Fierce Salon: Episode 2: A New Adult Smexy Serial (Volume 2)

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Fierce Salon: Episode 2: A New Adult Smexy Serial (Volume 2) Page 3

by Aspen Drake

  “Oh, yeah.” Noticing I’ve pushed my plate way, she reaches for my burger. “Can I try that?”

  “Sure. It’s not vegetarian, though.” I move the plate closer to her. “That’s okay. Neither am I.”

  With the distraction of red meat, she forgets about my question and proceeds to tell me in painstaking detail about a recent conversation she had with her mother about settling down before Christmas. Since it’s August eleventh and she hasn’t mentioned a boyfriend, her chances seem slim. But, who the hell am I to remind her of what she already knows.

  I just sit quietly and let her bitch about her mom and the douche guys she’s been seeing lately in her constant crusade to marry rich.


  It’s after nine by the time I slide behind the wheel of my car to drive to Gabi’s. I only had the one beer so I’m not even buzzed but I’m exhausted and want nothing more than to pass out so I’m not late tomorrow morning.

  Gabi’s cottage is only a few miles up the hill but it’s a dark and windy road that my poor old Camry can barely handle. I’m crawling up the isolated road when I completely lose power. I pump the gas and the brake and nothing changes, the car just rolls to a stop and turns off.

  I just filled up so I know it’s not out of gas but I don’t know enough about cars to troubleshoot any other potential reasons for failure. There isn’t much of a shoulder on the short stretch of road I’m on and no houses in either direction. If it was daytime, I’d just walk the rest of the way but in the pitch black, I know I’m not going to get very far with the little key light attached to my purse. Besides, there are bob cats and coyotes in these woods.

  I put the car in neutral and crank my steering wheel as far as it’ll go to the right then ease my foot off the brake. The incline is steep enough that I’m able to roll backward and into the soft dirt past the asphalt. As soon as I feel my back wheel lose traction, I straighten my wheel then put the car in park. I’m still half way on the road but my headlights still work so I’m hopeful I can get a tow truck before any cars past. This road is only used by residents and the stuffy old people that live on this hill are probably all in for the night.

  With my emergency brake set, I grab my phone and step out of the car, walking as far off the road as I can get while still visible in the headlights. If a car does come by, I want to make sure they can see me.

  I only have ten percent of my battery so I call Gabi first. She won’t know how to fix the car but she can use the landline to get me a tow. Of course, she doesn’t answer. I don’t bother with a message. I’m just about to break down and call 911 when a small car flies up the hill.

  Making sure I’m visible to the reckless driver, I step deeper into the light and wave. I don’t know what they can do for me but if they have a charged phone, maybe they can contact a tow company for me.

  The black sports car slams on its brakes and comes to a stop right about the time I realize how stupid I am. I’m completely alone on a deserted road and helpless to whatever predator may pass by. My fears of wildlife are long gone as the car shifts into reverse and slowly creeps toward me.

  I step out of the light, wondering if I should dial 911 now or just start running. I don’t even care what happens to my piece of shit car. This person can have it if they want it. Although, judging by their car, I don’t think my twenty-five-year-old Toyota is what they’re after.

  When the car rolls to a stop just a few feet in front of mine, I dig in my purse for anything that can be used as a weapon. Why have I always been opposed to guns? I could really use one right now. Instead, my fingers close around an old canister of breath spray. It’s probably empty but I can bluff my way out of most situations.

  The door opens and a tall man climbs out. I can’t see much of him in the dark but his hulking figure tells me I’m no match for his power. If he tries to take me, I’ll be completely at his mercy.

  In as steady of a voice as I can muster, I hold up my make-shift weapon toward the man approaching me.

  “Stay there. I have mace.” My elbow is locked and I’m not afraid to spray him with peppermint Binaca. I only wish I had a lighter so I could make one of those cool flame throwers that you see in movies.

  “Amy?” The man stops just outside of the beam of my headlight.

  The velvet voice catches me off guard. My arm shakes as I realize who it belongs to. “Nate?”

  I lower my spray and toss it into my purse. “Oh, thank god. My car just died and I can’t reach my roommate. Can I use your phone to look up a tow truck company?”

  He finally steps into the light and takes a look at my car. “What’s wrong with it?”

  Like I fucking know? It doesn’t work! “It just stalled. It’s acting like it’s out of gas but I have at least half a tank so I know that’s not it.”

  He steps to the driver’s side and climbs in. He tries to turn the motor but nothing happens. When I hear the click of the hood, I know he’s popped it so I lift it all the way up. I probably should have looked in here earlier. I don’t know what I’d be looking for in the dark but maybe something would have appeared obviously out of place.

  The hazard lights click on then Nate is by my side again. “Has this happened before?”

  “No. Never.”

  Nate grabs a small canvas bag from the back of his car and pulls out a flash light. He spends a few minutes looking inside my motor and wiggling things but after a few more tries, nothing happens.

  “I think it’s your fuel pump.”

  “Really? You can tell that by looking at the engine?”

  In the glow of the flashlight, his features are even more pronounced. The sharp lines of his jaw, the perfect curve of his nose, his long eyelashes. When I notice the eyes under said lashes are trained on me, I look away and step back. I don’t even know how I got so close to him. Close enough that I can feel the loss of his body heat as soon as I move away.

  “If it’s acting like it’s out of gas and it’s not, that’s usually the problem. I’ll call a tow truck.” He reaches for his phone and starts pressing buttons. “Do you have a mechanic or do you want it dropped off at the dealership?”

  The dealership? That sounds expensive. Like more expensive than the car is worth. “Um, well, I’m staying just about a mile up the hill. Maybe we can just have it towed there until I figure out what I want to do.”

  “What’s there to figure out? Do you have a spare car that you can use if this isn’t running?”

  I don’t have a spare thousand dollars to get this running but I’m not going to tell Nate that. “No, I’ve just been thinking of getting a new car so maybe I’ll look into that. We can just leave it at the house for now.”

  Nate looks skeptical but he nods and allows me this lie. He must know what I’m trying to stay and I appreciate that he isn’t going to make me say it out loud.

  He dials a number and steps back to the front of his car, out of my earshot. I don’t know how long it’s going to take for the tow truck so I hop into the driver’s seat and wait. The fog is rolling in and the damp air is giving me a headache. I close my eyes and roll my head back, taking a few cleansing breaths. They would have been relaxing if a knock on my window didn’t scare the shit out of me.

  With my heart beating out of my chest, I open the door a few inches to talk to Nate.

  “You going somewhere?” He leans over the opening of the door, hanging his head so it’s just inches from mine. Again.

  “I’m just waiting for the tow truck.” I try to pull away but he smells so good that my body instinctively moves toward him.

  “It could be a while before he gets here and this isn’t a safe place to wait. Let me drop you off then I’ll send the address to the driver so he knows where to take the car.”

  “Thanks but I don’t want to inconvenience you. I’m sure you’re anxious to get to bed.” I cough when I realize my words. “I mean, to get home.”

  Nate unleashes that sexy smile that I’ve only seen a few times. “I’m a
nxious to get my new stylist home so she isn’t late for work tomorrow. Again.”

  Knowing that I’m not going to win, I grab my bag and get out of the car. “Does he need the keys or anything?”

  Nate places his hand on the small of my back, guiding me to the passenger door of his car. “Nope. They’ll take care of it.”

  As soon as he’s settled in his seat, Nate turns to me. “So, where to?”

  Fuck. I can’t even remember the address to Gabi’s place. “Um, I’m staying with a friend and I can’t actually remember the house number but it’s just up this road.”

  Nate cocks an eyebrow but drives up the road as I’ve directed. As soon as I see the familiar bank of mailboxes, I point them out. “There on the right. Pull into the driveway.”

  “You live here?” He sounds angry but I’m not sure why. The property is quite impressive. There are about fifty acres of prime real estate with a mansion at the far end that’s separated from the guest cottages by a grove of olive trees on one side and a vineyard on the other.

  “My friend rents a cottage on the property. I’m just staying with her temporarily.”

  “Do you know the owners?” There’s an edge to his voice that I’ve only heard once before when he thought I was manipulating him. I’m not sure why I’m hearing it now.

  “No. I just moved in a few days ago.” I’m trying to read him but he won’t look at me. His eyes are locked on the country road. “Turn right here. It’s the little bungalow with the light on.”

  “Who’s your friend?”

  “Are you mad at me?” I take off my seatbelt and turn in the bucket seat to look at him. “I’m sorry for making you drive all the way out here. I can give you money for gas—”

  “What’s your friend’s name?” He’s seething and I can’t understand why. Does he remember Gabi? How would he know this is where she lived if they only met at a party?

  “Gabi Hessling. Do you know her?” My voice is barely a whisper and it hitches at the end. This grabs his attention and he looks at me intensely like he’s trying to figure me out.

  I wonder if he’s disappointed or relieved when he realizes there’s nothing to figure out. I’m boring in every sense of the word. There’s nothing exciting for him to discover.

  “No. I don’t.” His face relaxes a bit and his voice is softer. “Do you have a key to get in?”

  I nod and climb out of the car. Taking a deep breath, I look back at him. “Well, thanks for ride.”

  He turns to the road and puts the car in gear. “Your car should be here within the hour.”

  I haven’t even shut the door completely before he’s pulling away, shooting a trail of gravel in his wake.

  Chapter Six


  Instead of turning left to get back on the road, I turn right and head up to the main house. I don’t believe Amy knows anything about the property she’s staying on but I want to make sure. I can’t have her working for me if she has ulterior motives.

  It’s late and they aren’t expecting me but Dad may be up so I call him from the parking circle out front.

  “Nathan, are you okay?” Dad is more worried than I’ve heard him in a long time. I didn’t think the old bastard had it in him.

  “I’m fine. Are you awake?” I step out of the car and slam the door. I can see the curtain of his study pull back.

  “Yes, come on in.”

  I don’t carry a key anymore so I have to wait for Dad to let me in.

  “What’s wrong, Son?” He gestures for me to follow him back into his study.

  “Is Pierre still handling the leases on the cottages?” I don’t bother to sit down. I’m too anxious to get some answers.

  “Yes. Why?” He sits at his desk chair and leans back. “You looking for a place?” He laughs at his lame joke.

  “One of my employees is living on the property and I want to make sure she isn’t trying to get closer to me.”

  “Because a woman getting close to you would be so terrible…”

  I glare at my dad then sit in the chair opposite him. “No, because I’m not going to have some stalker fan girl working in my salon or living on my parents’ property.”

  Dad scoffs. “Don’t worry about us. I know how to keep your mother safe.” In a lower voice, he mumbles, “And I’ve heard how you take care of your fan girls.”

  “Not now, Dad. This is serious.”

  “I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about but if you’re so concerned, have your brother look into it.”

  I nod and get up. “Yeah, I’ll do that. Sorry for bothering you so late.” I turn to walk out.

  “Nathan.” Dad stands and approaches me. “Thanks for worrying about us.”

  I nod once as he pats my shoulder. “Night, Dad.”


  I call my brother before I even get to the gate.

  “This better be fucking good. I’m busy with The Throne.”

  “I don’t want to hear about your irritable bowels. I need you to do something for me.”

  “God, you’re out of touch with the world. How do you not watch The Throne?” The background noise is silenced and Roman continues his lecture. “It’s only the best series on TV…ever.”

  “I don’t have time to watch fantasy knights and barbarians trying to get laid.”

  Roman laughs at my summation of the story. “Whatever. What the hell do you want now? Got a client with a lost dog you want me to hunt down? Maybe I should call search and rescue so she doesn’t ruin her up do?”

  Just because I like to torture my little brother by sending him on stupid errands doesn’t mean I don’t respect his work as a detective. He’s one of the youngest to earn the rank in the city’s history and I know he worked damn hard to get there. Just like he’s gonna work damn hard at getting me the dirt on Ms. Amelia Collins and her BFF Gabi Hessling.

  I give him the basic story and wait for his bitching to start. It doesn’t take long.

  “Dude, you are the most self-centered person I’ve ever met…and I dated Michelle.”

  I chuckle at the comparison. Roman’s ex is pretty earthy in that she thinks she’s it and we all revolve around her.

  “I know it sounds crazy and I’m probably just being paranoid but I won’t be able to look at her until I know this is purely coincidental. If she’s trying to get to me through Mom and Dad, we need to know it.”

  “You’re an idiot but I’ll check ‘em out. Send me whatever you know and I’ll see what comes up.”

  Despite his sarcastic attitude, Roman would do anything to protect our family so I know he’ll look into it immediately. He spends more time with the household staff so I would guess he’s already dialed Pierre to get the tenant records.


  I open up the salon and nine and wait to see if Amy will be late again. I half wonder if I scared her to the point of not wanting to come back at all. After a decent night’s sleep, I feel a little less worried about her presence at my parents’ estate. I was shocked when she told me to turn into their driveway but she doesn’t seem like she could fake her ignorance that well. As pathetic as it sounds, I hope she’s truly ignorant about me and my family.

  I’m reviewing the schedule for the day when Amy walks in at nine twenty-two.

  “Good morning, Nate.” She offers a tentative smile and slowly approaches the desk. After a deep breath, she continues. “I want to thank you again for the ride last night. My car was parked out front and working fine when I went out this morning so I don’t know what happened.”

  “It was no trouble.” I give her a quick nod then look back at the book. “I’m glad it all worked out.”

  She exhales loudly then steps back. “Um, okay.” She slowly walks to her station and starts to set up for the day. She has a cut at nine-thirty with a hair model. After everything I heard from Ming, her former employer, and what I’ve seen of her work with clients, I’m not worried about her hair skills. Amy knows what she’s doing. But until I hear back from
Roman, I’ll have one eye on her at all times.

  That shouldn’t be hard because the tight dress she’s wearing shows off her round ass and large tits. I’ll have to be discreet or people might start talking. The last thing I need is for anyone think I’ve got a less than professional interest in an employee.

  Chapter Seven


  I expected more annoyed tension from Nate when I walked into the salon but his clear disinterest stung more than it should have. I know he has a cold demeanor and doesn’t get particularly friendly with anyone in the salon but he switches from hot to cold so quickly, I can’t keep up. One minute he’s teasing me and insisting on giving me a ride and the next minute he looks like he wants to run me over with his fancy sports car.

  I’m frustrated with him and I’m frustrated with myself for caring about him. He’s my boss and as long as the checks clear, I’m not going to give him a second thought.

  I do a pretty good job of staying out of his way and helping other stylists between the few clients I have scheduled today. When Mason comes in at three in the afternoon for a trim, all eyes are on him. The girls that didn’t meet him yesterday wander over to Carly’s chair and hang around for an introduction. It’s comical to watch his cheeks pink up every time someone pretends to whisper about how hot Carly’s brother is.

  Carly’s station is two away from Nate’s but I haven’t seen anyone ever use the chair between them. I can’t see if Nate’s watching them or not and I don’t care. I’m sweeping up for Olivia when Mason speaks for the first time in a while. “Oh, Car, I almost forgot. I have to go to some gallery thing on Saturday. Wanna be my plus one?”

  I glance at them and smile. It’s sweet that they’re so close. My sister and I are close but I always wanted a brother. Someone I could call to beat up my boyfriend when I find him sexting with his ex.

  “Shit.” Carly giggles and covers her mouth. “Oops. I can’t go on Saturday. I have a date.”

  “Oh.” Mason is clearly disappointed. I glance at him and offer a comforting smile but his eyes light up. “Amy, are you free? It should be a decent crowd and I know the wine will be good.”


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