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My Forever

Page 32

by J. L. Perry

  “Cut the grass by hand, you dumb, fucking whore!” he yells, before kicking her once more. My mum screws up her face. I can tell she’s hurt.

  He stands over the top of my mum, trying to intimidate her. It works. It always works. He’s a bully, and he knows we are both petrified of him. The sick bastard seemed to get off on it. I can always tell by the sadistic smile plastered all over his evil face as he hurts her.

  She’s trying to pick up the scissors, but her hands are shaking so much that she can’t do it. My father stomps down on her hand, hard, and she lets out a tortured cry before finally managing to pick them up.

  I hate him so much!

  With the back of her hand, my mum wipes away the blood that’s coming out of her nose, as she starts to cut the grass with the scissors. The tears are running down my face as I watch her. Smiling, my father stands there for a few minutes, then turns around to come back inside. As he approaches the house, I quickly run to my room and lock the door.

  I desperately want to go outside and help her, but I know she won’t want that. It will probably just set him off in a rage again. She’s happy to take all the beatings, as long as he leaves me alone. Sometimes, though, I wish my father would hit me more, just so she can have a break from it.

  I lay in bed for hours last night, just listening and waiting for her to come inside. I finally hear the back door close quietly and my mum’s footsteps walking down the hall, towards her bedroom. I look over at the clock on my bedside table. 2:00 a.m. The poor thing has been cutting the grass, with scissors, for nearly eight hours.

  “I love you, mummy,” I whisper. I know she can’t hear me, but I feel compelled to say it. I need her to know that someone loves her, and somebody cares.

  Because I do…so, so much.

  What happened last night is the reason my mum’s receiving a beating right now. My father’s obviously unhappy with the way she cut the grass.

  She was using a pair of scissors, for Christ’s sake!

  It was pitch black outside when she finally came into the house. How can you possibly cut the lawn perfectly, with a pair of scissors, in the damn dark? He’s such an arsehole. I hate him so much. Even if she had done a good job, it still wouldn’t have been good enough for him. It’s always something.

  “My dinner is too hot.” Slap. “My dinner is not hot enough.” Slap. “The gravy you made tastes like shit.” Slap. “My shirt smells like fucking flowers.” Slap. “I had bad day at work and it’s all your fault.” Slap.

  My father always finds an excuse to beat her, no matter what she does. My mum tries to do everything perfect to try and keep him happy. It doesn’t matter, though, because nothing she does is ever good enough for him.

  He’s a monster!

  As I rock back and forth in my bedroom, I can hear things smashing as my father screams at her. The only sounds I hear from my mum are the ones when his fist connects with her body. The beating today is bad. They never usually last this long. I can hear stuff breaking as my mum’s tiny body is thrown around the house.

  While I’m sitting in the corner waiting for it to stop, I slide my hand under the mattress on my bed to grab the phone I’ve hidden there. It’s the one Brooke gave me to use in case of an emergency. Before I get a chance to call her, though, everything goes quiet. I listen…nothing. Then I hear the front door slam shut. Relief floods through my tiny body.

  Finally it’s over!

  My father always slams the front door when he leaves the house for a few hours after beating my mother. Unfortunately, he comes back later, reeking of alcohol. I asked my mum once where he went after he hit her.

  She said, “I think he goes to the pub to have a few drinks and calm down.”

  I wish he’d drink so much that it killed him.

  I sit there in my room, waiting for mum to come and get me. A few times, I even make my way to the door. Every fibre in my being wants to go to her, but she’s told me over and over to never leave until she comes for me. She will only come and get me when it’s safe for me to come out.

  I sit there for over ten minutes waiting for her, but she never comes. My mind starts to race. What if she can’t come to me? Maybe my father killed her this time. I quickly get up off the floor and make my way to the door again.

  This time, I don’t hesitate as I unlock my bedroom door and peek my head out. My hands are shaking as I walk into the hallway. I stand there for a few seconds, listening. Still nothing. I start to panic as I run down the hall. When I round the corner into the lounge room and see her, my heart skips a beat.

  My mum is lying on the floor. There’s blood running down the side on her face and into her beautiful blonde hair. She’s not moving. I feel like I’m going to pass out as I make my way over to her. I can feel my whole body trembling with fear.

  “Mum,” I call out as I get closer. Nothing.

  I fall to my knees on the floor beside her. I notice there’s blood coming out of her nose and mouth, as well. Her beautiful face is already swollen and the bruises are starting to show. I shake her softly.

  “Mum, wake up,” I cry. She continues to lay there, motionless. I look over her battered body as the tears stream down my face. “Mum, please wake up,” I beg. “Please, don’t leave me here by myself,” I plead. “Mummy…please. I need you.” I’m hysterical now. “Mum…Mummy, please open your eyes!”

  I get up off the floor so I can go to my room and get my phone. I need to call Brooke because I don’t know what else to do.

  Suddenly, I hear a male’s voice calling my name. I feel someone grab my arm. The panic sets in and I start to thrash my body around.

  “Jaz…Jaz, wake up. You’re having another nightmare.”

  I recognise that voice immediately, and I open my eyes…




  Firstly, I want to thank all my readers. Without you, I wouldn’t be able to continue to do what I love. I was truly blown away by all the messages, comments, and reviews I got after you all read My Destiny. I was so touched. You have no idea what your words of support and encouragement mean to me. And, yes, I love “Hot Stuff”, too. If I ever find him, you can’t have him…he’s mine.

  I also want to thank my family. You have all stood by me and supported me every step of the way. I love you all so much.

  To all my friends…not only the ones that I see on a daily basis, but the ones I have made on social media, too. Some of you I never met in person, but I am still grateful for all the support you give me. There are too many of you to name, but you know who you are. I am so thankful to have you all in life. Your friendship means everything to me.

  To the girls on my street team: Rhonda Perry, Kylie Paris, Aida Almedia, Jacquie Denison, Sophia Holt, Cheryl Riddell, Shona Reid, Amanda Campbell, Shawna Jimenez, Amanda Dean, Kristen Geist, Kayla Teeples, Charmaine Lynch, Jane Bowen, Ellen Marie Small, Lynette Benjamin, Vivian Hernandez, and Amber Tompkins. Wow…I love you all. You go above and beyond for me, and I am so grateful for everything you girls do. Amy Tubaugh and Rachel Nicolson…I want to personally thank you too, for all that you do for me. I think you are both amazing.

  I want to say a special thank you to Heather Brockett-Slayton from Panty Dropping Book Blog for not only organizing my Release Day Blitz, but for everything you do for me. You are awesome and I truly appreciate it.

  To all the other readers and bloggers who share my posts and pimp me or my book on social media…thank you. I sincerely appreciate your support.

  To my editor, Kim Young, thank you again for the amazing job you did. I’m so glad I found you. You put your heart and soul into your work and I think you are wonderful.

  Melody Simmons, I love everything you have made for me. Not only my eBook and paperback covers, but both the banners, too. You are very talented and a pleasure with whom to work.

  Max Henry, I never got to thank you in my last book, but you saved the day when you stepped in and formatted My Destiny at the last minute.
You did a wonderful job, not only with the eBook formatting, but also the paperback. I’m so grateful to you and can’t wait to see what you do with My Forever.

  So, thank you from the bottom of my heart…every single one of you. I appreciate you all so much. I am so blessed to have you all in my life.

  For updates and teasers on Damaged – Jacin

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