “Why yes I do. I think we all might be having lobster today. It’s a real treat here too. This place does it up right. Just wait until you see how they prepare our meals. So much better than Earth.”

  “Ash, what about Cash’s sister and yours? Are they joining us for lunch too?” I asked Ash as I walked over to the lobster display.

  “Anise, my sister, and Cash’s sister, Callie, will meet us at the mall later today.”

  We all sat down at a large table with a lazy-susan on the top. Ash ordered a family style meal with the lobster he picked out when we came in. Not too long after we sat down, the lobster was brought out and put in the center of the table.

  Ash turned the wheel and had the lobster facing me. “B, since it’s your first time here, why don’t you go first.” The body of the lobster had been cracked and the meat cut up into bite size pieces.

  I took my fork and reached over the head to try and grab some of the lobster meat when I received a huge shock. The lobster was still alive! Its pinchers reached out and tried to grab me. I yelped as I brought my hand back and the entire table busted up laughing.

  “Not funny guys. Why would you bring out a live lobster? Shouldn’t the meat be cooked before serving it?” I asked as I took another look at the lobster. It was a deep red, like it had been boiled. But the claws still moved a bit.

  “B, they just dip it into the water for about a minute and then bring it out. Technically it is dead, the pinchers moved from a muscle reflex.”

  “Ash, I don’t believe you. That thing tried to pinch my hand right as I reached out, it has to still be alive.”

  “B, haven’t you ever been to Asia? This is how they serve lobster in the finer restaurants. Then they take what is left, including the eye balls and put it in the soup. It is good luck to get the eye ball in your soup. Let’s hope you get one! You need all the luck you can get.” Ash said as he laughed at me.

  “No thanks, I don’t need an eyeball in my soup.” I was not going to eat a lobster eyeball, I didn’t care if it brought me luck or not.

  We finished our nice lunch about an hour later and all headed out to the vehicles. Ash and the guards checked them to make sure no one tampered with them while we ate. Everything seemed fine so we all piled in and drove off to the mall.

  Their mall looked very similar to an Earth mall. But theirs was four stories tall and only about a quarter of the length of my favorite mall, but with another level on top. They had two department stores that bookended their mall. One was called Forever Fae and the other was called Fae Fashions. In between the two big stores was a collection of smaller ones. They sold everything from music to coffee to women’s fashions, and children’s clothes. It really felt like I was home, except for the difference in fashion. And of course all of the red eyes and pointy ears.

  Callie suggested we try Forever Fae first. “B’Lana if you are looking for summer clothes I think this store might have what you want.”

  We tried that store and I found a few things, including a decent swimsuit. But Ash complained that it covered too much.

  Anise wanted me to try her favorite coffee shop, so we took a break and had some fae coffee. It was actually very nice. It was similar to my favorite Christmas coffee, but had a bit more spice to it. It was naturally sweeter so I only put a little bit of creamer in it.

  With our large group, we stood out.

  I looked around and noticed that fae were staring at me and pointing and whispering. Then I noticed that some of the rippers where looking at me as well. I felt uncomfortable and walked into the first open store to catch my breath.

  It was a men’s clothing store. Most in our party were men so we didn’t stand out too bad, other than being a large group. I walked towards the back of the store to see the different fashions. Fae men liked their leather.

  A Sendryl Ripper came up to me and asked if I needed any help. “No, I am just looking at the different types of leather pants. Do you all really wear leather pants every day?”

  The attendant chuckled a bit and introduced himself to me, “Hi, my name is Cove. It is nice to meet you B’Lana.”

  I was startled he knew my name and I took a step back. “Don’t worry, I am not a stalker. Everyone here knows who you are by now. The first human fae hybrid to come to Sendryl in over 200 years. I don’t know anyone who has ever met one before. You are a celebrity on this planet.

  Cove was a ripper, working in a men’s clothing store. He didn’t look like he had been to Earth, he only looked like a fae who had partied too hard for the past couple of weeks. His eyes looked more bloodshot than anything else and he had bags under them.

  “Nice to meet you Cove.” I started to walk away when he asked me if I would take a picture with him.

  “No one will believe I actually met you, one photo will go a long way for me and my friends.”

  I looked to Ash and he just shrugged his shoulders.

  “Ok, I guess I can do that. I am not used to taking photos with strangers.”

  Cove handed his cell phone with a camera to Ash and he took our picture.

  As we walked away I looked back and noticed he was texting the picture to some friends of his. I was curious what he really thought about meeting me; so I took a peek into his thoughts. This is the girl you are all looking for. She is here right now in my store. Hurry up and you might get her before they leave. But they have a large group of guards with them, along with two female Sennafae. This is your chance, don’t blow it.

  “Ash, that guy is working for the bad rippers, he just texted his friends that we were here and how many in our party. He told them to hurry if they want to get us. We gotta get out of here, quick.” I told Ash via mind speak while I looked around for everyone else.

  Ash motioned to the group to get moving and we left as swiftly as we could, with all of the traffic in the mall. We made it out of there and back to our vehicles and were looking them over for any evidence of tampering when Xandrie noticed that a group of rippers had just pulled into the parking lot.

  Thankfully Anise and Cal
lie had left in their own vehicles already. We had a group of ten warriors along with Ash and I.

  The rippers saw us and came right towards us. We had just finished checking the vehicles for tampering when they surrounded us. There were five Ford F150 trucks and a Ford Econoline white van all around us. The van had what looked like a satellite dish on top. One ripper stepped out of his truck and said hello to us.

  “HI there! My name is Merv and I’m with Channel 8 news here on Sendryl. Can I get an interview with you B’Lana? This would make for the story of the century!” Merv said as he walked towards me.

  “Sorry, I’m not doing interviews.” I said as I tried to walk around him to get into my vehicle.

  Merv held out his hand to stop me. “Come on, just one quick interview. I promise it won’t take long and you might even enjoy it. How many times do you get to be on television?” He gave me a very snarky smile that made me feel like ants were crawling all along my arms.

  I yanked my arm away from him and said, “No means no where I come from. I am not interested at all in your interviews or being on TV. Please get out of my way.”

  I had a strange vibe from him so I tried to listen in to his thoughts, but he didn’t have much to hear. It felt like he was consciously trying to keep me from reading him. I tried some of the others in his group and they were doing the same thing.

  Merv looked at me and smiled. “You can’t read us can you.” It was more of a statement than a question.

  “Excuse me, I don’t understand?” Oh stink, he knew or at least suspected what I could do.

  “You were just trying to read our minds just now, weren’t you?” Merv asked with a haughty laugh.

  “Ugh, how many times do I have to tell you rippers, I don’t have any mind trick powers. Now just leave me alone before my guards attack you guys.” I exclaimed while flailing my arms around.

  “B, they have the cameras rolling, unless they hurt you, I can’t attack them. We need to get out of here now.” Ash told me through his thoughts, then said to Merv, “We need to leave as we have an appointment across town that we are late for. Please excuse us.”


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