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Dropped Third Strike (Portland Pioneers #1)

Page 18

by Micah K. Chaplin

  Derek the mound again, taking a deep breath as he picked up the rosin bag and tossed it in his hand a few times. He dropped the bag, brushed off his hand, and stepped onto the rubber again. Carson gave him a signal and Derek acknowledged it with a slight nod. He set up, went into his wind-up, and delivered. The batter connected on the first pitch and the ball zoomed past Derek. But he barely had time to turn around before Justin Tanner and Ian Davis turned one of their signature double plays.

  Game over.

  The Pioneers won. And Derek had just recorded his first ever major league save.

  “Yeah, it was crazy,” Derek said as he looked across the table at Reid. “I’ve been a starter almost my entire baseball career. I never imagined I’d have a chance at a save. I never even thought about wanting one.”

  “Well, now you have one permanently on your record,” Reid said.

  “It’s definitely one of the nicer things on my record,” Derek said, raising an eyebrow.

  Reid eyed him curiously.

  “The drug charges. The assault,” Derek said.

  “Oh, yeah ... but so?” Reid said.

  “So ... I’m not sure I’ll ever live those down. Or forget them,” Derek said.

  “Maybe you’re not supposed to forget them,” Reid said.

  Derek looked at him.

  “How can you learn if you forget?” Reid asked.

  “You don’t think I’ve learned yet?” Derek asked.

  “I didn’t say that,” Reid said. “But in my experience, substance abuse doesn’t go away in one try. It’s a constant battle. You’ve already faced some challenges in your battle. Recently, even. But you have to remember what it can cost you if you fail.”

  Derek nodded. “That’s true.”

  He was somber for a moment, staring at the table.

  “For what it’s worth, I don’t think you’re going to fail,” Reid said.

  Derek looked up at him. “What makes you so sure?”

  Reid shrugged. “I just have a good feeling about you.”

  Derek smiled. “Thanks, Coach B.”

  “You know, you can call me Reid, if you want.”

  “Yeah, but I like Coach B better.”

  Reid laughed. “It makes me feel old when you call me that.”

  “You’re not though. I heard you were hitting in the cages the other day. Still have some pop in your bat, huh?”

  “Surprisingly, yeah.”

  “Why do you say ‘surprisingly’?”

  “After the way I played last season in New York, I’m pretty sure no one thinks I can still hit.”

  “But you can. It was one bad season. It shouldn’t define you.”

  “In this sport, that’s all it takes sometimes.”

  “True. So are you really done playing?”

  “I don’t know. I mean, I want to play again, but it’s hard to say for sure if that’ll happen.”

  “Well, if you want to play, I hope you get another chance.”

  “Thanks. I hope so too.”

  Derek took a sip of his water and then changed the subject.

  “So you really didn’t tell Miss Marks about the other night?”

  “Nope. I told you I wouldn’t.”

  “I know, but then I heard Carson say you two are friends, so I thought ...”

  Reid sighed and shook his head. He knew Carson had a tendency to talk. He wondered what all Carson had said about him and Kate.

  “First of all, I keep my word. If I said I wouldn’t tell her, I’m not going to tell her,” Reid said. “Second of all, Kate and I are old friends, but we’re not friends friends.”

  “Oh. Carson made it sound like you were close. Said he even found an old prom photo.”

  Reid smiled. “Yeah, we went to senior prom together. But that doesn’t mean we’re close.”

  “But you obviously were at one time.”

  “I guess you could say that,” Reid said.

  “Did you date her?”

  Reid thought for a minute about Derek’s question. He couldn’t honestly say he had ever dated Kate. They’d studied together, gone to prom together, and slept together. But he had never really asked her on a real date and picked her up to take her out. He felt a flicker of guilt at that realization.

  “Not really,” he answered finally.

  “Did you sleep with her?”

  “That’s none of your business.”

  “I’ll take that as a ‘no’ then.”

  “Why would you assume that’s a ‘no’?”

  “Because if you did, you’d be bragging about it. I mean, look at her.”

  Reid smirked. “Yeah, she is pretty.”

  “She’s more than pretty. She’s hot. I mean, for an older lady.”

  “She’s my age, so she’s not that old.”

  “That’s true. She just seems older than you.”

  “I’ll take that as a compliment, I think. But she probably seems older because of her job. It’s a lot more serious than mine, so I guess that’s made her older.”

  “Was she hot in high school too?”

  Reid smirked. “She was really pretty. And she didn’t seem to know it.”

  “That’s the best kind of pretty,” Derek said.

  “It really is, and Katie had it. She was really smart too,” Reid said. “I guess she’s still all those things, so I shouldn’t be speaking in past tense.”


  “That’s what she went by back then. Sometimes I forget and call her that now. She doesn’t like that very much.”

  “She doesn’t really look like a ‘Katie’ anyway.”

  “She does to me. But I’d like to keep my job, so I’ll stick to calling her ‘Kate.’”

  “Good call,” Derek said, laughing. “I’d like you to keep your job too.”

  Their pizza arrived and the conversation turned away from Kate. Instead, the men went back to talking about the previous night’s game. Reid smiled as he listened to Derek recount each pitch he threw during that memorable ninth inning. The young pitcher’s voice sounded so much different than it had just a few nights earlier. There was more optimism, pride, and hope. It was as if the other night’s disappointment and near-relapse had never happened. Reid hoped that trend would continue for Derek.

  As silence followed her date with Neal, Kate tried very hard not to be that girl. She really did. There was no reason she should be checking her phone every few minutes. But she couldn’t resist that little device. Every time it rang or chimed to indicate a text, she checked the display hoping it was Neal. But it wasn’t. It had only been two days since their lunch date, so it was probably too soon to read into his actions – or inactions in this case – but she couldn’t help it. She was on her way to convincing herself he was no longer interested in her – and not because he didn’t like her, but because he couldn’t see her enough. That would not be anything new. Even though she understood and knew it wasn’t personal, it was still disappointing and discouraging.

  True to her nature, Kate turned her attention to work. With the season in full swing, she had plenty on her plate. The midseason trading deadline was fast approaching, and she needed to evaluate the team and the division to see where she should and could make changes to help the Pioneers down the stretch. They were currently sitting in the middle of the pack in the American League West, six games behind the Texas Rangers and ten games behind the division-leading Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim. But they were ahead of Seattle, Oakland, and Houston, so that was encouraging. There was still time to make up ground. But only if the Pioneers could keep playing strong.

  Kate was trying to figure out if they needed some front office help as she sat on the balcony of her Chicago hotel room with her laptop and a large coffee, looking over the roster and latest stats. The team had been playing so well this season it was hard to say they needed any changes. But Kate knew there was always more to the story than just the record. She needed to look for weak spots and areas that could use a boost. T
heir offense was consistently putting up solid run totals, and too often their losses occurred because the pitching staff had a meltdown. She decided to start there, looking at each pitcher’s lines to see which ones gave her the most concern.

  Their number two starter, Chris Wimberly, seemed to be struggling – only one great game on his record so far this season. The rest were forgettable, and there were a few she wished she could forget. They were disastrous. Wimberly had won the number two spot the previous season when he notched 17 wins and finished with an ERA under four. She didn’t know what had caused his decline, but he was very frustrating to watch. She wasn’t quite ready to bump him from the rotation, but she considered the idea that maybe he needed to be moved down a spot or two. Her eyes traveled a little further down the sheet and one name caught her attention. Derek Beaman. He had been outstanding lately with the exception of one disaster start on Saturday. She’d been especially pleased with the way he handled the stress of closing the previous night. Given his history, she hadn’t been sure he could step up in that unorthodox opportunity, but he nailed it. He looked calm and poised the entire time. Maybe Beaman could handle a bit more heat. She decided she might be comfortable swapping Wimberly and Beaman in the rotation. She would to consult with the pitching coach and the manager before making the change, but in her mind, it was already done.

  Kate made a few notes about possible pick-ups and trades and then looked at her phone again. At least she’d killed an hour between phone checks. That was progress, but she was rewarded with a few work-related e-mails and nothing more. With just a few hours left before she needed to be at U.S. Cellular Field, she decided to give her brain a break and put her body to work. She changed into her workout clothes and headed down to the hotel fitness facilities. She’d been a little relaxed about her workouts lately. Then again, that usually happened with road trips. The rigors of travel were exhausting and they disrupted any routine she might try to establish. And she still hadn’t learned how to prioritize her time so she could get everything in – even when her schedule got hectic.

  The new Maroon 5 album filled her ears and the city stretched out in front of her as she jogged on the treadmill. She stared straight ahead, focusing on her breathing. Running had always been a good way for her to zone out and find some peace of mind. Somehow, the cardio helped her relax and go to a different place in her head. She was on her way to finding it when she sensed someone on the treadmill beside hers. After a few minutes, she glanced over to see who her workout neighbor was. She did a double-take when she discovered it was Reid. Any beginnings of peace and relaxation were immediately undone.

  “Hey Kate,” he said, grinning at her.

  Even with her headphones on and her music blasting, she received his greeting. She nodded and removed one ear bud, but it was more out of politeness than a real desire to talk to him. Sure, they had managed a civil conversation a few days earlier, but she was pretty sure that was just a fluke. And it hadn’t changed much for her. She was still affected every time she saw him. This moment was no exception. She immediately felt the tension rise.

  “Hi,” she replied, hoping she sounded calmer than she felt.

  “Haven’t seen you in a few days. How’d your date go?”

  “Pretty good.”

  “That doesn’t sound very promising. Was he ugly? A jerk?”

  “No. He was very handsome and very nice.”

  “So then why was the date only ‘pretty good?’”

  “It was just one date. First dates are rarely better than that.”

  Kate didn’t bother to tell him they’d actually had two dates. It didn’t seem relevant. Or any of his business. None of this was any of his business, actually.

  “I guess that’s better than ‘fine.’ But seriously, what was wrong with him?”

  “Nothing. Nothing is wrong with him.”

  “Well, then what’s the problem?”

  “Who said there was a problem?”

  “Well, your lack of excitement about him tells another story. It’s okay if you didn’t like him. Just say that and move on.”

  “I did like him. I do like him. I just haven’t heard from him.”

  “Well, then there’s the problem. He’s an idiot.”

  “Nah. I guess he just can’t deal with my job and the travel.”

  “Well, then he’s still an idiot. You’re worth the hassle.”

  Kate grew flustered at his words. Mostly because it didn’t line up with his past decisions. But she didn’t comment on that. She wasn’t about to say anything that would make them revisit their past.

  “Whatever. It’s fine,” Kate said with a shrug. “I don’t need a relationship right now anyway. I have a baseball team to run.”

  “A pretty good baseball team at that,” Reid replied. “The guys look good this year.”

  She was glad he seemed content to change the subject. She wasn’t comfortable discussing her dating life with him. Baseball was much safer. She even turned up the speed on her treadmill, matching his pace as they began discussing the team and various memorable games. His insight was good, and he remembered a few game moments she’d forgotten. She also enjoyed hearing his impromptu mid-season reviews of each player. She agreed with most of his assessments, and he had solid facts to back up each one of his opinions. It helped pass the time, too. Before she knew it, they’d been talking and running together for almost half an hour.

  “It really is a good team right now,” she agreed. “I’ve been trying to decide what we need to do midseason, and the answers aren’t as obvious as they were in previous years. That’s a good thing.”

  “Starting pitching might be the biggest weakness,” he said.

  “Yeah, that’s what I’ve discovered, and I don’t think there’s going to be much available at the deadline. None we can afford anyway. We’ll have to get creative with internal candidates.”

  “Like who?”

  “I’ve been thinking about moving Derek Beaman up a few spots in the rotation.”

  “Really? That’s not a bad idea. I think he can handle it.”

  “After the way he closed the game last night, I think he can too. I didn’t know how he’d deal with pressure, but he was fantastic. The kid impressed me.”

  “Make sure you tell him that.”

  “I’m sure he’s heard it from plenty of people.”

  “Well, he can’t hear it enough. Derek could use some reassurance.”

  Kate studied Reid for a moment.

  “What do you mean by that?” she asked him.

  “I’ve gotten to know him well,” he said. “He’s a talented pitcher and a good kid, but he’s definitely got some issues he’s dealing with. I think a few kind words from the big boss would go a long way.”

  Kate nodded. “OK, I’ll say something next time I see him.”

  “I think it’s great you want to move him up in the rotation,” Reid said. “He was once projected to be an ace. Maybe he can still get there.”

  “I’d love to see that happen, but I don’t think it’s possible,” she said.

  “Why not?”

  “Because I think his past will always be a barrier.”

  “It doesn’t have to be.”

  “Derek is lucky he’s still alive let alone playing baseball, but I think he blew any chance he had of becoming a top pitcher in the league. He’s a recovering addict, Reid. That’s bound to mess with his focus and long-term health.”

  “Or maybe it’ll be the motivation he needs to prove everyone wrong.”

  There was something in his voice that made her slow the treadmill down to a walk and turn to look at him. It wasn’t quite anger, but it was close.

  “There’s no need to get upset, Reid.”

  “Well, I am upset. Derek’s a good kid. He’s overcome a lot, and I think we’ve only seen a little bit of the strength and talent he has in him,” Reid said. “You better be ready to fight other clubs when he becomes a free agent because I think he’s going t
o draw a top dollar contract. And if you don’t gain some faith in him, he’ll leave. I’ll make sure of it.”

  For the first time, Reid was the one to walk away from their conversation. Before she could come up with a response to his rant, he had stopped the treadmill and was out of the workout room. Kate was stunned as the door closed behind him. She hadn’t heard that kind of indignation in Reid’s voice in a long time. Clearly she’d struck a chord with him. She was struck by his fierce devotion to one of the players. It was perplexing and endearing at the same time. As she finished her workout, she tried to make sense of the conversation and Reid’s actions. But after two more miles, she still didn’t have any answers. She gave up and went to shower and get ready to head to the ballpark.

  It was Reid’s turn to avoid Kate.

  He steered clear of her for the rest of the road trip, which took the Pioneers to Kansas City for a sweep after they claimed two of three in Chicago. The team’s morale was high, but Reid’s mood was not. His brain kept replaying Kate’s words from their fitness center conversation, and his irritation deepened with every passing repetition. He still couldn’t believe what she’d said.

  He’d gone into the hotel fitness center for a good workout, and he’d been glad to see Kate in there. He hadn’t seen her since their brief conversation in Minneapolis. Not surprisingly, she was guarded about her date. He still didn’t know what to think of that. But that wasn’t the part of the conversation that filled his mind. It was her comments about Derek and her lack of faith in him. The remarks bothered him enough that he quit after just a few miles and stormed out of the workout room. But not before letting Kate have an earful about how she would someday regret giving up on Derek. Even though he left in a hurry, he could tell Kate was surprised by his reaction to her comments. She’d been speechless as he stormed out. She didn’t know how close he’d gotten to the kid. On top of what Derek was doing on the field, Reid had seen him battle some personal issues and beat them. He believed in Derek.


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