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Kelly's Heroes [The Men of Treasure Cove 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 12

by Rebecca Joyce

  They wanted to talk. Kelly could not believe it. Since she was a little girl, no one wanted to talk to her. Oh, they barked orders, told her what she was going to do, but they never asked her to talk. There was something about these men, something that triggered an instant yearning deep within her. Looking at Micah, she saw the sincerity in his eyes, and she knew then he meant what he just said. “You’re not angry at me?”

  “Why would we be angry? Kelly, Daniel and I are the last people on this planet to pass judgment when someone needs to cut loose and let go. We get it. We really do, but we were worried when you didn’t talk. You talk all the time, and when you didn’t say anything about what happened to cause you to go to the Rawhide, well, we thought we might have overwhelmed you and you were having second thoughts.”

  “No!” she said loudly, then quickly calmed her beating heart. “It had nothing to do with either of you. It’s my family. They took over again, and I just needed to get away from them.”

  “What do you mean, they took over?” Daniel asked, leaning back in his chair.

  “It’s what they always do where I am concerned. They do what they think is best, and they don’t ask me what I want. When I met them at Macie’s Diner the other day, they had everything already planned, down to what undergarments I am going to wear under my wedding dress. It was just so overwhelming. I felt like they were suffocating me. Then I saw my Aunt Sophie, and well, you know the rest of the story.”

  “So, it had nothing to do with us?” Micah smiled.


  “Angel, do you want a wedding?” Daniel asked, coming over to sit next to her.

  “Not really. I’m not that kind of girl. Don’t get me wrong, I like frilly things, and I like looking nice, but to be placed front and center and have everyone look at me, I don’t think I can do that.”

  “Do you want to marry us?” Micah asked, and she heard the concern in his voice.

  “Yes,” she whispered, smiling. Oh yes I want to marry you more than anything.

  “Are you sure?” Daniel questioned.

  “More than anything. I feel comfortable with you and Daniel, and I love Molly. I can be myself with you two. I like it a lot.”

  “Would you feel comfortable going to the Justice of the Peace and then driving into Celestial to see Mrs. Raven? She can perform the commitment ceremony. It can be just us and Molly if you want,” Micah suggested.

  “Don’t you guys want your family there? Mom told me she was going to call your families and make sure they would be able to make it.”

  “Our families don’t care. They just want us to be happy. I don’t know about Micah, but I can call my parents right now and let them know. They won’t mind,” Daniel informed her.

  “As for my parents,” Micah began, “they passed away a couple of years ago. I just have Molly, and she wants a pretty dress, which I am sure we can manage to find.”

  “If that is what you guys want, I want it, too.”

  “Now that that’s settled, we still need to discuss why you didn’t talk to us first. Kelly, we have to talk to each other. Honesty is important if this is going to work. You preach that every week at the community center. It’s time you took your own advice.”

  “I know, Micah, and I am sorry I didn’t call and tell y’all what was happening. When Mom and my cousins got started jabbering, I couldn’t get a word in edgewise. Before I could blink, they had everything planned. I was just a doll they were going to dress up and have fun with. I should have said something, but sometimes it’s easier for me to go along with them. They can be very determined when they get it into their heads.”

  “We are not marrying them, angel. Micah and I don’t give a fuck what they think or what they want. What we do care about is you. If we do something you don’t like, we need you to tell us. Don’t go along because you think it’s what we want. Don’t be afraid to speak up and the same goes for us. If we don’t like what you’re doing, we will talk to you about it. We won’t tell you what to do, but we can discuss it and maybe come up with a better solution.”

  “My family can be a little overbearing at times.”

  “And I can be a dick. I figure we should balance out.” Daniel smiled teasingly.

  Kelly chuckled as the weight lifted from her shoulders. They still wanted her. They were not upset that she went out, only that she didn’t talk about it. She thought it funny that a woman who spent her day getting people to open up and talk couldn’t open her mouth.

  “Are you tired, honeybee?”

  “A little, it was a long day.”

  “Come on. We have a bath ready for you.” Micah grinned, getting to his feet and holding out his hand for her to take. Kelly didn’t think twice as she placed her hand in his and let them lead her upstairs.

  * * * *

  Daniel followed closely behind as Micah led her into the bathroom. He was worried about his angel. She still seemed distant and not quite her bubbly self. He wished he could do something to help her understand that neither he nor Micah would ever judge her or make her do something that she didn’t want, but knowing was one thing. Actions were another.

  Micah helped her undress, and it never failed to amaze him that this woman wanted to be with him. A scarred, used-up, washed-out Marine who, even on his best days, was a complete wreck. His nightmares were still there, but they were getting better, and he owed that to Kelly. Her presence around the house just made everything better.

  Naked, she was exquisite. Her trim body, ample breasts, and golden-blonde hair would make Adonis weep at the sight of her, but it was her eyes that captured him. Her soft baby blues, open and unguarded, were the gateway to her soul, and when she looked at him, Daniel could see what she had yet to say. She loved them.

  His breath hitched as the realization washed over his body. She loved him, and she was not afraid to show it. It was there. It always had been. His heart was racing, his breathing changed, and a warmth was building, melting his icy heart. She did that for him. She allowed him to feel again, to feel human.

  He needed to touch her, to run his hands over her body. He needed her sweetness and her love. “Come here, angel,” he ordered softly, watching as she walked toward him.

  His eyes surveyed every square inch of her nakedness, and he became a little light-headed. Because he could not wait a second more, he began to run his hands all over her. Soft and smooth, her skin felt like finely woven spun silk. Her breasts were full and creamy, like two perfect teardrops. He watched in awe as she closed her eyes as he gently fondled her breast, rolling her hard nipples between his fingers. A, sensual moan escaped her lips. His hands trailed down her abdomen, to her thighs, and between her legs. He noticed her panting as the moisture between her legs scented the small room.

  She was intoxicating, and she was theirs.

  “Are you enjoying Daniel’s touch, honeybee?” Micah asked.

  Breathlessly she panted, “Yes.”

  “You want more?” Daniel asked as his thumb began to rub her tiny little clit. Slowly, in a circular motion, he teased her, flicking and then rubbing.

  “Oh yes.”

  “Would you like to come, Kelly?” Micah asked, rubbing her soft ass.

  “Oh yes!”


  “Owww!” she screeched as Daniel kept a firm grip on her hip as his finger still played with her clit, arousing her.

  “Are you going to call us next time you get overwhelmed?” Daniel whispered as he leaned forward, licking her clit.

  Daniel heard Micah whispering, “It’s all right to cut loose. But if you feel the need to drink, will you call one of us next time to let us know?”

  “Yes,” she panted.

  At that very moment, Micah smacked the top of her ass again.


  “Are you sure you can remember to call us next time?” Micah asked, his voice deep and gravelly. Daniel knew he worried about Kelly the other night, but he never let it show. Neither of them had to deal with these emo
tions. They were new, and they were learning just as Kelly was. There were times when all they wanted was to wrap her up, protect her from the outside world, but wanting and doing were two very different things.

  They had talked at length on how to approach Kelly with their worries, but in the end, a full-frontal assault was called for, and after they figured out the logistics, they waited for her to come home.

  Daniel agreed with Micah in not wanting to punish her, but she needed to know how much she had worried them. It was one thing to go off and cut loose. It was another to go off and place herself in danger, and that was exactly what she did. Daniel shuddered to think what would have happened if they did not get to the club when they did. There were so many men around her, and some of them were touching her. Nevertheless, what he really wanted to do was string up the members of her family for making her feel unwanted. Kelly Conner was the sweetest, most trusting, most loveable woman in Treasure Cove, and everyone took her for granted. After tonight, Daniel had decided to make it his mission to make sure that never happened again.

  Continuing his assault on her pussy, he moved his head directly between her legs. Spreading her pussy lips, his tongue darted out and laved her moist cunt.

  Her pants and whimpers fueled his desire for her as he nipped and sucked her clit. The moment he inserted two fingers into her hot cavern, she came undone. Grabbing his head, she smashed his face into her pussy with all her little strength. Licking and sucking, his tongued probed, as if he were searching for gold. Holding her to him, he devoured her as her intense orgasm erupted all around him.

  “Oh my God!” she screamed as her legs buckled. If it were not for Micah holding her up, Daniel knew she would have collapsed in a heap of sexual gratification right before them. Taking one last lick of her sweet cream, he sat back on his haunches, as Micah lifted her into his arms and gently lowered her into the hot bath waiting on her.

  Giving Micah some alone time with Kelly, Daniel got up and went to the bedroom to set everything up. Tonight was going to be different. They were going to push their little therapist and see just how much she could take. They were dominants, the both of them, and they played and toyed with the BDSM scene but preferred their own ways of doing things. After spending years in the military commanding and taking orders, and the violence they saw and participated in, they did not see the need to dominate anyone.

  However, torture was another story.

  * * * *

  Micah knelt beside her and held a welcomed glass of cool water to her lips, which she sipped between breaths, eventually downing the entire contents. There was something alluring about his honeybee as she came for them. Her whole face took on a beautiful glow of exquisite rapture that got his cock harder than a flagpole. It took everything bit of strength he had in him not to come in his pants at that very moment. However, watching her shimmering body move gently under the warm water of her bath was no less sexually stimulating. He wanted to join her, but he knew if he did, he would blast off in seconds.

  The goal tonight was to teach her that trust and communication worked both ways. Like them, Kelly needed to learn to open up and talk about what was bothering her, instead of keeping everything festering inside until she blew.

  He meant what he said earlier, that he did not care that she had fun letting go, but he worried because she placed herself in danger. He needed her safe. There was no way he could allow her to place herself in danger when they were married. He knew it was a little controlling, and he wished there was some exercise he could do to soften the harsh feelings, but where she was concerned, he needed her safe. He just hoped she understood.

  There were too many unknowns in the world, and even though they lived in a relatively small town, even small towns had their fair share of trouble. He loved Kelly fiercely, and he already felt bad about coercing her into this marriage. He just prayed that someday she would forgive him for his deceit because he could not let her go.

  “You’re awfully quiet, Micah. What’s going on in that mind of yours?” she whispered.

  “You scared me, Kelly,” he admitted.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “I know. Just promise me that next time you will call when things get too much for you. We can fix anything as long as we continue to talk, okay?”

  “Okay,” she said softly then asked, “Molly still with Emma?”

  “Yeah, Emma called and asked if they could keep her. Apparently, Tabitha and Molly have become good friends and wanted to go camping with Tate. They came by this afternoon to pick up some things. Tate promised to have her back tomorrow.”

  “How are you handling having my family come over unannounced?”

  “I wish they would call first. I am afraid someone is going to show up unexpectedly, and Daniel is going to grab his sniper rifle and point it straight at his or her head. He has been a little antsy lately. We don’t need him going off the radar where your family is concerned.”

  Micah smiled when her laughter filled the room. Her laughter was a wondrous melody that seeped into his soul, warming his heart. This was how he wanted to keep her, smiling and full of laughter, where she was safe, cherished, and loved. Nevertheless, he knew he could not corral her. She needed her freedom as much as he needed her.

  Rubbing and massaging her shoulders, Micah loved the feel of her soft smooth skin. Her head fell back against the rim of the claw-foot tub as he continued washing and rubbing on her. Gently going over every inch of her body, his hands touched and caressed everything they touched. He enjoyed being with her like this, quiet and relaxed. Right now, she was home and safe, and he wanted nothing more than to tell her how he truly felt. He wanted her to know that this marriage wasn’t just a convenient thing he needed from her. He really loved her, had loved her from the first time she smiled at him.

  Her soft moans filled the quietness of the room as he continued washing her. As his hands slowly tailed down her stomach toward the juncture of her legs, he felt her breath hitch and increase the closer he came to her sweet spot.

  Micah loved many things about Kelly, but it was her total surrender of her body and soul when she was within his grasp that he loved the most. Smart and funny, she was the total package, and he considered himself lucky to be with her, but being with her like this was something to get used to. He felt like the luckiest man in the world.

  Unable to handle the warmth flowing through his body he said what his heart wanted to say from the first moment they met. “I love you, Kelly.”

  * * * *

  Kelly’s eyes snapped open as the words drifted into her brain. She knew she hadn’t imagined them this time. She actually heard him say the words, and her body instantly tingled all over. She had waited for him to say those three little words for the longest time. Nothing she could have done would have prepared her for hearing them. They were the sweetest, most sincere words on the planet, and she felt complete joy.

  He loved her. He truly loved her.

  Looking into his deep-blue eyes, she saw the honesty within them.

  Micah O’Brian was the epitome of male beauty. He had the eyes of a Greek god, and the body to match. She could imagine women practically fell over with their legs open when he walked by in his dress uniform. However, the astonishing thing was that Micah seemed oblivious to it all. Yet, here he was, with her, washing her body and telling her he loved her.

  Kelly felt as if she was on cloud nine.

  Looking up, he quickly gazed in her direction. A satisfied smile lit up his perfect face. She watched him throughout the remainder of her bath and noticed his eyes met hers periodically.

  “Micah?” she whispered breaking the silence.


  “I love you, too.” She grinned slyly as he moved tentatively, not wanting to overstep any boundaries, toward her. Her lips, wet with anticipation, opened slowly as he leaned over the tub and gently placed his soft lips against hers. She felt like soaring.

  His kiss began innocently enough but grew into so
mething far more passionate as his tongue slowly danced the tango with hers. He tasted of coffee and mint as his tongue caressed hers, and she wanted more. His warm, strong hands roamed over her body, his soft skin touched and excited every nerve within her into an electric frenzy. She inwardly moaned. Running her hands over his muscular body, she felt every inch of his skin grow taut with arousal.

  Kelly put everything into this kiss, only to have him pull away. Searching his beautiful eyes, silently confirming her feelings, she smiled. Standing up slowly, the water trailed down her body. His eyes took on a hard, feral look as if he wanted to devour her and could. It did not take him long before he silently stood and started kissing her again, a long, passionate kiss that drew all of her into him. He placed his strong hands on her slender waist, and before she could make another move, he was on his knees before her, sliding his velvet tongue into her core. Kelly moaned, leaning her head back as he drank from her pussy. She was wet and highly aroused, and the rhythm of his tongue elicited images of hot, sultry sex as she writhed between him and Daniel.

  His loving was playful but fierce. Fast and slow, his tongue tortured her.

  Grabbing his head as he slowly drove his tongue deeper, she ran her fingers through his soft hair. Her legs began to grow weak and started to shake as he continued to lick and suck her clit in the wonderful rhythm that was beginning to drive her body into a frenzy of pleasure. She felt herself growing wetter with each passing moment, but she did not want to climax just yet. She wanted to enjoy him, to love him, to pleasure him as he pleasured her.

  Stepping back, she pushed him away, directing his head up to hers. She kissed him, tasting her own sweet juices on his lips.

  Grabbing a towel, she let him help her out of the tub. Wrapping it around her body, she then unbuttoned his jeans and removed them slowly. She smiled when his thick cock sprang forward as a drop of pre-cum glistened on his bulbous head. Her mouth watered. She was hungry. She wanted to drink from him as he drank from her. Kneeling before him, she placed her mouth on the tip of his cock, her tongue licking and tasting the tip slowly. She heard him moan as she slid her mouth down his cock, his hard muscle filling her.


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