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Beyond the Eyes: YA Paranormal Romance

Page 59

by Rebekkah Ford

Tree punched the air after Nathan showed them how quick he was. “Awesome! You’re like a superhero.” He was grinning from ear to ear. I couldn’t help but laugh.

  “That explains how he got behind Brayden so quickly.” Carrie narrowed her eyes at me and pursed her lips. “I knew there was something strange about it, but Paige told me you snuck behind him.”

  I shrugged. “I had to because you weren’t supposed to know.”

  Nathan stepped in front of me. “Now you try it.”

  “But I don’t know how.” I felt stupid all of a sudden and didn’t want to make a mistake in front of them. Carrie and Tree were looking at me expectantly, which made me feel even more nervous. I mean, what if I ran into a tree and knocked myself out? I’d never hear the end of it.

  Nathan looked at me encouragingly. “Think about where you want to go and move like you’re going to run. It’s that simple.” He stepped aside.

  I gave him a wary look, but when he mouthed “trust me” I took a deep breath and focused my attention on the trees ahead. I moved my body forward in a running stance, feeling my muscles quivering like an excited dog anticipating a walk.

  I took off.

  My hair flew back, and the damp, cool air brushed against my face as I ran deep into the woods. I dodged the trees and logs with no problem, feeling an elation I’d never known. It was almost as if I were flying inches above the ground, with no sound, like being in stealth mode.

  My breath came out slow and steady, and my reflexes were quick. Each limb seemed to have a mind of its own, and the powerful strength in my muscles pushed me forward. They were alert and jacked up.

  I leaped over a broken oak tree and found myself high in the air, above the tall trees, wind-milling my arms, tilting my head back, squealing with laughter. I fell to the earth, landing in a crouched position, my hands in a pile of wet muddy leaves. I spun, laughing hysterically while I breezed through the forest, heading to my waiting friends.

  “Omigod, Paige.” Carrie raised her hands. “You disappeared into thin air, and now you’re back. That totally whacks my brain.”

  “That was bitchin’,” Tree said, grinning.

  I was still laughing, tears streaming down my face. I tried to speak, but couldn’t. My sides ached. I hugged my arms around them, trying to catch my breath. Finally, I was able to speak. “I felt like I was flying.”

  “It is exhilarating,” Nathan admitted. “But Paige, try moving quickly without running.”

  “Okay.” I moved behind Carrie and tapped her shoulder. She jumped and screamed.

  “Boo!” I giggled.

  She slapped my shoulder. “You scared the shit out of me.”

  Tree roared with laughter.

  Carrie kicked his foot, but then joined in the mirth.

  “Hey, Paige. Try doing this.” Nathan jumped high in the air and did a somersault, landing on his feet with his hands on his hips, like Peter Pan.

  “That’s not fair you two and Brayden can do all of this,” Carrie complained.

  “Yes, but Carrie,” Nathan said. “You’re not chained to the earth for eternity like we are.”

  “Isn’t there a way you can die?” Tree wondered.

  Nathan held a finger up. “Only one way we know of, which is being completely bled out.”

  I looked at Nathan. “How did you do the somersault thing?”

  He bounced on the tip of his toes. “Watch me again.” He bent his knees and leaped high in the air, doing another somersault, landing soundlessly on his feet. “You try it.”

  I did exactly what he did and felt the power of my leg muscles lift me off the ground, my arms reaching for the cloudy sky. The top of trees turned upside down when I did a flip. But when I landed on my feet, I slipped and fell on my butt. Laughter erupted around me.

  Nathan pulled me into his arms, chuckling. “The landing part takes practice.”

  “That was too funny,” Carrie said, but then paused. Her face went blank. “Oh, no.” She looked at her watch.

  “What?” I asked.

  Tree turned her wrist to see the time. “Shit. Carrie, we have to go.”

  Carrie looked at me. “Mom just got a shipment of stuff in for her store, and we’re supposed to be there right now to help her sort through it and put it into inventory. She’s going to be pissed.”

  “We’ll see you later.” Tree took her hand, and they half ran down the dirt path toward the forest.

  “Bye,” Carrie yelled over her shoulder, disappearing into the trees.

  When they left, I turned to Nathan and told him what the “old one” had told me.

  He ran his fingers through his hair. “If it’s true, we’re going to have to get the ring from him.”

  “I can trick him,” I said. “I mean, he’s going to come back for me because he needs me to find the incantations, so I can play along until I get the ring from him.”

  “No, Paige,” Nathan said. “It’s not safe. I will not risk you getting harmed again.”

  “You’re probably right,” I said, even though I was willing to try.

  “I’ll talk to Anwar about it tomorrow. I’m sure he’ll come up with a solution, but for now let’s forget about it. We both had a trying day, so let’s relax and enjoy what’s left of it.”

  We stood there for a while, holding each other, listening to the trees swaying in the wind, knowing in our hearts this battle was far from over.


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