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Serving the Immortals

Page 9

by Katie Douglas

  She had a point, although this felt very different from eating goat at my favorite Greek restaurant in Salzburg.

  “You’re thinking too much. Try to cast your thoughts aside and instead, feel. What do your instincts tell you to do with the goat?”

  I realized my mouth was watering. I bit down on the poor animal and satiated my hunger. This must be what the first cigarette of the day felt like to a smoker. My thoughts cleared, my worries dissipated, and I felt centered again and ready to take on whatever lay ahead of me.

  When I climbed into bed, at about midnight, I finally had an idea. I threw off my blankets and went downstairs to get the items I would need.

  * * *

  I knocked on Hannah’s door tentatively. Half of me wanted her to open the door quickly, because I felt so exposed out here, especially since I wasn’t wearing anything. But half of me wanted her to be asleep, to never open the door, because if she saw that I’d made an effort and didn’t like it, I would be crushed.

  When I heard the door unlocking from the other side, I wondered about just running back to my room before she saw me. Before I could move, the door swung open.

  “You have brought rope and a cane? How… brave of you.” Monique stood in Hannah’s doorway eyeing my naked body. I was rooted to the spot and wanted to be anywhere else. Why had I thought Hannah would be alone?

  “Come inside, Sabine. Hannah is a little tied up already, but there’s room in the bed.” Monique moved aside and I could see Hannah was tied on the bed with her legs almost doing the splits and her arms behind her back. Her eyes were covered with a blindfold. I looked from her to Monique, unsure of what I should do.

  “Sabine, I insist that you join us.” Monique’s voice hardened, and I knew that under her humor, she was becoming impatient, because I felt compelled to do as she told me.

  “Yes, Mistress,” I walked past her, my eyes fixed on the floor.

  “This simply will not do,” she said. “Sabine, stop feeling self-conscious.”

  Before I knew it, I was striding a little more confidently further into Hannah’s room. I put the rope and cane down on Hannah’s bed.

  “What did you intend to do with them?” Monique asked, seeming amused.

  “I was going to ask Hannah to spank me, Mistress,” I confessed. I felt like a spider trapped in her web, but I couldn’t help telling her the truth.

  “And why might you be actively seeking a spanking? I see you’ve availed yourself of my instruments.” She gestured to the bed as she said it.

  “I… wanted to show Hannah that… that…” I tried not to say the words, I didn’t want Hannah to find out like this, but Monique’s power over me seemed stronger tonight, and I couldn’t keep anything from her. “I wanted to show her that I love her.” I looked over at Hannah when I said it, but she didn’t respond. Not even a twitch.

  “How thoughtful. I can think of a much better way for you to show Hannah that you love her; especially since your bottom is already so purple from the caning I gave you earlier. Too much spanking on one naughty bottom is not a very attractive idea. So, I want you to get on the bed, put your pretty face between her legs, and lick her clit.”

  I was overwhelmed with a desire to serve both my mistresses, so I walked over to Hannah and carefully got on the bed, unable to take my eyes off her. Even with the rope keeping her legs apart, tied in the beautiful Japanese style that I’d seen in artistic photographs, I was amazed that she was so flexible. I knelt before her pussy, which was naked and vulnerable, the lips parted like a split peach, and I inhaled the scent. It was a perfumed musky smell, and I wanted to taste it. I stuck my pointed tongue out and very precisely placed it on her clit, then I gave it a little lick. It felt so delicate, so soft and vulnerable under my tongue, and for a moment I was so overcome with lust that I buried my face in her pussy and lapped at her, tasting her juices, while my own clit yearned for some attention and my nipples scraped over the bed as I started to drip with arousal.

  Hannah barely made a sound, but I could tell she was turned on because she was very slightly arching her hips toward me.

  “Good girl, Sabine.” Monique’s tone sent a thrill to my clit and I had to concentrate hard to pay attention to Hannah’s clit. “Now put one of your fingers inside her.”

  I slid my index finger into her pussy. It was the silkiest, slickest place I’d ever felt, and I enjoyed taking a moment to explore it, until I heard Monique tutting behind me.

  “Not there, naïve girl. Put a finger in her ass.”

  I withdrew the finger from her pussy and pressed against her puckered rear entrance. It was tighter than her other hole, but with firm, persistent pressure I got my finger inside her. She gurgled slightly as I licked her clit and began to slide my finger in and out of her. Knowing I was causing her to make those sounds was so hot.

  “Faster,” Monique said, and I increased my speed.

  “Please, Mistress, I need to come!” Hannah begged, but Monique simply tutted again.

  “No, Hannah, you are not ready yet. Sabine, another finger, please.”

  I added another finger to her ass, and felt her shake slightly as I fucked her with two fingers and licked her soft button with my tongue.

  “P-p-please, Mistress!” Hannah cried, and I felt her become tense around my fingers.

  “Very well, Hannah, you may come on Sabine’s fingers,” Monique said. To my amazement, Hannah came almost instantly, clenching her ass around my fingers and bucking as much as she could while she was tied down so comprehensively. She hardly made a sound. When she was done, she relaxed again, but her ass kept pulsing around my fingers while I waited for Monique’s instructions.

  “You may stop now, Sabine. Well done,” Monique said, and after I gently eased my fingers out of her ass, I could still feel the memory of the sensation of being inside her. I was so wet just then that I forgot why I’d gone to see Hannah.

  “Why are you still here?” Monique asked me, and I frowned.

  “I’m not sure, Mistress.”

  “Back to bed, then, and I expect you in the kitchen in the correct uniform tomorrow morning.”

  “Yes, Mistress.” I left as the clock downstairs struck midnight.

  It wasn’t until I was back in my own bed, coming on my fingers, that I remembered that I’d gone to spend some alone time with Hannah. That whole hour had been so much more than I’d bargained for.

  * * *

  Two days of routine went by, and neither Hannah nor Monique showed any difference in the way they acted around me. I was starting to get tired of this hot and cold treatment. Maybe vampires were supposed to be cold and unfeeling until it was time for sex, but no one had given my emotions the memo, and I couldn’t help feeling rejected and used.

  Why had I ever come here?

  I had been so entranced by Monique that I had blindly stumbled around Europe looking for something to fill the hole she’d left when she’d spanked me and sent me home that night in the South of France. I’d been so ignorant of what was happening, that I’d let her maneuver me here. Hannah had said back in Prague that I was marked by her mistress. Even then, Monique had somehow done something that meant people knew I was going to be her possession; her plaything. The more I thought about it, the more angry I felt. What right did she have to manipulate me like that? She had turned my entire life inside out and turned me into some little satellite that only existed in her orbit.

  During the day, I could think these things and feel annoyed at how powerless she’d made me, but at night, I desperately needed her. She didn’t seem interested. Why had she brought me here if she only wanted to ignore me?

  I felt restless. I wanted to take action. When it was daylight, I wanted to bring the whole castle tumbling down around her, but after dark, I wanted to feel her inside me, filling me completely, caressing me, caring about me.

  Only, she clearly didn’t. How could someone who cared about someone else constantly ignore them and not give them what they so despera
tely craved? I did everything she asked of me, and somehow it was never enough. What was wrong with me?

  I needed her. So, to redress the imbalance of power, I did what any slightly irrational newly minted vampire would do: I seduced the president of Sweden.

  Chapter Twelve

  It was one of Monique’s interminable dinner parties where she moved pawns around and made things happen on the international political scene.

  I hadn’t seen Anneka Gustafsson before, but I knew her from the news coverage of the elections last year. She had beat out the favorite candidate, and he’d been trying to enact a smear campaign against her ever since. In person, she was stunning. Five foot two, petite, in four-inch Louis Vuitton heels and wide-leg pants, which were part of a black Armani suit. Her white-blond hair fell to her elbows and she reminded me of Claudia Schiffer.

  She stopped me during the drinks party after dinner. “Waitress?” She tapped my shoulder, then gently waved her empty glass side to side as she mimed a sad face.

  “Right away, ma’am.” I retrieved a fresh bottle of sparkling wine and refilled her glass.

  Her eyes lit up as I flourished a fresh bottle of champagne. She watched the whole process of refilling her glass in wonder. It was nice to be appreciated for my ability to discreetly ease the cork out without wasting good alcohol. Personally, I’d always thought it was much more classy than shaking the bottle and spraying it everywhere like I’d just won a Formula One race.

  “You have a champagne stash?” she enthused. “You’re staying close to me this evening!”

  I smiled and nodded, and as the evening progressed I worked the room in a neat circle, touching base with Anneka every few minutes.

  As the other women went to their beds, and Hannah was led away by Monique, I was left alone to clean up. Anneka picked up some plates and I stared at her in horror.

  “Really, you don’t have to do that,” I protested, hoping Monique wouldn’t think I’d asked a president for help with clearing the tables.

  “But then who would I talk to? Want to know a secret? My parents own a restaurant in Gothenburg. When I go back to visit, they still expect me to pitch in.”

  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. The president of Sweden, Anneka Gustafsson, who could still have a career as a model, spent her vacations waiting tables? It was beyond plausible.

  “Do you like being president?” I asked her, as we put some of the plates in the kitchen. Then inwardly I kicked myself for asking such a dumb question.

  “I certainly do. It’s a hard job, but it’s worth it. Usually. When we can get the Misogyny Party to stop trying to turn us all into their slaves I will enjoy it a lot more… what’s the matter?”

  I’d started crying. She was older than me, but she had her entire life ahead of her. And I was trapped here with Monique, who didn’t even like me, and Hannah, who had major issues. How many centuries would I endure, losing myself to compulsions to serve my mistresses?

  Anneka put her arm around me and shushed me and kissed me on the crown of my head.

  “It’s okay, Sabine. Whatever the problem is, I am sure you can fix it. You seem more capable than most of the elected officials that I spoke to this evening. Would it help to talk about it?”

  “No, not really. It’s a people problem, and I don’t like talking about people to other people, if you see what I mean. Sorry.” I felt silly.

  “What about this?” She wiped away my tears on the sleeve of her Armani suit, then she kissed me on the lips, her tongue inside my mouth, warming me and making me feel alive again. I returned her kiss, my hands on her waist, hers unfastening my dress. I unbuttoned her shirt and pulled it off her shoulders, then I unsnapped her bra while she got mine open. Her breasts were fabulous; perky, average-sized but perfectly rounded. I put my mouth to one of her pinky-brown nipples, licking at the areola with my tongue and nipping at the tip very lightly with my teeth. I heard her moan quietly as she placed her hands on my shoulders, and when I moved to the other breast, she reached down and caressed my nipples in her hands.

  “I want to fuck you.” Her voice made the words sound sacred. She lifted me onto the dining table and raised my skirt, then I felt her fingers swirling against my clit. I probably should have stopped her at that point and gotten on with my work, but instead I pulled my legs wide, my feet balanced on the edge of the table, and I tilted my hips so she had better access.

  Anneka was still working my clit, and I was reaching forward to unfasten her pants, when I heard a familiar disapproving tutting sound from the kitchen door. I froze.

  “Sabine, you have tables to clear, then you need to go to the laundry and put the towels through; Hannah tells me we are running out.” Monique was acting as though she hadn’t noticed what we were doing.

  I moved away from Anneka, feeling embarrassed and awkward again. I wanted her so badly; why had Monique chosen that exact moment to intervene?

  “Sorry, Mistress,” I mumbled, but she simply looked at me with no expression, then she swept out again, her long black skirt flowing behind her.

  “Oh, that’s your people problem,” Anneka said, suddenly comprehending.

  I nodded. “I’m sorry, I should get on with my work.” I felt humiliated and I just wanted to be alone.

  “I understand. You know what room I’m in if you change your mind.” She winked at me ironically then left me by myself. It seemed like Monique only ever saw me at my worst. I wished I didn’t care so much.

  That night in bed, I was about to go to sleep when someone tapped at my door. It couldn’t be Monique; she never asked before barging in. I slipped out of bed, my feet recoiling from the cold floor, and I padded to the door. When I opened it, I saw Anneka standing in the hallway, pouting teasingly.

  “I’m lonely.” She looked at me with huge blue eyes and I moved aside so she could come in. I didn’t care what Monique would say. Anneka liked me, she was warm and soft, and happy, and I wanted all of that in my life right now. We got into bed and I wrapped my arms around her as we spooned together.

  “Why do you stay here?” Anneka’s voice caught me by surprise, and I floundered for an answer.

  “I guess I care a great deal for Hannah,” I said at length.

  “But Monique is your… what? Your employer? She seems to be quite controlling.”

  “Something like that. Why do you ask?”

  “I don’t know, perhaps I was just curious. I can’t help it, you’re a little captivating.” She rolled over, so we were facing one another, and kissed me deeply. We were both far too exhausted to finish what we started in the kitchen, so once we broke apart, we went to sleep side by side. There would be plenty of time the next day to have sex.

  I completely forgot to set my alarm, so when Monique marched in I was dragged out of a dream about visiting the Eiffel Tower. First, I saw Monique striding across the room at great speed, her black hair flowing around her white shoulders making her look like a vengeful banshee. Then I heard my door slamming closed as it rebounded from the wall she’d flung it against. Lastly, I felt Anneka move as she startled awake beside me. Instinctively, she pulled the covers up over her exposed breasts.

  “Madam President, I would ask that you return to your own room,” Monique said, in a voice that only contained a very thin layer of civility. Anneka nodded, and somehow managed to roll out of bed and into her clothes in a few seconds, before she hurried out of the room, throwing me one last apologetic glance before I was alone with Monique.

  “What were you doing with Anneka?” Monique demanded.

  “We didn’t do anything wrong! We were just hugging.” I felt tears prickle the corners of my eyes and I just wanted her to turn the volume down slightly so I could think clearly. Was she even shouting, or were my feelings just so loud that I felt like she was?

  “Did you ask me first? Or were you expecting to keep it from me?”

  “What’s it matter to you? You don’t care!” How could she be so indifferent, yet so possessive?
It didn’t make any sense.

  “It matters a great deal.” Her voice became less forceful and I started to regret my outburst already. “You are late to report downstairs. You’re shoveling snow today, I want the whole driveway cleared.” Monique was already headed toward the door as I hastily threw some clothes on.

  “But it’s daylight. I’ll do it tonight when it’s dark,” I protested, dragging a sweater over my head.

  She glared at me. “I expect you to do it now.”

  Her compulsion was overwhelming, and I wanted to just back down and go and shovel the snow, even though it was a heavy job that would be easier at night, when I was stronger. It seemed like this was payback for the fact she’d caught me spending quality time with Anneka, and I wondered why she didn’t feel the same way about the things Hannah and I did together. However, her power was weaker in the daylight, so she couldn’t stop me from saying, “I don’t know why you bothered taking me from Hannah. You only did it to hurt her. Now you’ve scared Anneka away, too. You only ever like hurting people, and upsetting them, and turning their lives to misery.”

  If it felt good to get it off my chest, the feeling lasted a split second before she was dragging me by the ear to one of the many sitting rooms on the ground floor of her chateau. She locked the door and pulled me over her knee. I tried to fight her, but her power was holding me perfectly still. The air on my skin was cold as she flipped my skirt back and dragged my panties down, baring me quickly.


  I didn’t know what had hit me, but it wasn’t her hand. It stung and thudded at the same time and any bitchy comments died on my lips as the scalding pain radiated through my bottom.


  The sharply burning thing slammed into my bottom again, and I started to cry from the unfairness of it all.


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