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The Atlantis Keystone

Page 21

by Caroline Väljemark

  Erik had changed his mind about burying her by the rune stone after their surprising find there. They had finally settled on a burial in the local graveyard nearby Torpa where Anna’s grave had been placed next to the resting place of Erik’s grandmother. He wasn’t sure whether Anna would have liked this but had been unable to protest. Refusing that spot would have been insensitive to his mother and would have raised some eyebrows.

  Walking up to the coffin to say his last farewell to his wife, Erik had given up on his umbrella. He was crying silent tears which were disguised by the rain. He put a rose on top of the coffin and whispered ‘I love you’. He could feel her presence there, or at least he thought he could. He thought he heard the sound of her voice whispering back a short ‘Goodbye’ but he suspected it was all in his mind. She was gone. She would never come back. He didn’t want to leave the coffin but his mother came over and put her arm around him, leading him away. He wasn’t sure whether she had done this to show her affection for her son or to ensure that the ceremony came to an end. Either way he was surprised. She had never been one to show any feelings or warmth towards anyone, especially not him. In any event, he didn’t want her support or sincerity. He broke loose from her light grip by pretending to reach for his handkerchief.

  “It’s time to say goodbye,” the priest said as everyone, one by one, paid their last respects. When the ceremony was over Erik spent some time alone by the grave, contemplating everything that had happened. He didn’t want to join the informal gathering in the Torpa hall just yet. The rain had eased, suddenly turning to snow. Large white flakes were falling slowly. He felt close to Anna in a spiritual sense, standing next to her coffin. The discovery of her remains had been unexpected and strange but at least it meant that he had somewhere to go when he wanted to remember her and it confirmed once and for all that she was dead. This had been a contentious point though. Despite advice against it, when the body had arrived, he had wanted to identify it to make sure that there was no mistake; that it really was her. He had been shocked by the bad state of her remains. There was nothing to suggest that the corpse really was Anna. Having been shown evidence in the form of DNA tests and dental records he had been forced to accept it but it had not been clear cut in his view.

  There had been no development on the ‘dead woman found in chest’ situation. Britt-Marie had failed to get back to them after their visit and although the police had been over to interview them, they had come with no news at all over and above what they already knew. He suspected that the police investigation had revealed more than they were letting on but he wasn’t surprised that they had no intention to share their findings with him or any other member of the Torpa family until they had gathered more evidence. Erik had not been able to sleep properly, plagued by nightmares involving his grandmother in a ghostly form. All in all, he didn’t feel well. Even Emma’s presence had not been able to cheer him up over the last couple of days. Someone in his family or in the staff of the Torpa estate had committed a horrible crime all those years ago but he was no closer to finding out who or why. He didn’t even know who the victim was, even though they had her remains and possibly even her name and picture, assuming they were right about the dancer. Her name meant nothing to him. Anne-Lise Andersen. He had no idea who she was or how she had died.

  “Are you coming?” Erik jumped. It was Emma, wondering where he was hiding and why he had not joined the feast of coffee, homemade cake and cookies. He looked over at her. She looked her normal self in spite of the cold, rain and snow, although he could see she was uncomfortable, not wanting to disturb him in his solitary contemplations in front of his wife’s grave. As if she had been able to read his mind, she added: “Britt-Marie asked me to go and get you. She was worried about you.”

  “I’m fine,” he said, suddenly realising that he was crying. He wiped his tears quickly. Once again Emma surprised him when she walked over and put her arms around him.

  “You’ll be alright,” she whispered as they embraced next to his wife’s coffin. Erik found this a little bit inappropriate even though he knew that Anna would not have minded. As always, it was merely a friendly hug. He had almost given up on any romantic notion between them. Paul was still on her mind and he knew that his feelings were not returned. He was holding her closely for what must have been a few minutes in silence but was startled when she unexpectedly looked up at him. Her eyes were teary but bright and alive.

  “There’s something I have to tell you.”

  “What?” He noticed that a large snow flake melted on her nose.

  “You know Paul’s message: ‘NYA TECKEN FINNES I DENNA KORTA RAD’ or ‘New signs or clues can be found in this short line’.

  “Yes…” He wiped her snow filled hair with his hand.

  “Well, I think we can say with certainty that it’s an anagram. I have been doing some work on it. It took me a few hours but I have realised that we were right. Paul, forever the linguist, has made a bilingual anagram! This sentence makes much more sense in English. The one solution I have found which makes perfect sense is:


  To say that it took me a few attempts is an understatement. I gave up on the anagram translation site. I then tried Greek, Arabic and Spanish. In the end, I did it by hand and ended up with this!” She was excited like a child at Christmas.

  “My god, it must have taken you ages! It certainly sounds right! What do you think it means?” As always Erik was none the wiser.

  Emma had an idea. “What ancient dark stone do you know of?” she asked rhetorically. “I think the word ‘dark’ signifies that this is of a material such as granite. You must know now!” Her eyes were glistening through the increasing snowfall. “What stone would Paul regard as the most important stone in history?”

  “The Rosetta stone?”

  “Exactly! I think that Paul may have hidden some sort of key in the British museum near the Rosetta stone! As I said, the Rosetta stone is THE STONE in Paul’s view, indeed for any linguist. Its discovery allowed the decipherment of ancient Egyptian and it’s the ultimate inspiration for anyone working with the translation of languages. It’s what attracted Paul to become a professor of linguistics and ancient history in the first place. Also, he knows the British museum better than most and we have spent a lot of time there together. It is the ideal place, I’m telling you! I can’t think of any other stone which he possibly could be referring to.”

  “Well, what would you suggest; that we go back to London to check? Paul has clearly gone absolutely bonkers!”

  “Actually that’s exactly what I’m suggesting. I’m not asking you to join me on this one. I could be wrong but I for one would like to check it out. It would be great if you came but for God’s sake, you need to go back to work soon, don’t you?”

  “I have just buried my wife. I think my boss would understand and give me another few days. I would like to join you. We are in this together. Paul asked us both, remember?” They started to walk back to the house. Erik took Emma’s hand.

  “Yes but technically speaking we have already done what he asked us – we have cleared his name.”

  “Well, we don’t actually know that yet and besides he could have hidden something of immense importance for us to find, or at least something of interest. Why else would he have left us the message? Or maybe it is something which tells us where he is.” At this Emma suddenly looked hopeful. Erik almost regretted suggesting this, as it may have given her false hope of Paul’s return. He continued after a moment’s hesitation: “Or maybe, thinking about it, maybe the ‘ancient dark stone’ is not the Rosetta stone but the rune stone here and the ‘key’ he is referring to is the chest!”

  “No, that would mean that Paul was guilty of the break-in, which we have already concluded he’s not, on the basis that the chest was unopened. I refuse to believe that annoying police officer who suggested that Paul may nevertheless have been the perpetrator
but the contract burglar had breached his contract by not opening the chest. Also, the rune stone is not ‘dark’ like the Rosetta stone. No, there’s simply no other ancient dark stone which he could possibly be referring to – not even the rune stone. I’m sure of it.” She hesitated for a moment and stopped walking and then continued: “Although… Paul has for some reason always loved dual meanings. Whenever he set us exam questions you could almost expect each question to have two right answers. He has mentioned dual meanings a few times in lectures. His message may have a dual meaning as well. He could be referring to both the rune stone and the Rosetta Stone…” She hesitated. “No, that would mean that he’s guilty so it can’t be… I’m sure he’s referring to the Rosetta stone so a trip to London is required.” She fell silent.

  With the decision taken to travel back to London the next day, they walked without saying anything for a while until they reached Torpa and the great hall where Anna’s friends and family were conversing over coffee and some local speciality cakes that Anna had always adored. A series of tables had been arranged for the occasion, all carefully set to accommodate everyone and decorated in Anna’s favourite colours – blue and gold. At one end was an enlarged picture of her, in a gold frame. Erik stopped in front of it for a moment, looking into her eyes, unable to prevent the tears. His contemplations next to her grave suddenly seemed inconsequential. What mattered was Anna, her family and friends and her memory. He missed her but she would never come back. He had to be strong and get on with his life…


  London, February 2006

  The ancient stone looked superb in its glass casing near the entrance to the Egyptian rooms in the British museum. The museum had only just opened for the day but it had filled up quickly with busloads of tourists. They all appeared particularly interested in the Rosetta Stone and seemed to delay their stay in front of it long enough to learn both Greek and ancient Egyptian. Emma was standing next to Erik a few meters away, contemplating their next move. Emma was sure she had managed to find the right anagram from the message left by Paul. It made perfect sense: ‘FIND KEY NEAR AN ANCIENT DARK STONE.’ It simply had to be referring to the Rosetta stone. But standing next to it, there didn’t seem to be an obvious place to hide anything. The place was eclipsed in a tight net of security, with cameras and security guards. Cleaners would sweep under and around the stone and probably also clean the glass on a daily basis. There was no way Paul could have hidden a key on or very near the stone. The room where it stood was full of impressive ancient Egyptian stone statues, depictions of kings, queens, deities and symbolic objects. The massive stone bust of the pharaoh Rameses II was looking down on them. Kings and queens, as well as parts from temples and tombs, transported from their ancient hiding places in Egypt in the eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth century by early explorers, removed from their place of creation and home. Emma looked around, trying to see whether there was a nearby statue which would be particularly good to house a small object like a key or one which was particularly connected to Paul’s areas of interest or the tablet.

  “Let’s have a proper look around. I’ll look to the left and you to the right,” Emma suggested. They each went about, studying each of the objects closely in search of a key, a written message or any other clue. Emma started with the objects immediately surrounding the Rosetta stone. She noted that by coincidence these were all from the 18th Dynasty, the dynasty started by Ahmose from the same era as the Torpa tablet. In a commanding position behind the stone to the left was a colossal lime-stone head from about 1550BC of the queen Ahmose Merytamun, Ahmose’s daughter. She was bearing the large Hathor-wig. Her face was beautiful but had an almost shrewd look to it. Next to this was another massive head of a female from 1400BC, this time unmarked. The plaque simply guessed that it was the head of the mother goddess Mut. In front of the Rosetta stone to the left was a third head from around 1500BC. The plaque had identified this one as ‘probably Thutmose’ but Emma figured it was probably Queen Hatshepsut – the face bearing the distinctly female features of her other statues. This was all very interesting but Emma could not see how it helped them to understand what Paul had wanted them to find. The rest of their search revealed nothing; no sign from Paul at all.

  “Perhaps the message is on the Stone itself’, Erik suggested, “something in the text maybe?”

  “No I don’t think so. There’s got to be something else we’re missing, something obvious!”

  “Let’s take a walk around and think about it”. Erik took Emma’s hand and pulled her away from the ancient Egyptian section and out into the entrance area. “I think we just need a break to clear our heads. We’ll find it!” Emma laughed at him. He was so sweet and enthusiastic, trying to cheer her up.

  “Erik, I just wanted to say thank you for being here with me. You’re a real friend.” She could see his disappointment at the mention of the word ‘friend’. She had suspected for a while that he had feelings for her. She looked at him. She had feelings for him as well but she wasn’t sure what they were. He was incredibly good looking, intelligent, sexy and he also had a fire in his eyes every time he looked at her. This made her feel warm inside. What made her keep her distance was her feelings for Paul and the expectation that he would return. Paul was her type, an intellectual, a linguist and not someone who would turn heads with his looks. She had seen pictures of Erik’s wife and although they shared the same unusual eye colours, Anna had been stunning, a real beauty. Emma herself had plenty of insecurities about her exterior. Frankly, she was puzzled by Erik’s interest in her. She suspected that he had only developed an interest in her because of the features she shared with Anna; her eyes and her interest in history. She doubted that he was really interested in her for who she was. She speculated that he may subconsciously have been looking for someone who reminded him of his wife, even if she was a far cry from Anna’s doppelganger.

  “What’s the matter?” Erik asked.


  “You gave me a strange look.”

  “Did I? Sorry. I was actually thinking about Paul.” Emma tried to look aloof. “Remember when we were here last. Paul was so excited about finding out more about what you knew about the tablet.”

  “Yes, I have to admit I thought the whole thing about the tablet and the Minoans a bit weird at the time; especially when you showed me the book.”

  “Wait a minute. That must be it! The tablet! Remember Paul and I sometimes refer to the Torpa Tablet as a keystone, because of its multilingual nature; the key to Linear A? Maybe he’s referring to the tablet as the key, not the Rosetta stone. FIND A KEY NEAR AN ANCIENT DARK STONE.” Emma paused gathering her thoughts. “Now, the tablet itself isn’t here of course but as you know there’s a very good photo of it in the Museum collection register.” Erik nodded in response to Emma’s sudden excitement. “If I was going to hide something in the Museum and didn’t want anyone to stumble across it in the first place I’d choose a book, especially if the thing I was hiding wasn’t a thing but information! It’s obvious! Paul must have thought of the register as a place where we would look – but not necessarily where anyone else would! It’s brilliant!”

  “Well, it’s certainly worth a look!”

  “Let’s go and have a look and see if I’m right!” replied Emma grinning triumphantly.

  Like they had done several months ago, less than an hour after they had first met, they made their way to the King’s library near the museum entrance. Erik led the way, taking the stairs two at a time up to the mezzanine floor and down to the corner via the narrow walkway where they had previously found the old volume listing museum collection items. They were all alone in the remote corner but they could be seen from the floor below. The lighting was low but the sun still managed to shine through from the windows on the other side of the room. Emma quickly found the book, searching its pages for the picture of the half stone tablet.

  “Be careful with it! Paul could have hidden an item in the book
itself; or maybe behind it”, Erik suggested. He looked in the gap where the book had stood. “Nothing. Try shaking the book lightly; there could be something in it.” Emma did as he had suggested, taking great care. To their disappointment nothing dropped out. She found the page with the reference to the tablet. At first they could see nothing out of the ordinary. There was the picture and the brief caption. Emma studied it carefully.

  “Let’s head over there to the Paul Hamlyn library,” Emma suggested pointing to the opposite end. “The lighting’s better there.” She had spent a lot of time there doing research as it was a comfortable reading room connected to the King’s library, in close proximity to the museum’s many treasures. She carried the book casually under her arm to avoid attracting attention. She knew that it was not allowed to remove books from the shelves. Luckily they managed to find a desk in the reading room without any problems. In stark contrast to the neighbouring rooms of the King’s library, the room they were now in was fairly modern, with desks equipped with computers and sensible reading lamps.

  She refused to believe they had been wrong about the anagram and the reference to the picture of the tablet. The additional light certainly made it easier to see. She had not looked at it for long when she noticed minute writing on the side of the half tablet in the picture. If she had not looked at this page before and known it well she would not have noticed it. The text could easily be mistaken for a small stamp of approval of some kind and fit in with the style of the rest of the document but Emma was sure she had never seen it before. This could have been a new addition – something carefully added by Paul. She was suddenly excited.


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