Serving the Immortals

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Serving the Immortals Page 10

by Katie Douglas


  When it landed a third time, I cried harder, and tears fell to the floor as I didn’t even try to hide my feelings from her. I couldn’t.

  “That’s it, Sabine, let it all out.” She spoke in a soft voice and that made it worse than if she’d shouted, then the unthinkable happened; Monique turned me over so I was sitting on her knee then she held me, rocking me, stroking my hair, as I cried my frustrations out. The strap she’d used now tumbled to the floor.

  When I was quieter, and my bottom was dully stinging as it touched the satin of her dress, she turned my head so I had to face her.

  “Do you want to leave?” Monique asked. When I thought about it, I saw that I didn’t.

  “No, I don’t; but I don’t know why I’m here.”

  “Don’t you love me at all, Sabine?” Her voice was filled with disappointment.

  I cried harder. I did love her; of course I did. I had been in love with her for months, but she didn’t love me.

  “Mistress, I don’t understand why you expect complete obedience, loyalty, and adoration when you don’t give any in return.” Feeling like she couldn’t possibly understand, I elaborated. “You’re like a crystal chandelier; when you’re lit up, you are the most beautiful creature in the universe and I feel like a boring brown moth who has been drawn to you. When I am near your light, all I can feel are beautiful rainbows. But when there is no light, I get lost and I don’t know where to go. No, it’s worse than that. When you take your light away, my wings turn to dust and I can’t fly.”

  “I don’t like it when you use metaphors, Sabine. I am not a chandelier, and you are not a moth. I am just a person, and you are one, too. That’s why it’s not working out. You are so wrapped up in your dreams and expectations that I cannot possibly measure up.” She was such a hypocrite; she used analogies to explain things to me all the time!

  “That’s not fair. You know a side effect of this… uh… condition is that I can’t help but worship you. Now you tell me not to. Maybe you should have thought about that before you took me from Hannah. I would have been happy with her.”

  “And instead, you have a chance to be happy with both of us. It was what you wanted. Everything I did was exactly what you wanted. You had nothing illuminating your life, so I gave you mystery. You had no friends, so I sent Hannah on an errand to Prague; I knew she would find you. When you had nobody to spend the holidays with, I brought you here. I didn’t expect my mistress to fixate on you, and that was something I couldn’t control, but Hannah protected you. When she changed you, I was angry, because I wanted you to remain apart from this world; I was still hoping that you might find what you were looking for then return to your old life. I was displeased, but I understood why she had to do it. Since then, I have given you as much space as I can so you can find your feet, but now you tell me I am too distant. What is it to be, Sabine? Make up your mind.”

  I stared at her again, still trying to make sense of everything. It had been clear that she’d had some involvement in events, but to have orchestrated everything since I first met her? How was that possible?

  “I don’t want to make up my mind. That’s the whole problem. You keep hinting at being in control, but you won’t take it. Every time I let you take charge, you step away again and leave me floundering.” I felt like I was asking the sun to shine brighter.

  “Is that what you want, though? For me to rule you?” She looked doubtful.

  “Yes,” I told her. “More than anything.”

  “Then why do you keep fighting it? When I compel Hannah to do something, she cannot resist, but you can, and often you do. If you really want me to take charge, you have to learn to obey me.”

  I supposed that my resistance to her authority wasn’t helping my case. “I want to. But how can I be sure you’re going to keep me safe and do things that take my needs into account? When you’re so distant, I can’t depend on you.”

  “You have to trust me, and know that I always have your best interests at heart. I would never do anything that was going to harm you, you must see that.”

  “But how can I see that? How can I be sure?” I felt like I needed something concrete, and instead I was getting static. “After all, when your First One was here, you would have gladly let them eat me!”

  “Not gladly, no.” Monique sighed heavily, and for a brief moment, she looked like a human being, not a mysterious glimmering vampire. It didn’t last long. “I am going to teach you to trust me. Follow.”

  She got up and strode to the great front doors, where she handed me a coat and warm mittens. I wondered if we were going to have sex out in the snow.

  “Outside, please, Sabine.” She held the door open for me and I stepped out, then she closed the door behind me. A minute later, a window opened and a shovel flew out, landing in the soft snow.

  “Shovel the drive,” she called, then the window slammed closed. I sighed, infuriated. How was this helping me learn to trust her? It was the opposite! Angry again, I seized the shovel and considered throwing it through one of her stupid windows, but instead I started shoveling. I could see my breath in the air as my mittened hands clung to the handle of the shovel, and I moved the snow aside.

  The driveway was long, and I had plenty of time to think. At first, all I could do was ruminate on how unfair this was, but after a half-hour or so, my thoughts started to clear and I felt more like myself again. Monique was my mistress. She had given me this task to teach me to trust her. I didn’t understand how the two concepts fitted together.

  It dawned on me that perhaps that was the point. She had told me to do something and I was out here, alone. I had to trust that she would let me back into the chateau at some point, and that she would not give me a task that was beyond my abilities. Muscles aching all over, I kept moving the snow for what seemed like hours. I was tired, but I knew I was supposed to trust that she would know when I needed to stop, and I was determined to show Monique that I could do this.

  The sun mocked me with its brilliant sunlight, sapping my energy and making me want to close my eyes for a little moment. Then, my eyes stopped focusing. Tired and cold, I tried to shovel another scoop of snow, but I only scraped up a tiny dusting of powder. I knew I must be close to the rickety wooden bridge by now.

  I felt a hand on my shoulder.

  “You may stop.”

  Exhausted, I looked up and saw Monique, resplendent in a coat trimmed with black fur. No animal had a coat that cozy; it had to be faux.

  “Come inside, Hannah has made you hot chocolate.” Monique took the shovel from me, and when she saw that I was too tired to walk very fast, she scooped me up and carried me toward the main doors.

  “Even in the daylight, your strength’s amazing.” I felt feeble by comparison.

  As if reading my unspoken thoughts, she shook her head. “You have to stop comparing yourself to me, Sabine. It is not a competition, or a race. Your abilities complement mine and Hannah’s. Hannah is best at doing Hannah-type things, such as anything surrounding hearth and home. She would have been a fantastic mother if life hadn’t been so cruel to her. I am best at big-picture things, such as organizing, planning, making things happen. And you? You are a dreamer, and you bring out a playful side of Hannah that I had never seen before she met you. And I like having more people to organize, even if you drive me crazy sometimes. Comparing the three of us is like comparing apples with people who eat apples.”

  I grimaced slightly at the mixed metaphor, but I did concede that what she said made sense. I hadn’t known that Hannah wasn’t playful before she met me.

  Monique opened the door and carried me across the threshold, into the kitchen, where Hannah stood holding a hot chocolate. At that moment, I finally understood why I was here.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Things were awkward with Anneka in the evening; as I served dinner, she pointedly avoided me, and I got the impression that she and Monique had spoken to one another during the day. When she started flirting with someon
e else, I was slightly relieved as it meant I didn’t have an opportunity to approach her.

  That night, I went to bed alone but for the first time since I was a child, I wasn’t lonely. I found a note on my dresser.

  “Kitchen. Midnight. Wear this.” Under the note there was something folded. It looked plasticky, but when I unfolded it, it turned out to be a shiny black latex dress. I slid it on, amazed at how tight it felt. It finished just below my panties, and displayed my modest cleavage at the top, too. I’d never worn latex before and it hugged my figure so smoothly that I was in love. When I looked in the mirror, I didn’t like the indent where the elastic of my panties pressed under the dress, so I took my underwear off. In the bottom of my suitcase, I found my plain flat shoes from the summer at Elodie’s cottage, and they suited the dress better than my scruffy sneakers.

  Once I was ready, I checked the time. It was eleven-thirty. What could I do alone in my room for a half-hour while wearing a latex dress and no underwear?

  I lay back on my bed and put my hand between my legs. My clit was warm between the lips of my pussy, and it was already slightly sticky. I gently stroked it, wondering if there was anything I could fill myself with; I didn’t have any toys or anything similar.

  I started playing with myself, but I yearned to feel something inside me, and my own fingers couldn’t penetrate me deeply enough to be truly satisfying. Abandoning that task, I stared at the clock. Twenty minutes to kill. Feeling thirsty, I decided to go down early, so I could get something to drink before whatever happened at midnight. In the latex dress, I felt more exposed than when I’d showed up naked at Hannah’s door. I guess it was because I felt like the dress made one kind of statement, whereas not wearing anything at all made a different sort of declaration entirely. The dress said, “tie me down, spank me, and fuck me” whereas full-on nudity just said, “fuck me,” which was why I’d taken the rope and cane to Hannah’s room three nights before.

  I didn’t have a robe or anything that I could cover up with, except my one frumpy sweater, so I opened my door and tentatively left my room in just the dress and shoes.

  In the hallway, I strained my ears for any sound of Monique’s guests, but they all seemed to have retired for the evening. I cautiously tiptoed down the stairs, and at the bottom, I walked more confidently to the kitchen. It seemed unlikely that anyone would be down here. I pushed the kitchen door and was surprised that there was a light on. Uncertain again, I looked around and saw the big walk-in refrigerator’s door was open. I heard a muffled sigh and realized someone was in there. If I was quick, I could make a drink and disappear before they noticed me. Maybe I should have left at once, but somehow, when I went for a glass, I was drawn toward the open fridge door. I peeked inside; Hannah was bent over like a pretzel, her hands and feet were flat on the floor, while Monique was trailing an ice cube over Hannah’s skin. Temperature affected us much less than humans, so when Monique plunged the ice cube inside Hannah, I imagined how sexy it must feel. I sighed slightly before I realized that I wasn’t supposed to be here.

  Monique looked up from what she was doing, and she fixed her gaze on me. I wished I’d learned how to turn into a mist by now so I could disappear.

  “Punctual as always, my dear. Was the glass for catching a spider?” She nodded toward the empty glass in my hand.

  “Orange juice,” I replied, hoping she couldn’t see my nipples hardening.

  “On your way, then. I believe you were expected at midnight.” She turned back to what she was doing with the ice. I decided to forgo the ice and I poured the orange juice neat into my glass then, not wanting to return to my room, and headed toward one of the sitting rooms. The door was ajar, and a lamp was on. Muffled sounds were coming from inside, and when I looked into the room, I saw Anneka had progressed things rapidly since dinnertime, and was now fucking her new friend. I rolled my eyes as I turned away. Was everyone getting sex before me?

  I tried the dining room. It was empty, but while I nursed my orange juice, I expected people to burst in at any moment. When the clock chimed for eleven forty-five, I heard footsteps. I looked out into the hall and saw Anneka and her new friend heading toward the stairs. Slowly, I sipped my orange juice again until the glass was empty. Then, as the clock struck midnight, I returned to the kitchen. Before I entered, I tapped on the door, wanting to avoid bursting in again. Monique opened it and I went inside, wondering why we were down here instead of upstairs. Hannah was perched on a countertop, a position that wasn’t like her at all; she was a stickler for food hygiene.

  “I found the dress you left me,” I began, but Monique held a hand up.

  “You are in my domain now, my dear, and you will only speak when spoken to. Furthermore, you are to address both Hannah and myself as ‘Mistress.’ Is that understood?”

  “Yes, Mistress.” I only wanted to do what she told me.

  “Good. Stand here, and I want you to put your hands behind your neck and your legs should be slightly wider than shoulder width.”

  I scrambled to put the glass down and do as she instructed. When I was done, Monique walked around me in a circle, inspecting me, then she put a hand against my pussy and felt it with a couple of gentle pats. I tilted my hips slightly, wanting more.

  “You’re soaking wet,” she observed. “Have you been playing with yourself?”

  “Yes, Mistress, but I didn’t come.” I felt that was important for some reason.

  “That’s good, little sister; spanking hurts so much more after an orgasm,” Hannah said, and Monique eyed her with interest.

  “How positively intriguing, Hannah. Would you like to share any other revelations that I can make use of?” Monique asked, raising an eyebrow.

  “No, Mistress.”

  “Since Sabine played with your bottom hole last time, Hannah, I think it’s only fair if you get to do the same. What would you like to do with her bottom, my dear?”

  “I’d like to put a plug in it, Mistress,” Hannah said. She seemed more comfortable now with the duality of her role when Monique and I were both present. Hannah got down from the countertop and held something for me to see. It was pink, about three inches long and maybe an inch across at its widest point. It had a flat, flared base and the tip of it was dripping with lubricant.

  “Bend over the counter, little sister,” Hannah said in a low, conspiratorial tone. I was a little scared of that plug going into my ass, but at the same time, I knew Hannah would never go too far. I had never had anything inside my back passage before, so I didn’t know if the size was going to be too big, too small, or just right, but I remembered that two of my fingers had gone into Hannah’s ass.

  “Take your plug like a good girl, Sabine,” Monique said, then I felt the cold tip pressing against my puckered hole. The plug felt enormous, and the tip was the narrowest point, I realized with horror. Hannah rubbed my lower back gently with one hand as she worked the plug into my bottom, and I felt reassured. I was glad it was her doing this instead of Monique. It wasn’t long before it was stretching me widely and I felt like I was completely full.

  “I don’t think it’s going to fit,” I moaned, as Hannah switched to rubbing my clit. The amazing sensations felt different with something in my ass, and after about ten seconds the plug slid home so fast, I was worried that it would get lost inside me, but the flared base was plenty wide enough to prevent any disasters.

  “It looks so good in there, I just want to take her with my fist,” Monique commented. Hannah giggled, and while I was still bent over the kitchen counter, I felt her switch her hand for her mouth. I always loved when Hannah licked my clit; she had such an adorable way of doing it, like a rabbit licking their fur. Occasionally, the tip of her nose would brush against the sensitive spot at the furthest edge of my clit, and today was no exception. I shuddered and sighed as I felt my ass clasped against the butt plug and my clit being worked by Hannah’s tongue (and sometimes, her nose). I writhed to get some friction against my hard nipples, but in
stead, my latex dress just slid over the counter’s smooth metal.

  After several minutes, when I was getting close to orgasm, I felt Hannah move away. My soaking wet clit was cold without her tongue against it, and I wondered what was going to happen next. A finger glided inside me and against the butt plug it felt unbelievably good. I wiggled my bottom a little in joy when the finger started moving, and then, a minute later, a second one joined it. I’d never had so many things inside me at once, and I couldn’t help moaning ecstatically.

  “How does that feel?” Monique asked.

  “I feel so full, Mistress!” I replied, through the pressure of a rapidly building orgasm.

  “Oh, poor dove, haven’t you saved room for dessert?” Her voice was creamy smooth, and I didn’t know what to say, so I said nothing.

  I felt a third finger go inside me, and then Hannah breathed in my ear, “That’s it, take her fingers,” and before I knew what was happening, she had reached around me and was playing with my nipples, which meant it was Monique’s fingers inside me! My pussy spasmed and sent a bolt of tingling warmth through my womb as I realized Monique was fucking me with her fingers from behind. I had waited for this for so many months, I nearly came from knowing she was touching my most intimate places.

  “Someone’s ready for an orgasm, isn’t she?” Monique remarked, and Hannah pinched both my nipples, hard.

  “Is she allowed, Mistress?” Hannah asked.

  “She may have her first one,” Monique said. “If she can ask me for it.”

  I widened my eyes in horror. I didn’t know if I could do that. I was so close, and the pressure inside me was so… big, that I knew I couldn’t hold on if she spun this out. I screwed up my eyes and took a deep breath.

  “Please, Mistress, may I come, please?” I half-yipped, the words running together with my sense of urgency. I felt a finger on my clit.

  “Nnnnnghhh…” I declared, and I knew I was going to come in the next few seconds.


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