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Falling for Her Dragons [Dragon Love 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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by Jane Jamison

  Dragon Love 7

  Falling for Her Dragons

  Harper Hanley never expected to witness a murder. Yet, when she passes out on top of train tracks and sees a dragon coming toward her, she thinks she’s imagined everything, including the murder.

  Weredragon half-brothers Roth and Coltrane Kinsburg own the Flying K Ranch along with their friend Pike Killian. When Pike sees Harper pass out on the train tracks, he takes her home with him. She tells them about witnessing the murder and seeing the dragon, but will she tell the police?

  When the murderer starts killing people around Harper, guilt wracks her. Can she stop the killer before someone else dies?

  Either as men, or as dragons, the men are ready to do whatever it takes to keep Harper safe. But can they save her safe from herself? Yet, keeping her alive is only part of the problem.

  Genre: Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Shape-shifter, Western/Cowboys

  Length: 35,359 words


  Dragon Love 7

  Jane Jamison


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2016 by Jane Jamison

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-68295-275-7

  First E-book Publication: June 2016

  Cover design by Les Byerley

  All art and logo copyright © 2016 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  Dear Reader,

  Thank you for purchasing a copy of my book. You are the reason I write.


  Jane Jamison

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine


  About the Author


  Dragon Love 7


  Copyright © 2016

  Chapter One

  “I give it six months.” Harper Hanley figured she was being generous. She squinted at the newly married couple. The bright afternoon sunlight beamed down on her. As men went, Dr. Burton Rumpainala, “Dr. Rump” to all his super-rich Dallas patients, wasn’t a bad-looking guy, but he didn’t do anything for her libido. He was the average forty-something-year-old man with a receding hairline and the infamous dad bod without actually being a dad.

  “Quiet.” Megan Ettles, her best friend and plus-one for the wedding, shot her a stern look. “Tone it down, girl. The music’s not that loud.”

  Getting wasted at her new boss’s wedding wasn’t the brightest thing to do. Still, what was a girl supposed to do? She’d gotten a text from her boyfriend of four months, Mike Harris, minutes earlier. Fucking asshole hadn’t had the decency to break up with her in person. His text message had read, I think we should call it quits.

  Getting dumped by Mike wasn’t exactly heart wrenching, but still, it was a blow to her ego. She’d gotten dumped by her last three boyfriends. Did she have it wrong? Was she the one to blame for the break-ups and not them?

  “He dumped me.” Harper grabbed a bottle of champagne off a nearby table. One more sip wasn’t going to make any difference.

  “So what? You were talking about dumping him thirty minutes before he texted you.” Megan locked her arm in Harper’s and tugged her farther away from the crowd. Most of the guests were sticking to the huge balcony overlooking the rest of the yard. Although it wasn’t in the greatest of locations, with a train track only a quarter of a mile away, Dr. Rump’s home was impressive.


  “Come on. Could you really see yourself spending the rest of your life with Mike?”

  Hell no. “I guess not.” She sighed. “But at this rate, I’ll never have a home or a family. Hell, at this rate, I’ll never get married.”

  “Yes, you will. But not if you get fired for getting drunk at your new boss’s wedding reception.”

  Megan tugged her hard, but not before Harper snatched up a drink sitting on a nearby table. She took a sip then started to down the rest.

  “Oh, no, you don’t.” Megan slapped her hand, making her drop the glass.

  “Shit. Why’d you do that?”

  “Do you realize whose drink you just took?”

  “Nope and I don’t care. Tasted funny, anyway.”

  “That was Dr. Rump’s drink. Be cool. He’s frowning at you.” Megan let out a hard breath. “Good. He’s going somewhere else.”

  “But I haven’t congratulated him yet.” She attempted to turn back, but Megan wouldn’t let go.

  Why is the world getting all fuzzy?

  “Ow. You’re hurting my arm.”

  “You’ll thank me for a broken arm if
it keeps you from getting fired before you even start your first day. He didn’t have to invite you, you know.”

  “He didn’t invite me. I invited myself when he called to offer me the job. How stupid was that? I was just trying to get on his good side. Who knew he’d actually say yes? I got stuck buying a wedding present and I haven’t even started working for him.”

  “Which gives you even more of a reason to behave. Lose this job and you’re shit out of luck. I don’t think Dr. Lambert’s going to take you back now that you’ve jumped dental practices.”

  “He might. He likes me.” She giggled. “But it doesn’t matter now. I only have one more week with him, and then I’m done. Dr. Rump is going to pay me a lot more.”

  “You’ve got to make it to the job first. Come on. Let’s hide out in the garden.”

  Dizziness swamped her. If Megan hadn’t been holding on to her she might’ve fallen on her face. “She married him for his money, you know. Why else would someone marry a guy with the personality of a stump?” Did she sound bitter?

  “She’s no winner, either. Plus, she’s going to inherit a lot of money from her daddy. I think they’re both marrying for money.”

  “At least they have someone. I’m going to dry up. My ovaries are turning into tiny prunes. I can feel them shriveling.”

  Megan steered them through the lush gardens and behind a bunch of hedges at the side of the house. “You’re only twenty-eight with plenty of child-bearing years left. Besides, I didn’t think you wanted kids.”

  “That doesn’t mean I don’t want the option. Who knows? With the right man, I might reconsider.” She’d begun thinking about having a family and children a lot lately, but she’d kept her thoughts to herself.

  “Sit,” ordered Megan. “And stop drinking. I don’t understand how you got drunk so fast.”

  “Yes, Mom. Sitting now.” Harper plopped down on the bench hidden in the curve of a large bush. From there, she could see around her but still be mostly hidden.

  Megan bent low and grabbed Harper’s chin. “Listen up. You stay here and don’t go anywhere. I’m going inside to get our purses and phones. Then we’ll get the hell out of here.”

  Harper let out an unladylike snort. “Why’d he have to take our phones? Who’s he think he is? A celebrity? Like TMZ would want pics of his wedding. Ha!”

  “I’ll call for a cab and be right back.”

  Megan tried to take the bottle of champagne, but Harper lurched backward, almost falling over the back of the bench. “Uh-uh. No one’s taking my bottle.”

  Her friend tried again, and failed again. “Fine. Keep it. But promise you won’t move?”

  “Shit, Meg, I’m not deaf, and I’m not that drunk.”

  “Yeah, you are. Stay put. Don’t even stand up. I’m afraid you might go face-first into the dirt. Promise?”

  Harper sat up straighter, attempting to show her friend how un-drunk she was. Strangely, she didn’t think she’d had that much to drink. At least not until she’d swiped Dr. Rump’s drink. That must’ve been one strong drink. “I promise. Now go get our fucking stuff so we can get the fuck out of here.”

  “I’ll be back as fast as I can.”

  “Okey-dokey.” Harper wiggled her fingers in a wave and lifted the bottle to her lips. Who needed a glass anyway? Or a bartender? She’d taken the middleman out of alcohol consumption.

  Harper did her best to keep her promise. The place was pretty enough, even if there was a damn bee working its way over to her. “Hurry up, Megan. You know I’m allergic.” Hearing a noise, she stretched as tall as she could get without standing up.

  One swig more, then two. What harm would a third do? Besides, what else was she supposed to do while she waited?

  I never liked champagne. Until now.

  She studied the bottle.

  It’s probably expensive. That’s why it tastes good.

  Another swig.



  Damn bee. Go away.


  Fucking bee.

  Gotta get away from the little pest.

  She stood up, swayed a little, and took a few steps.

  Where’d I leave off? Two. Yeah. Two.

  Waving her arm, she tried to get the bee to fly away. Why wouldn’t it leave her alone? Was it the champagne it wanted?

  She hugged the bottle to her chest. “You can’t have my champug, bug.” She swayed in the direction Megan had gone. “I’m coming after you, girl.”

  Off she went, slowly, and not quite in a straight direction.

  One more drinkie-poo won’t hurtz. It’ll helps me goes faster.

  Another noise came, and she stopped, grabbing hold of a bush for support.

  “How the fuck are you still standing? You should be— Damn it. You’re not even drunk.”

  I am.

  Harper looked around. Who was that?

  “What are you talking about? I didn’t even drink the glass you gave me.”

  They weren’t talking to her. She put a finger to her lips and smothered a giggle.

  “You lousy son of a bitch. You promised you wouldn’t go through with it.”

  Harper’s eyes widened. Whoever the woman was, she was pissed. The woman let out a stream of curse words. Even a few words Harper didn’t know.

  I’ll jush take alittlelooksee. Jush to make sure everything’sallright.

  She inched in the direction of the voice.

  “I couldn’t back out. Not after all the trouble I went through to get her. Be reasonable, baby. All I have to do is stick with Charlotte for a couple of years for the sake of appearances, and then I’ll take her to the cleaners. All her money will be ours.”

  Dr. Rump? What’z he doing out in da garden?

  “If you hadn’t lost your money on the ponies, we wouldn’t be in this fucked-up shit.”

  “I had to try something. I was going to lose the practice and my house if I didn’t get a quick payday.”

  “Bullshit. That’s where you lost the money in the first place. You’re an asshole, Burton. Fuck you! I don’t care about the damn money. You promised you were going to break it off with her and marry me. Don’t you get it, you asshole? I’m tired of you treating me like I’m some slut you can fuck anytime you want. No one treats me like shit and gets away with it. No one. No, don’t touch me! We’re finished.”

  “But, sugar, I need you. I can’t be in a marriage with that cow without you in my life. She’s my cash ticket. I’ll get her money then get rid of her. You have to give me more time.”

  “I don’t believe you. You’ve lied to me long enough. Fuck you.”

  Ooh. Thisssis getting’ good.

  Against her better judgment, Harper pushed through the thick bushes and peeked at the two people in the small clearing.

  It’s Dr. Rump, all right.

  The woman he was desperately trying to calm down had on loose sweat pants and a hoodie. She obviously wasn’t one of the guests.

  “Baby, be patient.”

  “Patient? Are you fucking kidding me? I’ve waited for you for over a year while you kept promising me you’d break it off with her. I’m not waiting any longer. I hate you.”

  Dr. Rump clutched the woman’s arms as she turned to leave. “You don’t mean that. You’re not going anywhere. Not until you promise to meet me later tonight.”

  The woman’s laugh held a world of bitterness. “On your wedding night?” You’ve seriously lost your mind.” She tried to jerk away from him, but he wouldn’t turn her free.

  “No. I won’t let you leave me.”

  “Let go!” She yanked back so hard that she fell to the ground.

  Who is she? Turn this way.

  “I’m sorry, baby.” Dr. Rump reached out to the woman. “Please forgive me.”

  “I hate you, you son of a bitch! You should already be dead!” The woman came up so quickly that Dr. Rump didn’t have time to react. She slammed the large rock she’d grabbed against the side of his head.

  Blood spurted outward as Dr. Rump’s eyes grew wide. The woman dropped the rock, and for a moment, both of them froze. Then, slowly, Dr. Rump crumpled to the ground.

  Oh shit! She hit him!

  The woman let out a string of expletives then rushed into the bushes on the other side of the clearing.

  Harper’s alcohol-muddled mind wouldn’t work. When finally it kicked into gear, she pushed through the bushes and staggered over to where her future-boss-no-more lay.

  Dropping to her knees, she kept the bottle clutched to her chest and started to touch him. The lifeless eyes staring back at her gripped her with fear, and she jerked her hand back.

  “Dr. Rump? Are you okay?” It was a stupid question. “Dr. Rump, please say something.”

  Call the cops.

  Her hand went to a pocket that didn’t exist on the canary yellow dress she wore.

  Damn it. Where’zmahphone.

  Fuck, Megan. Where are you?

  She shouldn’t have moved. She’d promised Megan, and now she was paying for breaking that promise.

  He’s dead. No, he can’t be.

  She stared at him again but again couldn’t force herself to touch him.

  He sure looks dead.

  Oh shit. He’s really dead.

  I don’t have a job anymore.

  She cringed.

  I didn’t mean it.

  It took her two attempts to get back on her feet. “I’ll go get help. Youz stay right where you are.”

  Slowly, she turned in a circle. Which direction had she come from? Which way was the house?

  Taking yet another drag from the bottle, she took a guess. “It’s thiz way.”


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