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Jewel of Atlantis

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by Gena Showalter

  Praise for the novels of New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author GENA SHOWALTER

  The Vampire's Bride

  "Thanks to Showalter's great writing and imagination, this story, reminiscent of a reality show with all-powerful gods pulling everyone's strings, will really appeal."

  --RT Book Reviews, 4 stars

  The Darkest Pleasure

  "Showalter's darkly dangerous Lords of the Underworld trilogy, with its tortured characters, comes to a very satisfactory conclusion...[her] compelling universe contains the possibility of more stories to be told."

  --RT Book Reviews, 4 stars

  "Of all the books in this series, this is the most moving and compelling. The concluding chapters will simply stun you with the drama of them."

  --Mists and Stars

  The Darkest Kiss

  "In this new chapter the Lords of the Underworld engage in a deadly dance. Anya is a fascinating blend of spunk, arrogance and vulnerability--a perfect match for the tormented Lucien."

  --RT Book Reviews, 4 1/2 stars

  "Talk about one dark read...If there is one book you must read this year, pick up The Darkest Kiss... a Gena Showalter book is the best of the best."

  --Romance Junkies

  The Darkest Night

  "A fascinating premise, a sexy hero and nonstop action, The Darkest Night is Showalter at her finest, and a fabulous start to an imaginative new series."

  --New York Times bestselling author Karen Marie Moning

  "Dark and tormented doesn't begin to describe these cursed warriors called the Lords of the Underworld.... This is darkly satisfying and passionately thrilling stuff."

  --RT Book Reviews, 4 stars

  Catch a Mate

  "The versatile Showalter...once again shows that she can blend humor and poignancy while keeping readers entertained from start to finish."


  The Nymph King

  "A world of myth, mayhem and love under the sea!"

  --New York Times bestselling author J.R. Ward Playing with Fire

  "Another sizzling page-turner from one of the premier authors of paranormal romance. Gena Showalter delivers an utterly spellbinding story!"

  --New York Times bestselling author Kresley Cole Animal Instincts

  "Bold and witty, sexy and provocative, Gena Showalter's star is rising fast!"

  --New York Times bestselling author Carly Phillips Jewel of Atlantis

  "Shines like the purest gem...Rich in imagery and evocative detail, this book is a sterling example of what makes romance novels so worthwhile."

  --A Romance Review, 5 stars

  Heart of the Dragon

  "Lots of danger and sexy passion give lucky readers a spicy taste of adventure and romance."

  --RT Book Reviews

  The Pleasure Slave

  "This couple is dynamite and Tristan's intense sensuality will have you sweating. [The Pleasure Slave] is definitely going on my keeper shelf."

  --The Romance Studio

  The Stone Prince

  "Sexy, funny and downright magical!"

  --New York Times bestselling author Katie MacAlister



  Dear Reader,

  Since the first title in my Atlantis series, Heart of the Dragon, was published in 2005, I've been asked how I thought to combine the lost city of Atlantis with the creatures of lore. The answer is simple: what if. What if the gods hid their greatest mistakes inside Atlantis and that's why it's buried under the sea?

  That single question branched into a thousand others, each more intriguing than the last. What if a dragon shape-shifter is forced to guard the portal that leads to his home, tasked with killing anyone who enters--even the woman of his dreams (Heart of the Dragon)? What if a modern man is sent inside the forbidden city to steal its greatest treasure...who just happens to be a beautiful female he can't resist (Jewel of Atlantis)? What if the king of the nymphs can seduce everyone he encounters--except the woman he loves (The Nymph King)? I hope you'll join me on these journeys through Atlantis, where the creatures of myth and legend walk, peril lurks around every corner and forbidden passions ignite. Even readers familiar with the books might find a few new surprises in these slightly revised versions!

  And be sure to check out The Vampire's Bride, my newest tale of Atlantis, where I answer the question readers have been asking for years: What if the villain in all those earlier stories, the vampire king who has tortured and hated and warred, got a story of his own?

  Wishing you all the best, Gena Showalter

  Other sexy, steamy reads from GENA SHOWALTER and HQN Books

  Lords of the Underworld The Darkest Night

  The Darkest Kiss

  The Darkest Pleasure

  The Darkest Whisper


  Heart of the Dragon

  Jewel of Atlantis

  The Nymph King

  Tales of an Extraordinary Girl Playing with Fire

  Other must-reads

  The Stone Prince

  The Pleasure Slave

  Animal Instincts

  Catch a Mate

  Harlequin Teen


  More stunning tales from Gena Showalter are coming your way!

  In February 2010 watch for Twice as Hot In September 2010 watch for the sequel to Intertwined, Unraveled

  To Max--my babe.

  To the ladies who help make all my dreams come

  true--Tracy Farrell, Donna Hayes,

  Loriana Sacilotto, Dianne Moggy,

  Margo Lipschultz, Keyren Gerlach,

  Marleah Stout and the amazing HQN

  art department. (And everyone else

  I stupidly omitted. Sorry!) To Merline Lovelace--a woman who generously

  and warmly gives of herself without reservation.

  To Debbie Splawn-Bunch--

  who wouldn't let me title this book

  His (Hard and Shiny) Family Jewels.


































  THE GODS NEVER MEANT to create them.

  For centuries they paced throughout the heavens, wailing their need for beings to guide, nurture and rule. They longed fervently for a kingdom overflowing with loyal, grateful, obedient subjects.

  And so, the idea of Man was born.

  The king of gods was sacrificed, his blood melded with land, air, sea and fire; living creatures were formed. But the elements were unstable, the measure of portions flawed, and the outcome atrocious. The beings they created were not what the gods had envisioned, in appearance or temperament. They were not loyal or grateful, least of all obedient. These Dragons, Minotaurs, Vampires, Nymphs, Formorians--and too many others to name--were powerful rivals, potential usurpers to the ro
yal, immortal throne.

  Fear erupted in the heavens.

  In a panic, the gods cursed each ghastly creation to a life under the sea, to live forever bound to a city known as Atlantis. The only reminder of their presence was The Book of Ra Dracas, detailing the creation and weaknesses of each race. But that, too, was lost.

  Centuries passed.

  As it always does, time wrapped the gods in an absolution of forgetfulness, burying the memory of their past mistake. They knew only their ever-growing need for fellowship and attempted once more to create Man.

  This time they succeeded, and the human race was born.

  Soon after, the age of harmony began: the gods meddling in human lives whenever they wished, and Man worshipping the gods. Only one unspoken rule existed. The two vastly different creations, humans and Atlanteans, were never to meet, never to interact, never to fall in love.

  Someone should have told Grayson James.


  IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE an easy mission. An in-and-out job. A one-day extraction.

  His boss had fed him that line of bullshit, and Grayson James had foolishly believed him. Upon first entering this lushly green, sea-kissed land known as Atlantis, however, Gray realized he would have had better luck trying to sell a Frigidaire to a goddamn Eskimo. At a goddamn jacked-up price.


  Not a myth. Damn it. He'd hoped otherwise.

  He scowled. In one hand, he held a beeping, miniature GPS system programmed from coordinates found on a map. An actual, honest-to-God map of Atlantis his boss had discovered in a missing millionaire's stash. Right now, the GPS signal bounced off the earth's magnetic core, helping him navigate his way through this Atlantean jungle. In the other hand, he gripped a machete. The sharp silver blade hacked at the thick foliage blocking his path.

  No, Atlantis was not a myth. It happened to be home to the most loathsome creatures he'd ever encountered. And as an employee of OBI, the Otherworld Bureau of Investigations, he'd encountered plenty.

  Made him wonder why he'd even joined the agency.

  He knew the answer, though, and it wasn't because he'd (secretly) watched Star Trek for most of his teen years and knew how to speak Klingon. "Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam," he sighed. Today is a good day to die.

  When he'd learned (to his horrified shock) that there actually were other colonized worlds in the vast expanse of the galaxies, he'd left his job as a detective with the Dallas PD and began searching for a Men in Black-type operation. When OBI finally contacted him he'd signed on immediately. He believed fiercely in the need to learn about these other worlders and protect his own planet from them.

  How could he have known that the most fearsome creatures of all resided here, on his own planet? Simply buried beneath the ocean, protected by some kind of crystal dome?

  As he dodged a stray limb, he ground his teeth together. "Atlantis," he muttered. "Code name, Hell."

  After entering a swirling, gelatinous portal OBI had discovered underwater in Florida, he'd found himself inside an enormous crystal palace guarded by huge, sword-wielding men. Luck had been on his side as he stealthily maneuvered his way past them, unnoticed, and entered this jungle.

  That's when he kissed that fickle bitch Lady Luck goodbye.

  For the past two nights, a bloodsucking vampire, a fire-breathing dragon, and a hungry, salivating winged demon, aka the Welcoming Committee, had chased him, each sharpening mental forks and knives.

  The memories made him feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

  He knew the routine now. In less than one hour, night would fall and those...things would emerge again. They would hunt him. They would attempt to fucking eat him. And not in a good way.

  His blood ran cold at the thought and not even the hot, humid air could warm him. For fifty-eight hours he'd been stuck in this seemingly never-ending maze, and for fourteen of those hours, he'd followed the exact same pattern: creatures track, Gray evade.

  The first night, he'd tried to shoot them with his Beretta. He managed to nail the dragon between the eyes, but his other pursuers dodged the bullets, quickly and effortlessly gliding out of range.

  The second night, when the two remaining creatures appeared, Gray utilized his combat skills and slit the vampire's throat. A pleasure, he had to admit, but he hadn't emerged unscathed. Five deep, raw scratch and bite wounds adorned his neck and thigh, throbbing constantly. Not festering, but never quite healing.

  How he'd escaped the demon after that, he didn't know. Injured and weak as he'd been, he would have been easy to overpower. Hell, his bleeding body would have made a delicious dinner buffet. Many times he'd wondered if the demon had purposefully let him go, enjoying the thrill of the hunt a little too much.

  Well, the demon wasn't the only one who was going to enjoy himself tonight. An anticipatory smile lifted Gray's lips. Smarter now, he wouldn't be caught off guard. Plus, he'd already worked up a plan affectionately dubbed Operation Kill the Bastard. If KTB unfolded successfully, the demon would soon join his bloodsucking friends in hell. If it didn't, well, Gray would resort to Plan B: Operation Oh Shit. He'd sprint like a madman and hide until light glowed once more from the seemingly alive dome above.

  His gaze flicked to said dome. There was no sky here, only mile after mile of iridescent, pearlized crystal. Waves constantly washed over the outer side, and multiple-sized and colored fish swam in every direction. He like the naked mermaids best.

  A twig slapped his cheek, snagging his attention, slicing skin and adding one more item to his growing shit list. He lost all remnants of his good humor. At least the insects had stopped swarming him. A real silver lining, he thought bitterly. He never should have taken this job.

  He veered left just as his wristwatch vibrated. He stopped abruptly. "Just what I need," he muttered. If it wasn't one thing, it was another, and now it was time to check in with home base.

  He dropped his backpack, dug inside, and withdrew a small black transmitter, switching it to On. If he failed to check in at least once a day, the cavalry would sweep in and finish his job. He'd never failed a mission, and he wouldn't fail this one.

  "Santa to Mother," he said, cringing when he spoke his code name. His unit had thought it was funny as hell, saying he swooped into other worlds and left little presents (like bombs and dead bodies), so the name had stuck. "Do you copy?"

  A few seconds of static, before he heard, "Go ahead, Santa." He recognized the voice of his boss, Jude Quinlin.

  "I'm still without the package, but all is well."

  "Copy that."

  "Over." He ended the transmission and stuffed the receiver into his backpack, then kicked into gear again. All was well, his ass. To survive Operation KTB himself, he needed to find a small clearing with ample room to sprint, dodge, and dive for cover. So far, no luck. And he was running out of time, his hour ticking away unmercifully.

  When a wall of trees blocked his path, he pivoted right, but the GPS erupted in a series of erratic, high-pitched beeps, a sign he'd taken a wrong turn. Growling low in his throat, Gray spun around and backtracked until the miniature device calmed. Sweat trickled from his temple and dripped onto his military fatigues.

  He'd been due a vacation, damn it, a chance to see the brothers and sister he hadn't visited in over two years. He called them regularly, of course, but that wasn't the same as hugging them, laughing with them. Being with them. He wanted to play with Katie's children, wanted to make sure her husband Jorlan was treating her like the prize she was.

  Working for OBI--which translated into constant planet-hopping through inter-world wormholes--didn't allow for frequent trips home. Hell, working for OBI didn't allow for trips anywhere except alien planets. And now underwater cities. It sure as hell didn't allow for dating and getting laid. Unless he wanted to have a one-night stand with a three-eyed, blue-skinned, slimy alien female.

  He didn't.

  He'd never liked one-night stands, preferring instead multiple nights with multiple orgasms.

  Three eyes? Slimy skin? Uh, gross.

  Did he mention that he liked to take his time with a woman, lingering over every nuance of her body, savoring her scent, her taste? That he liked to hear her shout about his unbelievable sexual talents in English?

  He grinned at the thought of "unbelievable sexual talents."

  Another branch bitch-slapped his cheek, and he lost his grin. Your fault, man. You shouldn't have let your mind wander into the gutter. How true. Now was not the time to be thinking of sex and women. Or having sex with women. He blamed the heat for his wayward mind. That, and the fact that he hadn't gotten laid in a long, long time. Too long.

  Way too long.

  Why else would he have lost focus on what was important--his survival--in favor of picturing a naked woman. A naked woman with long, velvet-soft legs that wrapped around his waist and--

  Yet another twig popped him, in the eye this time. How many would he have to endure? "Concentrate, boy." It's not like he suffered from ADD. You're here for a reason, James. Think of nothing but that.

  One moment of distraction could cause a mission to fail. He knew that, and was surprised at how easily his mind kept veering. Perhaps being hunted by a cannibalistic demon wasn't exciting enough for him. If that was the case, he needed a total body probe and psych exam ASAP.

  "The mission. Think only about the mission." As they had a thousand times before, his boss's departing words drifted through his mind. We found a book, Gray. The book, actually, titled Ra Dracas. It tells of dragons and vampires and other such nonsense, but the true message is hidden between the text, written in code.

  "The text about dragons and vampires is nonsense," he mocked. Hindsight sucked major ass.

  Once we broke that code, his boss had added, we learned about the Jewel of Dunamis, a jewel so powerful it can be used to predict the future. A jewel so powerful it can show who's lying and who's speaking the truth. Whoever holds it will have the ability to destroy any enemy. Conquer any army.

  Small wonder his government wanted so desperately to own it.


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