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Rough & Rich (Notorious Devils Book 6)

Page 4

by Hayley Faiman

  I need to fucking breathe.

  I smooth down the front of my dress and cringe. I can’t believe I let my mother talk me into it. It’s black silk fabric with a halter neck, and the front dips down so low in front that my entire chest—to almost my belly button—is exposed. Two triangles of black silk cover my breasts. Though, since I’ve lost weight, my breasts aren’t as full as they used to be, so it doesn’t really show anything.

  A piece of gold ribbon wraps around right underneath my breasts and the middle of the dress is completely cut out, with another gold band that wraps around my waist, holding it together at my back.

  The dress is completely backless. The black silk starts again at my hips and falls to the floor, but there’s a slit on my right side, and it’s cut all the way up to my mid-thigh.

  I look like a slut.

  Sliding my feet into my gold high heels, I smooth down my wavy, blonde hair before I apply my nude shimmer lip stain and cringe again. I feel like I should be going to some kind of party in Vegas, not a high school graduation.

  The bell rings, and I exhale. This is going to be a long night. Not only do I have to deal with society bitches, but I also have to break it off with Graham. I thought about it all week, and I can’t be with him.

  It isn’t as though I’m not ready to move on from Sloane, because I think that I could be, it’s that Graham does absolutely nothing for me. I can’t even see being content with him, let alone remotely happy.

  “Wow,” Graham breathes as I open my door.

  He’s wearing a tuxedo, and it should make my belly do flips. Sloane in a tux always did things to me, but Graham, not so much.

  “Hey,” I smile as I step out of my front door and lock it behind me.

  “Who picked that dress out?” he asks as his eyes narrow.

  I thought he liked the dress originally, but now as I look up into his eyes, I can tell that he’s not pleased at all. In fact, he’s angry. He wraps his fingers around my elbow, his fingertips gripping me roughly, and tugs me to the waiting car. There’s a driver tonight, and without being gentle, Graham practically shoves me into the back seat.

  “My mother did,” I state, though my voice waivers slightly.

  “Of course your mother did,” he snorts.

  “What does that mean?” I ask, arching an eyebrow as I turn slightly toward him.

  “Your mother is a classic aging trophy wife. I didn’t realize from our conversation the other night that that is exactly what you wanted to be. I thought you were different,” he shrugs.

  “You do realize my mother comes from more money than my father, don’t you?” I ask, narrowing my eyes.

  “Money can’t buy class. Your mother is classless, always has been. She can’t help it; her entire family is. Yes, she has more, but her family is nouveau rich. That money was built from luck, unlike your father’s, which came from generations ago; wise investments of textiles was then rolled into other avenues. I know your family history, Imogen, as you I’m sure know mine. If I wanted a trashy trophy wife, I could have my pick.”

  I don’t know his. I hate it all. The bullshit, the status, and exactly the way he described my mother’s money versus my father’s. Like my mother is cheap because her family’s money is new money and not old money.

  My eyes lower, as though I feel the weight of his words on my shoulders, “I’m sorry I’m not classy enough for you,” I say, lifting my head and turning it to the side, avoiding looking at him. I can’t wait until this party is over so that I can leave his pompous ass.

  “Your father’s family line is impeccable, and your mother’s isn’t atrocious, so there’s nothing to be sorry for. Just, next time we go to a party, I want you to see my stylist instead of allowing your mother to help you,” he says, taking my hand and giving it a gentle squeeze.

  I roll my eyes to the window as he caresses my hand. His skin is smooth and soft, and it is another reason he does nothing for me.

  Sloane’s hands were rough. He enjoyed using them on his bike and with whatever else he did for the club. They were also scarred from fighting, and the way they would drag across my skin—the thought still gives me goosebumps.

  “We’re here,” Graham announces, taking me out of my day dream.

  The driver helps me out of the back of the car, and I wait for Graham to walk around and join me. His hand slips around my waist, and he squeezes me as we walk up the steps into the Huntington mansion. As soon as we’re inside, I look around for Kip. I have something for him, and I want to make sure that he gets it before he takes off to Harvard.

  I see him, and he smiles widely.

  “I’m going to say hello to Kipling,” I murmur, disengaging from Graham’s grasp on my waist.

  “I’ll be right there,” he mutters, not even turning away from Mr. Shilling. I don’t like Mr. Shilling anyway. He has always leered at me, and he’s older than my grandparents’ age.

  “Kip,” I say as soon as I reach his side.

  He turns, and I have to keep from breathing funny, the closer I get. He looks exactly like Sloane did the day I met him. His blond hair is a little wild, but still not out of place; his face is clean shaven and young; his green eyes pierce me, and his full lips tip in a cocky grin.

  “Imogen,” he whispers as he wraps his arms around me in a tight hug.

  He’s even tall like Sloane, and with long lean muscles of a boy-man, just like Sloane was when I met him. It sends my mind spinning back twenty-years.

  “I’m sorry, you look so much like him,” I whisper against his ear.

  “He’s not dead, Genny,” Kip chuckles as he straightens.

  He keeps his hands on my waist and continues to give me his cocky as shit grin as I shake my head.

  “I know,” I murmur. Isn’t Sloane dead, though? To me at least? It feels like I’ve been mourning him for years.

  “You look hot as shit, big sister,” he laughs softly. I roll my eyes.

  “I have something for you. I wanted to give it to you before you snuck off with your friends and got into trouble,” I say.

  “Never,” he gasps, but his green eyes twinkle.

  “Anyway, I just thought you might like this,” I murmur as I pull the ring from my clutch.

  He holds out his hand, “What is it?” he asks.

  “This is Sloane’s class ring. I don’t know, I thought you might want it,” I shrug. “You think it’s dumb, right?”

  “No way, Gen,” he says as I drop it in his hand. I watch as he slides it onto his finger. “I didn’t get one. Mom forgot to turn in the paperwork,” he shrugs.

  She didn’t forget. Kalli Huntington is a drunk.

  “Now you do,” I grin, looking up at him, my eyes filling with tears.

  “Don’t give up all hope, yet,” he mutters, sounding far too mature for his age.

  I feel a warm, soft, hand on my back, and I twist my neck around to see Graham just behind me. His heat is against my body and still, nothing. I exhale and look over to Kip while rolling my eyes.

  “Congrats on graduating, and Harvard,” Graham says, his voice deeper than usual.

  “Thanks,” Kip says, not looking at him.

  Graham is stiffer than normal standing next to me, and I look up to him, and notice that his gaze is focused across the room. I follow it, and my eyes widen at the sight.


  Bourbon. I always drink it at my parents’ parties, mainly because they think tequila is tacky. My mother prefers bottles of wine, hidden beneath her bed, but that’s a totally different scenario. Right now, I’m leaning against one of the back walls, halfway hidden in the shadows, watching and drinking.

  Then I see her.


  Goddamn, her dress shows so much skin that my slacks tighten, and my cock presses against the zipper at the sight of her. I stuff my hand into my pocket so nobody notices my semi as my eyes track her. She’s walking alone toward Kip, and her right leg peaks out through the high slit of her dress with eac
h step she takes.

  Her hair is longer than it was three years ago, her body dangerously thin, and that causes me to scowl. She and Kip hug, and I watch as she pulls something out of her purse and places it in his hand before giving him a small smile. Fuck me. She’s still the prettiest woman I’ve ever laid eyes on. Then I watch as Graham fucking Bayard walks right up to her, his hand sliding around her waist and his eyes pinned to mine.

  I give him a grin and lift my chin in his direction as I push off of the wall and make my way toward them. Genny notices me and her eyes widen, as she obviously sucks in a breath. Fuck me, her lips are shiny, and I can’t help but remember just how well they fit around my cock when she sucked me off.

  “Huntington,” Graham practically sneers as he eyes me.

  “Imogen,” I rasp, ignoring the fuckwit.

  “Sloane,” she breathes. It goes straight to my cock.

  I grin at her, tipping my lips the way I know makes her tremble, and she does. Graham notices. I can feel his eyes narrowing on me, but I only have eyes for my wife. I reach out and let my fingertips trail down her shoulder. I watch as she shakes, and I can’t help but bite on my bottom lip, thinking about how wet she must be right now—for me, and not for the man she came here with.

  “Darling, will you excuse us? I’d like to talk to Sloane alone,” Graham says through clenched teeth.

  Kip snorts slightly, but he takes Genny’s hand and tugs her away. When she turns around, my eyes widen at how bare her back is. Fucking hell, she never dressed like that before. The dress has her mother written all over it, but I could give a fuck less. She looks like one hot as fuck piece.

  “Stay away from her,” Graham announces.

  “Or what?” I snort. “She’s my wife,” I point out.

  This fuck has been trying to best me since we were in first grade. He couldn’t throughout school, and he can’t now. He refused to accept the fact that I’m better than him in every way possible.

  “She’ll be sending you divorce papers, since she’s marrying me in six months. You know, as soon as they’re final,” he laughs as a giant smile appears on his face.

  I want to punch him, but my father would have my ass for it. Honest to fuck, I do not feel like dealing with him tonight.

  “You want my wife? For what? I’ve had her, man, you aren’t the winner here,” I say, bringing my drink up to my lips and tipping it back, acting as though I could give a fuck. I’m goading his ass, and he’ll bite, he always does.

  “I’ll be the winner,” he says slowly, giving me exactly what I knew he would. “I’ll give her what she wants, a family, and I’ll take all her money while I’m at it. Her parents love me; her father has already agreed to release her entire trust fund and let me invest it for her,” he states pompously. “Once it’s all transferred to my off-shore accounts, I’ll let you have her back and you can take care of my brats.”

  “When you kiss her, can you still taste my cum in her mouth? She loves to swallow,” I say, ignoring the rage that’s building inside of me at the way he plans on using Imogen and stealing her money.

  His eyes widen and he jerks back slightly. That’s when I know that she hasn’t done that for him. By the looks of him, I’m wondering if he’s touched her at all.

  “Say what you want. I’ll have the last laugh. I’ll ruin her body and leave her penniless,” he laughs.

  “Good luck with that. Remember, I’m back, Bayard,” I bark walking past him.

  I make sure to ram my shoulder into his when I pass him, causing him to stumble back slightly.

  I don’t walk up to Genny like I want to. Instead, I turn and walk over to a group of people I went to school with to shoot the shit. I have to act unaffected. If I don’t, then he’ll think he got to me—and I make it a point to never show Bayard that he’s gotten to me. He can go fuck himself.

  “You pissed him off. What’d you say?” Kip asks a few minutes later, after I’ve made my way back to the bar for a refill of bourbon.

  “Asked him if he could still taste my cum when he kissed Imogen,” I shrug. The bartender coughs as he hands me a glass.

  “Sloane,” my brother groans.

  “Proud of you, Kippy,” I offer, wrapping my arm around his shoulders and slapping his back lightly.

  “Thanks,” he shrugs as his cheeks pink in embarrassment. “You don’t think I’m a big fuckin’ loser, do you?”

  “For what?” I ask, knitting my eyebrows together in confusion.

  “Valedictorian, Harvard, all that shit?” he asks.

  “Being smart doesn’t make you a loser. If anything, I wish I could have been more like you when I was younger. School was not for me.”

  “You don’t give a shit what anyone else thinks. I want to be like you. I always have, but I’m so afraid of fucking up. Mom and dad, they won’t allow it,” he says.

  That guilt that I usually feel when it comes to my little brother washes over me again.

  My parents had him when I was twenty. It wasn’t an accident; he was supposed to replace me. He was their do-over because I’m such a colossal fuck up in their eyes.

  “So, don’t give a shit about what anyone else thinks, but do it your way. You wanna take over dad’s company and run it the way you want, a different way than he has, then you go to school you prove you’re competent to take over. Then you do what you want when you take it over,” I suggest.

  Kipling smiles. It’s huge, and it’s pretty fucking scary, because it’s like looking in a mirror. He has plans, and I hit the nail on the fucking head.

  “Yeah,” he grins. “What are you gonna do about Genny?” he asks, changing the subject like fucking whiplash.

  “What do you mean?” I ask, arching my brow.

  “You’re not going to let her be with Graham, are you?” he asks, looking completely disgusted. I shrug, taking another sip from my drink. “She doesn’t love him,” he mutters.

  “She might,” I murmur as I watch Graham’s hand rest against her back from across the room, dangerously close to her ass.

  “She doesn’t,” he insists. “But if you aren’t going to treat her right…”

  “Then what?” I challenge.

  “Then you need to let her go,” he says. Without another word, he walks away from me.

  I don’t think about how much fucking smarter and more together my baby brother is than me. I choose to order another round from the bartender instead, and I watch. I watch how Imogen is stiff, how she’s not touching Graham back, and how Graham, aside from the hand on her back, is pretty much ignoring her. She tugs on his sleeve, and he leans down to give her an ear. He then nods and releases her as he talks to someone.

  Imogen walks away from him, and I know where she’s going as she makes her way through the crowd. I slide into the hallway, without being seen, then I make my way toward the bathroom, slipping into the dark room before her.

  I bite my bottom lip when I hear her high heels walk inside, then she turns on the light as she locks the door. Before she can even turn around, I’m pressing my chest against her back.

  I gasp as someone’s hard chest presses against my back, but as soon as I inhale, my body relaxes. I know exactly who it is. Sloane. My belly heats and flutters at the exact same time, just as it always does when he’s around. Something I haven’t’ felt for the past three years.

  One of his arms wraps around my stomach. I shiver when his hand slides up the center of my chest and beneath my dress, to curl his fingers around my breast. His mouth goes to my ear, his hot breath and rough fingers gently brush against my skin.

  “Imogen, baby,” he whispers.

  My entire flesh breaks out in goosebumps, and I shiver. Then I close my eyes. Damn him. I love it when he whispers to me, his body so close.

  “Sloane,” I respond shakily.

  “Missed you,” he rumbles as his hand squeezes my breast roughly.

  My body betrays my mind, and I moan as I let my head fall back against his shoulder. I feel his
other hand on my thigh, at the slit of my dress. Then, in a single breath, it’s beneath my panties and he’s cupping me.

  “Sloane,” I whimper. “This is wrong.”

  “You’re my wife,” he informs me as he fills me with two fingers. I’m wet, but I haven’t had sex in three years—not since him—so it’s a little painful.

  “Fuck, baby. So tight and warm, just like I always remembered,” he murmurs against my neck. His tongue snakes out and he tastes me while his fingers gently pump in and out of my pussy.

  I push my ass slightly against his slacks and moan when I feel his hard cock against my crack. Sloane’s thumb presses against my clit, and I gasp, turning my head to press my lips just on the underside of his clean-shaven jaw.

  “Still so sweet when I touch you,” he rasps. “Come all over me, Imogen,” he groans as he curls his fingers inside of me, grinding his palm against my clit, just like he knows I love.

  “Oh, god,” I say through trembling lips. My body shakes, and I come.

  I feel him gather my dress in his hands, turning me around to face the mirror, and then his tuxedo rustles behind me. Without a word, he yanks my panties down before he fills me from behind. He grabs my face and turns it toward the mirror, his green eyes connecting with my brown ones; his jaw set hard and looking like the most beautiful man I have ever seen.

  “You’re my wife, Imogen, mine,” he grunts as he fucks me.

  I can’t do anything but gasp as his hips thrust and slap against my ass. He continues to hold my face so that I’m forced to look into his gorgeous eyes.

  “No man touches you,” he growls as his hips pump harder. “Not ever.”

  I want to push him away and then pull him closer. No matter how pissed I am at him, he feels so damn good. I reach up behind me and thread my fingers into his hair, tugging hard on the strands, which causes him to suck in a breath. It only urges him to fuck me harder and faster.

  “Keep looking at me,” he demands.

  His hand slips between my legs again, and he starts to rub firm circles against my clit. My second climax rushes through me, and as soon as I cry out, he moans with his own release. I feel his seed fill my body, and instantly I regret it. This should have never happened.


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