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Worth the Fight (Accidentally on Purpose)

Page 9

by Davis, L. D.

  Vivian had the strongest personality I had ever encountered. She was a bully in high heels. She didn’t bullshit and she didn’t play nice. Her sweet smile fooled only the foolish, and there were a lot of foolish people in Chicago.

  Viv had been absent on the legal scene for over a year now. She won a huge case against the workers of a huge multibillion dollar company and then went on a sabbatical. There were a lot of whispers around town. Some people said a huge scandal broke out between her and one of the partners. Some said that her evil deeds finally caught up to her and someone took her out, and then there were the rumors that she had a nervous breakdown. I didn’t know which one to believe. I was disappointed that she was gone, because she was great competition in court and I loved to see the look on her face the three times she lost against me.

  Two weeks before Lucas’s first birthday, Vivian Deluca suddenly reappeared on the scene. I had met one of my clients at a pub close to the office. The client had to leave because of an emergency at home. I was just about to settle the bill when she slid onto the bar stool beside me. I didn’t really look at her right away. The place was getting crowded and all of the barstools would soon be taken.

  “Luke Kessler,” Vivian’s familiar voice caught my attention.

  I snapped my head up and met her honey eyes.

  “Vivian Deluca,” I said. “What a surprise. I thought I was rid of you for good.”

  “Oh, I’ll bet you did. You and every other attorney in town.” She turned slightly, crossing one leg over another. She was close enough so that her crossed leg brushed up against mine. She caught the bartender’s attention and ordered a drink.

  “So,” I said, leaning back to assess her. “Where have you been? Visiting your vacation home in hell? Torturing small children? Drowning puppies?”

  “Aww,” she said, giving me a look of pity. “You really did miss me, didn’t you, Luke?”

  “As much as I’d miss having someone pluck my fingernails out with a pair of pliers, Vivian,” I said cheerfully.

  “I love it when you talk torture,” she grinned.

  “There are a lot of rumors floating around about you,” I said as I threw money down on the bar.

  “Oh, I’m sure they’re all quite interesting, but the truth is unfortunately very boring.”

  “And that is?” I prodded.

  The bartender put her drink on the bar. She picked it up and took a long sip while I waited for her to answer.

  “My divorce was final a week before my last case,” she said. Her smile did not falter, and that was a little scary and impressive. “My children were having a hard time. I needed to focus on my family. At least two of the rumors were somewhat true. Our home had become a hell and my children were tortured.”

  I stared at her for a moment. There was no reason for her to have made that up.

  “I’m sorry,” I said meaningfully.

  “Don’t be sorry,” she said. “I’m not. Everything is fine now.” She took another long sip of her drink as she openly looked me over. “I heard you became someone’s father.”

  “I did,” I said with a nod. “He will be one in a couple of weeks.”

  “I heard your child and your mother both live with you but you aren’t together. That must be a frustrating relationship.”

  “Uhh…” I said stupidly. “It’s…a functional relationship.”

  “Oh, let’s not talk in circles, Luke. It must be a sexually frustrating relationship.”

  I stared at her for a moment before breaking out in a grin.

  “You know, I did miss how straight forward you are,” I said. I checked my watch to make a show of my impending departure. “As much as I enjoyed this little reunion, I must be on my way.”

  “Going home to your functional family?” she asked condescendingly.

  “See you in court sometime, Vivian,” I said as I got to my feet. I found myself standing entirely too close to her.

  “Or you can see me before then,” she said, looking at me thoughtfully.

  “Hopefully not,” I retorted. I started to move away, but shockingly, she slipped her hand into my jacket and placed her palm on my chest.

  “We’re both single, responsible adults,” she said in a businesslike manner. “We can have a no strings attached sexual relationship.”

  I was shocked by her proposal. Although I knew she was a beautiful woman, I never once thought about taking her to bed. I was okay with stepping down from my dominant side from time to time for a good time, but Vivian seemed like the type that would want to run the show. Not only would she want to run the show, but she would want me in submission. I don’t submit.

  “While that sounds very exciting, I am going to decline the offer,” I said and carefully removed her hand from my chest.

  “I understand,” she said with her sweet smile. “You don’t think you will be able to satisfy me, and I understand. Really, I do. I can be quite intimidating.”

  “I’m not intimidated, Vivian. I just don’t like you very much.” I started to move away again, but her words stopped me.

  “Then we can have a very…functional relationship, Luke. You see, I don’t much like you either. Therefore, there will be no chance of either of us developing any type of emotional attachment. It will just be good sex, and I can only speak for myself, but I really mean it will be good sex.”

  Vivian always had a predatory gleam in her eyes, but now she was a different kind of predator. It was rather hot and I couldn’t deny it with my cock beginning to stir in my pants.

  But I couldn’t be with her because I hated her, and for the same reasons that I couldn’t be with Claire. My free time should be spent with Lucas and focusing on keeping my newly found friendship with Emmy in good standing. I didn’t have extra time for screwing around.

  “I missed the first five months of my son’s life,” I said to Vivian. “I missed the entire pregnancy, too. As you well know, I have a very full schedule, especially since I now have my own, still new firm. Any extra time I have goes to my son. I don’t have time, Vivian. Not even for ‘good sex.’”

  She wasn’t at all put off by my little speech. Just like she is in court, she was relentless at getting what she wanted – that being me.

  “Luke, I am now a single mother of three and I just started back to work last week. I, too am limited on time, but I’ll be damned if I’m going to just lie down and die. I completely understand your time restraints, which is another reason why we can work out so well for each other. We can take what we can get when we can get it without whining or argument. If I don’t have time, you shrug your shoulders and wait until I do and vice versa.”

  She put her drink down on the bar and wrapped her fingers around my tie. She began to adjust it as she spoke. “Think about it, Luke. No bouts of jealousy, no cute little text messages through the day and absolutely no commitment. We will simply be mutually exclusive fuck buddies, but when one of us is ready to break it off, the other won’t try to hang on. It will simply be over.”

  I looked down into her eyes. I really didn’t like Vivian Deluca. I respected her as an attorney, kind of, but I didn’t necessarily like her. And I didn’t have time for this, regardless of what she said, and sleeping with her could interfere with both of our jobs if we came head to head in court.

  And there’s Emmy…

  I wasn’t with Emmy, and even though I sometimes had some very intimate and even emotional thoughts about Em, I wasn’t sure if we would ever be able to be anything more than what we already were. The pain of what she did was still there in the background.

  “And here I thought you had a pair of balls,” Vivian sighed after I didn’t respond to her.

  She started to turn back around in her seat, but before I even knew what I was doing, my hand was on her thigh. Vivian looked up at me as if she had just won a motion in court.

  A half hour later I was following Vivian into her townhouse. There were no offers for a drink or any casual conversation. I pushed
her up against the wall as soon as the door was closed and pushed her skirt above her thighs as I planted my mouth on hers. I set the pace, letting her know that no matter what happens in the court room, as far as our sexual relationship as concerned, I was the judge and jury.

  I won’t lie and say that I didn’t enjoy the sex, because I did. I am a man, after all. Vivian liked letting go of the reins in the bedroom, but when it was all said and done and I was on my way home to Lucas and Emmy, guilt pulled me down. If circumstances were different, I would have been going back to Vivian for seconds and thirds, but regardless of how I tried to categorize my relationship with Emmy, I felt like I betrayed her. I didn’t like how that felt, and I didn’t know it at the time, but later this was going to bite me in the ass.

  Chapter Ten

  Lucas put his little hands on Emmy’s face and squished until she made a funny face, accompanied by a cute little squeal. Lucas laughed that deep belly laughter that only little kids can do and then Emmy laughed with him. He did it again and again, entertaining himself, his mother, and those who watched them.

  Emmy’s laughter rang through my ears, dripped down into my heart, and spread throughout my body, making my fingers tingle and small currents of electricity dance up and down my spine. I had not heard more than a little chuckle from her in more than a year and a half. Even genuine big grins were hard to come by from this haunted woman, but even those couldn’t beat this beautiful laughter. I didn’t know that I missed it until I heard it.

  I watched, riveted as Lucas made Emmy laugh repeatedly until something else caught his attention. I wished that I could have heard it a little bit longer, but my crazy kid was already toddling over to a toy another child abandoned moments before.

  We were in a bookstore on a Friday morning, four months after Emmy started working with me at the firm. It was our first family outing since the day after Lucas entered my life. It wasn’t planned that way, but Emmy had been taking Lucas to the bookstore once or twice a week since dropping her hours to part time, and I asked to tag along. I had gone to get Emmy one of those frozen coffee drinks and stopped several feet outside of the children’s area to watch and listen to her laugh. Now that it was over, I stepped back in as if I had not just been creepy staring guy.

  “Thank you,” she said with a brief smile, as if she wasn’t just laughing a moment before.

  I winked at her and sat down beside her on a tiny chair to watch Lucas playing with another small child. Well…Emmy watched Lucas. I kind of watched Lucas, but every few seconds I would look at her. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail, but a few loose strands hung around her face. She had on tight jeans, a pair of brown high heel leather boots, a white t-shirt, and a leather jacket that matched her boots. She looked incredible and she smelled so damn good I was tempted to run my nose over her skin and inhale until I had my fill of her mind altering scent.

  “I can’t believe he’s one,” she said with a sigh.

  I nodded, acknowledging that I not only heard her but agreed with her.

  “It’s been a long seven months,” I said.

  Her shoulders slumped some, though she didn’t look at me. I knew what she was thinking about. She was thinking about the fact that I only had seven months with Lucas while she had a whole year, plus the months she was pregnant.

  “He grew so fast,” I said quickly before she could start creeping back into herself. “And my nieces and nephews grew so fast. Can you believe CJ will be going into eighth grade?”

  She smiled a little. “He thinks he’s such a grown ass man,” she said.

  I laughed at my nephew and his idea of “swag.”

  “It’s not just the kids that are growing,” I said. “My firm is growing at a faster rate than I thought was possible. You really did some miracle work, Em. In a matter of months you turned my shit hole firm into a respectable place.”

  “Miracle work is an understatement of proportions too large to fathom,” she said with a teasing gleam in her eyes.

  “I am so very glad that you are so very humble about this,” I said.

  “There are so many things I’ve screwed up on in life,” she said gently. “But I am an administrative goddess.”

  I chuckled as I watched her struggling not to grin. “I suppose you want me to bow down and kiss your boots?”

  “No, but a crown made out of paperclips would be awesome.”

  I laughed again. Even though she was so low key from the person she was capable of being, she made me laugh and smile, and often.

  “Are you looking forward to Lucas’s party?” I asked her.

  She let out a sigh of exasperation. “Is my mother still invited?”

  “Of course she is.”

  “No, not so much then.” She looked at me pointedly. “That party is out of control, you know that right? You know that you went overboard?”

  “He’s my first son,” I argued. “And he’s perfect. Of course I went overboard.”

  Lucas’s party was going to be a big bash. We were having it at my sister Lorraine’s, and pretty much everyone we knew was invited. Emmy just wanted to have something small. She said Lucas was so young, he wouldn’t remember it ten years from now anyway, but I overruled her and went all out. I invited all of her family from Louisiana, Donya, Mayson, everyone that worked in the firm plus a few other friends and their families, and of course our entire Chicago family, including her brother Emmet and his wife and son who had just recently moved to the Windy City so that Emmet could work in my firm.

  “This party is so big that we had to take off all of today to prepare,” she chastised. “By the way, I don’t see how you’re going to get too much done sitting here in the bookstore watching our son chew on baby books that already have god only knows how many other babies’ DNA on it.”

  I jumped up and snatched the book from Lucas’s mouth. I didn’t do anything funny, but he thought it was hilarious and giggled. I scooped him up into my arms and planted a kiss on his forehead. I couldn’t get enough of this kid.

  I reached my hand out to Em to assist her out of the chair. She looked at my hand as if it was a foreign object. I wiggled my fingers, insisting that she take my hand to get up. After a few more seconds she took my hand and allowed me to pull her to her feet. There was no ignoring the charge of energy zapping between our enclosed hands. I just barely stopped myself from gasping. I know she felt it, too, because her eyes grew wide for a moment and then it was over. She pulled her hand out of my grasp.

  “Thanks,” she mumbled and made herself busy picking up her big pocketbook slash diaper bag.

  “No problem,” I managed to say.

  We walked out of the store, quickly falling into conversation about all of the things we needed to do for the party, but I didn’t forget the feel of her hand in mine.


  Fuck me.

  Emmy stepped out of the bedroom and my jaw dropped. I quickly closed it while she was busy smoothing the green dress that stopped several inches above her knees. The neckline dipped just far enough to give a little peek at her cleavage, but it covered enough to be suitable for a child’s party. The dress was snug on her body, not grotesquely tight as some women tend to wear their clothing, but it complimented her curvy shape. She wore a pair of dark brown heels that gave her an extra four inches in height and beautifully displayed her bare legs. Her brown hair hung loose across her bare shoulders and down her back and though her makeup was light, it was complimentary to her naturally smooth skin and gorgeous eyes.

  I had seen Em in all states of undress in recent months, and I had seen her wearing some very attractive outfits, but the way she looked for Lucas’s party beat them all. She was breathtaking, just absolutely beautiful.

  “Can you zip me up?” she asked, turning her back to me.

  “Of course,” I said, stepping towards her.

  I couldn’t stop myself from checking out her ass just before I gripped the zipper between my fingers. Holy hell, I was literally inches from
her bare back, only inches away from expertly unclasping her bra and peeling her out of this dress.

  I zippered her quickly and stepped away before my erection poked her in the ass.

  “There you are,” I said and turned away before she could turn back around. I picked up the bags we needed to carry with us to Lorraine’s in effort to hide my erection, leaving Emmy to handle Lucas.

  The first hour or so of the party Emmy seemed a little withdrawn. I was sure I wasn’t the only one who noticed it. Too many of her smiles were forced, and she just didn’t seem to be having a good time even though she was surrounded by so many people that loved her and Lucas. I knew it was her first really big gathering since before she took off for Europe, but I really wanted her to enjoy herself. Though there were a lot of kids running about and a lot of loud talking and laughter, and even though her mom was there, I expected Em to at least try to enjoy herself. It was a pity that she looked so gorgeous but awkward at the same time.

  I followed her to a corner of the room where there weren’t too many people around.

  “It’s a great party,” I said as we watched one of her nieces playing with Lucas across the room.

  “It is,” she said and bit her lip.


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