Book Read Free

Rules of the Road

Page 19

by K. Aten

  THE NEXT MORNING they went through their routines in separate bathrooms. Jamie grumbled a little at getting up slightly earlier but she was feeling a lot better in the light of a new day. Kelsey was happy to see that the little wrinkle of pain between Jamie’s brows was absent. “How’s your head?”

  Jamie smiled as she fixed eggs, ham, and toast for breakfast. She turned carefully from where she was buttering the last piece of toast. “The headache is gone; I’ve just got some lingering stiffness in my neck. But I’ll alternate heat and ice on it tonight just like you told me and I’m sure I’ll be good as new in a few days.” She paused and looked at her friend seriously. “Thanks again for taking care of me. It really means a lot.”

  Kelsey smiled back at her and melted the blonde just a little with that pesky dimple. “It’s no problem at all. I’m always happy to help out a friend. And you’ve become one of my best.” She turned her attention to the plate of food that Jamie set in front of her and moaned at the first bite. “I usually eat cold cereal for breakfast. A girl could definitely get used to this!”

  “Perhaps you should sleep over more often!”

  Kelsey started laughing and had to cover her mouth with a paper towel to keep from spraying egg all over the table. “That sounds like a line if I ever heard one!”

  Jamie shook her head carefully as she looked at her with affection. “No, it sounds like an open invitation for my friend to come over and visit because I like her company.” Kelsey didn’t answer because she didn’t know how. But she smiled back at Jamie anyway and continued eating her breakfast. She liked Jamie’s company too, nearly craved it.

  Chapter Thirteen

  FOURTEEN DAYS AFTER Jamie played the part of a raging bull at work, she received a text message from her friend Burke

  We’re still on for this weekend, right? I’ll be at your place Saturday around 3.

  Jamie had a lot on her mind over the previous weeks and she completely forgot that she was hosting a bunch of people for Burke’s birthday. She texted back.

  Yeah, can’t wait. Going to buy stuff for appetizers, you bringing fondue set?

  Burke decided that for his birthday he wanted a wine and fondue party. And because most of his friends lived in St. Seren, he volunteered Jamie’s condo for the event. She didn’t mind because they were bros, but she also knew she’d end up doing most of the cooking.

  Yes. Bringing half a dozen bottles of wine and asked everyone else to b.y.o.w. and an appetizer to pass.

  Jamie groaned. With everyone bringing wine it was sure to be a shit show, but Burke was determined to have a fancy wine and fondue party so he was going to get it. She didn’t say any of that to him though.

  Sounds good.

  She set her phone back on the wireless charger and it vibrated again a few minutes later. Jamie jumped when a piece of crumpled up paper hit the back of her head. She spun around to look at Bill. “Dude! What the hell?”

  His dark hair was freshly shorn. She was never sure if he cut it himself or if he actually went to a barbershop for the look. “It’s only Thursday, James. You gotta girl blowing your phone up over there?”

  “It’s Burke, he’s coming into town this weekend for his birthday. And why are you so nosey anyway?” She grabbed her phone to check the text.

  Did you invite Kelsey?

  “Did you invite your friend Kelsey?”

  Jamie startled at the way both Burke and Bill just asked her the same question. She answered the text first.

  Not yet.

  Then she turned to Bill. “For your information, I totally zoned out about the birthday party and forgot. So I haven’t asked yet but I will tonight.”

  He nodded. “Good. It was pretty cool of her to drive you home from work and back again the week before last. She sounds like a real keeper.”

  Jamie scowled. “She’s my friend, not a keeper. We’re just friends.”

  Bill rolled his eyes. “So you keep saying.”

  “It’s true! She doesn’t see me like that.”

  “Mmm hmm, you are so busted! You just said she didn’t see you like that, not that you didn’t think of her that way.”

  She sighed and spun around in her chair then stopped when she started to feel queasy. “It doesn’t matter how I see her, we are just friends and that is how we’ll stay. Can we drop that subject now please? Let’s talk about something else, like the fact that your wife suddenly wants to have a baby.”

  It was his turn to groan. “How about we don’t? I’m thirty-eight years old; I shouldn’t be starting a family.”

  “And how old is Holly?”

  He sighed. “She’s thirty-six.”

  Jamie shook her head at him. “Ooh, she’s right at the edge of safe zone. If she really wants a baby, man, she kind of has to do it now. But you’re not that old, what’s the problem?”

  “James, I’ll be thirty-nine before any possible baby is born! That means I’ll be fifty-seven when that kid graduates high school and near retirement when they graduate college. Hell, I could have a heart attack and die like my old man when I’m fifty-five! And then what? Holly will be a widow and my kid will be fatherless!” He finished his diatribe breathing hard and red in the face.

  She leaned back in her chair and held up her hands with palms facing him. “Whoa. Slow down, man, or you’re going to give yourself a heart attack right now. Clearly this is something you’ve thought a lot about. Have you talked with Holly about this?” He shook his head. “I think that is your first step. Seriously sit down with her and explain all your fears. It’s risky for her too, but if it’s something you really want then make it work.”

  He sighed and ran a hand over his buzz cut. “Yeah, you’re probably right.” He turned back around in his chair, ending their little tête-à-tête.

  She thought about her own words and decided to text Kelsey and invite her to Saturday’s party instead of waiting until the drive home.

  Are you doing anything Saturday afternoon/night?

  She didn’t expect her to answer immediately since they were at work, so she set the phone back onto the charger and went back to work. A little while later the phone vibrated.

  Knitting with my cats, why?

  Jamie snickered.

  Totally forgot that Burke is throwing his own wine & fondue birthday party at my condo. I’m officially inviting you.

  I see. Are you inviting me or my cake pops?

  The engineer laughed at how well Kelsey seemed to know her.


  Kelsey sat at the desk in back and giggled at the other woman’s non-specific response.

  What is Burke’s favorite flavor?


  The dental assistant made a face and sent another message.

  Isn’t that yours?

  A text came back almost immediately.


  Then another followed.

  We actually both like chocolate but Burke likes cherry too.

  Okay, perfect. I’ll be sure to bring the birthday cake pops and my own bottle of wine. I like the sweetstuff.

  Another minute passed and Jamie’s next message came in.

  Me too. But fair warning, I get handsy when I’m drinking the wine.

  Kelsey burst out laughing then quickly covered her mouth and looked around. Smirking a little, she found a picture in her phone and sent that back to Jamie along with a text.

  I don’t do well on the wine either. Shell took this the last time I got drunk on it at their place.

  Jamie received the message while sitting at her desk still and her ears turned pink. She hunched over her phone just in case Bill got nosey again, then texted back.

  Uh, Kels? Why were you taking your clothes off?

  Apparently I wouldn’t stand still enough to get my picture taken so they told me to pose like I was in a magazine. Don’t know what magazine I was thinking of for sure, but I can guess. They stopped me at the button just above my navel.

  “Oh my God!” The words w
ere quiet and only slipped out on accident, but Bill spun around in his chair.

  “What’s up, James—hey, why’s your face all red? You all right?”

  Jamie shook her head slowly. “She’s trying to kill me. Seriously, I’m going to spontaneously combust!”

  Bill shoved his chair across the floor and peeked at the picture on her phone before she could stop him. “Holy shit, I thought you said you two were just friends?”

  She whimpered. “We are! She was just explaining how she gets when she’s drunk.”

  “Does she know how you feel?”

  Jamie gave her coworker a wide-eyed look. “Hell no!”

  He shrugged and gave her a knowing smile. “What was that you just told me earlier? Seriously sit down with her and explain all your fears, or something to that effect. So you should probably take your own advice, huh?” Jamie looked around then discretely flipped him off. Her phone vibrated again in her hand, making her jump.

  Sorry, was that TMI?

  Jamie quickly texted back.

  No it’s fine. Was just discussing something with my coworker. But in anticipation of the amount of wine that will be flowing on Saturday, maybe you should wear a lot of layers. LOL

  Ha-ha, you’re so funny! What time should I be there and is there anything else I need to bring?

  The blonde smiled.

  Starts at five but you can come early if you want. Just bring an overnight bag because you’re not driving home after. Or you can call a cab, your choice.

  Okay, will do! Gotta run now, work calls. Talk to you later, James!

  BURKE ARRIVED SATURDAY around three to help set everything up. Jamie was busy making two different sauces on the stove when someone knocked on her door an hour later. Burke was in the middle of putting the extra leafs into the dining room table. The music was going but not loud. “Hey Burke, can you get that? I’m kinda busy here.”

  He set the second leaf on top of the table. “Got it!” Jamie was standing at the stove so she had her back to the door and couldn’t see which guest arrived early but she quickly figured it out. “Hey, Kels! Welcome to the party!”

  Jamie turned both burners down to low and spun around excitedly. “Hey, you’re here early!” Kelsey looked comfortable in a lightweight button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up and a pair of chinos. Her auburn hair was loose for once, which was a change of pace from the braid that Jamie was used to seeing. Kelsey looked really good.

  The Irish-Latina smiled and walked over to set the cake pop container on the island next to where Burke had already set up his chocolate fountain. Where he got such a ridiculous thing, no one knew. She was still wearing a backpack but once her hands were empty she turned to hug Burke. “Happy birthday!” Then she accepted a close hug from Jamie, relishing the warmth and solidity of her. “And you said I could come early.”

  “That’s what she said!”

  Kelsey looked at Burke, slightly confused. “That is what she said.”

  “Oh my God.”

  Kelsey glanced over at Jamie’s pink cheeks and Burke’s words dawned on her. Why she didn’t get it initially, she wasn’t sure. It wasn’t like Jamie didn’t say the phrase all the time. She rolled her eyes at both of them. “You two are nothing but a couple of juveniles! Now where can I put my bag? I’m assuming Burke is staying too so do I have the couch tonight?”

  Jamie smiled at her. “I have lots of floor space, plus two extra tall blowup mattresses, so there is plenty of room depending on who wants to stay. But you can put your stuff in my room for now.” When she saw Kelsey’s raised eyebrow she rolled her eyes. “Oh please, settle down stripper Sally! Your virtue is safe with me. Besides, I’m only having you put it there because my room will be completely off limits for the party. So no one will mess with your stuff.”

  Burke snorted. “Virtue!”

  Kelsey pointed at him. “Pipe down over there, birthday boy! I’m as pure as the driven snow—”

  Jamie interrupted with a cough and mumbled word. “In Detroit.”

  The Irish-Latina was full of piss and play and she whirled on her good friend next. “Keep it up, handsy-pandsy, and I’ll open a can of whoop ass on you so hard you’ll have to call Campbell’s for the barcode if you want to report it to the cops!”

  “Ooh, yes James, keep it up because I want to see this!”

  Jamie flipped them both off and turned to go back to the stove, calling over her shoulder on the way. “I have to check my sauce!”

  “That’s what she said.” Two voices in unison made the blonde roll her eyes. They were stealing all her lines!

  Jenn had also arrived slightly early and between the four of them they had the place all set up in time for the party to begin. By five-thirty, quite a few of the guests had arrived. Kelsey was two glasses of wine in and her cheeks glowed with praise as people raved about the chocolate covered cherry cake pops. The carrier featured a base and a plastic lid that went over it. The difference was that the inside was actually a set of tiers that the treats rested on, smallest diameter trays on top to the largest on the bottom. The center of the lid had a hole where she could screw a handle down into the post that held the tiers to the bottom tray. That flat spot on the top of the post was where she put the block style birthday candle. Burke was delighted at both the dessert and her thoughtfulness. Jamie was just delighted by Kelsey.

  Music played over Jamie’s sound system, a general mix of styles and songs. People had started various games around the room. One group was at the coffee table, another at the folding table that had been set up, and a final group at the large dining room table that had been expanded out to seat ten people. As part of her condo association fees, Jamie had a small storage closet on her floor, which was where she kept the extra dining room chairs, as well as the folding table and chairs.

  Later in the evening Jamie went out on her balcony to catch a break from all the people and get a little fresh air. She was feeling quite tipsy and had struggled throughout the night to not spend a lot of time in Kelsey’s sole company. Her friend was just too much of a lure and being on her fifth glass of wine, Jamie had definitely passed into the handsy stage. Jamie was leaning on the railing with her eyes closed when she heard one of the French doors open behind her. The music got momentarily louder then softened to a muffle again when the door shut. She assumed it was Burke coming to find her until an arm snaked around her waist and she smelled Kelsey’s cologne. Jamie turned to smile at her and was rewarded with that heartbreaking dimpled grin.

  Kelsey’s voice was quiet. “Hey, what are you doing out here all alone?”

  The blonde shrugged. “Just came out to think, see some stars, and get some fresh air.”

  “Yeah, it is hot in there. Why don’t you open the French doors?”

  Jamie made a face. “And let bugs into my condo? No way!”

  Kelsey laughed. “Then why don’t you turn up the AC?” She got a wry smile for her suggestion.

  “Hmm, good point!” They both laughed but neither moved. Kelsey’s arm was still wrapped around Jamie’s waist as they stared across the river, toward the lights of the city. Jamie wasn’t sure how much longer she could ignore her friend’s smile, or the way she felt in her arms when they hugged hello or goodbye. It was impossible to pretend that the smell of Kelsey’s cologne in the mall didn’t trigger some sort of Pavlovian response, because it did. Her friend was warm against her side, comfortable in a way she had not felt in a long, long time. It was frightening and exhilarating all at once. She heard Kelsey’s breath catch and turned to look at her with a question on her lips. But the question never came out as their eyes met less than six inches from each other and their mouths breathed in the same air.

  At nearly the same height, their position was intimate and much too close together, and Kelsey knew she was going to kiss her. She looked from Jamie’s brown eyes down to her friend’s full lips. Just as they both leaned forward to close the space between them the French doors opened again to a wash of guitar
riff and rollicking piano. They startled apart as Burke walked up. He paused, suddenly realized that he’d just interrupted something interesting and then continued with his original thought. “Hey, we’re just getting ready to play Left Right Center and we need your quarters so people can buy in. Are you both playing?”

  They hesitated for just a second then both stepped back at the same time. Kelsey spoke first and Jamie used the time to recover. “What’s Left Right Center?”

  Jamie looked at her in surprise. “Are you kidding me?” She looped her arm through Kelsey’s elbow and steered her toward the door. “Let’s go inside. You’re about to have a good time!”

  Feeling daring with her wine consumption she whispered in Jamie’s ear. “I thought I was about to have a good time outside.” The blonde stumbled slightly as they came through the door and Kelsey locked her arm to help keep her upright.

  Once inside Jamie disengaged herself from Kelsey’s arm and pointed at her. “You are evil!”

  Kelsey laughed and winked at her. “Maybe you should go turn up the AC when you’re looking for quarters, your face is getting warm there, nerd.” Jamie grumbled and scrubbed her warm face with a hand before going off to adjust the thermostat. Burke swooped in and took Jamie’s place on Kelsey’s arm and led her to the large table that was rapidly filling with people.


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