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Fierce Salon: Episode 2: A New Adult Smexy Serial (Volume 2)

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by Aspen Drake

  Fierce Salon

  Episode Two

  By Aspen Drake

  This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this novel are fictitious or used fictitiously. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the publisher or author, except in the case of a reviewer, who may quote brief passages in a review.

  Fierce Salon Episode Two

  Published by Surrendered Press

  Copyright 2014 Aspen Drake

  Chapter One


  I walk into the salon at exactly nine thirty-two on my first official day. I half expect Nate, the gorgeous owner that hired me without checking references, to tell me he was high at the time and ask me to leave the premises.

  When I find him waiting at the front desk with the Wall Street Journal, I don’t know what to say. He doesn’t have that same problem.

  “You’re late.” He folds up the paper and grabs his coffee cup.

  “I’m sorry.” I glance at my phone and then at the clock on the wall. “I thought you said to get here at nine thirty.”

  “I did.” He slowly takes a sip and finally looks at me. “It’s nine thirty-four.”

  Well, now it is…it wasn’t when I arrived. “Um, okay. I’m sorry about that.” I shift from one foot to the other. “It won’t happen again.”

  He nods once. “See that it doesn’t.”

  Damn. Four minutes on the job and I’m already in trouble.

  He walks toward an empty station in the back and I silently follow. When he sits in the chair, I stop short, confused by what he wants me to do next.

  “Put your things in the cabinet. The drapes and your apron are in the bottom drawer.” After a moment of me just staring, he finally notices I haven’t moved. “Is something the matter?”

  Nate’s crystal blue eyes lock onto mine through the mirror. His features soften like he isn’t pissed anymore but he still doesn’t like me for some reason. I don’t know what I’ve done but it’ll take some effort to win him over.

  That’s fine with me. I’ve been underestimated my whole life and I won’t let him or Shane or any other man treat me like I’m too stupid to take care of business.

  I square up my shoulders and step to the cabinet. “Not at all. I’ll be ready in just one minute.”

  I open up my case and pull out my favorite shears then slip into the black apron. The word Fierce is written across it in teal lettering. I really want this job to work out. I need it to work out. I catch myself tracing the letters with my fingers as Nate clears his throat.

  Where’s all this sentimentality coming from? I must be PMSing.

  After a deep cleansing breath, I turn toward Nate with the drape in my hand. “So, what are we going to do today?” I give him my best smile and step behind the chair, carefully attaching the drape around his neck.

  He seems to be holding in a smile as he watches me. “Well, I could use a half inch off the top. Nothing drastic.”

  I gently rake my fingers through his hair. It’s cool and silky. No product to ruin its texture. My mind briefly imagines doing this in the throes of passion but I shake that thought away and focus on the task at hand. Keeping my job.

  Glancing up at Nate, I see his normally clear eyes are dark and his intense stare is back. This time, he doesn’t seem angry or even curious. He’s more…hungry.

  Watching his eyes, I see them dart down to my chest. I follow his gaze and realize my nipples are erect and spiking through my shirt and around the sides of the narrow apron.

  Hunching my shoulders forward a bit to loosen the fabric, I step fully behind Nate so he can’t see my boobs. “No problem.” I force a cough to clear the rasp from my voice. “Your hair is damp. Did you just wash it or should we get you over to Frankie?”

  “Frankie isn’t in yet so you’ll have to do the shampoo.”

  “Sounds good.” I can hear the cracks in my voice as I pretend to be cheery and confident. I’m neither and if he doesn’t know it yet, Nate will figure it out soon enough. “Please follow me.”

  He nods and stands by the chair, waiting for me to lead him to the shampoo room. So, this is a role playing exercise. Fan-fucking-tastic.

  I feel his body just a breath behind me as I reach the first shampoo chair. “Please have a seat.”

  I reach for a towel and roll it up behind his neck. “Just recline back and tell me if this is uncomfortable.”

  As soon as he’s on his back, his eyes are locked on my face, watching my every expression. I plaster the fake smile on it and turn on the faucet. “Is this is too hot?”

  “It’s good.” He’s barely spoken to me and yet those two words cause the hair on my arms to stand on end. I’ve got goose bumps covering my skin as I pull the hot spray to his head.

  “Does this feel okay, Nate?” His eyes close for a moment but he dips his chin in a nod.

  Not sure if he’s in pain or not, I turn the spray to the inside of my arm to make sure it’s okay. It feels good so I wet his hair for a few more seconds before turning off the water and reaching for the shampoo.

  I’m just realizing that Frankie is left handed so he stands on the left side of his clients and has arranged everything to the left of the chair. Of course, I’m on the right side and can’t quite reach the shampoo bottle.

  I lean over as far as I can to hit the shampoo spout. When I feel warmth on my tit, I realize my entire chest is against Nate’s face and he’s breathing directly into my boobs.

  In my attempt to straighten up, I hit the water handle and the sprayer angles up toward my face. I’m stunned for a moment as I get pelted by hot water then quickly grab for the hose that has already misted the whole room. “Oh my god.” I panic and turn off the water. “I’m so sorry, Nate.” I’m grabbing for towels and trying to pat his face when I hear laughing behind me.

  “Damn, girl.” Frankie drops a towel on the floor and starts to mop up my mess. “Did you get your license from clown school?”

  My face is burning and I can’t even look Nate or Frankie in the eye. I’ve never made such a mess at work before and I don’t even know where to begin to make it right. “I don’t… I’m so…” I can feel my eyes burning so I just turn toward the door. “I’ll go.”

  “Wait.” Nate’s hand grips my wrist to stop me. “You’re not going anywhere until I see if you can cut.”

  Shocked, I turn toward him. He’s got a small smile that is so much sexier than the pissed off look he’s been giving me since I arrived. “Really?”

  “Yes, really.” He places his hand in the center of my back and walks me to my chair. “I need a stylist and you need a job so let’s make this work.”

  I nod but can’t speak over the lump in my throat. God, I hope I don’t fuck up again. He’s too beautiful to have a jacked up haircut because I’m clumsy.

  By the time I make the first cut, Olivia is setting up two chairs away from me. She glances at me and smiles encouragingly but hasn’t said a word since she walked in. This is probably one of Nate’s standard tests and she knows not to disturb us.

  I’m extra careful and take twice as long as I should for a half inch trim off the top of his head. His sides and back are quite short so he declines when I offer to clip it back.

  He’s definitely the most attractive customer I’ve ever worked on. I almost wish he was gay after all so I could relax around him. Instead, I’m acting like a dog in heat. A clumsy dog in heat.

  With minimal humiliation, I man
age to get through his trim without nicking his ear or leaving a bald spot. When I hand him the mirror, he does a very cursory inspection and stands. “It’s good.”

  “Um, thanks.” I fidget with my comb while he removes his drape and smooths down his shirt. “It wasn’t too complicated.”

  “I’ll have Jules set you up with some models.” He walks toward his chair, leaning into the mirror to pick at his spikes. “How are you with color?”

  “Great.” At least Ming always said I was.

  “I’ll get one of the girls to let you do them when they have an opening.” He turns back to me. “For now, shadow Olivia. She’s got a full day today.”

  “Yes, sir.” I almost don’t catch the way his breath hitches at my words.

  He nods curtly then disappears in the back room.

  “I know I keep saying this but that was a first.” Olivia is whispering next to me then nudges my arm. “Come on. Let’s see what I have on the calendar today.”

  Chapter Two


  It’s like watching a suspense thriller in slow motion. She turns the hot water to my scalp and drags her fingernails across the sensitive skin, leaving a trail of chills behind.

  I can’t take my eyes off her face. She’s so expressive, she almost doesn’t need words. The tension. The excitement. The nervousness. It’s all there. I even catch glimpses of lust in those turquoise eyes.

  I realize just a moment before she does that the shampoo and rinse are on the opposite side of the sink. Then she leans over, stretching her arm over my shoulder to load up on shampoo, not realizing her full breasts are resting right on my face.

  Thank god for the drape or my hard-on would be on full display. Unacceptable. I know I should turn away but I don’t want to embarrass her. At least that’s what I tell myself as I bask in the warmth of the soft mounds surrounding me.

  I exhale slowly, feeling the heat of my breath warm the fabric around me. Her nipples aren’t protruding like they did earlier but the rest of her body stiffens as she realizes her position.

  When she jumps back, her arm hits the faucet and knocks the nozzle off the holder, spraying the room. I want to laugh but I hold back. Vulnerability is usually an annoying characteristic that I don’t have patience for. But with Amy, it’s almost endearing.

  Thankfully, Frankie walks in and eases the tension so we can finish my cut.


  It’s almost two before I get a break in my schedule to grab something to eat. Carly stops me on my way to the front door.

  “You heading out, Nate?” She’s standing at the reception counter but grabs her wallet as I pass by.

  “Yeah. I’ll be back in thirty. I just need some air and a sandwich.” I’m almost out the door when I feel her presence behind me.

  “Can I tag along? I’m starving.”

  Do I have a choice? “Yeah, okay.”

  We’re not five steps from the salon before she sidles up to my side. “So what are you craving?”

  Her words are full of innuendo but I ignore it. Carly is the newest member of the team after Amy and I know she’s just trying to be friendly. It’s not her fault I’m in a mood.

  “I was just planning to pick up a sandwich and eat it at the park.” I briefly consider asking where she wants to go but since she bogarted my solitary lunch, she can just deal with my food selection.

  “Perfect.” She pulls her shirt down in front so her cleavage is on display. “I’m easy.”

  I have to bite the inside of my cheek to keep from saying something inappropriate. My only appropriate response is silence.

  We walk to the deli at the end of the block and get in line. I already know what I’m going to order but I wait for her to make up her mind. Once she changes her mind four times, she finally settles on a Caesar salad, dressing on the side.

  “Are these together?” The cashier looks to me first then to Carly. Carly turns to me with big green eyes. Fuck, this is feeling more and more like a date and that’s not okay.

  “Uh, yeah. Sure.” I give her a forced smile. “I got this.”

  Her broad grin is misplaced if she thinks this is anything more than me being a polite employer. I’m debating how to tell her this is purely a professional lunch when she squeals and jumps into the arms of a guy walking in the front door.

  “Mase!” She gives him a hug then smacks his arm. “Where the hell have you been?”

  “Hey, Car.” His arm wraps around her shoulder as he focuses on the overhead menu. “I’ve been swamped.”

  “Too swamped to come say hi now and then?” She is full on pouting, lip out and all. God, that’s annoying. I almost feel sorry for the dude until I remember I’m the one stuck with her for the next twenty minutes. Then I feel sorry for myself again.

  “Works both ways, girly.” He steps up to the counter and places his order. “You can come see me just as easily.”

  “By the time I get off, you’re usually gone. Just come by on your breaks.”

  Our order is called so I step up to grab the bag.

  “Oooh, Mason. Meet my boss.” She drags the guy by the hand so they’re both standing in front of me. “This is Nate. He owns Fierce.”

  She turns to me. “Nate, this is my brother, Mason. My twin.”

  “A twin?” I hold out my hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Mason.”

  “You too, man.” He has a firm grip and pats my shoulder. “Thanks for taking on this handful.”

  Carly pinches his chest. “I am not.”

  “Whatever.” He backs up, smacking her arm away. “I’ll stop by after I close up tonight.”

  “You better.” She gives him a kiss on the cheek before grabbing my elbow. “We gotta go. We’re having a picnic.”

  “I wouldn’t call it a picnic.” I look Carly in the eye. “We’re just two colleagues grabbing lunch, right?”

  She nods but the frown isn’t completely hidden behind the dark waves flowing on either side of her face. “Yeah, that’s what I meant.”

  Chapter Three


  Nate and Carly leave for lunch and my imagination goes into overdrive. I’ve been assisting Olivia since morning and she only stopped once to grab coffee and a cigarette. This girl is clearly used to a liquid diet. I, on the other hand, am feeling faint and cranky. As soon as I see a twenty minute gap in her schedule, I run to the coffee shop across the street for a chai latte and turkey sandwich.

  I practically inhale my sandwich as I’m walking back to the salon. Nate and Carly are a few shops away, walking back from where ever they went for their afternoon delight. I can’t help but analyze the amount of space between them, looking for any indication that he’s interested in her. When I glance to his face, I realize he’s watching me watch him. I need to get better about this staring thing…or at least get better at not being caught.

  Carly has a color at three that I’ll assist with. Handing her foils and mixing color isn’t the most exciting part of the job but it’s all part of paying my dues. Paige said I can give her highlights at five when she gets off work so at least I’ll be busy until I leave.

  Olivia’s three o’clock talks non-stop so the afternoon passes quickly. She is an older woman that needs her roots touched up while she tells us every detail of her life as a grandma. It’s actually sweet how much she adores those kids.

  I wonder if my own mother talks about Isla, my niece, the way this woman talks about her grandbabies. Mom is an attention whore. It’s amazing she didn’t have Munchausen by Proxy syndrome with the way she likes to get positive or negative attention from people. That’s why she wants me to move to Sacramento. She’s a total martyr that would get off on telling her friends that she’s being forced to support her worthless daughter while telling me I should stay as long as necessary to get back on my feet.

  Well, she’ll be disappointed to learn that I’m on my feet and will be making some good money at Fierce. As long as I don’t screw this up.


Since his trim this morning, Nate hasn’t said two words to me. Broody and silent seems to be his two moods. That’s fine with me. I don’t need any work drama and the few people that have been friendly are enough for me.

  At exactly five o’clock, Paige bounces up to me. “I’m ready whenever you are.”

  Carly had been showing me pictures from her portfolio so I excuse myself and join Paige at my chair. “So, what are you thinking?” I slip the drape over her then finger her shoulder length hair. It’s a light brown with layers so highlights won’t take too long.

  “I’m not sure how light I should go but maybe a dark blonde? Will that look okay?”

  I lift her hair to see what her roots look like. Not too bad. “I think that’s perfect. Let me get the color ready.” I spin her toward me. “Can I get you a drink or magazine?”

  “Nah, I’m fine.” She leans forward and whispers, “This is the perfect view.”

  I follow her line of site to Nate’s ass. He’s working on a woman that seems to be hanging on his every word. I can’t hear what he’s saying but the gentle murmur from across the salon is soothing. I nod at Paige and smile. “Try not to drool.”

  She laughs as I walk toward the back room. I change a glance at Nate through the mirror and see that he’s watching me too.

  Paige is a sweetheart and makes the time pass quickly. She’s going to night school to be an accountant but she’s been working at the salon since it opened.

  “When I found out Nate Edwards was opening a salon in town, I was the first person in line to turn in an application.”

  “Really? How did you know about him?”

  Her jaw drops as she stares at me through the mirror. “You’re kidding, right?”

  “Um, no. Should I be?”

  “Have you been living under a rock?” She huffs and turns to look me in the face. “I’ve had posters of him on my wall since middle school.”

  I can’t help but look to his chair. Nate isn’t around but I’m starting to put some of the pieces of information together. “I knew he was a model but I didn’t know he was famous or anything.”


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