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by Gordon, M. E.

  Chapter 5


  We found a small dinner that was open outside of DC. It was quiet, and no one was taking our picture. It was perfect. Of course, people were still ogling over Spencer. He had the same suit he had on last night, but he kept the top few buttons and tie un-done around his neck. It was taking all I had not to jump over the table and assault him.

  “What would you like to do today, Miss Monroe?” he asked, sipping his coffee after we had finished our meal.

  I want to lick every square inch of your body--eek, maybe not the most appropriate thing to say at nine-thirty in the morning in a public dinner. “I don’t know. This is a little weird. Actually spending time together. I honestly never thought this far in advance. Usually, right about now, I’d be getting a phone call, or we would start fighting, so I’m open for anything that doesn’t involve the later.”

  He sat back in his seat. That aggressive look he got when he was getting angry appeared on his face, and I knew I had probably just stepped on a land mine.

  “Your phone better not start ringing and, if it does, you’d be smart not to answer.”

  Why does he have to do that--make such a nice morning go to shit with one smart ass statement? “I don’t know if you know this or not. I mean, we are still only on our first date, but I don’t like to be told what to do. And that smart ass comment you just made makes my blood boil.”

  He flashed a devilish grin over the rim of his coffee cup.

  Don’t give in, Beth. He’s trying to seduce you with those sultry blue eyes and long dark lashes.

  “Well, I don’t know if you know or not, but I can get rather jealous. And now that you are mine, I don’t want you to talk about anything related to your...what did you call him?...your Beast? Very appropriate, I might add.”

  “That’s not fair, Salvatore, and you know it.” I sat back to stare out the window. “I guess it was inevitable that we would end up fighting with each other,” I said, before sliding from the table and walking back to the restroom in a fit of rage.

  I heard him calling my name, but I ignored it, as I walked into the empty restroom. I choose the last of the three stalls, slamming the door behind me. I grabbed some toilet paper and wiped the angry tears that had welled up in my eyes on the way to the restroom. The door to the restroom swung open, making a loud bang on the tile behind it.


  Holy crap, he followed me--into the girl’s bathroom? Is he crazy?

  “I know you’re in here.” He slammed the first stall open then the second. His well-polished shoes were on the other side of the thin stall door.

  I grabbed the top of the door, opening it to see his perfect body standing in front of me. The sexual charge he was putting off almost made me fall over the toilet. He took a step closer to me as I backed up farther into the stall. He kept coming closer and closer. The door swung closed behind him as he leaned over, centimeters from my face.

  “Sorry,” he said in a seductive, low voice.

  I hit the back of the stall as I stared into his eyes, trying to read them. It always seemed to come back to me wanting to touch him. My chest rose and fell faster the closer his lips came to mine. Suddenly, he lifted me, pressing me up on the wall. I wrapped my legs around him, as he kissed me hard on the lips then down my neck.

  I’m angry at him, remember? Angry, mad, upset, rage, boiling hot--very hot--sexy hot. Dammit!

  It was useless. My body always won those battles against my head. I kissed him back, holding him tightly around his neck. My fingers ran up the back of his hair, as his slid up my shirt, finding my bra and moving it to up under my chin.

  Letting me down, he placed his fore head to mine, “I’m sorry,” he said again.

  “Okay,” was all I could get out as I caught my breath.

  I felt the smile on his face, followed by his hands sliding across my stomach to the button on my jeans. I sucked it in. He looked at me, smiled, and shook his head, but continued on with his mission. He had gotten my pants unbuttoned and down my legs before I even had time to realize what was happening. My back was against the wall as I gripped the railing. When he came back up to me, I returned the favor undoing his pants in a hurry and pulling them, as well as his boxers, down. Lifting me back up, he fucked me against the wall of a bathroom stall, and it was perfect.

  I had had sex in a bathroom stall with Spencer. I almost drew blood as I bit down on his shoulder to keep from screaming in ecstasy.

  If that was going to happen after every fight, then maybe I shouldn’t be too quick to complain about it. I pulled my pants on with a smile that stretched from ear to ear.

  I went to open the stall door, but he held it shut.

  “Elizabeth, listen. I’m sorry I said that. I was just--”

  “Jealous?” I answered for him, leaning against the closed door.

  He sighed. “Yeah. I care about you, and jealousy isn’t easy for me to control.”

  Letting go of the door, I straightened up. “Spencer, it’s hasn’t even been a day. We’re going to need a learning curve. Just be honest with me, and I will try to understand and not be so quick to take offense.” I cupped his face in my hand. “I chose you, remember? You have nothing to be jealous about.” I guess we both needed reassurance. “Now, I’m going to leave and go back to sit down at our table. Wait five minutes then come out,” I said, backing away and walking out the stall.

  “Why do I have to wait?”

  “Because, unlike you, I care what little old ladies sitting in a diner think, and I don’t need it public knowledge that I just fucked the sexiest man alive in a bathroom stall.”

  I heard him chuckle as I walked out of the bathroom. I almost ran back to him but, this time, my head was in the right place. I sat in our booth, taking a sip of my now lukewarm tea. On cue and five minutes later, Spencer came out, making sure to adjust his belt and tighten his now tied tie. He kissed the top of my head before sitting across from me.

  “You just had to come out like that, didn’t you?”

  “What? I had to use the bathroom, figured I may as well freshen up a little.”

  His megawatt smile melted my frustration, and I could do nothing but laugh back at him.

  “So, as I was saying before, what would you like to do?”

  I made sure to choose my words carefully this time. As much as I loved having sex with Spencer, I could do without the fighting. “Well, I’m sure that you could use a shower and a new change of clothes.”

  “Are you trying to tell me I’m dirty?”

  “Yes, you’re a little dirty--like bathroom-stall-sex dirty,” I said, holding a straight face--until I couldn’t.

  “In that case you are just as dirty. How about we go to my place and get cleaned up? Give us some time to work on that learning curve.”

  “Sure, that sounds great.”

  We left the diner hand in hand and headed to Spencer’s place.

  We pulled up to a large historic townhouse, the kind you’d see in movies. It was beautiful, with a brick front and black iron bars. There was a large tree in front and a little garden under the windows. He parked the car in front of the house and got out, coming around to my side.

  “Wow, Spencer, this is beautiful.”

  Spencer nodded. “It’s one of my favorites.”

  “How many homes do you have?” I asked, turning from the what had to be four story townhome.

  “A few. Come on, let’s get inside. It’s cold out.”

  He took my hand and led me up the stairs. We walked through the small mud room that separated the door to outside to the one that entered into the house.

  He opened it then turned to me. “Welcome to my temporary home.”

  Stepping aside, he let me enter first. It was breathtaking. It was exactly as I had thought from the street, like a movie set. Everything looked antique. It almost reminded me of the club. Maybe it was more Spencer than either of my brothers. I walked past a living room with Victori
an couches and a beautiful fireplace. The stairs were to my right. The floors were a beautiful dark wood. The kitchen was amazing. I turned around and saw that Spencer was following me as I walked through his house.

  “You live here?”

  He laughed and ran his fingers through his hair. “Yeah, for now, I do.”

  “What do you mean, for now? Do you rent it out while you’re not in town?” I turned back to see the cozy sitting area off the kitchen, complete with large TV and fire place.

  “No, I usually sell, but I might hold on to this one.”

  I put my bag on the large island that separated the kitchen from the sitting area. “You’d better not sell this place.”

  I couldn’t help but see the differences between this place and the one in New York. They were polar opposites.

  He held his hand out for me to take. “Come with me?”

  I didn’t have to hesitate about whether or not to go with him anymore. I would go anywhere with him. I took his hand as he led me back to the stairs. There were three doors, all closed when we got to the top of the steps. Opening the farthest door, he led me into the sprawling room, his bedroom. The huge king-sized four-poster bed sat in the middle of the room. The decorations in here matched the rest of the house perfectly. Everything was right out of a Victorian movie. I walked over to the massive bed and quickly figured out you needed stairs to get in it. “I’m going to take a shower, please make yourself at home.”

  I watched as he undid the tie around his neck. “Do you mind?” I asked, pointing to the bed.

  “Are you really asking me if you can get in my bed, Elizabeth?”

  I shrugged my shoulders. “Well?”

  “You don’t have to ask, make yourself at home.”

  Spencer turned and walked through the door leading to the bathroom. I heard the water come on and decided it was safe to jump up onto the bed. I kicked off my shoes and pants, leaving my underwear and shirt on. I moved all the decorative pillows, getting right down to the sheets, climbed up the bed, and got under the covers. I layback, resting my head on the pillow.

  I was in Spencer’s bed. So many women had dreamed of that, yet there I was. I pulled the covers up around my chin. They even smelled like him. I turned on my side, feeling the soft sheets under my hand. I inhaled again, thinking about him sleeping here every night, perhaps thinking about me. I closed my eyes and let my tiredness take over. I was drifting away, the softness of the bed, the smell of Spencer all around me, the hum of the shower, and the quiet of the room. It didn’t take long before I was out.

  I woke up relaxed and well rested. I was alone in the massive room and alone in the bed. Looking around, I saw a piece of paper folded on the night stand with my name on it.


  You have no idea how amazing it is to see you sleeping in my bed.

  Come find me when you wake up.


  I lay there, smiling from ear to ear as I pressed his note to my chest like a school girl. I couldn’t help how happy I was. This was really happening to me. Spencer was in the process of sweeping me off my feet. I couldn’t help but think how things would have been if Simon would have never entered my life. Would Spencer and I have been together all this time? Would I be living with him? But if that were all true, I would have never of met Simon and, even though he was working for the enemy, I had some pretty strong feelings for him. Strong enough to try to ignore Spencer, and I thought that said a lot for how I felt about him.

  I rolled out of bed and put my jeans back on, excited for my treasure hunt. I heard mumbling coming from down the hall and decided to follow it.

  The closer I got, the louder Spencer’s voice became. He was yelling at someone, but I couldn’t tell who. The room he was in had the door cracked, so I peeked inside. Sure enough, Spencer was sitting at a large desk, talking on the phone. There were papers scattered all over the desk. He was still on the phone, his head hung low, his fingers rubbing over his eyes, as if he had a headache.

  I should leave, I shouldn’t be snooping. But it looked serious and, if it even remotely involved me, he promised he would tell me. I hesitated before opening the door all the way. I didn’t want him to get even more upset, but he did tell me to come find him.

  I let a deep breath out. I opened the door and stood in the doorway. Spencer immediately looked up from his desk and dropped the hand from above his eyes. He smiled over at me, looking relieved to see me standing in the doorway to his home office.

  “Let me call you back. My sleeping beauty just woke up and is standing in my doorway...Yeah, that one...Thank you, T. I’ll make arrangements as soon as I can.”

  He hung up his phone, placing it down on the desk. He never took his eyes off of me.

  He was dressed casually. I had only seen him like this one other time and, unfortunately, I was covered in mud. He wore a gray T-shirt and had black sweat pants on, no socks, and his hair was as wild as his eyes while they drank me in.

  He stayed sitting in his chair but backed away from the desk. “Come in,” he called.

  I walked over to him, noticing the large bookcases on either side, filled with what looked like antique books.

  “Got your note.” I held it up, turning it between my fingers before sticking it in the pocket of my jeans.

  “I’m Glad. You know I love leaving them.”

  This was true. Even though some of his notes were confusing, I did enjoy receiving them, and I was glad it wasn’t just a hook.

  “Who were you talking to?” I knew the man he was talking to. T was the same man in my condo last night, but as far as Spencer knew, I’d been sound asleep.

  “A friend.”

  “You seemed really upset talking to him. Is everything okay?” I stood at the end of his desk, rocking on my heels and putting my hands in my back pockets nervously.

  Asexual prowl danced across his eyes. “Come here.”

  I walked around the desk and stood in front of him.

  “Did you sleep well?”

  Way to change the subject, Salvatore. “Yes I did. What were you talking to T about, Spencer? No secrets, remember?”

  He grabbed my hips, pulling me closer to him. His face was just below my chest. God, he smelled good. I didn’t think he could smell any better, but damn. He tugged me down. I sat on his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck for stability.

  “Spencer, stop trying to get around this. Just tell me what’s worrying you.”

  His face turned up as he sighed. “You are relentless. T is a friend of mine from long ago. He’s helping me with something.”

  “Long ago, like New York long ago?”

  Spencer froze under me. The hand that was suggestively running up and down my spine stilled as he looked at me, confused. “How do you--”

  “You told me, remember? On the car ride home when I hurt my ankle.” He sat staring up at me, as his hand once again moved lovingly over my lower back. “Spencer, what happened in New York?”

  That was it--the straw that broke Spencer’s back. He stood abruptly, placing me on the ground. Turning away from me, he faced the window.

  “I’m sorry, I was--”

  “Dammit, Elizabeth! I’ll tell you, just not yet. I can’t tell you yet.”

  I didn’t think it was that serious. He was mad and trying as hard as he could to keep his temper in check.

  “Okay, tell me when you’re ready.”

  He stood looking out the window then turned back to me. Moving in one swift action, he held my upper arms tightly, looking me straight in the eyes. “I will tell you. I’ll tell you everything, I promise.”

  His grip on my arms was getting tighter as he spoke, passion and fire burning behind his eyes.

  I winced as his hands dug into my arms. “Spencer--you’re--”

  He let go quickly, backing a few steps away from me, running his hands through his hair.

  I wasn’t frightened, more taken off guard. He’d been rough before, but that was sexual. This wa
s different. He looked momentarily crazy but, the minute he heard my voice, he snapped out of it. I took a step toward him, but he backed away. I took another step and, this time, he didn’t move. I reached for the hand that was by his side. I brought it up to my lips, palm up, and kissed it. “You told me you would never hurt me. I trust you. I know these hands could never hurt me.” I kissed his hands again.

  Was this what Teddy was always worried about?

  “I’m sorry. I--”

  “Spencer, don’t take this the wrong way but shut up and kiss me.”

  I stared up at him, waiting for his smile to appear. It took a little longer than usual, and that scared me, but he came around. Whatever that was, it was over and I thought it scared him more than it did me.

  I kept my head on his chest. “I was thinking maybe we could sit on that cozy couch of yours downstairs, maybe talk or not talk?”

  “That sounds great,” he said as he took my hand and led me down the stairs and into the cozy sitting area.

  We sat closely together on the couch. I snuggled up against him, as Spencer’s arm wrapped tightly around my body. I felt safe, and nothing or no one could touch me. He turned on the TV, and we just sat together. Nothing needed to be said. Of course, I wanted to ask a ton of questions, but it could wait. We were both just happy being close to one another. There would be plenty of time to talk.

  Time passed and soon it was dark outside. I hadn’t told anyone where I was, and it didn’t seem like anyone cared. I wondered what Gia was doing, who she had brought home from the night before, how my brothers were.

  My stomach made the most embarrassing sound ever, just as the TV went silent between shows.

  “Hungry?” Spencer asked, smiling down at me.

  Cute very cute. “Yeah, my stomach has a mind all its own sometimes.”

  “I’m kind of hungry too. What you in the mood for?” he asked.

  I stretched to relieve the ache in my back from sitting for so long. “I don’t care.”


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