The Stylist, His Dom, and Their Dancer [Hedon Falls 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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The Stylist, His Dom, and Their Dancer [Hedon Falls 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 1

by Michelle Graham

  Hedon Falls 4

  The Stylist, His Dom, and Their Dancer

  Stylist and salon owner Remy Alexander got a second chance at love when he found Seamus "Shay" O’Connell, but the more time he spends with his daughter’s dance teacher, Nicole, the more he wonders if there is room for another in his marriage.

  As a result of a troubled past, Shay needs order and control in everything, from his work as a chef, to the bedroom he shares with his submissive husband. Remy’s idea to have a ménage relationship upsets the delicate balance Shay has created for himself, but he can’t deny his desire for the sexy dance instructor.

  Nicole Collins is a good Catholic girl who pours all her energy into her work as a dance teacher. When she falls for Remy and Shay, they teach her about passion, submission, and love, but incur the wrath of her father. Can Nicole find a way to hang on to everyone she loves, or will one relationship cost her the other?

  Genre: BDSM, Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre

  Length: 42,526 words


  Hedon Falls 4

  Michelle Graham


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Amour


  Copyright © 2014 by Michelle Graham

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62741-223-0

  First E-book Publication: February 2014

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

  Letter to Readers

  Dear Readers,

  If you have purchased this copy of The Stylist, His Dom, and Their Dancer by Michelle Graham from or its official distributors, thank you. Also, thank you for not sharing your copy of this book.

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  This is Michelle Graham’s livelihood. It’s fair and simple. Please respect Ms. Graham’s right to earn a living from her work.

  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  To Megan, for your unwavering support, and for naming the heroine.

  Special acknowledgment to Anne for naming Nicole’s mother, and to Stacey for beta-reading. Thanks for your help!

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15


  About the Author


  Hedon Falls 4


  Copyright © 2014

  Chapter 1

  “One more time, from the top.”

  Nicole stood at the stereo and waited for Ainsley to get into position before starting the music up again. The lilting sounds of an accordion filled the room, the traditional Irish music so familiar Nicole could sing it in her sleep.

  As the starting point approached, Ainsley lifted up on her toes and began to dance. Her steps were featherlight, carrying her across the floor with speed and grace. As the little girl jumped up, seeming to hang in the air for a moment, Nicole felt her own heart leap with excitement. At last, she had found a student with that perfect combination of drive and natural talent, the qualities of a champion, and just what she needed to help her build a name for her studio.

  When Ainsley had finished her dance, Nicole stopped the music. “Great work, Ainsley. Watch the timing on the second step and make sure you keep your heels up all the time.”

  “Okay, Miss Nicole.” Ainsley retrieved her water bottle from the corner and took a long swig. “Hard shoes next?”

  “You bet. Go change and take a five-minute break while I talk to your dad and papa.”

  Nicole watched with a smile as the youngster skipped out of the studio and into the change room. She even dances instead of walking. Following her out the main door, Nicole headed into the waiting room where two gorgeous men sat. As she approached, they both looked up and her stomach did a quick somersault, followed immediately by an admonishment from her brain. The saying went that the good men were always gay or married, but in this case, they were both.

  The trouble was, she couldn’t help thinking about them.

  With beautifully styled short, chocolate-brown hair, and eyes to match, Remy Alexander was Ainsley’s biological father. Though he was gay, and married, and his flirting was over the top, Nicole couldn’t help feeling that there might be more to it than that. Not that she had much experience flirting with men. But Remy always left her blushing and warm in more places than just her face.

  Beside him, sporting a closely trimmed red beard and short red hair, was his husband, Seamus O’Connell, or Shay as he insisted on being called. His tall frame was broader than Remy’s, though his torso tapered to narrow hips that were usually encased in tight-fitting jeans. The kind of jeans that hugged his sexy butt, and highlighted his other…assets. Though she tried hard not to look, Nicole always found her eyes flicking down to look at his crotch. He’d caught her at it a few times, but had acted the gentleman and not me
ntioned it, for which Nicole was grateful.

  Remy stood as she neared them and when she reached his side at last, she could feel the heat from his body. She shivered when she thought about how nice it would be to be wrapped up in that warmth, especially if there weren’t an annoying cloth barrier between them.

  Giving her head a quick shake, Nicole tried to remember why she wanted to talk to them in the first place. Ainsley. Dancing. Right.

  “Hi, Remy.” She nodded her head at the other man. “Hi, Shay.”

  “How’s our girl?” Shay asked.

  Nicole grinned. “She’s doing great. I have a good feeling about the competition on Saturday. If she doesn’t place I’d be very surprised.”

  “That’s great news,” he replied. “She’s nervous, now that she’s moved up to Preliminary Championships.”

  “A few nerves are good, though. If she gets complacent, she won’t work as hard,” Nicole said.

  From the studio behind them, they could hear the rapid-fire staccato tapping of Ainsley’s hard shoes. Nicole excused herself and went back to her student, though she wished she could spend more time with Remy and Shay instead.

  * * * *

  “Please pass the carrots, Nicole.”

  She handed the bowl to her father as they sat around the dinner table later that evening with her family. They ate dinner together almost every night, something her father had always insisted on. At twenty-three, Nicole felt too old to be living at home, but it was a necessity while she established her studio. She simply couldn’t afford to live anywhere else.

  “So how many dancers do you have going to the feis tomorrow?” Ryan asked. Five years older than Nicole, and the eldest of the Collins children, Ryan had left for university in Toronto when he was eighteen. Though he visited regularly, and talked to his sister all the time on the phone or online, he had never moved back.

  “Six,” Nicole replied. “It’ll be Ainsley’s first competition at Prelim and I think she’s got a great shot. I’d like her to go to the Oireachtas in November.”

  “That’s the girl whose dads are f—”

  “Dad!” Nicole interrupted. “Don’t you dare use that word!”

  “Oh, boy,” muttered Nicole’s youngest brother Connor. “Here we go again.” He, his mother, and brother Riley became engrossed with their food, while Ryan set his fork down and took a large swig of beer.

  “It’s not natural, Nicole. You know I’m not comfortable with you being around them.”

  “They’re lovely people, and they just adore Ainsley.” Heat rose in her cheeks. Her father had very strong views about pretty much anyone who wasn’t a white heterosexual, and she hated listening to him.

  “Don’t defend them,” said her father as he jabbed a finger at her. “What they do is sinful and indecent.”

  “You being so close-minded is indecent,” she mumbled. The food on the plate before her lost its appeal. “I’m not hungry anymore.” Pushing her chair back, she stood to leave.

  “You’ll stay at this table until the rest of us are done, young lady,” her father said.

  Anger swelled within Nicole. “I’m not a kid anymore, Dad, and you can’t tell me what to do!” She stormed from the dining room and up the stairs. Though she could hear him bellowing her name from below, she ignored it and stomped into her bedroom, slamming the door behind her.

  She threw herself down on the bed and stared at the lace that edged the bedspread, running her fingers over it while in her head she seethed. As a child, she had worshipped her father, and done everything she could to please him. The only daughter in a brood of five, she knew she had been a bit spoiled. Her dance lessons alone cost thousands of dollars a year, and that didn’t include the cost of the shoes, dresses, wigs, and travel. Dance was her life, and her father had made that possible.

  But as she became older, Nicole started questioning some of her parents’, or rather, her father’s beliefs. Docile and soft-spoken, Nicole’s mother went along with everything her husband said and did, never voicing an original thought. Nicole swore that when she was married, she wouldn’t let her husband rule her that way. She gave a bitter laugh at the thought of being married. Even if her parents would have let her date, she never had the time, too busy dancing to pay much attention to boys, and too determined to keep her focus on her goals.

  Someone knocked on her bedroom door.

  “Go away!” The door opened anyway, and Nicole looked up to see her father standing there. “I said go away.”

  Ignoring her, Mr. Collins crossed the room and perched on the side of the bed. “I’m sorry, A leanbh.” Though Nicole could hardly be called a child anymore, the endearment made her smile. “I know how much it upsets you when I say things like that, but you have to remember, it’s what our faith teaches us.”

  Nicole sighed. “I know, Dad. I just wish sometimes you’d keep your opinions to yourself. And I’m sorry I yelled.”

  “Come down for dessert. Mom baked a cherry pie, and I know it’s your favorite.”

  “I’ll be down in a minute, Dad.”

  Mr. Collins leaned down and brushed a kiss across her forehead before leaving the room.

  Rolling to her back, Nicole closed her eyes, and thought about Remy and Shay. It was obvious to anyone with eyes that the two men loved each other, and in fact, seemed happier together than many heterosexual couples Nicole had seen. She just didn’t understand how loving someone could be sinful. They didn’t hurt anyone, and were nicer people than many of the people from church, the ones who spouted The Golden Rule for anyone who would listen, and then condemned others for their lifestyle choices. Love thy neighbor, indeed.

  * * * *

  The noise level in the arena was deafening. A cacophony of chatter, accordion music, and the clunking of hard shoes on plywood combined to make Nicole’s ears hurt. It didn’t help that she had a stomach so tight she hadn’t been able to eat at all that morning. Her head knew that Ainsley would do fine, but had failed to notify the rest of her body. At least the competitions for the younger dancers were early. They would know her results by noon.

  Beside her, Remy and Shay stood with their takeout coffee, watching the dancer on stage. When she had finished and left the stage, Ainsley took up her position as the music began. Nicole held her breath and jumped when she felt an arm around her shoulders. Looking up, she saw Remy beside her. He gave her a squeeze.

  “She’ll be great,” he said. “You need to relax.”

  But Nicole couldn’t relax, and every time a difficult move approached in the choreography, she tensed up, breathing a sigh when Ainsley executed the steps perfectly. When her dance finally ended and the little girl had bowed to the judges and the musician, Nicole’s excitement got the better of her. She hugged Remy tightly.

  “She was amazing!” Nicole laughed.

  “Told you she would be,” Remy said against her ear, his hot breath sending a shiver through Nicole’s body. He moved one hand down low on her back, pressing her closer to him. Her breath caught, and she tried to let go, but he prolonged the embrace by just a few seconds. It was long enough for the heat to rise in Nicole’s face.

  What was that? Remy flirted all the time, and they had hugged plenty of other times, after every one of Ainsley’s victories. But this time, Nicole felt desire flare. When she looked up in his eyes, she swore she saw it, too. Their gazes locked and the chaos of the competition faded, as though they were the only two in the room.

  The mood was shattered when Ainsley threw her arms around Nicole’s waist.

  “Miss Nicole! Did you see?”

  Nicole gave her a shaky smile. “You were terrific, sweetie.”

  The little girl proceeded to hug her father and Nicole watched them, a smile tugging the corners of her mouth. Remy was a fabulous dad. She knew he was Ainsley’s biological father, and for some reason thought he’d been married to a woman, but she didn’t know what had happened to her. Tearing her gaze away, she glanced up to see Shay looking at her with n
arrowed eyes. Her mouth went dry, and she couldn’t look away. Had Shay noticed the way Remy hugged her? He must have. She’d never known him to look so…malevolent. Ainsley distracted Shay with a hug and Nicole sighed with relief.

  Chapter 2

  What the fuck? Shay watched Remy hug Nicole after Ainsley finished her dance. He held on tight, one hand wandering low on her back. Remy leaned close to her ear and Nicole turned a deep shade of red, and when they broke apart, the heated look they gave each other could be felt across the room.

  Shay knew he was prone to jealousy, but he hadn’t felt it spike like this since before he and Remy were married. Could something be going on between Remy and Nicole? He flirted with her all the time, but Shay had never thought anything of it. Remy flirted with lots of women, especially at the salon. Conflicting emotions warred within Shay. He doubted that Remy had been unfaithful, but he couldn’t deny the chemistry between him and the petite dancer. Physically, Nicole was beautiful, with the stereotypical red curls and green eyes associated with the Irish, and a trim, petite figure. He’d heard some of the wishful remarks made by the other dancers’ mothers who envied her body. If he was totally honest, he felt the attraction as well, but had never really thought much about it. No more than he would if he saw a handsome man.

  He kept watching Nicole, searching for a sign that she would be a threat. She must have sensed him looking, because she tilted her head up and met his eyes. A bit of the blush drained away and she swallowed. The sight of the muscles contracting in her slender neck made his cock perk up with interest and he tried not to imagine what she might be able to do with her throat.


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