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Hot Target

Page 8

by Nathalie Gray

  It was her turn to gasp when he penetrated her ass with a finger. Recoil, plunge, Kim used every muscle in her burning thighs to give herself one hell of a ride. Behind her, Titan groaned.

  The double pressure of his thick shaft and finger stretched her deliciously, spread her cleft outward as it’d never been before and allowed her pleasure to spill and coat his hand and thighs. When he reached around her and captured a breast, Kim cried out her satisfaction. Doubling the cadence, the downward force, she speared herself repeatedly.

  Louder, her cries drowned everything else. Ah, ah, ah, ah. She squeezed her eyes shut, rode the massive orgasm burning her. Hoping Titan would last for a while longer yet knowing he’d already come in the shower and probably wouldn’t again so soon, Kim pounded so hard now her small breasts bounced. Sweat slicked her thighs, which rubbed against his, adding to the ecstasy.

  “Come, baby,” he snarled, brutally squeezing her nipple. “Come, come.”

  His finger in her ass became two. The added friction proved the last drop. Kim screamed her bliss open-throated. She clutched his thighs, dug her nails in and gave one last twist downward with her butt. Panting hard, she collapsed against him. Their sweaty bodies connected from thighs to shoulders. His breath stirred her hair.

  Titan put his mouth close to her ear. “Go to sleep, Ballistic Kim, ‘cause when you wake up, it’ll be my turn. You’ll need your strength.”

  She chuckled as he lifted her off him and gently lowered her to the mattress. It was so damn nice and comfortable, she felt herself falling almost immediately. Poor guy, he hadn’t even come. Kim only had time to mumble something before everything went black.

  Chapter Five

  “I love you?” Titan repeated, his mouth open in shock. Had she just told him she loved him?

  Warmth spread through his entire body as he watched her snuggle deeper into the pillows. He tugged the covers from underneath her, unclipped her bra and slipped it off her. After retrieving the thong, he set both flat on the floor so they’d dry. Then he pulled the covers back over her and tucked the ends under that magnificent butt. Titan sat on the bed and watched Kim sleep.

  He put the caps back on the tubes of lotion and lip thing and set them by her underwear on the floor. His dick throbbed in the most delectable fashion. Titan patted his belly and made his way downstairs, retrieving the various pieces of clothing and towels as he went. After arranging everything nice and neat—the way he liked it—he went to the kitchen and fixed himself another meal on the go. These were supposed to last a guy his size an entire day. Load of shit. Who the hell could live on fifteen hundred calories a day?

  The whole time, he kept rolling in his head her last words to him. I love you. She must have said something else. Or, most probably, she must have thought she was with someone different. His budding elation popped like someone had put a bullet in it. Maybe she’d been imaging herself back with Drokesh.

  “Fuck,” he snarled as he retrieved the meal from the warmer and burned his fingers.

  Now why did the thought of Drokesh and Kim together trigger such rage? She was allowed to have had a life. Hell knew he had. Was it the difference in size or species or what? Why the hell was he jealous of the Yithian?


  Wow. That’s a first.

  He ate in morose silence, listening to her breathing—which was quickly mutating into a funny little snoring sound that suited her well—and trying to keep images of the Yithian screwing Kim from ruining his meal. He failed. It did. After pushing it aside, he stalked to the shower, stayed under the punishingly cold water for a long while before coming back to the living room and sitting on one of the parallel sofas.

  Titan looked at the black void above his head and cursed. Drokesh would be there in a few standard hours. Good riddance to both. He couldn’t wait for Kim to go back to her old boss. The little pocket rocket had caused enough turmoil in his life already. His house was a mess. So was his brain. He couldn’t even form a coherent thought when she was near. What she did on the Gorgosh, what sort of performance she put on, he probably wouldn’t go see now, not after having had her all to himself. The thought of other men drooling over her as she moved her tight little ass stoked him right in the balls. He’d probably end up emptying his guns in the fuckers’ heads just for looking at her. Never mind their hands on her…

  He used his towel like a blanket and lay down. Despite some serious mental drills, he couldn’t keep the images away. Drokesh behind Kim, pounding his big, blue dick in her tender little pussy while she screamed his name. Kim on her back, writhing in pleasure as the skillful—Yithians were reputed to be skilled with their mouths—Drokesh ate her out. Or worse, Kim on her knees, sucking the Yithian and swallowing his alien cum. Had he fucked her ass too, Titan wondered with merciless curiosity. Had she liked it the way she’d seemed to with Titan? Did he compare? Was he too small, too pink?

  Titan frothed himself into such a rage that he threw the towel aside and marched up the stairs. He had questions for the little pain in the ass and there’d be hell to pay if she didn’t answer him. First one being why the hell she hadn’t stayed on the brothel-ship instead of messing with his lucrative business!

  When he got to the bed though, he slowed. She lay on her side still but the covers had fallen off. Her legs and butt showed well in the dim light. Too damn dim, if someone asked him. He padded to the panel, slowly turned the lights a bit brighter and resumed his new favorite pastime. Damn, she was beautiful. She looked younger when she slept and didn’t have that mouth running her into trouble. Purple tresses spilled around her head and behind her back.

  Titan crept closer, his anger dissipating proportionally to his nearness of her. His gaze followed the healthy glow of her face and shoulder, down along her ribs—which showed a bit too much for his tastes—then over her hip. The inside of her thigh showed well against the cream-colored sheets. He grinned when he spotted her pubic hair. Dyed purple. He couldn’t see it clearly back when he had his mouth clamped to her delectable cunt but he could now and feasted his eyes. Why didn’t it surprise him one bit she’d dye it purple? Crazy woman.

  The grin slid off his face when he noticed a series of half circles on her thigh, right up along her crotch. Silvery lines punctuated with dots. Hell, they looked like branded imprints of pearl necklaces. Titan leaned forward, squinted. His brain refused to process what his eyes were telling him. Those couldn’t be…there were just too many…they looked too deep…it was impossible.

  “Great flying fuck,” he snarled when he realized those were bite marks. Deep, mother-fucker-big bite marks.

  She’d probably had them retouched with corrective surgery for they looked two-dimensional now when he knew they must have ruined the skin in quite a horrible way back when they’d been inflicted on her. He’d seen love bites, and those horrible marks weren’t even close. Who the hell had bitten her too damn hard? And, first of all, who had teeth that could do this kind of…

  Yithians had teeth big enough and pointy enough to cause this much damage.

  Had Drokesh done this?

  White-hot rage seeped inside his chest. The sound of his gnashing teeth drowned the thunder of his heart in his ears. Fists clenched, eyes narrowed.

  Kim opened her eyes so abruptly Titan’s reflexes took over his brain. He snapped his hand forward and grabbed her wrist hard, twisting it outward.

  “Ouch, shit,” she snarled, yanking on her hand and reaching for the cover at the same time.

  Titan snatched the cover from her reach. His brain finally kicked in—much too late, to his embarrassment—and he released her wrist. His bouncer days kept coming back at the least opportune moments. Sinking on the bed dejectedly, he stared at her.

  “What the fuck are those Kim?” He pointed to her thighs. “Who did that?”

  “They’re nothing,” she replied hurriedly, pulling the sheets over herself. She sat with her knees under her chin. “Just old scars.”

  “They’re not ‘j
ust old scars’, Kim, those are—” Titan had to stopped so he could take a deep breath. His rage surprised him. Mister Cool-headed all right. “Those aren’t normal scars. And I want to know who did them.”

  “Argh, what does it matter? You’re such a caveman. Like, honestly.” She rolled her eyes and pretended to smile. But Titan noticed how her chin trembled.

  “Drokesh did that? Some other Yithian? Who?”

  She flinched when he said the name. He had his answer.

  “How come you knew I was there at all?”

  Shit. Titan could’ve kicked himself. Now that was smooth Harris. Instead of answering, he plowed on. “Why did he bite you like that? Were you two into some sick pain thing? Did you whip his blue ass while he fucked you?”

  Her dark eyes narrowed dangerously and Titan knew he’d gone too far. “No, I couldn’t ‘whip his blue ass’ while he fucked me because inhibitors don’t let you do that, do they?”

  The thought of her slender neck bound by those awful things repulsed him to the highest degree. Inhibitors were designed to pick up sharp points of aggression and give an electrical jolt as a form of punishment. He’d seen those nasty things on some of the slaves on brothel-ships. Slaves…

  “You were a slave?” He couldn’t even say the word without grimacing.

  “Yeah,” she replied, tossing the sheet from her and scooting to the edge of the bed. “So I could have all the Yithian dick I wanted, and then some.” Retrieving her underwear, she yanked them on. The thong was inside out. She grabbed the latex suit and bunched it in her fists, as if she were making it responsible for her pain. “Oh and the best part was having to walk around naked and bend over every time he was horny…in other words, every other fucking MINUTE!”

  She yelled the last word. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she made to storm past him and head for the stairs. Titan intercepted her by an arm and stood.

  “Wait,” he said in his gentlest voice—the one he couldn’t remember using—and wrapped her shoulder with his other hand. “How come you were there? Did he attack your ship?”

  Hatred and pain flashed in her eyes. She stared at some point above his head and not at his face, which hurt him more deeply than he thought he could be. “Oh like now you want to know, huh? Totally typical. You men.”

  She’d meant the word like an insult and Titan took it accordingly. He nodded. “You’re right. I am a caveman. Can you still tell me how Drokesh got his hands on you?”

  Kim snorted, still not meeting his gaze. Goddamn, it hurt.

  “Not like I owe you anything, big guy, you know, but I’ll tell you just so you’ll shut up.

  “My ship was captured by a Yithian Hunter, who sold us all to that gross place, the Gorgosh. Drokesh decided he would keep me—aren’t I just the luckiest girl! So after my captain and her boyfriend—that’s the Hunter, he switched sides, you know, shit happens—whatever, they decided playtime was over, they busted me out and we, like, hightailed out of there. I opened their cans like you wouldn’t believe.”

  Titan wasn’t sure he followed all of it. A Yithian Hunter turning in favor of humans? Her gay captain rescuing her with his Yithian boyfriend? Kim opening someone’s “can”…?

  He’d never heard someone say so much in such a short time.

  Without warning, she yanked her arm out of his hand and went for the stairs. Titan followed, not sure what else to do. Then the whole situation crushed in on him like an imploding ship. Drokesh would be here before long, to “claim” her back.

  “Like hell he will,” Titan snarled.

  Kim stopped mid stairs and turned to look at him. “What?”

  The single word conveyed all the hatred and rage and disgust she must have felt for him. He took it like a kick to the balls. And he knew intimately how that felt.

  Damn, he’d been such a fool. Time to spill the beans.

  “You think you hate my guts now, wait ‘til I tell you the dumb-ass thing I did.”

  Kim narrowed her eyes at Titan as he followed her down the stairs. He disappeared around the bathroom and emerged with a suit in a plastic cover. Ripping the cover with one hand, he hooked the jacket on a chair by the counter and pulled the pants on directly over his naked butt. Despite her anger at him and his prying, pig-ignorant, hardheaded, male ego, she couldn’t help a small twinge of regret at seeing that glorious cock for the last time.

  “You better sit down.” He showed her one of the sofas, even pulled a towel out of the way so she could sit.

  As he put his shirt on, buttoning it very, very slowly—like someone buying time—she rolled her suit back on, covering all the sweet spots he’d just loved, and lamenting that no way in hell would she be able to find another lover like him.

  Sometimes, life just sucks.

  She zipped it up and sat down on the sofa. Her boots were still near the counter, with her portable decoder on it.

  While he slipped the webbed belt on, sliding the holsters as he went, his eyes kept darting overhead. Was he afraid her ship would come crash on his head, like she ought to?

  “Spill it now, Titan, or I swear…I’m gonna…argh!” She curled her fingers around the air in front of her and pretended to rip something out and break it in half.

  Dressed once again in a black suit, this time with a shirt and tie ensemble blue enough to make her squint, he pulled his knuckle-less racing gloves on and put both fists on his hips. One of the guns, the Glock, was still on the counter.

  “Okay,” he began, clearly looking for his words. He checked overhead again and cursed. “Look, I’m not good at this shit so I’ll just come out and say it.”

  But he didn’t. Only stood there looking at her with his heart in his eyes. Why should it bother her so much the way he silently pleaded with her? Whatever he’d done, at least he looked guilty.

  “Just say it, Titan, I’m tired,” she replied wearily. Nothing beat friendly sex, man, nothing. Never mind having feelings for someone and then learning they’d done something to your back that probably involved some sharp object or other. Kim cursed mentally. She never should have let this guy become more than another notch on her belt.

  “Drokesh contacted me after you left Land’s End. He said you belonged in his ‘establishment’ and he wanted you back.”

  Horror filled her guts and she knew it filled her eyes as well for Titan swallowed hard and gnashed his teeth. She could hear the sound from where she sat. So that’s how he knew I was on the Gorgosh. Oh the big…

  “And you told him…?”

  “That he could come pick you up here.” Someone realizing they’d had a booger stuck to their nostril for half a day wouldn’t have looked more embarrassed than he did right then.

  “And in exchange for this big favor, what are you getting?”

  Titan took a deep breath and replied as he exhaled. “Monopoly in the system…”

  “And…?” You’re not going to crawl out of this one, you jerk.

  “Your designs too. The ship. Everything.”

  Her mind shot onward along the crazy chain of events unfolding in her mind—monopoly, which meant Drokesh would destroy the most powerful arms dealers, no mean feat…she could count three just like that, then Titan would be the only one left standing. He’d have her designs, which would make him disgusting sums on her back…literally. While he played with her drawings and her shiny weapons, she’d wear that godawful thing around her neck and suck Drokesh’s cock.

  Well, I don’t think so.

  Tears of anger welled up her eyes. She gritted her teeth and looked at her naked toes. A pregnant silence settled over them.

  “Say something,” Titan said after a while. She saw him shift from one foot to the other.

  If he felt as miserable as he looked then good, that was exactly how he ought to feel. Backstabbing asshole.

  A small part of her felt like curling up with her knees under her chin and her head under a pillow while another part of her, a large, angry, hormone-driven, betrayed and enraged part w
anted to blast Titan and his cool house into a million little twinkling bits. She’d then use these bits for target practice, right before she blew the whole fucking mess into the next galaxy. Didn’t they say there was no fury like one pissed-off chick?

  Without looking at him, she walked by and pulled her boots on. The entire time she buckled them to her calves, her hands shook, her eyes stung with pent-up tears. She stood and faced him.

  “When will he get here?” she asked, her voice dull and flat.

  “In about eleven standard hours,” Titan replied, taking a step forward and stopping. “That gives you enough time to get a few hyperjumps between you and him.”

  “You’re letting me go?”

  A grimace twisted his handsome face. “Fuck, baby, of course I’m letting you go. I had no idea. I thought you were some kind of performer or something—” he stopped, his gaze down on her crotch, or more probably on her thighs, where he’d seen the bite marks. “What he’s done to you…that’s just fucking sick. Hell, I think Yithians are sick, the whole lot of them. And I don’t like to be taken for rides, I’ll make sure Drokesh gets that.”

  Nice words. Lots of nice words. The thing was, she no longer believed whatever came out of his mouth. He could’ve been speaking Naray for all she cared. Yet she nodded, going along for the time being.

  He looked so relieved, his gray eyes lightened while his wrinkled brow smoothened. “Come, I’ll take you back to your ship.”

  He turned his back on her.

  Kim had one of his guns in her hand before she knew she’d moved. She may be small and lack muscle tone but she could pull a trigger with the best of them. And actually, she was damn good with guns. Even little ones like this.

  Shock tightened his mouth. He took a step back from her, his gloved hands twitching. “That wasn’t very smart, baby.”

  “Don’t give me a reason to blow your pretty head off. Because I’m itching to do it.”

  If her voice had been flat before, it was steel-cold right then. Kim held the Glock in a steady hand, the matte black weapon an awkward fit for her small palm. But she was sure the bullet would work just the same.


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