Serving the Immortals

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Serving the Immortals Page 11

by Katie Douglas

“Come for me, Sabine, come on my fingers,” Monique murmured, her sexy deep voice like aural chocolate.

  I tried to keep quiet, but I couldn’t. When I came, my ass squeezed down on the plug and my pussy opened wide around Monique’s fingers, my clit and nipples tingled, and electricity surged through every muscle in my body as I flexed and bucked against the countertop.

  My orgasm seemed to last forever, as my entire body turned to the same melted chocolate as Monique’s voice, and when it subsided, I quivered and twitched, flopped against the metal, as Hannah withdrew her hands and helped Monique clean up.

  “Stay exactly where you are, Sabine,” Monique said, then a moment later she was rubbing something cold onto my ass, pussy, and clit. It tingled.

  “It’s a soothing cream to make sure you’re not too sore down there. Your pussy has taken quite a pounding, my dear,” she explained, as Hannah helped me stand.

  “Follow me, both of you,” Monique instructed, and Hannah turned the kitchen light out as we left, while Monique led the way upstairs. We came to a door I’d never opened, and Hannah gasped reverentially. When Monique opened the door, I realized it was her own bedroom. No one else would have a room of at least twenty square feet themed around Roman baths on the second floor of the building.

  The ceiling had intricately carved golden friezes and motifs, surrounding light fittings dripping with crystal and there was a beautiful mosaic on the floor, which depicted an all-female orgy of dozens of women, some in togas, others completely naked, eating grapes, pussy, finger-fucking or just kissing. I couldn’t believe someone had gone to the effort of decorating the floor like this, and I wondered what it looked like under the enormous bed, which was about eight feet square and draped with red satin and velvet upholstery, framed by four posts that supported red velvet curtains trimmed with gold tassels. It was a similar size to the giant Roman bath, which was sunk into the floor to one side of the room. Right now, the bath was filled with steaming water and bubbles, which meant it must be keeping itself warm somehow.

  “You are both sleeping in here tonight,” Monique declared, then she peeled her shiny knee-length latex dress away from her body, and I saw her naked for the first time since I’d met her. She was breathtaking. Her breasts were ample and pert; her skin was creamy white and clear of any spots, with no traces of tan lines or cellulite either; her physique was toned but when my eyes wandered down to her feet, I noticed her heels were cracked. Somehow that made her seem more real than if she’d moisturized the dry skin.

  “Seen enough?” She caught me staring. I looked away, then wondered why I felt so embarrassed. She must know how incredibly attractive she was. She discarded the dress on the floor then walked to the bath, where she waded into the water until she was sitting, with bubbles lapping at her shoulders. “Do come in; don’t be shy.”

  I let Hannah go first. From the look on her face, she’d been here before. When she took her dress off, I saw angry red welts on her bottom, indicating she’d been caned recently. I remembered my own bottom had been strapped earlier, and I wondered how the hot water would feel against the marks. Hannah moaned in pleasure when the water touched her bottom, and I followed her, expecting it to soothe my own cheeks, but instead it made them sting and tingle. That was when I realized Hannah was a masochist. Monique looked from me to Hannah, then she smiled and shook her head.

  “Silly girls with sore bottoms. This is why you should both behave yourselves. Bath time is more fun when everyone can sit in the water.”

  Hannah chose that moment to scoop up some bubbles and throw them up into the air. They floated back down again slowly, drifting on air currents. As she giggled like a six-year-old, I realized how much I loved her. She could go from being in total control of me to goofing around like this without missing a beat. Whatever she’d been going through these past couple of weeks, she seemed to have worked it out. Having seen her bottom, I suspected Monique had done something to help. Perhaps it was better that I wasn’t involved; after all, Hannah’s submission to Monique was their business, regardless of what either of them did with me, and I wasn’t going to pry. Anyway, when we were alone, Hannah often told me plenty without being prompted. I trusted her.

  I was beginning to trust Monique, as well, I realized. Her strict nature was underscored with a caring side that was starting to come out more recently. Although she was annoyed at me for not trusting her, I gathered that she didn’t trust me as much as she trusted Hannah, either. It was undisputable that Hannah was very easy to be around, and she was so straightforward, too. Her cuddly nature was also very endearing. Monique and I had a long way to go before we completely trusted each other, but I felt like we’d overcome a big hurdle today, and maybe one day she would open up to me.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Hannah, please don’t make me do this again! I don’t like it!”

  It was two weeks after our first ménage. Since then, Monique had been very busy playing her political games, and Hannah had spent a lot of time helping me learn how to use my vampire skills: floating, turning into a mist, and compelling people to do my bidding.

  “You need to practice, then it will be easier,” she said. “Try again. Tell me to sit down.”

  “Sit down.” I said it halfheartedly, because I didn’t really care whether she sat down or not.

  “No. Do it properly.” We had already established that she couldn’t compel me to compel her to do something, because it didn’t work on vampiric powers, for some reason.

  “Fine. Sit down, Hannah.”

  She looked at the chair but didn’t move.

  “Hannah, sit down!” I pleaded. I felt so whiny.

  “You know it doesn’t work like that.”

  “Hannah, sit down, please.” I tried to keep my voice level. It felt so wrong to tell her what to do like this. I wished there was someone else I could practice with.

  “Little sister, I get that you don’t want to do this. I know it goes against everything your heart tells you about submitting to your mistress, but you need to try. Please. I’ll be very proud of you if you succeed.”

  “Ok. I’ll try again. Hannah, sit down, please.” I tried to push my energy into the words, to charge them with my intent, or something, and I saw her twitch, then she was back to normal.

  “You have to mean it.”

  “I do mean it! Hannah, sit down, please.”

  She sat down, although whether it was because I’d really compelled her or because she’d gotten bored, I wasn’t sure.

  “Can I even compel you?” I suddenly wondered, “Can you compel Monique?”

  Hannah put her hand over her mouth and stared at me. “Oops. No, you shouldn’t be able to control your mistress. Fine, let’s play a more fun game! You need to imagine every single atom of your body turning into a mist. Like this!” She suddenly faded and the room was filled with a white steam, then she slowly reappeared, giggling.

  I closed my eyes, because I didn’t want to see myself change, and I thought about being a mist. When I opened my eyes, I was still person-shaped.

  “Oh, you’re not very good at this game. Okay, I’ll guide you.” Hannah ushered me into a chair. “Maybe you need to stop thinking about standing. Just relax completely.”

  I closed my eyes again and tried to relax. I took a deep breath in, then exhaled slowly.

  “Imagine you’re not seeing through your eyes any more, you’re a collection of atoms. Feel each one of those atoms. They each have their own energy; they each vibrate at a similar amount to one another.”

  I reached out with my thoughts and visualized what she was telling me.

  “Now, imagine that when those atoms get more energy, they vibrate more. So give them more energy!”

  I tried it, pushing energy into them, the same way I’d tried to get it into my voice. I felt the atoms starting to buzz as they vibrated faster.

  “When you’re ready, give them more energy, fill them with it, until they’re so excited that they want to sprea
d out, really far away from one another.”

  When I gave them enough energy, I could feel them moving so hard that I thought I was going to shake apart… then I did. I felt every particle: I was them. Every single one of them was part of me; was this what it was like to be a hive of bees, all thinking in unison? I felt like I was floating all around the room, in billions of different places at once, like a cloud of particles. I couldn’t see or hear anything, however, and I realized Hannah hadn’t told me how to put myself back together!

  Becoming afraid that I might get stuck like this, I accidentally gave the pieces even more energy, and I started feeling some of me trying to seep under the door or out of the window! How did Hannah control this state? I tried to think about it, but it was hard with this weird hive mind. Could I reduce the energy in the system? I tried to slow myself down, and I felt the atoms pulling closer together again, as they moved less quickly, until I was myself again, sitting in a chair, looking up at Hannah, feeling relieved that I was back to normal.

  “You did it! You precipitated! I’m so proud of you, little sister! Now we can play together like that!” She wriggled and clapped her hands together.

  “Can I maybe have a rest first? It was hard to turn back into my normal shape again, and I got a bit scared.”

  “Oh, couldn’t you hear me?” She looked confused.

  I shook my head. “I couldn’t see either.”

  “When you’ve spent more time in that state, I’m sure you’ll figure out how to see and hear. Everything in the universe is vibrating on some level, and when you’re a precipitate, you can interact with all of it! It’s so exciting. When I was first learning to do it, science hadn’t even invented words for any of it!”

  I wondered if being able to put it into words had helped me at all, or if that was what had confused me.

  “I would like to practice more, so I can improve.” I tried to be enthusiastic, but I couldn’t see myself spending lots of time as a precipitate, like I knew Hannah had done.

  “Okay, let’s take a break, then try floating. We can jump out of the third-floor windows.”

  My eyes widened in horror, and she giggled.

  “That was a joke! We’ll practice jumping off the sofa in the sitting room.”

  * * *

  When Monique summoned us both, we knew something was seriously wrong. I had finished a glass of orange juice when she swept into the kitchen and told us to follow her.

  In her study, we stood before the desk and I racked my brain to try to think of anything I might have done lately that would earn a punishment.

  “You are both aware that the ever-changing groups of guests at the chateau are here to solve an international political problem, yes?”

  We both breathed a sigh of relief and nodded.

  “There is a political party which wishes to prevent women from holding positions of power, or earning any salary that could enable women to support themselves independently of any marriage. They also wish to ban same-sex relationships. I have discovered that the so-called Misogyny Party is, in reality, run by three of the First Ones; I suspect they are trying to cause chaos amongst the humans for their own gain, for they have no interest in any of the ridiculous policies the Misogyny Party claims to stand for.”

  She unrolled a map on her desk and motioned for us to look at it.

  “I have tracked two of the First Ones to Paris. The third one eludes me. I will need both of you to accompany me, to ensure their swift demises. We leave this afternoon. Any questions?”

  Hannah tentatively raised her hand.

  “Mistress, since when did we become commandos? Because last I checked, I’m not really suited to this sort of task.” Hannah looked as worried as I felt.

  “Nonsense. You killed a First One to save Sabine. Of the three of us, that makes you most experienced at this, Hannah.” Monique smiled at her encouragingly. Hannah stared at the map and colored red.

  * * *

  Three hours later, after a big lunch, we boarded the next train to Paris.

  The city was much more brown than I had imagined, with streets of dingy tenement buildings and long lines everywhere. I secretly believed that the French invented waiting in lines, and blamed it on the English. It was an overcrowded and enlarged version of Prague, and I didn’t like it as much, perhaps because I’d seen Prague first.

  Monique led us to a particular church, where her map indicated there was an entrance to the catacombs under the city. I hesitated on the threshold, but Hannah and Monique went inside without difficulty, so I followed.

  “Avoid the cross. It’s the shape, not the intent,” Monique explained.

  “It disrupts our particles,” Hannah explained. “Even if we precipitate.”

  I didn’t know how Hannah had made sense of all this stuff, but it seemed like she only needed the weakest excuse to explain anything and everything related to vampires, with the exception of feeding. Despite her tragic origins, she’d obviously learned to love her new form.

  “Do you have to touch it, to get hurt?” I asked.

  “Yes, although we tend to give them a wide berth anyway; they’re too dangerous,” Monique warned. I followed her advice, and we stayed as far back from the big crucifix as we could manage. Luckily, the trapdoor to the catacombs was near the back. Even with my excellent night vision, it was near-impossible to pick things out as we descended to the underground labyrinth.

  “As of now, you are both to observe high protocol. Do not speak unless spoken to or when you see a danger. Act on your own initiative only when you see an immediate danger. The First Ones here are not as weak as my progenitor,” Monique whispered.

  “Yes, Mistress,” we both whispered. Hannah walked behind Monique, and I was behind Hannah, as we navigated the dim tunnels. I started to get scared, but I didn’t want to say anything, so I chewed my lip and hoped this would be over soon. I kept expecting some pallid, elderly monster to jump out at us from the shadows.

  When we reached a dead end, I thought we would turn back, but Monique simply waited. After several tense minutes of silence and near-darkness, I startled when someone spoke.

  “You are cornered, little fledglings. Why did you disturb our lair?” The voice was male, and extremely raspy.

  “I came to speak with you about your interference with the humans, your Lordship,” Monique purred, although I could hear the steel ready to snap behind her words.

  “That is our business, unless you wish to become a tasty meal,” the voice rasped, and I was so scared, I began to tremble. How could we fight a monster we couldn’t see?

  “Where is the other?” Monique asked, casting her eyes around in the dim tunnel.

  “I’m behind you.” A female voice, far less decrepit, spoke from the solid wall. I jumped and screamed. She must have turned into a precipitate and passed us whilst we were focused on the other one.

  Monique seemed unconcerned. “So which of you is in charge?” she asked.

  “I am,” the female voice said, and the male voice seemed to start choking, then I realized he was laughing.

  “You are not leading,” he rasped.

  We stood and watched while they descended into a physical fight over who was in charge of their political games. They ruined their attack strategy at the point when the female voice ran past us to attack the male one. The fight was loud and it was all I could do to not flee, for fear of them noticing us three again and turning on us.

  When the voices went quiet, Monique clicked on a torch. The two First Ones were locked in a struggle still, each trying to score a final, deadly blow against the other, as they lay wheezing on the floor. Both were covered in blood. Neither had the strength to win. She finished them off swiftly, then searched their corpses. I had to look away because it seemed disgusting that she was touching their clothing. I had drunk blood with Monique several times by now, although Hannah always did it in private, and yet I still couldn’t shake my uneasiness at seeing so much of it all at once.

  “The third one is in Paris,” she declared. “In a hotel not far from here.”

  We traipsed after her as she led us back out of the catacombs, and we were replacing the trapdoor when a priest walked into his church and saw us.

  “What are you doing in there? That is not for you! Get out! Leave!” He chased us out, brandishing a heavy Bible at us as if it were a frying pan. It could probably hit just as hard, I mused. The priest seemed to think we were troublemakers rather than vampires.

  Out on the street, Monique looked at the names of the buildings.

  “It’s the Hotel Value Paris All Stars,” she said, and Hannah snickered.

  “That sounds like a quality establishment, Mistress,” she remarked.

  “Over there!” I saw a sign for the hotel. It was in a new concrete building, and the only doorman was an unkempt man sitting on a blanket strewn with coins. He was accompanied by a small dog. We stepped over him, unable to provide either the money or cigarettes he was asking for. Monique pulled the door open, overcoming its magnetic card system with her strength. The door squealed away from the metal and we found ourselves in a miserable foyer. There was no one at the reception desk, so we went to find the room.

  “It’s one-hundred and eight,” Monique said. We found it easily on the second floor. Monique tapped on the door.

  “Yes?” A gravelly voice that had seen too many cigars came from the other side of the door.

  “Complimentary room service,” Monique said, in her creamiest voice. It was the sort of voice that could probably launch a thousand businesses, if she ever cared to try working in advertising.

  The door opened, and the elderly man inside just stared at the three of us.

  “You sure this is free?” He looked at Hannah with particular interest.

  “It’s prepaid by the manager,” Monique insisted. The man clearly wasn’t going to look a sexy gift horse in the mouth, so he let us in. As soon as the door was locked, Monique pinned him to the wall.


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