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Pride and Popularity jad-1

Page 9

by Jenni James

  “Oh, it’s you.” I went to brush past him and find Madison or Alyssa to man the door. I wasn’t feeling very hostess-y at the moment, and I needed a few minutes to myself to shake this mood. But Taylor was faster than I was and grabbed my arm before I could escape.

  “Chloe, wait. What’s wrong?” He genuinely looked concerned.

  How could a guy this intuitive not realize the last thing I wanted was to be next to him? “I’m not feeling that great,” I answered. Pointedly, I looked down at his hand on my arm. “Do you mind?”

  “Sorry.” Taylor released me like he had been scorched.

  “Excuse me,” I muttered as I walked away. I found Madison in the kitchen with a group of our friends. She seemed to be having a great time. The noise from the family room was happy and a bit boisterous. My mom was in there telling jokes with Alyssa and Zack until the rest of the guests arrived and the real games began.

  “Hey, Chloe—er, I mean Lucy!” Madison called. “You’ve got to hear this idea.” She broke away from the group and moved toward me. I stopped and waited for her as she carved a path through six or seven people who were in line for the food. She was all smiles once she reached me, but after a quick look at my face she blurted, “What’s up? Is everything all right?”

  “I’m not feeling too good. Would you mind watching the door for me while I sit out for a few minutes?” I asked.

  “Sure.” I knew she wanted to ask more.

  “Thanks,” I replied. “Just give me about ten minutes, okay?”

  “No problem.” She looked at me curiously but didn’t say anything.

  Without a backward glance, I escaped to my bedroom. With the door shut behind me I paced for a minute and then stopped. I really wanted to scream or something, but I was so afraid someone would hear me. The laughter and joviality of the party crept in my subconscious. At least they’re all having fun. Ugh! Taylor! I began to pace again, this time with no clear thought or direction as I fumed.

  I knew it. I knew all popular guys were the same. Taylor is such a moron. Seriously. Why would he do such a thing? Why would he march into the hotel and demand Blake be fired? It just doesn’t make sense. What has Blake ever done to him?

  I jumped at the sound of a knock on my door. I couldn’t believe it had been ten minutes already. Quickly, I picked up the teddy bear on my bed and sat down.

  “Come in.” I called, then waited for Madison to open the door.

  “Is it safe?” Taylor asked as he peeked his head into my room.


  Confusing Confessions

  “You?” I was so astonished that I chucked the stuffed bear right at Taylor. Instantly, he disappeared. As the door closed, I watched my favorite bear smack it right where Taylor’s head had been. The bear landed in a heap on my bedroom floor. I could hear Taylor chuckle on the other side of the door.

  “What do you want?” I marched over to save my bear. “I want to know if it’s safe to come in,” Taylor replied. “Uh, that would be a no,” I answered through the door.


  “Well, first off, you may lose your head if you come through that door right now. Secondly, my dad would hogtie you quicker than you could say ‘help’ if he knew you were in my room.”

  Taylor laughed.

  “I wasn’t kidding,” I warned through the door.

  “I’m sure you weren’t.” I could hear the smile in his voice. “I can still think it’s funny, can’t I?”


  “Okay, look. I’m standing outside of your room during the middle of a party, ignoring my girlfriend, just so I can hear you sulk. I think I’m on the losing end here.”

  “Of all the—” I yanked open the door and glared at Taylor. “I do not sulk!”

  He had one arm leaned against the doorframe while the rest of him filled the doorway. He grinned. “I knew that would get you to open the door.”

  “Oh!” I tried to shut the door once again, but he was quicker than me. His right foot blocked the entrance, and the door wouldn’t even budge.

  “What are you mad about?” he asked calmly.

  “Nothing. Now move.” I pushed against his chest to get him to shift enough so I could close the door. It didn’t work. I shoved harder.

  “Chloe.” His voice above my head caused me to look up at him. “Don’t do that.”


  “I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to touch me.” His blue eyes glittered.

  I looked down at my hands and saw them splayed against Taylor’s chest. They moved up and down slightly with the rhythm of his breathing. Instantly, I removed my hands and placed them on my hips.

  “Well, then move already,” I said defensively, refusing to acknowledge the awkward situation.

  “I’m not moving until you tell me what’s bothering you. Besides, this is your party, the party you have been waiting for all year. Something has upset you. What is it?”

  “Look, I’m really disappointed right now, and I don’t want to talk about it, okay? If I bring it up, I’ll harp on it the rest of the night and then possibly ruin this party for everyone else. If you don’t mind, I’d rather talk about something different.”

  “What would you like to talk about, then?” Taylor asked as if standing outside my bedroom door while we chatted was a normal occurrence.

  Nothing. I want you to leave. I mean, why is he here anyway? I don’t get it. Would the back-stabbing Taylor really come to my room and check on me? It doesn’t make sense.

  “What?” He chuckled. “Why do you have the look on your face?”

  “I’m trying to figure you out. I hear so many different things about you. The problem is, they totally contradict each other.”

  “Well, as I’ve said before, people like to talk about me,” he smiled ruefully. “I wouldn’t believe all you hear.”

  “No matter who I’ve heard it from?” I asked.

  “Well, if it’s from me, then you’re okay.” He grinned arrogantly.

  I found I was more contemplative than angry, so in a way I was grateful Taylor had sought me out. It did help to ease my mood.

  “Chloe,” Madison called as she walked down the hall. “The party’s ready to begin. Are you—oh!” She stopped as she turned the corner and saw Taylor and I having our little “heart to Hart.”

  “Yeah, I’m ready. Thanks.” I smiled at her.

  Her eyes were so huge it was almost comical. The look she sent warned me I better tell her everything later.

  Taylor wasn’t even phased as he smiled and asked Madison how she was doing. He even commented on her Daphne outfit as we walked back up the hallway. I opted to walk in front of them. The hallway just wasn’t built wide enough for three people. Of course, I was more flabbergasted than anything when I overheard Madison ask about Taylor’s mustache.

  Mustache? I stopped and whipped around so fast I had to hold on to the wall. My action forced Madison and Taylor to stop as well. Well, I’ll be! He does have a mustache. “You have a mustache!” I was so shocked. Why didn’t I notice it before? “How long has that been on?”

  He chuckled. “Since I left my house.”

  “Really?” I gasped.

  “Yeah.” His smile grew wide. “Do you like it?”

  No. He looks like a total dork. On the other hand . . . “Yes. It suits you.” I smiled back. “Who are you supposed to be, anyway?”

  “Uh, you can’t tell?” Taylor looked surprised.

  I looked at Madison to see if she knew. She shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know.”

  “Come on, at least try.” Taylor turned so Madison could see all of him. She chewed on her lip. “Well, you kinda look like Luke Duke, except I didn’t think he had a mustache.” She turned to me. “Did he?”

  Luke Duke? From The Dukes of Hazzard? Are you kidding me? Taylor dressed up like Luke, while Blake was supposed to be Bo!

  “No.” Taylor laughed. “I was hoping to be someone a bit more unique.”

p; “Hey, The Dukes of Hazzard is unique.” I defended Blake’s choice. Okay, so it’s not, but it’s definitely a classic. If I was completely honest, though, it was about as original as I Dream of Jeannie.

  “Whatever,” Taylor replied. “You really can’t tell who I am?”

  “Nope,” Madison said.

  He looked at me.

  “Not a clue.”

  “Come on! I’m Magnum PI.”

  “Who?” we said at the same time, staring back at him.

  “You know, Tom Selleck. Blue eyes. Black hair. Mustache. Ring a bell?”

  “Sorry. That must be a guy show,” Madison said. “That’s okay, though. You dressed up and that counts for something. Not to mention you went out on a limb with that mustache.” She giggled.

  I turned around and started to head toward the family room in the back of the house. Taylor’s mustache. I still can’t believe I didn’t see that thing. I guess it just proves what my mental state is like at the moment.

  My mom and most of the guests were waiting for me when I got to the family room. She had everyone sit on folding chairs in a huge circle around the area. Dad had moved our couches to the garage to make space for the fifty chairs. I never thought all those chairs would fit, but miraculously they did.

  “All right,” Mom said over the hum of the crowd. “Who’s ready for a game?”

  She had planned to hang out with Dad, Cass, and Claire tonight at the diner and a double-feature movie. But instead I asked her to host the games for me. My mom knows a load of crazy games. Some of them I’m positive she made up. My friends love her, though, and once word got out that my mom was planning the games, everybody began to speculate just what she’d have them do. If I didn’t know better, I’d swear the party attendance was as good as it was because everyone knew she’d be there helping.

  “Okay, guys, are you ready?” she asked in her best circusdirector voice. “The first vintage TV character we’re going to honor with a game is Porky Pig. Get your snouts ready, because our game is called Oink, Piggy, Oink!”

  I began to laugh and attempt to snort with the rest of the group as I found an empty chair. Yep. This was definitely going to be a night to remember. I just wish Blake was here to share it with me.

  “So how was the party?” Blake’s deep voice in the receiver tickled my ear. I was on my bed sitting cross-legged as I flipped through a magazine. It was Saturday afternoon. Thank goodness Blake let me sleep in before he called to get the news. The party had ended way later than I thought it would.

  “It went really well, as far as the party goes. Everyone really enjoyed themselves . . .” my voice trailed off.

  “But?” prompted Blake.

  I grimaced. “But I tried really hard to be happy. I’m not sure it worked, though.” I wondered if I should bring up what I had heard about Taylor. I didn’t want Blake to be embarrassed.

  “Oh, so I guess my nemesis was there, then?” he asked. “Is that why you weren’t happy?”

  “Your nemesis?” Is he talking about Taylor?

  Blake snorted. “Yeah, you know, that Collin guy.”

  “Yes. My mom invited him.” I rolled my eyes and turned the page to a really cute advert for makeup. “It was no big deal, though.” At least compared to everything else. “Madison came to my rescue.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Every time Collin came near me or started to speak to me, Madison would get his attention. She totally saved me.”

  Blake laughed. “Are you telling me the guy actually tried to talk to you this time?”

  “Yeah, apparently he tried. It was kind of weird now that I think about it.”

  “So who was Collin?” Blake asked as I flipped another page. “What? Oh, you mean, who did he come as?”


  “He came as the Fonz. You know, from Happy Days?”

  “Really! I’m surprised. That’s not a bad costume choice.”

  “Well, he didn’t look quite as good as Henry Winkler, and he really couldn’t work the mannerisms and accent. But all in all, he wasn’t too bad. I was surprised too.” I decided to brave it out and bring up Taylor. “So do you know who Mangus PI is? Some guy came as him last night.”

  “Do you mean Magnum PI?”

  “Yeah, that’s it.” I laughed.

  “Uh, yeah,” Blake answered. “That was one cool show back in the ’80s.”


  “My dad owns the whole DVD collection of that series. So get this. The guy, Magnum, used to be a navy SEAL, right? Well, now he lives in Hawaii on some millionaire’s property, as a private investigator, which is what PI stands for.”

  “Oh?” I asked, trying to feign interest. I flipped another page of the magazine.

  “Yes.” Blake was really getting into it. “You know the best part? The guy got to drive a Ferrari 308 GTS. I don’t know what guy on the planet wouldn’t want to drive one of those.”

  “Wow, it sounds neat,” I commented.

  “You have no idea. He totally lived the dream life. They just don’t make shows like that anymore. So who dressed up like Magnum? Is he part of our four-wheeling group?”

  “No.” I hesitated. “It’s—well, his name’s Taylor Anderson. I don’t know if you know him.”

  “Taylor?” The anger in Blake’s voice surprised me. “It would be him.”

  “So you know him?”

  “Yeah. Unfortunately, the aaa—the—the . . . what’s the word you use for the A-word?”

  “Oh, uh, chicken butt,” I said sheepishly.

  “Chicken butt?” All at once, Blake began to laugh. “You’re kidding me, right?”

  “Nope. Wish I were, especially right now. You have no idea.” I giggled, totally embarrassed.

  “I’m sorry. I can’t say it.” He chuckled. “I just can’t.”

  “You already have,” I pointed out. “But if it helps, I personally use the words ‘stupid,’ ‘imbecile,’ ‘jerk’ or ‘egotistical moron’ to describe Taylor.”

  “Really? You’re kidding me. There’s actually a girl alive who doesn’t like my cousin? You are so lucky we’re on the phone right now. Because if we weren’t, I’d grab you and kiss you so hard your head would swim.”


  Double Trouble

  My head swam. I decided to ignore his comment about wanting to kiss me. “You’re Taylor’s cousin?”

  “Regrettably, I have to say that is my lot in life—to play second fiddle to the pampered Taylor Anderson,” Blake replied.

  “You’re kidding! I had no idea.”

  “Yeah, well, not very many people do. I try to keep it secret for as long as possible. That’s why I moved here, though. Lionel Anderson’s my uncle. He offered me a job. I needed one, so I came.”

  “But I thought Taylor was surprised to learn your name,” I blurted without thinking.

  “Oh, you heard about that?” Blake sighed. “Yeah, that would be Taylor, all right. He was surprised to hear my name was Blake Winter, since he calls me Blake Wilder. Wilder’s my real name. I changed it because I wanted to make a new start with you guys.”

  “Well, for the record I like Winter. I think it’s a great name.”

  “Thanks. Apparently Taylor doesn’t. I don’t get that kid. He never lets me have a moment to myself, you know? Sometimes I wonder if he’s jealous his dad and I get along so well. For some reason, no matter how nice I am to him, Taylor and I have never gotten along. This isn’t the first job he tried to get me fired from, either.”

  “No way.”

  “So have you always detested Taylor, or is this a new feeling?” he asked.

  “Oh, always, ever since I first moved here three years ago.”

  “When do you turn eighteen?”

  Huh? “Not till April. Why?”

  Blake muttered something under his breath, then said, “You better call me the second you’re eighteen, you hear?”

  “Why?” A giggle escaped my throat.

“Because” —his deep voice sent exciting chills down my spine— “then you won’t be jailbait.”

  Jailbait? “Oh.” I gulped.

  His sexy laugh would’ve caused my knees to buckle if I’d been standing. “Don’t worry—I won’t ravish you before then.”

  “He said what?” Taylor almost bellowed behind me.

  I had whispered it to Madison and Alyssa as Taylor walked over to get his art supplies on Monday. But obviously he overheard me when he came back. My girlfriends and I had leaned in to talk over—again—what Blake had said on Saturday. It had been all we had discussed that whole weekend. The fact that Blake was Taylor’s cousin was mind-boggling. But adding in the jealousy between the two was more than any girl could handle, especially when you had to face the fact that Taylor wasn’t as perfect as everybody thought.

  I had just finished exclaiming over the “jailbait” comment again, which was definitely the worst thing Taylor could’ve overheard. Why does he always manage to unnerve me?

  Taylor dumped his art supplies on the table. He pulled out his chair and loomed over me. “Did you just say that Blake wanted to know when you were eighteen so you wouldn’t be considered jailbait anymore?”

  Does he have to say everything so flippin’loud? “Will you sit down?” I hissed.

  “Not until you answer me.” His stubborn face reminded me of a two-year-old.

  I used my sweet smile. “Well, then stand. I don’t care. Until you learn to treat me with some respect and courtesy, you’re not getting any answers anyway. I don’t care how loud you are about it. If you want to discuss your cousin at all, then I suggest you get on my good side and treat me a little nicer.”

  Taylor sat down. “Why do you have to get so defensive about everything?”

  “Excuse me?” I turned to face him. “I was under the impression the only one having defensive issues about anything was you. I’m just here to make sure you behave like a decent human being when you voice them, because obviously you’re going to voice them whether I want you to or not.”

  He was clearly agitated. “Okay, look. I don’t know what Blake has told you. Obviously, you know we’re cousins, which is more than he usually divulges. But just get off your high horse for a moment. Simmer down—”


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