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Falling for Her Dragons [Dragon Love 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 9

by Jane Jamison

  * * * *

  “You’re a major animal lover, aren’t you?”

  Harper put her cheek against the horse’s neck. “How could you tell?”

  Coltrane set the saddle on the saddle horse and then rested his forearms on the top rail of the stall. “Anyone who spend hours taking care of rabbits, dogs, cats, and guinea pigs then comes home and demands to see our horses has got to be an animal lover. Doesn’t take a genius to realize that.”

  Roth pushed the cowboy hat off his forehead. “He’s right. I think the vet tech idea is perfect. Unless, of course, you change your mind and want to do vet school.”

  “No, thanks.” She rubbed the horse and received a soft nose pressed to her arm as a thank-you. “What’s his name?”

  “Rubicon,” answered Pike as he walked in from the tack room.

  “That’s a big name.”

  “He’s a big horse with a big personality to match.” Pike opened the stall door and stuck out his hand. “We’ll have to take you riding sometime.”

  “I’d love that. Maybe tomorrow?”

  Roth chuckled. “I’d say yes, but it’s probably a better idea to keep you indoors for now.” He must’ve noticed the sadness wiping away her joy. “Don’t worry. It’ll come soon enough.”

  “I hope so.” She’d had such a great day. In fact, she’d been so caught up in helping at the clinic that she’d forgotten about Carly and Dr. Rump. And the fact that someone had tried to kill her. Had they given up? Or was that too much to hope for?

  “This situation won’t last forever.”

  She didn’t answer Coltrane. What more was there to say? Although she could’ve stayed inside the stall longer, she stepped out and closed the gate behind her. “You’ve got a great place here.”

  “We like it.” Roth’s voice held a different tone. “It’s almost perfect.”

  “Are you kidding? It is perfect. You’ve got land, horses and cattle, and a life you love. Plus, you’re making a difference in both animals’ and people’s lives. What could possibly be missing?”


  How could one word make her feel all tingly? She kept her eyes down, unable to look directly at Pike.

  She’d noticed the searching looks they’d given her all day, mainly because she’d been giving them the same look. More than once, her hand had skimmed over one of theirs, leaving her shivering with need.

  “Look at me, sugar-pie. Look at us.”

  His voice took control of her as surely as though he’d tied her hands and bound her to him. She couldn’t have resisted, even if she’d wanted to. And she didn’t want to. She brought her gaze to his.

  Red flecks. Just like she’d seen before.

  “Why are there red flecks in your eyes?” She’d spoken so softly she wasn’t sure anyone could’ve heard her. Judging by the quick flash in his eyes, he had.

  “We’ll tell you everything you want to know.” He gripped her behind the neck, tunneling his hand beneath her hair. “Later. After.”

  Need overwhelmed her, rushing in so fast it left her breathless, and her teeth chattered. The chattering stopped, however, when he crushed his mouth to hers.

  Oh God.

  As soon as their lips touched, she knew it was what she’d been looking for, waiting for. How long had she wanted to feel the wild emotions ripping through her body? They wrapped around her body, invisible, yet as real as any rope could ever be. She pressed against him, letting him support her weight. His hand slid over her, squeezing her butt cheek then moving to the small of her back to keep her close. As if she’d ever pull away.

  She hadn’t counted on the other two men breaking them apart.

  “Come with us, darlin’.” Coltrane picked her up, pulling her arms over his shoulders.

  She didn’t question, didn’t worry that Pike wouldn’t come with them. Instead, she wrapped her legs around Coltrane’s waist and put her lips to his.

  The craving inside her, so primal, so powerful, pushed aside what little resistance she had. Her crotch rubbed against his. Her breasts flattened against his chest. If she could’ve melted into him, she would have. She held on as he tugged his clothes off.

  A moment later, he shoved her away but held her as he dropped her to the ground. She landed hard enough to force her breath from her, but her gasp for more came soon enough. Lying on top of a mound of hay, she drew in one ragged breath after another. They’d taken her breath, and only another kiss would give it back.

  She started to take off her shirt but soon found her efforts weren’t needed. The men, already stripped of their clothes, fell on her, their hands tearing her clothes away. Before she was aware of it, she was naked.

  Red flared in all their eyes. It wasn’t normal, but she didn’t care. Pike had said he’d explain. Until then, she trusted herself to make the right decision. More, she trusted them.

  Pike took hold of her ankles. She allowed him to spread her legs as he lowered his body between them. His shoulders, wide expanses of muscles, caught her attention until his face appeared above her mons. She blinked and stared hard as a tendril of smoke drifted outward from the corner of his mouth.

  Was she hallucinating? Could the anticipation of amazing sex have already blown her mind?

  Questions were gone as Roth took her breast and brought his mouth to her nipple. She moaned and reached out for Coltrane. He took the other breast to his mouth. Having two men suckle her sent a rush of lust spiraling through her. She cried out as Pike put his mouth to her pussy.

  He spread her folds as he’d done her legs and captured her clit with his teeth. She squirmed, needing him closer, yet needing him to stop. Round and round his tongue went, swirling in her juices. His tongue was as strong as she imagined his cock would be as he thrust it into her pussy. He added fingers to pump her as his thumb crushed her clit, massaging it hard.

  “Darlin’” Coltrane’s silver eyes sparkled with the strange red color. For a moment, his face seemed to blur, covered in a smoky fog, and then it was back, handsome as ever. He held his cock like a king offering his queen a precious jewel.

  She opened her mouth and took him inside. Sucking, she saw the red flash brighter. His intense expression told her how much he enjoyed her tongue as she swept it around his length.

  “I need you, baby.”

  She pulled Coltrane’s cock from her mouth and found Roth watching her as he toyed with her breasts. “Then take me.”

  Coltrane took hold of the back of her head, pushing his cock against her mouth. “We all need you.”

  “And we’ll all have you,” said Pike as he lifted his head and shot her a passionate look. He got onto his knees. “Just know this. No matter what you see, don’t worry.”

  Why would she worry when they were with her? Still, worry struck her as steam sifted upward from the hay. The smoky heat surrounded them, getting so thick that she couldn’t see parts of their bodies.

  She gasped as Pike pulled her to him. His cock was hard against her pussy. When he lifted her legs over his shoulders, he paused once then shoved his cock into her entrance.

  He was huge. Larger than she could’ve ever imagined. Longer than was humanly possible. He filled her, stretching her vaginal walls to the limit. She cried out as he pounded into her time and again.

  “Move,” uttered Roth as he eased her onto her side. Coltrane shifted position but never lost control of her.

  Coltrane caressed her cheek as he supported her head. His taste was extraordinary, different from any man’s cock she’d ever tasted. Not just warm, but hot, almost to the point of burning her mouth. Musky, spicy, and tangy. She hollowed her cheeks, determined to keep him with her.

  She should’ve been worried when Roth’s fingers caressed her puckered hole, yet she wasn’t. Just having his touch on her skin was enough to soothe her nerves. She moaned, encouraging him. If it hurt, she wouldn’t care. The only thing she cared about was pleasing him. Pleasing all of them. In doing so, she’d please herself.


��It won’t hurt, baby. Not like you’d expect it to. With us, it’ll never hurt much.”

  She couldn’t answer. Didn’t Roth know she trusted him? She cupped Coltrane’s balls and fondled them as she reached out with the other hand to take hold of Roth’s arm.

  Then he was inside her asshole. Pain hit her, but it soon morphed into something exciting, sending out wild urges. She cried out again, the sound flowing over Coltrane’s cock.

  They had her, a willing victim to their assault. Hay scratched her flesh and scattered over and around them as they pummeled her. They were connected not only physically but emotionally. Dare she think spiritually?

  The steam that had surrounded them grew thicker, hotter. She dragged in one hard-won breath after another, seeing the men taking her through the sifting fog.

  Red eyes.

  Tendrils of smoke drifting from their mouths.

  Questions started coming again, but as before, the sensations searing through her shoved them away. Muscles on muscles. Wide chests to wide chests. Abs harder than rocks. Hay sticking to their solid, sweaty bodies. Those were what kept her attention.

  Sweat trickled over her breasts as she moved with them, forming a continuous undulation of their bodies. She sighed, the sound lost in the other sounds of their lovemaking.

  She was lost in their touches, their licks, their nibbles. Passion was alive, glowing inside and around her. If she could’ve spoken, she would’ve said she was floating in air.

  Then the climax was on her, rumbling over her as her body stiffened, readying for release. She screamed as her orgasm tore her apart. Screamed again and heard the growl of the men as their own releases stormed through them. Hot seed shot into her mouth as she did her best to swallow as much as she could. More heat burst into her pussy and spread across the small of her back.

  By the time she could suck in a long breath, by the time she could see better through the vanishing steam, she was exhausted and unable to move.

  “Shit. We set the hay on fire.”

  Chapter Eight

  Harper laughed at Roth’s joke.

  “I’m not kidding, baby.”

  She turned her head to find a small flame licking at her hair. More small flames burned around the area where they’d lain. Her cry came as Pike grabbed her and pulled her off the hay and onto her feet. He tugged her close, moving her far away from the growing fire.

  Roth and Coltrane, still naked, rushed to the tack room and came running back, each of them carrying a fire extinguisher. Foam burst into the air as they covered the burning hay and doused the fire.

  “How’d that happen?”

  “What can we say, baby? You’re hot enough to set hay on fire.”

  “No, seriously. How?”

  Pike snatched up her clothes and then gathered his own. By then, Roth and Coltrane had taken care of the fire. She hurriedly dressed but never took her eyes from the scorched hay.

  “Will someone please tell me how we started a fire?”

  They exchanged a look. Coltrane opened his mouth as though to answer, but the musical tone of her phone ringing stole their attention. She pulled the phone from her back pocket. “Yes?”

  “Miss Hanley, it’s Detective Garnan.”

  Fear took her by surprise like a cold wind on a summer’s day. She gripped her phone hard. “Have you found the killer?”

  “Not yet.”

  “Then why are you calling me?” Her voice held the edge that was cutting into her stomach. Why did he have to call her and ruin the wonderful day she was having if he didn’t have good news?

  “We haven’t caught the killer, but I do have news. Are the men with you?”

  “Yes.” They moved close to her, their concerned expressions marring their handsome faces. “Just tell me, Detective Garnan.”

  “There was a fire.”

  Yes, I know. She pulled her gaze away from the burned hay.

  “Did you hear me? Someone set your apartment on fire.”

  “What?” Misery spread through her. An apartment fire wasn’t the entire story. She sensed he had more to tell her. “There’s something else, isn’t there?”

  “Smoke from the blaze spread from your apartment into a neighboring one.”

  “And?” Even with the men surrounding her, she felt alone and vulnerable.

  “Did you know your neighbor Mrs. Carmichael?”

  Pain hit her as she guessed what he’d say next. Mrs. Carmichael was a sweet old lady. Her bright smile lit up the room and put even the saddest person in a good mood. Somehow the elderly woman had always known when to drop by with a platter of cookies or a cake. She was the one who’d brought over homemade lasagna when Harper and Carly had first moved in. Nothing had kept Mrs. Carmichael down, not even life confined to a wheelchair.

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  “I’m sorry, but she succumbed to smoke inhalation. She’s dead, Miss Hanley.”

  He couldn’t have hit her harder if he’d actually added the words that whipped through her mind. “And it’s your fault.”

  Harper collapsed to the ground, still clutching her phone. Sobs racked her body. How many more people would die because of what she’d seen? “Was anyone else hurt?”

  “No, but a lot of residents will have to find another place to live until the damage can be repaired. Unfortunately, your apartment was gutted.”

  She couldn’t go home. Not that she’d been eager to do so, not that she’d even planned on returning, but having her home destroyed, her photos and other keepsakes, was nothing compared to the loss of her neighbor. “Is that all?”

  “Yes. I just wanted you to hear it from me before it shows up on the local news.”

  “Thank you.” What more could she say? Where there had been her heart, there was a tight fist intent on squeezing her until she couldn’t take another breath. She ended the call, not caring if the detective had more to say.

  “Darlin’, are you all right?”

  She stared unseeing into Coltrane’s silvery gaze. “No. I don’t think I’ll be all right ever again.”

  * * * *

  “How’s she doing?” Roth watched as Harper moved around the kitchen preparing them dinner.

  “She seems okay.”

  Roth didn’t have to look at Coltrane to know his half-brother didn’t believe what he’d said. “That’s just it. She seems okay.”

  Three days had passed since she’d received the call telling her about her neighbor’s passing. Each day she acted as though she was better, but the sadness in her eyes hadn’t lessened. She’d gone through so much in a short time. Losing a boss, then a friend, then a beloved neighbor, not to mention her home, was enough to knock anyone on their ass. He was impressed that she wasn’t curled up in a fetal position.

  “We were going to tell her what we were, right? After the sex in the barn?” asked Pike.

  “I would’ve thought so. But now we’ve got to give her more time to cope with the rest of it.” Roth wished he could take her pain away.

  “She’s going to blame herself, you know. Not only for her friend and her neighbor but about us, too.”

  Pike was right. Once they told her what they were, and if she managed to accept them, then they’d have to tell her about losing their immortality in exchange for her love.

  Every dragon dreaded the moment he had to explain to his mate that a dragon’s immortality would be gone once they accepted her as his mate. Most of the women felt guilty even though the dragon would explain that a mortal life filled with love, aging as any male human would, was their choice over a lifetime devoid of love and family.

  “She’s not ready.” Roth put down his drink. “Until then, we keep her safe and do whatever we can to make her feel better, to get past the horrors she’s experienced.”

  “After what happened in the barn, do either of you have any doubt that she’s the one?” asked Coltrane as he put the top on the carafe at the wet bar. “I sure as hell don’t.”

  “She’s the one, a
ll right,” added Pike.

  Roth didn’t bother to answer. They’d shared her, and if he was willing to speak it out loud, they’d fallen in love with her at the same time. She was their mate, but it would take more time to let her know how they felt.

  “Maybe we shouldn’t have had sex with her. Maybe we should wait until this is all over to do it again.”

  Pike and Coltrane stared at him as though he’d lost his mind.

  “I’m not sure I could do that now,” answered Pike. “Not after getting a taste of her.”

  “Yeah, it would be hard, but it might be what’s best for her.” He waited for Coltrane to give his opinion.

  “I’ll try, but I’m not promising anything.”

  “I guess that’s all we can do. Try.” Roth ticked his head toward the kitchen. “Come on. She’s cooked dinner for us.”

  As they strode toward the kitchen, she lifted her gaze and smiled. Yet the warmth in her smile didn’t reach her eyes. He vowed right then and there that he’d go to the ends of the earth to bring back her joy.

  * * * *

  Harper was doing her best, going through the motions. Inside, she felt cold and lost. Being near the men was the only time she felt anything close to normal. There were flashes of joy at Pike’s smile, or Roth’s chuckle, or Coltrane’s quick grin, but soon enough, she’d remember Carly or Mrs. Carmichael, and a hard chill would ship through her.

  The men had been wonderful. They’d done their best to cheer her up. When the police had suggested that she not attend Carly’s funeral, the men had kept close by, ready to listen, ready to talk about anything that might take her mind off her sorrow. She couldn’t have asked for any better friends. Even so, in the space of a day, they’d become so much more.

  She studied them as they pulled out her chair, telling her to take it easy while they served her the food she’d made. She watched how they interacted with each other but never completely ignored her. When one stepped away from her, another would take his place, as though leaving her alone for even a moment was too long. Somehow, in the midst of pain and misery, they’d become her support, her safety, her heroes, and, yes, her lovers. She ached to hold them in her arms again, to feel their hands on her skin, their mouths and teeth pleasuring her. But the darkness inside her was too much to let it happen.


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