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Kelly's Heroes [The Men of Treasure Cove 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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by Rebecca Joyce

  She knew why Emma was doing what she did, and she understood, but sometimes, Kelly wished her best friend would just leave well enough alone. There was not but a handful of people in Treasure Cove that knew what happened last summer with her then-boyfriend Charles, and she aimed to keep it that way. If her brothers ever found out, all hell would break loose, and she did not want to see her brothers behind bars. Besides, Steven and Neil had their hands full trying to get Hazel to forgive them.

  When she met Charles Lynwood two years ago during her internship at Denver Memorial Hospital, she fell in love instantly. Always eager to jump in with both feet, she never actually looked at what the person was truly like. At first, Charles was fascinating, friendly, and extremely emotionally attached to his work. She admired that about him. However, when they started seeing each other outside of work, he changed.

  Occasionally she could still feel the bruises on her ass from that fall.

  Like so many relationships she had, the honeymoon ended just two weeks into the relationship. The fighting began, and soon the missed dates and nonexistent phone calls started. At first, she gave him the benefit of a doubt, but when she showed up at work one day, wanting to apologize for the previous night’s fight, she found another intern devouring him, literally. The woman had his cock in her mouth while he moaned in ecstasy.

  For some reason, Kelly did not bat an eyelash. She just turned around and went home.

  She knew the drill. It took her only one hour to gather all of his belongings and place them in a small box. She knew that Charles would be levelheaded about her decision. She did not think anything of it when he knocked on her door later that day, and she handed him his stuff. What she did not count on was that the man she previously regarded as one of the most exclusive men in psychiatry was actually a raving lunatic!

  Kelly spent one week in intensive care and two months in rehab all because she jumped into a relationship that, looking back, had all the warning signs of danger!

  The police had arrested Dr. Charles Lynwood, and he was currently doing five years for assault and battery. Though she believed he got off with a slap on the wrist, she got the delightful pleasure of spending her holidays in the hospital with four broken ribs and bruises all over her chest and face, as she listened to the detective tell her how darned lucky she was.

  With Charles’s past coming to light, Kelly thanked God that she was alive. After the hospital released her, she finished her internship and headed home, never looking back at what could have happened.

  She quickly immersed herself in the town’s clinic, helping Doc out wherever she could, and when she finally graduated with her degree, Doc Jenkins gave her a permanent position with him. She loved working at the small clinic, but her true passion was helping at the Treasure Cove Community Center, where she held weekly sessions with the veterans who lived around these parts.

  Over the last two years, she had met some tough, honorable, decent men, and though they needed help, they gave her more than she could have ever imagined.

  They gave her hope.

  The ride home was a quiet one. She was thankful for that. She had a lot on her mind, and having the good-looking Daniel Meyer next to her was becoming a little unsettling.

  * * * *

  Daniel watched out of the corner of his eye as the beautiful blonde-haired woman sat quietly looking out the window. Two years ago, she captured his heart and his life had never been the same since. He first met the petite young physician’s assistant Kelly Conner when she was finishing her doctorate and had volunteered at the local community center talking with wounded soldiers. At the time, none of the soldiers gave her the time of day. They had all been through so much and trusted no one, but she never gave up.

  The young Ms. Conner never gave up on any of them, unlike their military family they gave their lives for. Washed up and thrown away, the wounded soldier group was a banded bunch of discarded trash that the military tended to forget about. Unable to stand duty and conform to the rigors of military life, they were quickly discharged by the government and sent out into the world. Each given honorable medical discharges, they left the lives they had only known to reenter the civilian world.

  If it were not for his friends, Daniel knew he would be in a ditch somewhere, dead. However, thanks to this courageous woman next to him, he was starting to live again.

  Daniel joined the Marine Corps right out of high school. Not considering anything else, he wanted to be a United States Marine. At eighteen, he was young and green. His mind was full of honor and courage. Eager to join his fellow brothers and sisters on the battlefield, he excelled during boot camp and quickly made the rank of corporal. After boot, he immediately shipped out, and before he knew it, he was on his fourth tour in Iraq.

  He had seen so much, endured hardships that no human being should ever have to endure, and then there was the blood.

  So much blood.

  Too many nights, he would lay awake, in fear of what he would see. That was when he picked up his first drink. Then one drink became two, and before he knew it, he was going through several bottles a day. He kept his addiction hidden while stateside. Everything came crashing down around him when he was ordered to lead a group of men into the Helmond Providence in Southern Afghanistan. What he did and saw there that day sealed his fate.

  Soon after, he was medically discharged with a diagnosis of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD as the military community preferred to call it, but to those who have been diagnosed with it, it is nothing more than a description of “you’re not fit for duty.”

  With discharge papers in hand, he wandered around the United States for months before he landed in Treasure Cove, where he met up with Micah O’Brian, a navy pilot who humped his ass out of more scrapes than Daniel cared to admit to. It was Micah who offered him a reason to stay, along with a warm bed and food.

  That was when he met Kelly.

  His angel.

  Like a breath of fresh air, she walked into the community center room, smiling and full of life. Her honey-gold hair, pulled back into a high ponytail, swayed as she walked. She wore a pair of simple tan sandals that accentuated her pretty, little painted toes and a pale-yellow summer dress. She was perfect. However, like everyone else in the room, he noticed that though she smiled genuinely, when nobody was looking, she guarded herself as if hiding something from the group. He never figured out what it was, but over time, she seemed to let go of whatever was bothering her. He wished he could have done the same, but his demons were too strong, and he feared they would never let him go.

  “Thank you for rescuing me,” she whispered softly.

  “It was my pleasure, angel.”

  “I shouldn’t have let Emma talk me into to this. It was a mistake.”

  “Mistakes happen, angel. They are a part of life. I can attest to that. The objective is don’t make the same mistakes again.”

  “Sometimes, that’s easier said than done.”

  “True, but now, you know what to look for. Just read the warning signs, angel.”

  “I’m too trusting.”

  “That you are, but that’s why we all care about you. Don’t worry. We’ll all catch you if you fall.”


  “The group. You’re one of us. We take care of our own.”

  “Thank you for that.”

  “I’ve gotta check in with Micah. You mind if we stop at the house?”

  “No. I want to see him myself. He missed yesterday’s meeting, and I have been trying to call him since, but he won’t pick up his phone.”

  “Uh, he had a family emergency. I wouldn’t expect him at any meeting for a couple of weeks.”

  “Is everything okay?”

  “You’re gonna have to ask him, angel.”

  The rest of the ride was in silence, and Daniel was grateful for that. He did not like talking much, and he feared he almost put his foot in his mouth with bringing up Micah. It was not his story to tell.

Turning into the long, winding drive, they crested the hill, and there down in the valley stood a two-story Victorian home nestled deep between maple and oak trees. Daniel never tired of the picture perfect setting. Only this time, it was so much better because this was the first time Kelly was there to see it with him.

  Chapter Two

  Micah was sitting on the front porch sipping on a cup of coffee when he saw Daniel’s truck crest the ridge. He never asked Daniel where he went when he took off. He only knew that when Daniel got that look in his eye, he would jump in his truck and be gone for hours, only to come back a different person.

  They both lived with their own demons, but they were surviving.

  The stronger and more mentally stable of the two, Micah took the lead in almost everything. Since he was a born leader and higher ranking, which he never let Daniel forget, it was just easier to maintain some semblance of order within their house. The only problem was that his sister and niece would soon be arriving, and he was not sure how they were all going to live under the same roof.

  The house was in shambles. A good portion of it was still in dire need of repair, and they only had a small window to get it done. He had hoped that Daniel would have been around today to help, but he was not going to stop his friend if he needed his space. That was one of reasons why they got along so well. They could both read each other like a frigging book.

  As Daniel parked his truck, he noticed someone in the passenger side. Surprised, Micah got to his feet as Daniel exited the cab of the truck. He gave him a wink and then proceeded to help the object of their affections down.

  Everything in Micah stilled.

  She was here, at his home, and, sweet baby Jesus, she looked pretty. She turned to him and smiled brightly.

  Being a navy pilot, he was trained in every countermeasure, defense mechanism, and safety maneuver possible, but one thing the navy failed to train him in was what happened when a woman stole his heart.

  There was just something about the petite blonde woman. Her gentle grace and kind heart that shined brightly that made him feel as if he could do anything. However, it was her smile that warmed his heart. When she smiled, the world smiled with her. She was the breath of fresh air during a raging storm, and no matter what Micah or Daniel did, neither of them was able to make the first step.

  Walking down the stairs, he greeted her as he always did. “Hey, honeybee. What brings you out here?” Micah asked, kissing her cheek.

  “Apparently, I needed rescuing again,” she whispered, blushing the prettiest shade of pink. Micah smiled and looked over at Daniel, who rolled his eyes at him, and shook his head. Holding back his laughter, Micah could only imagine what his little honeybee went through tonight.

  For the last few months, he and the rest of the veterans in their small group had gotten together for weekend counterintelligence meetings. It was nothing new for any of them, to work and solve every basic contingency plan, but when word got back to them that Emma Quinn had insisted on setting up one of their own on blind dates, well, the men jumped into action. Each member of the group volunteered to scope and stand by at the ready to defend Kelly from her horrendous blind dates. If needed, they were ordered to intervene and acquire the target, and get her to safety. Apparently, it was Daniel’s night.

  “Why don’t you come on in? I have a fresh pot of coffee on, and we can talk about it,” he said, placing his hand on the small of her back. It felt right having his hand there, and when she did not push him away, he smiled.

  Inside, he walked her into the kitchen and held out a chair for her. After seating her, he grabbed a few mugs and filled them with the hot brew. He knew that Kelly liked her coffee black with a little cream. Placing the cup before her, he took the seat next to her as she took a sip.

  “Mmm, this is good. Thank you.” She sighed and relaxed into the chair.

  “Report,” Micah said firmly, looking at Daniel, who sat up and proceeded to tell Micah of her horrible night. Watching Kelly as Daniel talked, Micah smiled as her face got redder and redder. Eventually, her shoulders slumped as she looked away.

  Reaching over, Micah gently laid his hand over hers. “Hey, honeybee. There is no need for that. That guy is not worth it. Just forget about him, okay. We all have lousy days. Just chalk this up to a learning experience.”

  “That’s what Daniel said,” she replied softly. “I just wish I could have one date where the guy was decent. Do you realize, over the last few months, I have managed to go out with every lowlife, momma’s boy, and degenerate within a two hundred mile radius? This is ridiculous. I need to tell Emma that I am done,” she said, getting to her feet.

  Micah looked over at Daniel as they watched her pace the kitchen floor, but when she started talking, Micah froze because what she said next shocked the shit out of him.

  “I have everything I want or need. I do not need a man. Hell, I have a drawer full of battery-operated boyfriends, and they service my needs just fine. Who cares if it’s plastic and has no warmth? Who needs warmth? I don’t! I am quite happy with plopping in a couple of double D batteries and I am off to the races. With my BOBs, I don’t have the hassle of getting dressed up, and I sure as hell don’t have to impress anyone. I hate going out on blind dates. Did you know that?” she said, rounding on him. Micah quickly closed his mouth, nodding as she continued.

  “My whole life, that’s all I have ever done. I graduated high school with honors, went off to college, got decent grades, and even picked a profession that my family agreed on. Don’t get me wrong, I love helping people, and I am an excellent listener, but nobody ever listens to me. No, they think they know what’s best for me, and then they continue thinking it’s what I want. Well, I don’t like it. I hate all of this. I just want some peace and quiet. I want to curl up on the couch with a bag of Doritos and a pint of double chocolate chip ice cream and watch reruns on late-night television. I want to sleep in on Saturdays and wake at noon, just because I can. I never, ever want to go on another blind date again. Do y’all understand?” she asked him.

  Afraid to move, Micah did not answer that question as she continued to rant.

  Micah did not know what to say, but he remembered clearly what his momma told him many years ago. “Micah, honey, women are fickle creatures. When a woman needs to talk, the best thing you can do is nod, agree, and do not say a single word until she directly asks you a question. Until then, listen and be attentive, and when she asks you a question, look her in the eye and say yes.” And that was exactly what Micah said. “Yes.”

  “Exactly! I knew you would agree.”

  Stumped, Micah looked up, confused and wondering what he had just agreed to.

  Agree to what? Shit! What did I just agree to?

  He stopped listening when she mentioned a drawer full of battery-operated boyfriends. He was a man for Christ’s sake. Everyone knew that when a beautiful woman mentioned dildos in front of any man, she better not expect him to understand anything afterward. Their brains were hardwired to their cocks, and his was up and ready for action.


  “I’m just going to have to tell Emma no more. No more dates of any kind. If you guys can live alone, why can’t I? Neither of you date. You both are handsome, well-rounded guys. Sure, you probably find some sort of pleasure when the need arises, but you are not into commitments. I like that. Hell, I do not even have to leave my house. This is perfect! Thanks, Micah,” she said, leaning over and kissing his cheek.

  Thank God he was sitting down because when she bent over, he saw straight down her pretty dress. His mouth watered at the sight of her luscious, full breasts encased in black lace. The smell of her was intoxicating. However, nothing could have stopped his cock from standing at attention when her soft lips touched his cheek. His mind went blank. All he could think about was those lips wrapped firmly around his cock as she sucked him deep into her hot little mouth while she played with a dildo in her pussy.

  Closing his eyes, he inhaled her scent, th
e sweetest scent of plums and rosemary. Never had he thought of the two together, but on her, it was perfect. Lost in his own misery, his mind created the most salacious sight of her, stripped bare, naked before him as he and Daniel devoured every inch of her. She was writhing beneath them as they pleasured her. Her throaty moans of ecstasy slithered down his spine as he lowered his mouth. Micah could almost taste her. Her wet, glistening pussy beckoned him.

  “Micah!” she shouted, snapping her fingers at him.

  Flinching, he blinked. Oh fuck, what did I do?

  Looking over at Daniel, who was smoldering like a brush fire getting ready to combust, he sat there gently shaking his head no.

  “Did you hear me?” Kelly said, firmly grabbing his attention.

  Hear what? What did she say?

  Nodding yes, he prayed she would give him a clue.

  “And you have no objections doing this?” she asked suspiciously, placing her dainty hands on her hips. Micah quickly looked at Daniel for help, but he just leaned back into his chair with a hard look on his face. Trapped like a cornered rabbit, he didn’t know what to do. His friend was furious, but he did not know why, and Kelly wanted him to give her an answer.

  Shit! Going with his gut, he looked at the woman before him and prayed before he whispered, “No,” wondering what he was agreeing to do, but when the words left his lips, his heart stopped dead in its tracks as he saw the most blinding smile he had ever seen. If that was not enough, he damn near lost his balance when she hurled herself into his arms, hugging him tightly. Her breasts pressed tightly against his chest as she squeezed him into her.

  Fuck a duck on Sunday! What in the hell have I agreed to?

  Wrapping his arms loosely around her, he questioned Daniel with his eyes. However, before Daniel could say anything, she turned to Daniel, hugging him, too.


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