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The Stylist, His Dom, and Their Dancer [Hedon Falls 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 4

by Michelle Graham

  “Yes, Sir. Sorry, Sir.”

  “Oh, I have a solution. Open that big mouth of yours.”

  Remy did as he was told and Shay popped a ball gag between his teeth, securing the strap around Remy’s head. If Remy could have smiled, he would have. Instead, he began to drool, just before he felt the thwack of the paddle on his ass and he grunted.

  The repeated impact of the paddle burned and brought tears to Remy’s eyes, even as his dick hardened. But he trusted Shay not to exceed his limit and he lost himself to the sensation. A delightful buzz began in his head and the entire surface of his skin became one huge, tingling nerve. When Shay set the paddle down and began to caress Remy’s ass and balls, he nearly blew his load at the soft touches.

  “Stand up.” Shay’s commanding tone sent a thrill pulsing straight to Remy’s cock.

  He stood and allowed Shay to turn him. He then removed the gag and wiped Remy’s face with a cool cloth.

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  Shay gripped Remy’s wrists in his hand, and then leaned in to brush Remy’s lips with his own.

  “I love you,” Shay said, his voice catching.

  “I love you, too, Sir,” Remy whispered.

  Their lips met again and Remy moaned as Shay thrust his tongue between Remy’s lips and their cocks brushed against each other. A shudder of pleasure shook Remy’s body as he tried to contain his orgasm.

  Shay pulled away and led Remy into the bathroom where he turned on the shower. Remy’s heart raced even faster. Shower sex meant he got to fuck his husband’s gorgeous ass, something that didn’t happen nearly as often as Remy would like. When they stepped under the water, Shay embraced him, mouths pressing together, tongues tangling.

  Remy slid his hands down Shay’s body and cupped his ass, squeezing gently, knowing that in this setting, he had permission to be more aggressive. Shay turned and pressed his hands to the wall, bending slightly at the waist so his ass thrust out. Remy grabbed the waterproof lube they kept in the shower for occasions like this and quickly slicked up his cock with one hand. With his other hand, he slid a finger into Shay’s asshole and the other man’s groan brought a smile to Remy’s face. He stroked Shay, adding a second and then a third finger. The moans Shay made wreaked havoc with Remy’s control and he couldn’t wait any longer. He withdrew his fingers and replaced them with his cock, groaning as he slid into Shay’s tight ass. He tried to savor the feeling by moving slowly, treasuring every stroke, but Shay had other ideas.

  “Fuck me hard,” he ground out, pushing back against Remy.

  “Yes, Sir.” Remy began to slam his cock into Shay fast and hard, their wet flesh slapping together until Remy couldn’t hold it in. With a groan and a shudder, he exploded, shooting his cum deep inside Shay. He withdrew and dropped to his knees, water running down his face and into his open mouth. Shay turned and thrust his cock between Remy’s waiting lips, and Remy took the entire length of him down his throat. He sucked hard, longing to taste Shay’s cum. A moment later he got his reward when Shay blasted ropes of semen against the back of Remy’s tongue and throat. When Remy had licked up the last drops, he stood. His heart swelled at the satisfied look on Shay’s face. Knowing that he could please his Dom so completely brought Remy tremendous pleasure. When Shay kissed him this time, Remy felt all the emotions Shay couldn’t put into words pouring out through the movement of their lips.

  They finished washing up and then crawled into bed, Shay taking his usual position behind Remy.

  “She smells good,” Shay said.

  “I know. Feels good to hold her close, doesn’t it?”

  “Yes,” Shay said softly.

  “She seemed like she might be submissive. There were no objections when you cornered her in the hall.”


  “Thank you for trying.” Remy knew it would be difficult for Shay to open up with Nicole, but the display tonight had been promising.

  “You’re welcome.”

  Remy snuggled closer and as he drifted, he thought that maybe Nicole would be the one to help Shay finally exorcise the demons of his past.

  Chapter 5

  The following Saturday, Nicole drove out to Stevensburg to see Father Tim at the church there. After mulling over her problem for most of the week, and not seeing any solutions, she decided that confession might help her clear her mind.

  Barely out of his twenties, Father Tim had a better understanding of young people and the issues often facing them. His patience, kindness, and nonjudgmental attitude made him popular with many of the younger parishioners in Stevensburg and the surrounding areas. Nicole had first met him two years earlier during Lent when extra priests were brought in to hear the confessions. He immediately put her at ease and since then, she’d made regular trips to him.

  She waited in the car until the hour assigned for confession had nearly ended before heading into the church. That way no one would be waiting after her, and Father Tim could take the time to really talk to her. She needed it.

  Soft music played over the speakers, a meditative composition which calmed Nicole down. It was something else Father Tim liked to do when hearing confession. Making her way to the room at the back of the church, she peeked in the window and saw that the young priest sat by himself, reading a book. He looked up when Nicole pulled open the door, and smiled warmly.

  “Nicole! It’s good to see you.”

  “Thanks, Father. It’s good to see you, too. What are you reading?”

  He held up the book so she could see the cover. The Da Vinci Code. Nicole burst out laughing. “Aren’t you going to get in trouble for reading that?”

  “Nah. Besides, I love Dan Brown’s work. Controversial or not, he writes a good story.” Tucking the book into a satchel at his side, he gestured to the chair opposite him. “Have a seat.”

  “I need some help working through a problem.”

  “Then let’s talk.”

  Sitting down, Nicole crossed herself and began. “Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. It has been two weeks since my last confession.”

  She stopped. Now that she was here, she didn’t know how to proceed. Father Tim sat patiently, not prodding her, or glancing at his watch, and she liked that about him. “I’ve been having lustful thoughts,” she said at last.

  “That’s very natural for a woman your age,” Father Tim said. “Why do you feel these thoughts have moved beyond simple attraction and into sinful territory?”

  Nicole took a deep breath before launching into her explanation. “I’m attracted to two men. But they’re married. To each other.”

  Father Tim’s eyebrows lifted slightly. “I guess that might be cause for concern.”

  “I just don’t know what to do! One of them is always flirting with me, but it’s been harmless, until recently. He holds me longer when he hugs me, and the tone of his voice is different now when we get close. But then last week, the other man hugged me, which he’s never, ever done before, and the way his breath felt on my neck had me all shaky, and aroused. Plus they were in the studio that day, and I can’t be sure, but I think they were watching me dance, and when I looked over at them, they were kissing. And I thought that was kind of hot actually. And then when they turned around, they both had…erections. And I’m just so confused about everything!” After racing through her speech, Nicole took a deep breath.

  “That’s a lot to take in,” Father Tim said. “What I’m hearing is that you feel as though something has changed in your relationship with these men, and it feels like there might be a mutual attraction building.”

  “Yes, that’s it exactly!”

  He studied his hands for a moment before he continued. “Clearly, I’m not an expert on relationships. But let’s say for a moment that this had happened with one man, who didn’t already happen to be married to anyone. Would you still feel sinful?”


  “In that scenario, at what point would you feel you’d committed a sin?”

le thought about it and her face began to heat up. “I suppose if we were to have sex before getting married.”

  “Okay. Now getting back to these other men. You haven’t actually done anything except hug them, and flirt a bit, right?”

  “That’s right.”

  “But it bothers you because they’re married. And gay. Or possibly bisexual.”


  “Are you worried that it will lead to more?”

  “Yes.” Nicole’s face grew even warmer.

  “And do you want more?”

  “Yes.” Her voice was barely a whisper.

  They sat in silence, and she waited for his response. “First off, let me say that their being gay or bi has nothing to do with you. The Church would say that’s their sin. Second, I think maybe you may just need to have a conversation with these men about where they think this is going. Just having lustful thoughts is much more minor than acting on them. The fact that they’re married might be cause for concern, but it seems that ménage relationships are becoming more common over there in Hedon Falls. I don’t think it would be considered cheating if both spouses agreed on it. Of course, in the eyes of the Church, a marriage will always be between one man and one woman.”

  Father Tim’s brown eyes held kindness and understanding, but something else that Nicole couldn’t identify. He kept talking about what the Church would say, but when he phrased it like that, it sounded as though he might disagree. Interesting. After her absolution and blessing, he gave her a small penance and sent her on her way.

  On the drive back home, she thought about Father Tim’s suggestion that she talk to Shay and Remy and snorted. No way would she mention her feelings to them. If she was off base, it would be humiliating and she’d never be able to face them again. No, it would be best for everyone if they kept things strictly business.

  * * * *

  Despite her vow to keep her relationship with Ainsley’s fathers professional, Nicole had difficulty, and when they invited her to come for Sunday dinner the following week, she hadn’t been able to refuse. Now she sat beside Ainsley in Shay’s kitchen on one of the stools at the center island, watching as the chef prepared dinner. She enjoyed being near them, but part of her also enjoyed pissing her father off.

  When she’d told him she was coming here for dinner, he’d gone off on a rant.

  “Why do you have such an issue with that?” Nicole had asked.

  “Because you are condoning sinful behavior.”

  “By being friendly? Yeah, right.”

  In the end, she’d left her dad muttering into his soup and hurried to Ainsley’s house. Remy had greeted her with a warm hug and a kiss on the cheek that sent ripples of desire through her. There’d been no more hugs from Shay, but he smiled at her a lot more now than he used to.

  As she sat now watching him chop vegetables, his speed and skill amazed her. “What made you decide to be a chef?” she asked as she snagged a piece of green pepper from the pile he hadn’t cut yet.

  “No snitching, or I’ll spank you.”

  Nicole’s mouth went dry, the pepper frozen in midair. It sounded like a joke, but yet, she sensed more behind the words.

  “He always says that to me, too,” Ainsley said from Nicole’s side as she also grabbed a piece of pepper and then ran, giggling, from the room. The loving look Shay cast after her made Nicole suspect that he would never carry through on the threat to his daughter. But when his eyes swung back to her, a dangerous glint shone from them, and Nicole set the pepper back down in front of her.

  Shay smirked and returned his attention to the vegetables. “My parents own the pub on Main Street and I started working as a line cook in the kitchen there when I was fourteen. I loved watching the chef and he started to show me things. I would practice at home and Mom loved it because she didn’t have to cook as often, so she encouraged me.”

  “That’s great.” Nicole eyed the pepper in front of her. She wanted to eat it, but still hadn’t decided how serious Shay’s threat had been.

  “I liked being able to explore tastes and flavors. To experiment. Like trying red peppers instead of green in a recipe, or adding a different spice.”

  “All peppers taste the same, don’t they?” She looked between the green pepper still lying on the counter before her, and the pile of red pepper sticks beside Shay. She had never stopped to think that they would have a different flavor.

  Shay set down the knife and glared at her. “Absolutely not,” he said. “They each have their own distinct characteristics. I’ll show you.”

  He tossed another green pepper and a couple of sticks of red in front of Nicole. Then he came around the island to where she sat, pausing at the pantry to grab a linen napkin. He rolled it up and stood behind her.

  “I’m going to blindfold you. Is that okay?”

  A thrill shot through her and she glanced back over her shoulder. His gaze bore into her and she got the sense he was testing her. She licked her lips before replying. “I trust you.”

  “Close your eyes.”

  Nicole did as he asked, and the soft fabric pressed against her face over her eyes. He tied it at the back of her head.

  “Can you see? Is it too tight?”

  “No and no.”

  “Okay, I’m turning you around.”

  He placed a hand on her shoulders and gently turned the swiveling stool around. Heat flared out from the spots where he touched her and she shivered. He nudged her knees slightly apart and moved closer. She could feel his arm brush hers as he reached behind her.

  “Open your mouth.” The husky rasp in his voice made Nicole tingle and she obediently parted her lips. He placed a piece of pepper into her mouth. “Eat it slowly and concentrate on the taste.”

  The cool, sweet flavor of the pepper flooded her taste buds as she crunched it between her teeth. Being blind, and not knowing which pepper she had, forced her to focus on the taste alone. When she finished chewing and swallowed, Shay cleared his throat before speaking again.

  “Open up again.”

  This time the pepper tasted sweeter and not as crisp. It shocked her to discover that they really did have different flavors.

  “The first one you had was green, and the second was red. Take a sip of water, and then I’ll give you one and you have to tell me which it is.”

  He cradled the back of her head in his hands and touched a glass to her lips. She parted them and let him pour a small amount of the water into her mouth. After swallowing, she opened up and waited for him to give her the next vegetable. She felt his hand shift so that his fingers trailed down the side of her neck and then across her collarbone. His touch made her shiver, and he pressed closer between her legs, which she opened further to allow it, her stomach fluttering like crazy. At last she felt the cool touch of the pepper against her lips and she sucked it into her mouth, distracted by the heat of his body.

  “Green,” she whispered after she finished the small morsel.

  He had moved his hands down to rest on her thighs, and her breathing sped up as a powerful wave of desire flooded through her. “Nicole.” His breath against her ear brought another shiver, and she lifted her hands to his arms without thinking, desperate to pull him closer to her. He trapped her wrists in a viselike grip and wrenched them away from him before vanishing, leaving her sitting in silence.

  “Shay?” she whispered. When there was no response, she reached up to tug the napkin away from her face and found herself alone in the kitchen.

  Chapter 6

  After the awkward incident in the kitchen, Nicole knew she needed to maintain her distance, but found it increasingly difficult to do so. In addition to Ainsley’s three classes a week, they’d requested private lessons every Sunday, and there was a competition every other weekend. Hardly a day passed without seeing one of them. Her dreams had become more frequent, and more detailed, leaving her to wake up frustrated and aroused.

  More often than not, Remy accompanied his daughter to lessons an
d Nicole only saw Shay at competitions. He seemed determined to avoid her though, and barely said a word to her when they were forced to interact. And he continued to glower at her when Remy hugged her, which he did far more often now than he used to. Nicole’s confusion only grew. By now, she was reasonably certain they were both attracted to her, but she had no idea what she’d done that day to make Shay so distant.

  Their trip to Montreal for the Eastern Canadian Irish Dance Championships came up faster than Nicole thought possible. Ainsley would be the only representative from her school this year, and she had high hopes. The young dancer had consistently placed in the top five at the competitions leading up to the championships, though she had yet to get another first place finish required to move to the highest level of competition.

  Remy and Shay had surprised her by paying for her train ticket so she wouldn’t have to drive by herself. She sat next to Ainsley, watching the scenery flash past the window and listening to the girl’s constant stream of chatter. An hour into the trip though, Remy moved up to sit beside her and sent Ainsley to sit with Shay, across from Remy’s parents who were accompanying them. When he sat beside Nicole, her body hummed with awareness, especially when he slipped his arm around her shoulders.

  “Relax,” he said. “I could feel your tension from the other end of the car.”

  After a moment’s hesitation, she gave in and let her head rest on his shoulder. “Why does he hate me?” she asked, surprising them both. Of all the things she could have said, that was the last thing she thought would come out of her mouth.

  “Nicole, we both have some very strong feelings for you, and hate is not one of them,” Remy said softly, stroking her arm. Her breath caught. “Please, don’t worry about it. Everything will be fine.”

  She nodded, and tried to clear her mind by reciting multiplication tables in her head. It wasn’t long before she fell asleep against him, dreaming of nothing as the train hurtled toward their destination.

  * * * *


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