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Kelly's Heroes [The Men of Treasure Cove 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 20

by Rebecca Joyce

  Finally, her thrashing had gotten to the point where he was having trouble keeping the vibrator on its mark as her bucking was likely to give him a bloody nose.

  “Honeybee is buzzing wildly.” Micah laughed as he held her down with his arms, his hands tightening their grip.

  Kelly’s mind whirled in a daze of sex-induced ecstasy. He was driving her wild. She could not think. He was dominating her into submission, and she let him. She stopped fighting him and willed her body to relax.

  Daniel watched with excitement as Micah kept up his barrage on her tender pussy. For her part, Kelly did her best to hold still. She no longer thrashed wildly to get away, but her stomach quivered in undulating waves. Her breasts heaved as her back arched uncontrollably. Her hands clenched and unclenched in the fabric of the couch cushions, and a steady purr escaped her lips. Her entire body seemed to oscillate as if she were being electrocuted. Still, she did not resist.

  Micah moved up beside her and suckled her breasts as he held the vibrator against her clit, cupping her entire pubis in his big hand as he slid his middle finger in and out of her pussy. Kelly’s cries became one long, ragged moan, broken only by occasional gasps for air. She shook from head to foot. She hurt so badly, but she was about to come again. She could feel fingers of white-hot fire snaking through her abdomen, finally wrapping around her completely as the throes of another incredible orgasm raced through her body.

  She screamed out in pleasure, high squeals and guttural moans. He held the vibrator against her the whole time, even holding it there after her orgasm had subsided. She squirmed, tears streaming down her face, but did not try to get away.

  “I get it. Please stop!” she screamed in acknowledgment of what their plan was after all. They were going to torture her sexually all night long if needed until she started talking. She knew these men and knew they were capable of using any means necessary to get what they wanted. It was part of their job, and from what she could tell so far, they were very proficient at it. All she had to do now was to open up and start talking.

  It should have been easy for her. She listened to men and women talk about their issues daily, but never in all of her training did they ever teach her what it was like to be the victim.

  “I’m scared. I am scared he will come back and finish what he set out to do. I am scared for my family, for Molly and you two. I can barely breathe when I leave the house. I feel as if someone is watching me, but when I turn around, no one is there. Then I feel like an idiot for imagining it. People are walking on eggshells when I am around. I am tired of everyone asking me if I’m okay. I am not! I am not okay! I’m scared to death, and I can’t let it go. I have tried, really, I have, but all I see are your worried, scared faces, and then all the fear and pain comes back. I can’t breathe anymore. I feel as if I am losing control, and I don’t know what I’ll do next,” she admitted, sobbing and gasping for air.

  Micah turned off the vibrator and laid it on the floor. She huddled, crying quietly on the couch. Micah gently turned her on her back and lay atop her. She opened her legs to him, looking up at his face as he slowly entered her. She was sopping wet, and he slid in easily, but she was sore and tender. He moved easily, hips moving smoothly as he leaned on his elbows, looking down at her. He wiped her tears away with surprising tenderness, and said, “Kelly, we love you more than we can say. We know what you are going through, and we know what it meant for you to open up and talk to us, but understand this, love, there are always going to be demons in this world who will try to take away your happiness. When that happens, never hold it in, come to us, and let us stand beside you. Together we can fight anything that life throws at us. We are a team, and a team never leaves a soldier behind.”

  She lay beneath him, wrapped in his strong embrace as if they had been lovers for years. Neither Micah nor Daniel said anything more to her. All that needed to be said had been, and Kelly was grateful for that. Now, as Micah loved her, she could almost forget the cruel pain of the last month. The soreness from before faded, and she simply enjoyed the feeling of his smooth long rod filling her womanhood. She reached for his face and smiled as his mouth moved over hers. Together, they removed the hurt and fears from her mind, letting her release all of the excess baggage she had been carrying around.

  She felt free as if she was born again, into something new and wonderful, and with her two men, anything was possible. She moaned as Micah moved deeper within her body. Clearly getting closer to coming, his thrusts grew more intense, and she wondered how he had lasted this long. She began to run her hands over his chest. Feeling his nipples harden at her touch, she began to pinch and rub them. He moaned with pleasure, pushing deeply into her with each plunging thrust of his hips.

  Micah began to shudder, and his breathing grew ragged. She expected him to come at any second, excited that his seed would soon be filling her pussy. Suddenly, he thrust his shaft deep into her pussy and unloaded his hot, white semen into her core. Blast after ropey blast erupted from his cock, filled her womb like a pool.

  Almost as soon as Micah had finished coming, Daniel leaped up from the chair and placed his cock near her mouth. She opened her lips, taking him deep just as he began to spurt down her throat. When the last drop drizzled from Daniel’s cock, he pulled out slowly and sat next to her on the couch as Micah gently pulled out of her worn, sore pussy. She could not move, nor did she want to, when Daniel lifted her head, placing it in his lap as Micah rested her legs across his. Spent, her whole body ached in places she never knew existed, and she loved every minute of it.

  Her mind no longer whirled of fear and danger. They did that for her, just like they said they would in the beginning. They may have started out as a marriage of convenience, but their relationship grew into something more, something bigger than she ever could have imagined. They all still needed some work, but she was okay with that. Kelly knew life with them would never be the same, but as long as they were together, they could handle anything.

  Smiling, she whispered, “You saved me that day, and I never said thank you. You two are truly heroes.”



  Rebecca Joyce is your typical housewife and mother. The daughter of a retired military service member, Rebecca tries to incorporate the sights, smells, and adventures of her travels, but mainly she writes of the buff, gorgeous men she drooled after in her teen years! There is just somethin’ about a man in uniform…wow!

  Growing up in the military, Rebecca Joyce, along with her family, moved from state to state, enjoying the never-ending game of “Where are we moving to next?”…which happened every two to three years!

  After high school, Rebecca met and married her own military service member and now devotes her time to her husband and children. Her “spawns,” as she lovingly calls them, demand and expect a lot of her attention. When she is not catering to the whims of her family, Rebecca spends her quiet time reading or writing.

  As an avid reader from an early age, Rebecca decided to try her hand at writing while her husband was away on a deployment to pass the time. Since then, she finds time in her hectic day to scribble her hopes, wishes, and dreams.

  Though her real life sometimes interferes with her imaginative life, Rebecca tries to balance each with wit, sarcasm, and humor… “Screwing up takes practice…I think I’m well rehearsed!”

  Rebecca Joyce currently lives in the United States with her husband of eighteen years and their three children.

  For all titles by Rebecca Joyce, please visit

  Siren Publishing, Inc.



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