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Dead States | Year Zero | Nebraska

Page 14

by Marty Brockschmidt

  The man stared at Hazel for a long time. What she was saying sounded crazy to him, but so was duct taping your son to the back seat, “Ma'am I would thank you kindly if you are able to bring peace to my boy.”

  Hazel hid her surprise at his response, “You understand I can not bring him back to life I just hope to chase out the evil spirit.”

  The man nodded.

  “You go say your goodbyes to your son. I need to get some things ready.”, Hazel advised.

  Hazel went back to house and called upon Clay to guide her in this. The legends gave her no clear answer as to how to expel a wendigo, nor was she convinced that was what she was dealing with. She was convinced that the boy was dead and his father needed an explanation that would allow her to do what she felt needed to be done.

  Hazel laid a blanket on the ground and had the man place the boy on the blanket face down. She instructed him to hold the boys head very still.

  “I'm going to use the spirit of the deer to chase out the wendigo. On three I'm going to drive this antler spike in. One” Hazel placed the antler tip at the base of the skull. “Two” Hazel did a practice strike with the hammer. “Three” Hazel drove the antler home and the boys struggles ceased.

  They rolled the boy onto his back and wrapped the blanket around him. Despite Hazel's protests to the contrary, the man gently placed his son's body in the backseat and left. That was the last living person Hazel and Krista have seen for weeks, though they have seen Wendigo on several occasions.

  Cassie was the first one to see the little girl. Cassie was watching the signs, Souvenirs straight ahead, Indian Art 500 feet. As they passed the small roadside store Cassie spied the young girl run from the house set back a ways from the store. “Hey stop I see somebody.”

  Mick brought them to a halt and then backed up and entered the driveway so they could check on the girl.

  “Graaannnd Maaa we've got company”, Krista called.

  “Krista Thurman get your cat and get in the house now”, Hazel commanded.

  “But Granny its people. We haven't seen anybody in weeks”, Krista complained.

  “What if they like to eat cats. Now do what I say and get in here.”, Hazel cajoled the child.

  As her granddaughter entered Hazel reached inside and grabbed the double barrel shotgun there. When the suburban was in range she raised the shotgun to her shoulder and yelled, “That's about far enough.”

  Keeping the shotgun leveled at them she continued, “Nobody make a move. I'm loaded with buckshot and at this range I can get everyone in the cab. One of you step out slow as molasses and let's parley.”

  The group took in the woman in front of them. Her skin was tanned and wrinkled from long hours out of doors. Her gray hair was pulled back simply behind her head and tied with a leather strap. She was dressed in homemade buckskin trousers and shirt. Her age was hard to estimate, but her grip on the shot gun was firm and the barrels never wavered.

  Percy stepped from the vehicle, “Good morning madam. I am Master Gunnery Sergeant Percy Braun and ve are from a group of survivors east of here. Ve are scouting the area around Lexington and saw the young girl and came to see if ve could offer any assistance.”

  “Well ain't you just the kindest thing. A little long in the tooth to be soldierin ain't ya? So how am I supposed to know your not a bunch of looters?”, Hazel queried, her suspicion obvious.

  “Madam, yes I am retired, but I am helping train the group. Our offer of assistance is sincere. Ve are trying to make the area around our compound safer by eliminating as many of the dead as possible. Ve are also trying to locate survivors so ve can all help each other”, explained Percy.

  Hazel had been disconnected from the goings on in the world even before the outbreak. She wasn't sure she could handle being around people on a regular basis. However, there was Krista to think about and the wendigo showed no sign of disappearing anytime soon.

  Hazel decided she need to get a better look at this crew, “Alright I heard what you said. Who else is in the vehicle with you? Have them step out so I can eyeball them, but stay in a group so I can keep you covered.”

  Hazel watched the rest come out trying to determine who was in charge. The old man was the spokesperson so somebody else could assess her. The couple shielding the two youngsters weren't running the show, their concern was for those kids. The short man who came out from behind the wheel was their driver, but obviously wasn't in charge. When Crystal climbed out the old woman's eyes locked on her.

  Hazel pointed at Crystal with the shotgun, “You there your running this rodeo, tell me what kind of aid are you offering us?”

  Crystal blinked, scrambling to determine what would gain this woman's confidence, “As Percy told you we have a compound that is protected by a fence and guarded around the clock. We have plenty of food and have crops planted. We have room to spare and we have lights and hot showers. Ma'am we are just going to have to trust each other.”

  “Trust is a tall order these days Missy, but you all seem genuine enough. Krista come on out and say hello to our guests.” Hazel lowered her shotgun, “Name's Hazel Thurman. Though some folks around here call me Witch Hazel.”

  Introductions of the rest of the group were made and then Krista came over to Crystal and tugged on the baton hanging from her hip, “Miss what is this?”

  “That's my toothpick”, Crystal replied smiling broadly.

  Krista giggled, “That is a mighty big toothpick”

  “Well I got a mighty big mouth”, Crystal said pleased by the girls laughter.

  Krista smiled,“Your funny.”

  Crystal made her best funny face, “Funny lookin anyhow.”

  All of a sudden Travis called out, “Dee's.”

  Krista ran to Hazel, “Grandma the wendigo are back.”

  Crystal immediately shifted gears, “Travis, Cassie grab rifles for yourselves, Gunny, and Mr. Canales. Grab the radios too. Matt your with Amy and I, cover our backs. The rest of you into the house. Krista your on comms if any more of them show up you call me on the radio.”

  Eight of the dead were coming out of the woods, apparently attracted by their conversation. Crystal's plan was to engage them when they were clear of the woods, but still a distance from the house.

  “Matt, Amy and I should be able to handle this group, but be ready to jump in if we get into trouble.”, Crystal instructed as they walked briskly towards the threat.

  As they got close Crystal and Amy spread apart. Crystal's spinning baton drew the larger portion of the dead. Crystal had done this enough times that she had already planned out her attack. Keeping one Dee focused on her baton she ran her knife under the jaw of the nearest Dee. Crystal released her grip on the knife letting the creature drop. Crystal shifted her grip on the baton and with a two handed back hand pierced the skull of the next Dee. As she pulled out the iron tip she spun the baton around and with a lunge strike dropped a third Dee by piercing through its eye socket.

  Pulling back her baton and flipping it around again she dropped the fourth Dee by swinging the baton like an ax and piercing down through the top of its skull. The fifth Dee Crystal dropped by grabbing her baton with both hands and running the tip under its jaw. By this time Amy had dropped two more of the dead with her machete. As Amy began to advance on the last one, Crystal retrieved her knife from the first Dee and in a throw that did Blade's training proud, she brought the skirmish to an end.

  Matt amazed at how quickly the two women dispatched the problem, “So did you two bring me along for my good looks or what.”

  Amy gave Matt a peck, “Don't feel bad sweetie, Crystal just let me have those two out of charity.”

  Crystal radioed the house and Krista gave her the all clear. As they approached the house Percy and the kids exited, “Vell that vas educational. Ve should talk Captain so I can adjust my training.”

  Percy's demeanor softened, he put a hand on Crystal's shoulder and looked her in the eye, “Crystal I am quite impressed.”
r />   Crystal blushed, but was saved by Krista, “That is some toothpick you got there, can you show me how you use it some time.”

  Hazel came out and put a protective arm over her granddaughters shoulder, “So is that your plan for Lexington, go in and hack em down.”

  Crystal shook her head, “We've studied them. We know how they move. We know what attracts them. We have a weapon to finish them in mass.”

  “Easy as that huh kid?”, Hazel pushed.

  “Nothing worth doing is ever easy, but if people are going to make it we need to try.”, Crystal replied.

  Hazel pulled an old corncob pipe from a packet and filled it from a leather pouch. As she puffed on the pipe Crystal had a hard time placing what she was smoking, though it certainly was not tobacco. “We don't have a lot of stuff. My root cellar is full I'd hate for that to go to waste and I have a good collection of medicinal herbs and roots. With those I can take care of anything from a headache to an ingrown toenail. If you can pull it we have a trailer that will hold anything we need to take.”

  The little trailer was soon loaded and Hazel and Krista joined them in the suburban as they made the short drive to the location Mick had selected. The ambush site was on highway 21 about twenty miles due north of Lexington. A long, flat, straight away lead up to the spot and the ground rose sharply to one side of the road, but extended out to a wide flat field on the other.

  Amy and Crystal climbed to the top of the rise and finding it safe asked Mick and the three children to join them. The kids just needed to burn off energy before the care ride home. Crystal wanted to ask Mick if he thought the hill could be leveled to allow militia to be positioned at the top. With Amy and Percy giving their approval of the site and Matt and Mick assurances that the work needed to prep the site was within their groups abilities, they took several pictures and measurements around the area.

  Loading back in the suburban they drove back slowly as close to Lexington as they dared. On the way they noted intersections, curves and anything along the way that could help or hinder the plan. Once they turned off to head back to their compound Crystal would of preferred to start strategizing with Percy and Amy, but she still needed Blade's intel.

  “Hazel we have close to an hour before we'll reach our compound, maybe you can help us out a bit before we get there?”, Crystal asked.

  “If I can.”, Hazel replied.

  “How often did you see the dead or wendigo?”, Crystal queried.

  “That batch you took care of, had been hanging around for nigh on two weeks. At times there were more of them and others there were a couple less. Sometimes we wouldn't see them for two or three days and other times they would be so close to the house that Krista and I would hunker down tip toein around inside. Before that just on rare occasions, but we are a tad off the beaten path.”, Hazel replied.

  “Good hopefully that means most of them in Lexington are staying put.”, Crystal stated.

  Hazel took the opportunity to get her own questions answered, “I didn't ask many questions before leaving with you, cause you folks sized up and Krista and I had limited options, but frankly who the hell are you people?”

  Crystal laughed so hard it took her a minute to gain her composure, “Hazel, I ask myself the same thing every morning. We are just an ad hoc mix of people that were pulled together by a soldier. Colonel Osgood had the sense to know we needed to get some space between us and the dead. Give us some time to figure things out.”

  “So what is it that you have figured out?”, Hazel asked.

  Crystal looked directly at the older woman, “We need each other. I know that sounds trite, but we absolutely depend on each other every day. Everyone contributes.”

  Hazel nodded, “Krista and I are not afraid of hard work. So you been finding many like me and my granddaughter.”

  Crystal shook her head, “No you two make three we've been able to find. Part of the reason I'm so keen on clearing Lexington.”

  “Well I'm pretty familiar with the area around my place anything I can help you with, just ask.”, Hazel stated.

  Crystal spent the majority of the next couple of days working up the plan with Blade and Amy. Occasionally, Mick and Joe Gant were called in and Hazel was interviewed. The plan was broken into a series of phases. Preparation of the ambush site and building of the trap. Massing of the dead towards a take off point in Lexington, the most dangerous part of the plan. Leading the army of the dead into the trap, including contingencies to deal with any of the dead breaking off from the mass. The final phase was blowing the trap including clean up of stragglers.

  The actual salvage of Lexington and rescue of survivor's couldn't be planned until the success or failure of the ambush mission could be evaluated. Once Percy had the workings of the plan he could move on to final training and deciding which of the militia would go on the mission.

  “Trent where the hell are you? Every time I look you are never where your supposed to be. Are you stupid or do you just not care?”, Justin yelled.

  Trent Moyer was a few years older than Justin, couldn't imagine how this youngster knew better than him. In his mind the only reason Justin had made patrol leader was because he buddied up to the captain, “Listen you snot nosed kid I'm sick and tired of you and that old man tellin me off all the time. I should kick your ass and just be done with it.”

  “Anytime anyplace if you got the balls for it”, Justin replied getting right into Moyer's face.

  When Trent didn't make a move Justin turned around, “That's what I thought.”

  When Justin's back was turned Trent raised his fist to sucker punch Justin in the back. Percy stepped up and caught his fist, “Vell Mr. Moyer if you don't vant to party with the kid maybe the old man is more your speed.”

  “Look gramps I don't want to hurt you. Just go back and take a nap.”, Trent gave out a nervous chuckle and looked to the rest of the squad looking for some support.

  Percy back handed him across the face and snarled, “That is Gunnery Sergeant. Here is your one chance you knock me down and I'll give you a chance to run a squad.”

  Percy had done this more times than he could count and even though he was north of 70 he was in better shape than most men half his age.

  “Its your funeral old man. I warned you.” Trent took a swing at Percy.

  Percy merely stepped back causing Trent to lose balance. As Trent stumbled by Percy landed a right to Trent's stomach just below the diaphragm and followed that with a left to Trent's jaw that rattled his teeth.

  Angered Trent made a run at Percy. Again Percy side stepped him and with a shove on the backside sent Trent skidding to the ground.

  “I am vaiting Mr. Moyer or have you had enough.”, Percy taunted.

  Trent picked himself up still angry, but realized that he had to keep his head. Trent put his hands up and slowly advanced on Percy.

  Percy smiled, it had been a long time since he had to break a recruit and it felt good to have a purpose again. As Trent advanced Percy gave him a couple of quick jabs to the face. Trent gave a wild swing which Percy easily counter punched landing a left to Trent's jaw. Percy followed that with a couple of quick right jabs that knocked Trent back. Percy finished him off with a solid left breaking Trent's nose.

  Justin stepped in, “Give it up Moyer.”

  Trent shrugged him off and one more time made a lunge at Percy. Justin caught him by the throat, “This is done. Moyer go see Mister McPherson and see if he has something that is a better fit for you.”

  Down to ten days before Lexington, crews were out scavenging locally for materials for the trap and Percy was focused on drilling the militia. Crystal, left with nothing immediate to do decided to take Bill and Jason out to dispose of the last of their captive dead. Those plans changed when the old Ford station wagon pulled up to the gates, the motor knocking and smoke billowing from the tailpipe.

  Chapter 7 - Friend or Foe

  Joyce Carter had plenty of time for reflection the past couple of days
. This stretch of highway outside of Lincoln was certainly a long way from her home in Miami Florida.

  It wasn't like that home held many fond memories for her. Joyce's mother was addicted to crack as long as she could remember. By the time Joyce was twelve she was cashing her mother's assistance check and paying the bills so they didn't lose another home and have to move into the shelter.

  Her mother got her cocaine any way she could which more often than not meant hooking up with one after another in a long string of men. When Joyce was seventeen the man was Rashad. Rashad was an addict and helped support her mothers habit, but at first he was okay. He made sure they had food and some new clothes. Then after a long binge Joyce's mother passed out and Rashad looked to Joyce to keep the party going.


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