The Noir Evil
Page 64
The smiling sheriff then finally broke his viewing of the faceless Mad Butcher poster and looked at the silent black telephone that sat upon his desk, eager for it to ring so that he could tell curious congressman about his successful day and solidify his prime position within his new family. He then casually spoke to the preoccupied Kilbane whom was still fiddling with his blood soaked bandages which covered his hands “I’m going to love seeing all those newspapers with my name all over them saying that I, not Ness but me! The Sheriff! Was the man whom finally caught the infamous Mad Butcher!” He then knowingly smiled as he pleasantly fantasized about his imminent newly found fame before he looked down at his ever immaculate shiny sheriff’s badge and cleaned it, it being the only thing that gleamed within the entire neglected jailhouse. He breathed on it before rubbing its metal face upon his shirt with a new found sense of pride whilst it marvellously reflected the ambient light back into his victorious eyes.
After a pleasantly silent moment of viewing his shiny star he then again looked up towards the faceless image of the Mad Butcher poster and spoke with immense satisfaction “I’ll be immortalised forever! My face and this star will cover all the newspapers as Cleveland’s new hero! Gone will be the impotent Ness and his accursed Unknowns! The best part of this whole thing is that Sweeney will not only give me a pay raise but I’ll be banging his dumb daughter at the same time! Hahaha!” His preoccupied and not listening partner in crime Kilbane then hesitantly joined in with his masters laughing because he was far too busy reliving the thrilling events of his previous torture session, adamant to not let such deviously enjoyable images of suffering evade his limited memory for fear of them being lost forever.
Suddenly the smartly dressed detective Harry “Gentleman” Brown hastily entered the small sheriff’s office with a look of alarm upon his face. This caused the two laughing men to instantly stop and await his imminent vocalisation of whatever trouble had brought him there. The public face of the sheriff’s office stood there as he desperately tried to get his breath back and held his finger up as he did so, politely indicating that he would require a few more seconds before he could speak. Brown was renowned for his politeness but this was all an illusion perpetuated by himself simply because he liked the nickname whereas in reality he was an extremely vulgar mouthed man whom cared little for anyone except himself. He also had the unusual trait of being exceedingly superstitious and this peculiarity was about to make itself known yet again within the office like it had done so many times before.
Brown would take the time every morning to read his horoscope aloud from the Cleveland Plain Dealer newspaper and tell an irritated O’Donnell and Kilbane how the stars would always predict events prior to them actually occurring. So seeing him run into the jailhouse office looking alarmed was of no real concern to either the sheriff or his deputy because it could mean something as simple as a black cat had walked across his path whilst he was out getting lunch. Brown stood there and breathed heavy as O’Donnell and Kilbane looked at each other and smirked whilst awaiting for the latest drama that Brown had been the unfortunate victim of. The superstitious Brown then spoke in an alarmed manner as he finally lowered his polite finger “Jesus! That fucking hoodoo nigger scared the shit out of me with his black magic card trick! Shit! And that other fucking fat freak in the other cell creeps me out too man! Sheriff Sir! I don’t want to stay in there by those cells anymore!”
The sheriff and his deputy knowingly looked at each other and smiled as they both loved it when the good mannered “Gentleman” Brown opened up his filthy mouth to reveal what he truly was. The amused O’Donnell then casually replied to the alarmed Brown after taking a few momentary seconds of satisfaction at seeing him in such a state of distress “You talking about that weed loving nigger and his chicken loving retard pal? Shit! If I had my way we would join the war on the side of my friend here, Adolf Hitler and rid the world of that shit!” The sniggering O’Donnell then opened up his desk draw and brought out the numerous cluttering’s of a chaotically maintained draw, all of which he handled with immense care. He then eagerly produced a small colourful painting of Adolf Hitler, a tatty old confederacy flag and a tall white Ku Klux Klan masked wizard hat. He then joking put on a Ku Klux Klan masked hat, wrapped the confederacy flag around his neck and placed the painting of Hitler upright upon his desk and pointed towards it whilst he spoke “Now there’s a man who’s got the right idea about niggers, retards and Jews! Right Kilbane? Hahaha!”
The silent but amused Kilbane gave O’Donnell’s secret contents a pleasing thumbs up with his blood soaked and bandaged hand as he could identify more so with the alluring cruelty of the Nazi regime than any other person within that room. The satisfied sheriff then delinquently slid his trilogy of treasured items back into his draw before he shot up as the startled Brown was about to take a desperately needed swig of beer from upon his desk. The angry O’Donnell then chased the startled Brown back out of his office whilst he tried to violently kick him in the buttocks and shouted at him as he hastily fled back towards the jail cells “Get the fuck back out there and guard those prisoners you superstitious chicken shit! That hoodoo nigger ain’t no wizard! I’m the fucking wizard around here, the grand white wizard if you know what I mean!? Now get lost you stupid shit!”
Before the frightened Brown had even vacated the immediate area, the smirking sheriff violently slammed his office door shut before then once again knowingly looked at his amused deputy. Both then laughed as they thought of about Brown’s ridiculous superstitious nature and his undeniable ability to always provide a good laugh at the expense of his own pride. A smiling O’Donnell then once again walked around his desk and leisurely sat down whilst leaning back and keeping an ever watchful eye upon the motionless black telephone. He secretly revelled in the fact that he had outsmarted the famed Eliot Ness because he had his own secretly successful counter investigation into the murder of Florence Polillo which had only officially concluded today. He had done this once again under secret instruction from the congressman because the shrewd politician did not like the direction Ness’s secret investigation was heading.
Two weeks ago the sheriff and his men had taken it upon themselves to search Dolezal’s old rented room that he had once shared with Flo and discovered dried blood stains under the wooden floor boards as well as on a knife that was conveniently hidden within the same secret location. The knife was used primarily to enforce the pressure upon the frightened Dolezal into signing a written confession but this failed and so the sheriff had a private chemist analyse the knife and the results came back that it was indeed human blood. His offices miraculous findings where now further given credibility due to Dolezal’s newly signed confession whereby he claimed that he had a heated argument with Flo which had developed into a fight whereby she had come violently running towards him with a knife. He had defended himself and accidentally hit her in the face which resulted in her falling and hitting her head upon the edge of the bathtub, killing her instantly. In a panicked state he had then reluctantly proceeded with the grizzly task of dismembering her body in the bathtub before hiding the bloody knife under the floorboard and then finally disposing of her body parts by the old factory building in Kingsbury Run. Whilst Merlyo and his men searched the snowy homicide scene the next snowy morning, Dolezal had secretly disposed of her elusive head into the freezing waters of Lake Erie.
To further back up this inventively creative signed confession both Kilbane and Brown had interviewed a former lover of his and she had stated that she had a suspicious encounter with him whereby he had come at her with a knife after he had lured her to his rented room under false pretences. She had felt the drastic need to escape the enraged Dolezal by jumping out of the second story window and miraculously only suffered a broken heel on her shoe during her daring escape. This valuable statement was obtained by giving her a large amount of free alcohol, a fact which was conveniently left from the signed confession and further enhanced the sheri
ff’s secret investigation results which all pointed the guilty finger at this notorious trouble maker.
As a sly smile started to develop upon O’Donnell’s face whilst he thought about how he was about to become the new hero within the Cleveland press, he was startled as the black telephone finally started to ring. The sheriff immediately grabbed it with the utmost haste as he finally heard Congressman Sweeney’s voice on the other end “O’Donnell? Can you hear me!? O’Donnell?” The sheriff immediately replied with a distinctively tangible pride within his voice “Yes! Sir I have great news for you! We finally have the signed, hand written confession form Dolezal! He wasn’t easy to break but we did it in the end and so er? What do you want us to do now?”
There was a deafening silence within the sheriff’s office as both O’Donnell and Kilbane eagerly listened to the voice at the other end of the telephone whom was apparently not alone and appeared to have female company. The preoccupied Sweeney then spoke whilst he eat something “You know what to do now that you have what I asked for! We can’t allow any loose ends ok? Do you understand?” Both the silent sheriff and his deputy leaned in closer towards the telephone before the sheriff spoke in a reassuring manner whilst knowingly winking at his deputy, wishing to expel any fears that his newly acquired relation might have “Not a problem sir! I totally understand and you can count on me sir! Consider it done!”
Both O’Donnell and Kilbane knowingly smiled back at each other until they heard the preoccupied Sweeney make a rather odd remark on the other end of the telephone “Oh! Stop that! You’re such a tease sweetie!” With this the sheriff silently voiced the word “Sweetie” with immense amusement to his equally amused deputy as they understood that Sweeney was enjoying his usual weakness of female company, food and drink. The telephone then suddenly went dead and the amused O’Donnell put the receiver down to laugh with Kilbane as they both imagined the large and unsightly naked congressmen being pleasured by many different women whom would struggle with their consciences’ for years to come.
After laughing for a while both O’Donnell and Kilbane satisfactorily leaned back in there separate seats once again before O’Donnell broke the silence and spoke in a relaxed manner, knowing now that his career was about to take off in a big way “Well! That fat piece of shit has got himself some more whores to play with, go figure? I wonder how much he pays them? Must be a lot? Anyway! I don’t know about you but I’m tired so we’ll finish off Dolezal later on and make it look like a suicide” With that comment the obediently sadistic Kilbane rested his increasingly weary head on the desk whilst O’Donnell put his slouch hat on and tilted it forwards, pleasantly closing his eyes and falling to sleep with his murderous partner in crime. Both then happily drifted into the realm of dreams and where content that there unified future was now looking a lot brighter.
The tired Ness and Merlyo had both stayed late after work within Ness’s smoke filled office to discuss their secret suspect and how they could possibly get a satisfactory conviction from such a man whom was so closely linked to the all-powerful congressman Sweeney. They had both been tirelessly brainstorming a variety of unorthodox ideas on how to get this conviction because it was inconceivable that they could continue their secret surveillance activities indefinitely. Also the longer it continued the more chance that others within the department would find out about it and that would mean that the congressman would eventually know and so time was of the essence. Ness spoke with conviction after a moment of deep contemplative thought “We’ll have to interview him privately, off the record and hope for a confession because it’s the only way. He’s making fools of my surveillance teams and playing cat and mouse games with them all the time!”
The smoking Merlyo then interjected with a question whilst contemplating Dr Sweeney’s shrewd cunning and amusement at toying around with the secretive Unknowns “Sure ok! So where are we going to get this supposed confession and how? I mean he could just call for his lawyer and clam-up couldn’t he?” Ness replied instantly after already contemplating his unorthodox strategy earlier “I was thinking about a hiring this tenth floor penthouse suite at the Hotel Cleveland and make it really comfortable for him at first. You know asking for him to help us with our investigation blah! blah! blah! And then when he’s in the private suite we threaten him with the press if he talks or even hints at wanting to speak to his lawyer or cousin for that matter. He really cares about what his ex-wife and child thinks about him and I think that he’ll opt to be interviewed rather than have that shame of being a Mad Butcher suspect being thrust so publically upon him. I know two specialists in Chicago who owe me some favours and one of them even helped create that new lie-detector machine that everyone’s talking about. I heard it’s really effective and so this new machine will also help pile the pressure on him during the interview so that we can get this confession. Like I said this will all have to be off the books because this isn’t entirely legal, I mean he will be totally within his rights to tell us all too simply get stuffed and walk out!”
Merlyo smiled as he replied and finished off his cigarette “Your unorthodox techniques didn’t entirely go down well last time with the shantytown burning raid did it? I don’t think even you could survive another public whipping from the newspapers over something like that” The awkwardly smiling Ness replied whilst fiddling nervously with his pen on his desk “Well! This is different because this is a singularly unorthodox situation with a singularly unorthodox suspect and so we have to fight fire with fire so to speak. Nothing as dramatic as that misunderstood incident you mentioned and besides, I’m thinking more clearly now because then I was on a permanent opium binge then whereas now I’m completely focused on catching the Mad Butcher!” Merlyo knowingly smiled at him because he knew that this was not the only reason he wanted Frank Sweeney and vocalised his keen perception “And?”
Ness smiled at him and replied “Of course all the negative political implications for his congressman cousin are an enticing prospect also” The amused Merlyo nodded in agreement before taking a long satisfactory sip of his hot coffee before light heartedly speaking again “I’ve got to tell you that I really like your Hotel Cleveland penthouse interview plan. Trust you to want to question him in such a luxurious location but I guess your right because we’ll have to make him feel relaxed and like he’s not at an interview. Butter him up so to speak! Can we also get room service while we question him? You know some whisky, scotch and maybe a few Cuban cigars? Hehe! He may not ever want to leave you know?”
Ness laughed before saying “Hahaha! Yeah! I think we’ll all need a drink after this case” Then the phone suddenly rang as the two laughed some more as Ness slowly leaned over to pick it up whilst silently contemplating whom would call him at such a late hour on his private number. To his surprise it was an alarmed and frantic sounding Poppy whom gave him her speedy message about the imminent murder of Dolezal at the hands of the corrupt sheriff and his men. She then abruptly terminated the call before the alarmed Ness could question her further and he immediately motioned to the concerned looking Merlyo and told him what the scenario was as they both collected there revolvers and jackets and hastily made their way down to the awaiting silver Elegant Mess.
The silver Stout Scarab then screeched into life as it speeded frantically through the rain towards the Cuyahoga County Jailhouse at top speed whilst both wondered silently how Poppy knew such secretive information. They both knew she would have to be questioned with regard this enigma as soon as they had rescued the innocent Dolezal form the corrupt clutches of the sheriff and his men. The heavy rain buffeted the windows of the speeding Scarab as it hastily made its way through the dark streets of Cleveland, cutting off corners and illegally going through red lights as it did so. Merlyo was impressed with Ness’s driving ability as he easily navigated the busy city traffic with the swift ease of a professional racing driver whom had experienced many such life threatening scenarios before.
Meanwhile back at the jailhouse
the sheriff slowly awoke and alarmingly realised that Kilbane had disappeared from his office and he immediately knew that his sadistic deputy was probably making life extremely difficult for the unfortunate Dolezal. He immediately grabbed his wooden baton from the wall and ran out of his office and down the long corridor towards the cells, adamant that Dolezal’s death had to be made to look like an accident and nothing else. As he opened the large creaking wooden and steel barred door he saw both of his men at the end of the long and darkly lit corridor standing outside Dolezal’s cell and looking into it in an eerie silence.
The anxious O’Donnell then slowly walked down the lonely long mouldy corridor and past the echoing empty cells that lined either side of him, worried at the gruesome find that may greet his reluctant eyes. The mould had long ago invaded the walls of the cellblock from the rest of the building also giving them a distinctly green tinge to all surfaces and silently invaded ones sinuses without remorse. The only sound that filled the blood soaked mouldy air was the incarcerated Voodoo Doctor’s mysterious chanting which echoed throughout the lonely corridor as O’Donnell slowly walked down it with dread. He apprehensively wondered what both his colleagues had done to Dolezal since he had fallen asleep a few hours ago and was far more concerned with the appearance of a murder rather than the welfare of the already doomed criminal.
As O’Donnell slowly walked down the long corridor he passed all the empty cells one by one until he stopped before Dolezal’s and angrily hit the adjoining cell with his baton. He was trying to stop the relentless chanting of the infamous, black and white striped prison overall wearing Voodoo Doctor. His loud baton echoed thought out the lonely corridor but did not stop the incarcerated Voodoo Doctor and so he frustratingly then shouted at the new prisoner whom had yet to learn respect for the powerful white supremacist that he secretly was “Shut the fuck boy! This is a god fearing Christian country, not some backwater tribal African country! Jesus!”