The Stylist, His Dom, and Their Dancer [Hedon Falls 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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The Stylist, His Dom, and Their Dancer [Hedon Falls 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 2

by Michelle Graham

  A small figure in a glittery dress and a gigantic curly haired wig crashed into him and he looked down to see Ainsley with her arms around his waist.

  “Papa! Did you see me dance? What did you think?”

  He smiled and swung her up off her feet, planting a big kiss on her cheek. “You were the best one up there.”

  “You’d say that even if I sucked.”

  They both laughed and from the corner of his eye, he saw Remy take Nicole’s arm and pull her closer to them all. “So what happens now?” he asked her.

  Nicole shot a glance at Shay before replying. “They have to tabulate all the marks, and when they’ve got their list of people who placed, they’ll have an awards ceremony at the far end of the arena where the trophies are.”

  “Can I take my dress off now?” Ainsley asked. “It’s hot.”

  “No problem. But leave your wig on because you’ll need to be in full dress for the ceremony.”

  Shay set Ainsley down and watched as Nicole helped her out of the dress, leaving her standing there in a tank top and exercise shorts. It amazed him how the girls stripped off the dresses when they finished dancing and walked around in what was essentially their underwear. The first time they’d gone to a competition, he’d been shocked, but now it didn’t faze him as much. Gathering Ainsley’s things, they made their way through the arena to the awards area.

  Vendors selling a variety of Irish items and dancing gear lined one side and Ainsley bounded over to one, begging Remy for money to get something. Shay smiled as Remy pulled out his wallet and handed her a twenty dollar bill. It was hard for him to deny his daughter anything. For now, Ainsley didn’t act spoiled, but Shay feared what might happen when she became a teenager. She already had some of the attitude. Shay noticed Nicole looking at a shoe display, and when she bent over to examine something on a lower shelf, his eyes were drawn to her shapely ass. Her tight yoga pants clung to her, without a trace of a panty line. She either wore a thong, or no underwear at all, and his cock twitched again.

  He tried to look away, but found himself sneaking glances at her as the morning dragged on. So when they announced that the awards ceremony for Ainsley’s age group would begin in ten minutes, relief washed over him. Nicole helped the girl dress, and then sent her to join the other dancers in the group and retreated to stand between him and Remy. As they began to read names, Shay noticed with amusement that Nicole bounced on her toes the entire time, leaning forward, and snapping her fingers at her side. Remy seized a hand.

  “That snapping is driving me crazy!”

  “Sorry,” she replied. “I’m just anxious.”

  “I know.” But Shay noticed with dismay that Remy didn’t let go of her hand.

  The nervous energy pouring off Nicole grew as they got closer to the top of the list. They announced the third place winner, and then the second. Ainsley’s name had not been called. Maybe she didn’t place at all. He knew how disappointed his daughter would be, and began to take mental inventory of the kitchen to figure out if they would need to pick up any ingredients so he could make Ainsley’s favorite dessert.

  “And the first place winner is Ainsley Alexander!”

  Shay looked up in shock to see his daughter, grinning widely, hop up onto the top spot on the podium where they draped a sash over her shoulder and placed a trophy in her hands. Beside him, Nicole squealed in Remy’s arms. Shay’s mood darkened again.

  * * * *

  After tucking Ainsley into bed that night, Shay made his way to the bedroom to have a chat with his husband. Ainsley’s win had surprised them all, and to celebrate, Shay took them all out for dinner. Remy and Nicole had been cozy with each other the entire time and as the evening wore on, Shay’s anger grew. Ainsley had fallen asleep in the car on the long drive home, and Shay had offered to take her up to bed.

  “You,” he said to Remy. “Wait for me in the bedroom.”

  “Yes, Sir!” Remy replied with a grin.

  Now as Shay entered the room, he found Remy kneeling, naked, in the middle of the floor near the end of the bed. A jolt of desire shot through him. Remy was well trained, a perfect sub. But before they could play, Shay needed to clear the air.

  “Sit in the chair,” he said, indicating a pair of armchairs in the corner of the room.

  “Yes, Sir,” Remy said. As he got to his feet, Shay stared at his husband’s cock, and felt his own begin to harden. God, he loved that man.

  Taking the chair beside Remy, Shay looked down at his hands for a minute while he decided how to proceed. At last he settled for bluntness.

  “Is there something going on between you and Nicole?”

  Remy’s look of shock was genuine. A sick feeling settled in Shay’s stomach. He’d been wrong to suspect them.

  “Nicole is a friend,” Remy said. “And nothing more. What brought this on?”

  Rubbing his jaw, Shay debated what to say next. “You two just seemed extra friendly today. Hugs lasted longer, and all the hand-holding and little touches…It reminded me of how you acted with me before we started dating.”

  Shay’s heart sank when Remy looked down, his face flushed. There was something to what he’d seen today.

  “Shay, I won’t lie to you. There isn’t anything going on with us, but the more I get to know her, the more attracted I am to her.” He peeked up through his lashes before continuing. “I love you with all my heart. You know that. But sometimes I miss the feel of a woman. I haven’t been with one in a long time. Not since Julia…” Remy’s voice trailed off and Shay realized that he’d begun to cry.

  I am such an ass. He reached out to stroke Remy’s cheek. Every once in a while, the memory of his wife got to him, and the grief surfaced again, even after six years. Shay pulled Remy into his arms and held him until the tears stopped. He pressed his lips gently to Remy’s, and they kissed, the contact gentle and sweet, but as it continued, Shay’s cock hardened, and he thrust his tongue into Remy’s mouth, the rough stroking igniting flames of passion within them both. When they broke apart, gasping, Shay said, “You know that I need to punish you for getting me all concerned.”

  Remy’s eyes gleamed. “Yes, Sir.”

  * * * *

  Remy flipped idly through a magazine while tapping his toe in time to the energetic music coming from the other room, the walls doing little to dampen the sound. He found an article on the latest Kardashian family scandal and began reading. As much as he hated buying into the media fervor surrounding the family, he couldn’t seem to keep himself from the tabloids. He blamed it on having to keep up with the latest trends. Halfway through the article, he heard the studio door open and looked up. A harried-looking mother and her teenage daughter walked through the door. The teenager stomped off to the change room while the mother collapsed in a chair.

  “Hi, Remy,” the woman said. “Private lesson today?”

  Remy nodded. “You, too?”

  “Yes. Though I practically had to drag her here.” She sighed. “Teenagers can be so lazy! She says she wants to be champ, but she doesn’t want to do the practice.”

  “I’m not really looking forward to Ainsley’s teenage years,” Remy said. “I’m glad we have a few years to wait yet.”

  “Enjoy it while you can,” the woman said, and they both laughed.

  The music in the studio stopped abruptly and a moment later the door opened. Ainsley stepped out into the waiting area with a broad smile.

  “Daddy!” she called and ran over to Remy. He caught her in his arms and gave her a tight squeeze. “Miss Nicole says I’m doing great!”

  “That’s awesome, pumpkin! Go get changed while I have a word with Miss Nicole okay?” He watched as his daughter skipped over to the change room where the older girl was just emerging. The teenager looked at Ainsley and Remy saw a slight smile tug up the corner of her mouth before she turned and disappeared into the studio. His little girl had that effect on people. Like her mother.

  In college, Remy had met Julia, a pretty, v
ivacious woman, whose cheerful attitude and quick smile put everyone around her into a good mood. They just couldn’t help themselves. Though he’d still been experimenting with his sexuality, he and Julia became friends. During their final year, a late night study date with a bottle of wine led to romance, and they married shortly after graduation. Ainsley had arrived two years later.

  It had been shortly after his daughter’s birth that his wife developed a tumor in her breast. Through four years of treatments and remissions, Julia’s spirits had remained positive, even at the very end, when her body couldn’t fight the disease any longer.

  Ainsley was the spitting image of her mother, and because he had her, he would always have the woman he loved nearby. With a smile, Remy followed the girl to the studio door, and peered inside. At the far end of the mirrored room Nicole fiddled with the stereo, switching tracks until she heard the one she wanted. When the lilting fiddle music filled the room, she went to the teen and spoke to her for a moment before turning and heading in Remy’s direction.

  Remy watched her walk towards him, trim hips swaying, perky breasts bouncing ever so slightly and making him think that if he weren’t a married man, he might be tempted. Hell, he was tempted. He hadn’t been with a woman in years and his attraction to Nicole grew stronger all the time. He had gotten carried away with her the previous weekend at the competition, and the guilt gnawed at him. When Shay had asked if they were involved with each other, Remy had been shocked to know he’d been acting on the attraction. Without realizing it, his flirting had gone overboard, and he vowed that he would try to keep their relationship professional. With a bit of difficulty, he lifted his gaze to focus on Nicole’s face, lit up by her smile.

  “Hi, Remy,” she said. She placed a hand on his arm, her touch sending a light tingle through his body, and drew him into the office on the side, closing the door behind them.

  “So Nicole, how’s my girl doing?” Remy asked.

  “She has so much talent, and the drive she needs to go far,” Nicole replied. “I’d hate to get your hopes up, but I really think she’ll do well at the Oireachtas in November. If she continues to have such strong results for the remainder of the competition season, it will be great.”

  Though he would never say it out loud, Remy would put money on the little girl to win at the Canadian Irish Dance Championships. “We just want her to love what she does,” he said. “And so far, thanks to you, she’s happy as a clam.”

  He enjoyed the light pink color that tinged Nicole’s cheeks, and the way her long lashes lay against her cheek when she lowered her eyes at the compliment. “You’re going to give me a big head, Remy.”

  He chuckled. She makes it too easy. “I’d rather you gave me a big head.”

  Her peals of laughter echoed through the tiny room, and Remy laughed along with her, caught up in the infectious sound. Being able to make such outrageous comments without getting a slap or worse, was one of the advantages to being gay. And when Nicole opened the door like that, even though Remy was certain she didn’t intend to, he couldn’t resist flirting.

  “What’s so funny?” Ainsley asked when they went back into the waiting area.

  “I told Miss Nicole that Granny bought you a frog costume for the feis next weekend.”

  “Seriously, Dad? As if I could wear that to the competition.”

  He raised his eyebrows in feigned surprise. “No? But you leap around like a frog.”

  Remy nearly burst out laughing again at the way Ainsley crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. “Don’t be silly. I’m a dancer, not a frog.”

  Out of the corner of his eye he saw Nicole bite her lip and turn her head away, her shoulders shaking in silent laughter. Ainsley’s teenage attitude was funny coming from her tiny, ten-year-old body. “Well, I guess I’ve been told,” he said. “Should we go home to Papa?”

  “You promised me ice cream,” she said.

  “Should we go get ice cream and take some home to Papa?” Remy amended his suggestion and earned a heart-melting smile from her. Looking back at Nicole he said, “We’ll see you on Tuesday!”

  The pretty dance teacher smiled at him and waved. He would have liked to stay longer, and flirt some more, maybe get her to laugh again, but Remy knew his daughter’s patience would run out quickly. So he returned the wave, said good-bye to the mother in the waiting room, and they left the studio.

  * * * *

  “So Nicole really thinks Ainsley will do well at the championships?” Shay asked as he pulled his shirt off over his head. Remy admired the view of his husband’s trim body and hard abs, beginning to feel a little hard himself.

  “Yes.” Remy stripped off his own clothes and then slid between the cool sheets of their king-size bed.

  Shay slipped off his pants and boxers, and deposited his clothes carefully into the laundry basket, taking Remy’s pant leg from where it hung over the edge and putting it all the way into the hamper. Remy couldn’t take his eyes away as Shay moved around the room, tidying up the few items of clutter, his naked body like a sculpture in motion. When he came to the bed and lifted the sheets to climb in, his eyes dropped to Remy’s cock, now standing fully erect, and he laughed.

  “Did you see something you like?” Shay asked as he crawled into bed beside Remy.

  “Your gorgeous ass.” Shay pulled Remy close, their lips pressing together. He loved the feel of Shay’s light stubble as their mouths slid against one another, and he moaned when his lover parted his lips and swept his tongue within. Remy could feel Shay’s erection pushing into his thigh and reached down to stroke the velvety shaft which was already dripping a tiny amount of pre-cum.

  Shay grabbed Remy’s wrist. “Did I tell you to touch my cock?”

  A thrill shot through Remy’s body at the low cadence to his lover’s voice that told him there would be consequences for the unrequested advance, and he released the cock in question. “No, Sir, you didn’t.”

  Pulling Remy’s hands away and pinning them above his head, Shay leaned in close and said, “Then you need to be punished.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Remy’s voice was breathless and he trembled as Shay released him, and then sat on the side of the bed.

  Remy lay across his husband’s knees, his cock painfully hard and pressing into the side of Shay’s leg. When Shay brought his hand down, the slap echoed through the room along with Remy’s loud cry. The sting of the impact faded to a burning warmth, but Remy barely had time to savor the sensation before Shay spanked him again, and again, heightening the pleasure for both of them.

  “Foot of the bed,” Shay ordered. After five years together, Remy knew exactly what was required of him. He moved to the end of the bed, bent over with his legs spread wide, and grasped the footboard. Shay knelt on the bed in front of Remy and began running the head of his cock over Remy’s lips. Remy was desperate to taste the sweet rod, but he knew if he tried, he’d earn another spanking, or possibly a taste of the flogger. Though the idea certainly had some appeal, Remy didn’t want to postpone the sex any more than necessary.

  Shay teased for a few more moments, but Remy could sense that he was just as anxious to get to the main event, a feeling that was confirmed when he said, “Suck my cock.”

  A contented sigh escaped as Remy opened his mouth to accept the hot flesh. The taste of pre-cum was tangy on his tongue, and he licked it all off the tip, then sealed his lips around the head. Remy lowered his head further on the silky skin, slowly taking all of the impressive length into his mouth, relaxing his throat easily. Shay had made sure he had lots of practice. Sucking hard, Remy began to bob his head up and down, spurred on by the other man’s groans, enjoying the knowledge that he could bring such pleasure to the man he loved. Remy would do anything to keep him happy.

  As Shay began to leak more pre-cum, Remy sucked harder, knowing an orgasm was close, and longing to taste the hot fluid. But Shay pulled away from him and Remy groaned with frustration.

  “Don’t worry, lover,” Shay murmure
d as he stroked the top of Remy’s head. “I’m not done with you yet.”

  Remy turned his head up and they kissed again, before Shay got up off the bed. He opened the night stand and withdrew a bottle of lube and a package of wipes. Remy gasped as Shay dripped the cool lube onto his ass, and then began to massage it into the tight pucker of Remy’s asshole. Closing his eyes, Remy enjoyed the attention he received, relaxing to allow Shay to insert a long finger. The slow, loving strokes left him trembling. Shay added a second finger, and then a third.

  “Oh God, Shay!” he exclaimed. “Please! I need you inside me.”

  Shay slapped Remy’s already sensitive ass. “I’ll fuck you when I’m ready and not before. Understood?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Crazy with longing, Remy tried to contain himself, as Shay continued to finger his ass. Probably longer than he would have if Remy hadn’t spoken up. Sadistic bastard. But Remy knew that in the end, it would be worth the wait. At last, Shay withdrew his fingers, leaving Remy feeling empty until the fingers were replaced by a rock-hard dick, which pushed easily into him. When Shay had seated himself balls deep, he gave Remy’s ass a quick slap before he began to thrust, the strokes slow and intense. Remy pushed back in an attempt to increase the speed, even though he knew that Shay would move faster only when he was ready.

  Remy didn’t have to wait long.

  Shay slammed into him over and over, forcing a grunt from Remy with every thrust, their flesh slapping together loudly. Remy knew his lover was close when he bent forward and took Remy’s cock in his hand. Stroking in time to his thrusts, Shay brought Remy off as he shot his own load deep into Remy’s ass.

  They kept their bodies joined for a few moments, until Shay softened and slipped out. Remy didn’t move, waiting for the routine cleanup that Shay insisted on. Just another one of his Dom’s quirks, but Remy loved it. He sighed when Shay pressed the cool wipe against his ass, gently cleaning him. He used another to clean up Remy’s cock, and another to wipe the cum that had shot onto the footboard and floor. Another slap on his ass signalled Remy that the cleanup was finished.


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