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Liberate (The Vindicated Series Book 2)

Page 19

by Addison Jane

  Lily raises her middle finger at him but he ignores it, hooking his hands behind his head like he’s ready to take a nap.

  “You knew, didn’t you?” Lily asks, her voice now more accusing as I turn my head to see her eyes narrowed on my dad. “You knew I was talking about Kace.”

  Dad grins but does nothing more than shrug. “I could see you were confused, I couldn’t have that. You just needed a push in the right direction.”

  I shake my head. “Look, I don’t know what’s going on here, but I think you need to explain. And I’m already feeling pretty damn nervous about being out in the city.”

  “Let’s blow this joint,” Tanner offers. “He’s here voluntarily. So they can’t stop us.”

  We all look over at Tanner who’s standing with her back against the door, flipping through what looks like Dad’s medical files.

  “Nice to know you lot haven’t changed fucking much,” Dad states, rolling his eyes. “But she’s right, get me out of this damn hell hole and I’ll explain shit on the way.”

  “Luca, go to the cupboard and grab out my leg, will ya?” Dad asks making me furrow my brows at his blasé comment.

  Lily jolts her head back in confusion as Tanner keeps reading his file and Luca jumps up off the bed and jogs over to the cupboard, opening it and pulling out a prosthetic.

  Lily gawks at it as Luca takes it over to Dad and hands it to him. She crosses her arms over her chest and grunts. “If you had a prosthetic and can walk on it fine, then what the hell is with the wheelchair, Max?” Lily asks.

  Dad smirks as he effortlessly pulls the blanket from his lap, rolls up his trousers to show the stump. I swallow hard seeing his leg amputated just below the knee. My stomach churns not from the sight, but from the thought that my mother, his wife, did this to him. He puts the prosthetic on with ease like he’s done it a thousand times before and shrugs off Lily’s question.

  “Lily, I’m sorry for tricking you, but I needed it to be dramatic. I needed you to feel sorry for me so you’d listen to me completely. Hell, I don’t even live here, I hire the room out occasionally to come here to think. I know when you’re coming and so I make sure to be here.”

  “What?” Lily blurts out, her arms falling to her sides in clear annoyance.

  “Sorry kid, but I had to get to you somehow. And you’re just so damn nice. This was my way in. Plus, I had to test if you were good enough for my son.”

  “Dad!” I snap.

  “Kace… I might be a cripple, but I’m still gonna look out for you. Even if I’m dead and only have one leg.”

  “I still can’t fully grasp this,” I say honestly staring at him.

  He seems older, but still looks the same if that’s even possible?

  “I know, kid, it’s a lot. Your old man’s alive, your mom’s a psycho who tried to kill us both. Sorry son, I picked a good one. But she did do one good thing.”

  I snort in objection. “What the hell good has she ever done?”

  “She gave us all, you.”

  Lily grabs my hand as my chest tightens and I look into the eyes of my dad as he stands up on two legs strong, capable and sturdy. He’s a hero in my eyes, and maybe I’m a hero in his. But hearing him say that after everything, after me thinking he was dead, after not being able to tell him how much I admire him… well, this means so much. Swallowing hard as he looks right into my eyes something passes between us. A father-son bond knowing that through the shit-storm we have each other’s backs. No matter how hard the road yet to come is going to be, my dad is back and we’re going to wreak hell on the woman who’s brought misery to us both.

  “Holy shit, Jack, you going soft, old man?” Luca quips.

  “Shut up, Deveraux, get my shit. It’s time to start enacting an action plan,” Dad says nodding to me.

  I know exactly what he means.

  It’s time to take Camilla out of this little game, once and for all!

  When Kace showed me the photo of his father, he was younger, but I realized he looked so much like Max from the rehab center that it literally stole the breath from my lungs. I had no idea what to think at first. The similarities were indescribable. Then I started thinking, all the comments Max said about trust and the like, it was like he was pushing me toward Kace without even knowing him. It was the deciding factor in me demanding that Kace take me to see Max at the rehab center and that he come with me. I knew it was a long drive from the MC compound, but if my hunch was right, which of course it was, the payoff would be explosive.

  As Luca drives, Tanner’s in the front passenger seat, and I sit in the back of the car with Kace and Max—or Jack as he’s actually known—is sitting next to him. I can’t help but wonder how Kace is actually feeling. The smile can’t be wiped from his face and I haven’t seen Kace smile, not genuinely for such a long time. I’m so glad I put two and two together for him.

  But what I can’t understand is why now?

  Why has Max—Jack—been in hiding for so long and not told Kace where he’s been?

  It doesn’t make any sense to me?

  I suppose when an evil succubus like Camilla thinks you’re dead, I know all too well it’s better for her to believe you’re still, in fact, dead. But if he knew that Kace and I were also ‘dead’ then he could’ve come to us? Surely?

  “You’re not dead,” Kace suddenly bursts out shocking me from my thoughts while the rest of the car’s occupants chuckle.

  “Wow! Your observation skills haven’t grown much have they, kid?” Jack answers with a smirk.

  “Yeah! Wouldn’t you agree that I should be in charge, you know… due to Kace’s incompetence?” Luca quips.

  “Well, we should drive this car right off a cliff if that happens,” Jack hurriedly replies.

  Luca chuckles and shakes his head. “I liked you better when you were dead.”

  “Luca!” I chide, shocked at his comment even though he was joking.

  “Well, Camilla and Mark almost succeeded,” Jack replies, a slight twitch in his eyes shows me he’s living a memory in his mind.

  “Mark Luthendale is dead, Dad,” Kace turns to his father and tells him.

  Jack nods and sighs. “I know, kid.”

  “How do you know all this?” Tanner asks from the front seat.

  “I have this friend who could rival the best hackers at The Agency. She’s been keeping me in the loop.”

  “Who is she?” Kace asks.

  “Ahh… Everly Coal.”

  Kace opens his eyes wide in shock. “Umm… as in Mitchell Coal’s daughter? The man you used to work with at The Agency? The daughter who was a prom queen, cheerleader type? That Everly Coal?”

  “Yep, that one,” Jack says matter-of-factly.

  “This is a joke, right?”

  “No, the girl knows what she’s doing. She broke through Noah’s firewalls didn’t she?”

  “She did what now?” Kace asks, his eyebrows raised so high it kinda looks comical.

  “So… she’s hot then?” Luca quips in his usual behavior.

  “And brilliant and capable of looking after herself. A really strong woman in her own right,” Jack retorts.

  “So… she’s hot,” Luca reaffirms.

  “Shut up, you caveman!” Tanner slaps him across the back of the head.

  “So… do you have a plan?” Jack asks.

  Kace slumps his body. “Nothing concrete as yet. I didn’t even know you were alive until half an hour ago. This adds a whole other element to the equation.”

  “My brothers are back at the clubhouse,” I offer to the conversation.

  “I know,” Jack says, and everyone goes quiet.

  “If you know everything, do you know about the Syndicate?” Kace asks.

  “Yes, I heard they were on a revenge mission.”

  “Yes, and now they’re back at the clubhouse.”

  “They say they want to get to know me and have a relationship, but I just don’t know if that is what I want,” I say honestly.

  “Well, why don’t you want that?” Jack asks.

  I ponder that question for a moment. The thought of Ares and Ezra scare me. Not because of what I have seen so far, but because of what I haven’t seen. They grew up with Gael, with my real father… well, when he was alive anyway. And then when he wasn’t, they grew up with his family. So surely they have to be like him, right? They have to be that kind of people? The bad kind? The raping, pillaging, murderous, awful kind. I don’t think I want to know them. I’m nothing like them, so why would I want anything to do with them?

  But what if I’m judging them on the people they are with? What if people judged me by the people I am with? Just because I spend my time with secret agents doesn’t make me one. You can’t always judge a situation just on how it appears. Mom always taught me that. So I guess I need to go into this with a slightly level head. It’s just so hard when my emotions surrounding Gael are overclouded.

  I hate that man with everything I have.

  Yes, he’s my father.

  Yes, he’s their father.

  But is that where the similarities end?

  Or is that just the beginning?

  I have no idea what’s in store with Ares and Ezra, so I guess I need to find out one way or another.

  “What makes you think they’re lying and it’s not your mom saying that for whatever reason? Sometimes we need to lie to protect those that we care about,” Jack says, and he looks to Kace.

  “I understand, but it still doesn’t make it hurt any less.”

  Jack nods and half-smiles at me. “I get it, I do. Finding out your family isn’t who they say they are is a shock. Trust me we know,” Jack says and looks to Kace again with a weak smile.

  While I grip onto Kace’s hand, he turns to me and exhales. This is a hard day for the both of us, but Kace must be feeling all sorts of emotions right now. He has his father back and this needs to be celebrated right now, not having us dwelling on somber stuff.

  “Max… I mean Jack. Why didn’t you reach out to Kace?” I ask the question I know Kace is dying to ask but is obviously too scared to.

  Jack tenses as Kace stiffens completely and looks straight ahead. Jack clears his throat and swallows hard. “I wanted to, so many times, Kace…” His hand scrubs over his face. “Knowing what Camilla, your mother, was capable of… I wasn’t sure if you were in danger. I thought if I reached out to you that could, in fact, place you in more danger. I wasn’t willing to risk it until the time was right. I’m sorry for letting you believe I was dead. I know it hit you hard, but I missed you too, kid,” Jack admits and his hand reaches out and squeezes Kace’s tight fist that’s sitting on his knee. It’s a gesture of support to a son seeing as they can’t hug it out in the car. It’s a small gesture, but it’s a nice one none the less.

  “We all missed you, Jack. The Agency wasn’t the same without you,” Tanner says turning around and smiling at him.

  “Thanks, Tan… Luca, you’re driving like Miss Daisy, put your fucking foot down, you pussy!”

  I smirk and glance to Kace who isn’t smiling like the rest of us. He’s still in a shocked state and reeling by his father’s words. I think it’s going to take him the full two-hour journey back to the club to let it fully sink in that his father is not only alive but sitting right next to him.

  The drive home was long, Luca was driving slower than his usual Fast and the Furious speed which was weird. It was like he wanted to spend some time with Jack before the chaos started again. If I didn’t know better I’d think Luca has a soft spot for Jack, but he’d never let on of course. Luca doesn’t let his emotions out easily. Instead, he makes a joke of every little thing or makes you think he’s horny, one way or the other.

  We pull into the compound and all get out.

  Falcon walks up to the car and looks at us all noticing another member of our crew. He raises an eyebrow at Kace and nods to Jack. “Who’s the lookalike old man, Kace?”

  Kace swallows as Jack walks around and we all stand in a group by the car. “Falc, this is Jack… Jack Colt.”

  Falc opens his eyes wide and looks from Kace to Jack and back to Kace. “Holy shit, as in…”

  “Yes Pres… as in dearly departed Dad, alive and well… well, as well as you can be sans a leg,” Jack says and pulls up his trouser leg showing his prosthetic.

  One of the bikers at the gate nods to Jack and lifts up his trouser leg to show off his prosthetic too, and they smile at each other in a mutual understanding.

  “We have many wounded brothers here, returned from service. I don’t know your story, Jack, but you’re welcome here for as long as you need. Plus, you raised a pretty fucking cool kid, so you’re all right by us.”

  Jack snorts and bumps Kace’s side who’s still looking far too serious. “You have a fan club. Good for you, kid.”

  Kace finally breaks into a small smile and Jack grins back at him. “There ya go. Okay, take me inside, I need a beer.”

  Falc chuckles and nods. “Heard a lot about you, but I’m disappointed our paths never crossed in the Agency. Different divisions and all, but I think we’ll get along just fine you and me, Jack.”

  “Same. You were an asset to the Agency, Falcon. But enough of the sappy shit, you got a woman who doesn’t mind a stump? Could do with a good—”

  “Oh, Jesus!” Kace blurts out, and we all break into laughter while I link my arm in with his as we all march inside the clubhouse.

  The club is in full swing. Molly’s playing pool with some of the club girls and looking a little tipsy already and I smile. She fits in here a little too well. Axel is sitting in a chair near her like he’s on guard watching her, which I find a little strange. I thought that would have been Noah, but he must be doing something. Eli is watching the television behind the bar. He stands out like dogs balls, the man is literally the Hulk just less green. And Blair is, of course, still in the hospital, so I know why he’s not here.

  As we wander in I can’t help but notice the room falls into a kind of silence as everyone turns to notice Jack—a stranger in the room. But then Axel and Eli gasp as Noah comes racing out carrying his notebook lost deep in thought. The three men all race toward Jack, Noah not even looking as Axel and Eli study him carefully and Noah looks frantic, lost in his computer.

  Axel and Eli both stop, taking deep breaths and look to Kace not saying anything. Kace nods and they smile at Jack. Noah, still lost in his computer finally looks up, his eyes flash across to Jack and then they open wide. His computer falls slightly from his hands, but he catches it while he opens his mouth fully and blinks a couple of times and then shakes his head like he needs to get on with it.

  “Hey Jack, good to see you… but the Board is meeting tonight and if we’re going to do something we have to do it now!”

  Noah kinda killed Jack’s return and happy celebration with the other SO7 members, but I guess when in crisis you have to deal with that first and you get your pleasantries later.

  “Okay, we need to sort out a plan of action,” Kace says.

  I turn to Kace and take a deep breath, I know he won’t like what I’m about to say. “I need to go and talk to Ares and Ezra.”

  He looks down to me furrowing his brows and shakes his head slightly. “Umm… what?”

  “I need to do this, Kace.”

  He slumps his body, running his fingers through his hair and looks deep into my eyes. I stare back showing him how much I need this. I want to talk to them. Try and see them for who they really are. See if I can figure them out.

  He grits his teeth and nods. “Okay. But be careful and take a brother with you. Maybe Ruin,” Kace says, and he nods to Ruin who’s standing with Molly. He nods back and starts to walk over to join us.

  “What’s up?” Ruin asks.

  “Lily wants to see her brothers, I need you to supervise. Don’t let them touch her, and any signs of Lily becoming worked up you pull her out. Understand?”

  He nods and looks to me as I smile at him weak
ly. “Got it! Keep her safe at all costs. You good to go now, Lil?” Ruin asks.

  My stomach swirls on itself thinking about being with my brothers without Kace. But I have to do this. I have to face them sooner or later. And why put off tomorrow what you can do today, as someone insightful once said.

  Ruin places his hand on my lower back and leads me away toward the holding cell area, where they’re being held. I can’t help but wonder if they will be even more withdrawn being held captive here against their will, or will it do the opposite? I have no idea what to expect. I do, however, notice the big gun Ruin picked up on the way down to the cells as we step down the long corridor, toward the darkened room.

  The hall is lit by only one window, it’s a small rectangle and is up really high, almost to the ceiling, so the place is quite dark as we walk in. I notice the room at the end of the hall, which I’m assuming is the cell, and as we walk in front of it, it’s not what I was expecting.

  No bars, no black wrought iron to hold people in.

  It’s an actual room with just one door.

  The door has a peephole latch on it and Ruin opens it up looking inside.

  “Hey guys, you have a visitor. I’m gonna open the door if you behave, comprendo?”

  “Yep, go for it. We’re chained to the wall so it’s not like we can go anywhere anyway,” a male voice replies.

  I don’t know them well enough to comprehend whose voice it is.

  “Lily, back up against the wall please,” Ruin demands, and I nod stepping back against the hard brick opposite the door.

  Ruin opens the door and inside are the two men who were at my funeral. The two men who tried to kill my friends. The two men who have the same blood running through my veins… my brothers. My veins pump harder and my ears ring slightly. A cold sweat riddles my skin and I breathe faster just by looking at them. They both stare at me and instantly step forward with small smiles on their faces.


  “Stay there guys, don’t freak her out,” Ruin says.


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