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The Shameless Billionaire Series: Billionaire Romance Box Set (An Alpha-Male, Billionaire, Bad Boy, Bad Girl, Romance)

Page 7

by Michelle Love

  I suppose the book cover business is a little more involved than I thought it would be. Who would think a meeting would go that long over the cover of a book?

  Then it occurs to me that it wouldn’t. She may have had a date afterward. Maybe to let one of her men down easy. But still, she didn’t tell me about it at all and now my hackles are up.

  I think she and I need to make up some kind of plan on how we’re going to let our other parties know we’re out of the game. And one on one, in person, meetings with any of them is a no go.

  Taking the elevator down to the waiting car, I give the driver a nod and get inside the car. My mind is kind of a racing mess with the idea she may have been alone with one of her boy toys.

  I find I’m tapping my foot incessantly on the floor. To calm my nerves, I pour myself a drink from the car’s bar and sit back, taking a little sip. I close my eyes and mentally prepare myself to accept things if she tells me she met with someone.

  She was never untrustworthy but I don’t know about now. And I don’t know if she’s above retaliation for all the times I messed around on her. She could’ve been reeling me in so she could hook me and hurt me like I hurt her so many times.

  Fuck, I’m stupid!

  The phone rings and I see it’s her. “Hi,” I answer.

  “You about here, Baby? I’m out of the shower now.”

  The sound of her voice sends all of my negative thoughts away and I relax. “Yes, I’m nearly there I think. We’re getting much closer to the East River.” I lean up and ask Donovan, “About how much longer until we get there?”

  “Fifteen minutes,” he answers.

  “I heard him,” she says. “Can’t wait to see you, Jason.”

  “Me too.” I hang up and feel a ton better.

  I’m letting those insecurities resurface and I have to learn to stop doing that. Turning on the television, I try not to think about bad things.

  That’s always been my problem. I remember thinking a lot about Britt going off to college and forgetting about me. So much so that I sabotaged things with her before that even had a chance of becoming true.

  In the end, she did go away to college and forget about me, but it’s because of what I did that made that happen. It’s funny, and not in the haha sort of way, how the things we’re most afraid of, happen to us, anyway.

  Flipping through the satellite channels, I find nothing that captures my attention. I’m more than a bit preoccupied with thoughts of me and Britt and our future.

  It didn’t occur to me to ask her if she got that morning-after pill. I hope she didn’t, to tell the truth. It wouldn’t hurt my feelings one bit to see her all chubby with my baby.

  Some would think me a terrible man who would want that so fast. But where that one woman is concerned I’d like nothing more than to settle her down with me and start raising a bunch of little me and hers.

  Something on the television caught my eye and I go back several channels and see the words on the bottom of the screen. It’s some kind of awards it seems and there’s a little blurb about it on the local news station.

  I turn it up and listen as the reporter says, “Earlier this evening, some of New York’s top people in the publishing industry had a low-key awards ceremony. Authors, illustrators, and even book cover artists were there to receive awards for all of their hard work this last year.”

  I find it interesting as Brittany should have been involved in this awards thing. I Googled her and found out all there is to know about her work and she is very impressive. She’s won all kinds of awards for her book covers and to know she was left out of this, is appalling.

  The camera pans around the room of dressed up people and in the background I hear an announcer saying, “And the book cover of the year goes to, Brittany Caldwell, for her work on the cover of the book, Killing the Rainbow.”

  My eyes are glued to the screen as the camera pans around and suddenly Brittany is filling the screen wearing a gorgeous gold gown and in the arms of some fucking man. Their lips touch for a horrifying moment and he says, “I’m so proud of you, Darling.”

  She cups the back of his neck as they gaze into each other’s eyes. “I couldn’t have done it without you, my love.”

  The reporter is back on the screen as I seem to have lost the ability to take in air. “That was a bit earlier tonight. By the look in those two’s eyes, I’m sure some intense and intimate celebrating is probably still going on with them even now. Meow, they’re one hot couple!”

  Fuck me! She’s done it to me this time!

  To be continued…

  The Shameless Billionaire Series

  Book 2

  Casanova’s Coach

  An Alpha-Male, Billionaire, Bad Boy, Bad Girl, Romance


  Michelle Love

  Desire. Passion. Secrets.

  Jason doesn’t take the news well that Brittany took another man to the awards ceremony behind his back.

  Drowning his sorrows at a local bar, Jason meets one of Brittany’s boy toys. He decides he will be taking Brittany off the market after talking to the man who doesn’t take the news well at all.

  Brittany, tired of waiting for Jason to show up at her place, gets a phone call from her mother and finds out she was on a little news reel and she figures Jason saw it and is mad at her.

  When she gets to his place, she finds a woman waiting for him too. They talk and she starts to see the big picture. She comes to the conclusion Jason really does need her to get him out of the lie of a life he’s created for himself.

  Taking a little time away to find out if they still have true feelings for one another, they take off on a trip and just as things seem to be working in their favor, a phone call stirs up problems for the couple.

  Can this couple ever catch a break? Or will their past mess up any future they might have together?

  Chapter 1


  It’s been an hour since I talked to Jason who said he was a mere fifteen minutes away. My calls have all gone straight to voicemail and my texts aren’t even being read. I have no idea what the man is doing.

  I’m beginning to feel like a damn fool as I lay here on the sofa, strategically positioned and wearing a daring little negligee I put on just for him. Something’s happened. I know it has.

  Maybe a wreck!

  The not knowing is killing me. I guess I should get dressed and go over to his place to see if he’s there for some damn reason. But just as I get up off the sofa I remember a few other nights this exact same thing happened.

  Back down I go and grab my glass of celebratory Champagne I poured us two flutes of. I was going to show him the trophy I won today.

  Instead of showing it to him, I pick it up too and sit back, alone with my drink and my prize.

  Too many nights I’ve spent alone. Too many times I’ve let myself get excited about a life with Jason Brennan.

  The lamp next to me reflects its dim light on the gold of the trophy. Best book cover for the entire year is what I won. My work is very rewarding. But my love life isn’t.

  I think it’s time to call in a ringer. If Jason isn’t going to show up, then I need to move on. And drinking alone while staring at this trophy won’t help a thing.

  My phone screen lights up and I nearly toss the things in my hand away to answer it. I stop short as I see it’s my mom. “Hi, Mom. It’s late, is everything okay?”

  “No, it’s not.” Her words stop my heart.

  “What’s happened?” I manage to get out.

  “You won an award and told no one about it! That’s what’s wrong. Brittany Caldwell, what the hell is wrong with you?”

  I ponder that question for a moment before I answer. I’d like to know what the hell is wrong with me too. “The hell if I know, Mom.”

  Her voice is threaded with tension as she says, “Babygirl, you’re not involving us in any part of your life anymore. If we’d have known, you were even up for that award then we’d have
been there for you. Don’t you know that?”

  “My agent had forgotten to tell me about the ceremony. I had no idea about that until three hours before it happened. I’m sorry. Things are busy here in New York.” I drink the rest of my Champagne down and look at the wall and wonder why it is that I’m always so damn busy.

  “Britt, let me come see you, Babygirl. Let me come see what’s going on in your life,” she seems to be begging me.

  “What about Dad? You can’t leave him behind.” I place the empty glass on the coffee table and pick up the one I poured for Jason and take a drink out of it.

  Seems I’m going to get drunk alone and most likely fall asleep right here on this sofa, also alone.

  “We’ll both come if that’s what you want. I just want you to know you have a family who cares about you. We love you, Brittany. You seem to forget you have a family.”

  The guilt begins to creep in and I don’t often allow that to happen. “No, Mom. I’m fine.” I stand up and try to get my bearings.

  I don’t let people get to me. Yesterday I was a strong woman with no worries. In less than twenty-four hours, thanks to Jason and his psychoanalysis of me, I’ve pushed away the walls surrounding my heart and now my mind is even going soft too.

  “No, you are not,” she says with a calm tone.

  “You know what? That’s the second time I’ve been told that in the last two days. I fell for that shit last night and I’m not falling for it again.” I stride over to the window in the living room with my million-dollar view of the East River and continue my rant, “That award I won was a thing I did on my own. No one was around to help me brainstorm that cover. No one was there in my corner rooting for me.”

  “And who’s fault is that?” she asks me.

  “I’m not saying it’s anyone’s fault, Mom. I’m just saying, I did all that on my own. I am fine. I am more than fine. The way I’ve been living my life has worked out for me. Maybe keeping to one’s self, doesn’t work for everyone but it does for me. So please stop worrying about me.”

  “Who was that man you were with on the television, Brittany?” Mom asks. “You two looked like you were in love. Yet you haven’t told me a thing about even being in a relationship.”

  “Huh?” I ask as I lean my head on the thick window pane and stare, blankly out the window at the lights and the way they reflect off the river’s surface. “On television?”

  “You were on a little newsreel. You were at the awards ceremony with some very handsome man. It was your award they showed. How come you never told us about that man? Who is he and when can we meet him?” she asks and I am still very confused.

  Damn Champagne!

  I shake my head to clear it. “There was footage of that?”

  “Yes. Now who is that man, Babygirl, I’m not about to let you off this phone until you divulge some information about this guy.”

  “The man I was with is just a guy I take to things like that. He looks good in photos and on camera. We look good together. He knows it’s just an act. That’s all that was, an act.”

  I nearly fall down as I realize Jason must’ve seen that too. That has to be why he didn’t show up.

  “That didn’t look like an act, Brittany. How come you won’t talk to me and tell me what’s going on?” she asks, making me feel kind of crappier than I feel already.

  “Here’s the truth, Mom. And get ready not to like it.” I sit back down on the sofa. “Jason came back into my life last night.”

  “Who?” she asks as if she’s never heard that name before.

  “Jason Brennan.”


  Her one word tells me exactly what I knew. My parents will never be on board with Jason.

  “Now, Mom…”

  Her shrill voice interrupts me, “Brittany Elain Caldwell, that man humiliated this entire family with what he did that night. The neighbors still talk about him. No way in hell are you going to have anything to do with that boy!”

  “Mom!” I yell to get her to shut up. “Listen to me. Jason is not a boy any longer. He’s a grown man and now that you told me about me being on television I think I might have hurt him by taking that other man to the award ceremony. So I need to get off here and go find him and explain things to him.”

  “He’s mad at you?” she asks. “How the hell can he be mad at you for going to an award ceremony with another man when he did that awful sex act with that whore three doors down from you? What a piece of complete shit! Brittany, stay away from him. If he is mad, then great. Let him stay away from you. Babygirl, he is not the man for you.”

  I lean back onto the soft leather of the sofa and look up at the ceiling as tears fill my eyes. “If he isn’t the man for me then why is he the only man my body responds too?”

  “Your body isn’t what matters. It’s your mind that matters. Follow your head, not your heart. That man is heartbreak, and that’s all he is. You know that, Britt. Be thankful you did take that other guy and Jason saw that. Be glad it’s over before he had a chance to hurt you again.” She lets out a breath after her lecture and it fills my ear.

  I close my eyes, not knowing what the hell to do. “Mom, I heard your words. I have to go.”

  “Don’t even try to call that boy, Babygirl. Promise me,” she begs.

  “Mom, I can’t…”

  “No! Promise me you’ll let him go. He almost killed you last time. He mangled your heart, Sweetie. Don’t give him the chance to finish you off. I’d like to see you be able to trust a man again. I tell you what, let me set you up on one of those dating sites. I can find you a good man.”

  “No, Mom.” I let out a sigh and find my heart is still aching. “I have to go. I love you. Tell Dad that for me too, would you?”

  “We love you too, Brittany. Now do as I’ve told you. Let Jason go. You’ll be so sorry if you don’t.”

  “Bye, Mom.” I end the call before she can say another word.

  I know she means well. I really do. But she has no idea of how many men I’ve been with and none of them come close to comparing to what I feel when I’m with Jason.

  The sound of his voice earlier on the phone filled me with something I never feel except with him. And now I know I’ve hurt him and I want to kick my own ass.

  Going to my bedroom, I look for something to put on. I have to get over to his house and tell him what the real story is behind that little scene he must’ve seen on television.

  I know Josh will collaborate my story. But I think Jason’s still going to be upset that I didn’t take him or even tell him about it.

  Now that I think about it, I don’t know why I didn’t ask him to go with me. I’m just so used to asking Josh to those things. I have for the last couple of years so it was all instinctual.

  I’m not used to being a couple. I'm really not used to having any man think we’re exclusive and that he can get mad because he sees me with someone else. And that was only yesterday after all. Jason certainly couldn’t have expected me to grasp everything so quickly.

  Tossing off the naughty nighty, I pull a little sundress over my head and slip into a pair of flip flops. Then I head out to catch a cab.

  Just before I get out the door, I open the drawer of the table right beside the door. I keep a few extra keys to my apartment in it. They were there when I got the place and I never saw fit to give one to anyone else.

  Hopefully, the key will help me win what is sure to be an argument. The key and maybe a little more action should sooth the beast he has to have become with his jealousy.

  It’s really funny how a man who is such a run around can have such huge jealousies. Then again, most cheaters think everyone cheats, so I guess that would explain that little oddity.

  All I know is, I can’t think about anything but making things right between us. That is so unlike me.

  Who the hell have I become?

  I slip into a cab that’s parked near the apartment building and off I head to see Jason. The lights flash as we
pass each one and I see tons of people still out and about.

  Then it hits me that he’s most likely getting drunk and laid right now and if he has a woman at his place, I’m sure to lose my fucking mind.

  Shit! Now, what do I do?

  Chapter 2


  Two shots down and three to go, I sit at a bar and try to forget all about Brittany Caldwell.

  Her heart really has gone cold. I take the blame for starting that process but fuck me if she didn’t get exceptionally colder than I ever expected was possible for a woman who can be so sweet, kind, and loving.

  To think she left my bed and went straight to another man is a thing I didn’t think she was capable of. My Brittany is no more. I coached her a little too well.

  She has become a female version of Casanova and I am to blame for that.

  Some guy sits on the stool next to mine and pulls off his black-framed glasses to clean them. He puts them on and looks me over then lets out a whistle. “Wow! You look like crap, Dude. No offense.”

  Without looking at the guy, I say, “Yeah, who the hell would take offense at that remark, Jackass?”

  “Okay then, sorry for saying that.” He holds out his hand. “I’m Ryan, and you are clearly miserable.”

  I shake his hand even though I don’t want to. “I’m Jason and I am pretty displeased with a person I helped create.”

  “Kid troubles?” he asks as he makes a sign at the bartender to bring him one of what I’m having.

  “No. I don’t have any kids. Woman trouble.” I take one of the shots that are on the bar in front of me.

  The bartender brings him a shot and a couple of beers and puts one in front of me. Ryan smiles. “The beer is on me. Too much whiskey is bad for the soul. So this woman, tell me about her.”

  “Brittany was my first love. We were kids then, and she was innocent and sweet and I fucked her up in ways I didn’t know I could.” I take a drink of the beer and notice the difference in the way it smoothly flows down my throat opposed to the harsh feeling of the shots I’ve been taking.


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