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Invisible (A Night Fire Novel Book 5)

Page 13

by Watkins, TM


  “Good work darling. Do you remember her husband's name?”

  Helen and...

  “Eric. Two children, Annie and Gareth.”

  “Excellent.” she said with so much happiness “You are coming along so well. I don't know if there's anything else to remember. Is there anything in your mind that doesn't make sense?”

  There wasn't much that I could tell her. All that was in my mind had answers to. I looked at someone or something and remembered it, if I couldn't remember it then I would fixate on it until I did. I didn't know if there was still stuff missing from my memory, I guess only time will tell. To me it seemed like everything was in order.

  “It seems okay. Everything has a place and I look around and remember things easily.”

  “Like coming to the end of a jigsaw?”

  I giggled as I nodded.

  “That's great. Now, I think we need some mommy daughter time.”

  An hour later we were walking through the mall, not the one that El would frequent on a regular basis. This was the one that she came to for the occasional splurge. I rarely came in here mostly because it was wall to wall designer stuff and I knew I couldn't afford things in this place. Though I had been in here with El when she would insist upon a day together which was her spending money on me and me reluctantly accepting it. Like today really. The place was filled with dozens of designer shops, restaurants with world renowned chefs and a mixture of society.

  There were people like El who could afford to come into this place on a daily basis, some of them probably did. Then there were the tourists who window shopped, some of them even ventured into the stores. That wasn't my thing, if I couldn't afford it then I couldn't be bothered with it.

  “I'm saving up to buy a house.”

  The minute revelation popped into my head. I guess the thought of spending money beyond what I had made me remember that I was a bit of a miser.

  “That's right darling, you are. Your father and I are very proud of how well you are coping with living on your own, maintaining a strict budget and saving for the future. Though you could learn to relax a little. I was the one that packed your bag, you've got holes in your underwear Kaylee. Go and buy some more. In fact...”

  Talk about a lead in. Jeez. She dragged me into the store and I wanted to die of embarrassment. Underwear shopping with my mother. Nowhere near as bad as when my real mother took me to get fitted for my first bra but hey, it's right up there.

  Half an hour of cheek searing questions, I was poked, prodded and refitted just in case the mountains got any bigger. I walked out with two bags of boxes that contained a small fortune of barely there lace that were sewn together and purported to be underwear. I wasn't so sure.

  “I am going to visit the little girls room. Why don't you go and get us a table at the coffee shop.”


  I wandered over and dumped myself into the little booth against the wall, putting the bags onto the bench seat beside me.

  “Ready to order?”

  The woman handed over a menu to me as she pulled the pen away from its spot on her ear.

  “Uh, not yet. Just waiting for my mother.”

  “Sure, I'll leave another menu for you.”


  She dumped it onto the table and wandered through the other tables, cleaning as she went.


  I looked up into a pair of incredibly gorgeous green eyes. They seemed so familiar. He ran his hand through his floppy sandy blonde hair as he looked at me, a little exasperated.

  “Man, Nate said you were banged up a little but not this much.”

  Okay, so I figured that he knew me considering that he said my name but I guess he really does know me.

  “You've got a blank look on your face. You don't remember me, do you?”

  I shook my head.

  “Can I sit for a little bit?”


  Anything for you mister handsome.

  “I guess it's reasonable considering that you didn't really know me. They said that you got sick and went to bed early, did you know that?”

  “Were you at my party?”


  I nodded, thinking about it.

  “No, I wondered what excuse they gave.”

  “Nate told me though, I hope you don't mind.”

  I shrugged, mostly because I didn't care who knew. Life happens and if people want to gossip about it then so be it.

  “Is it better that I tell you who I am or do you have to remember that kind of thing?”

  “I should do it.” I said thinly.

  It sounded like I thought of it like a chore. I looked at the man. Okay so he was friendly with me, rather outgoing and incredibly well dressed and handsome. Gorgeous in fact. Light olive skin that was pure perfection. The bastard. He should know the pain of being a woman, suffering hormonal nightmares that sit on the face like big red blinking light.

  He gave me a feeling of happiness, like he was okay with being around me and there was no hesitation like I could sometimes feel with Jaxon. Which I translated to mean that he wasn't interested in me that way so he was relaxed around me. So that meant that I was either not his type or...

  “Sebastian.” I said as I grinned. “How sad is it that I remembered you because you don't like girls?”

  “I know, sorry.”

  He playfully pouted at me which made me giggle.

  “Your face looks like it's getting better.”

  “It's under a pretty heavy layer of make-up. I kind of feel like a drag queen at the moment.”

  Seb laughed and leaned on his hand to gaze at me more. Damn, life was not fair.

  “I can see what you mean Priscilla.”

  I stared at him with a slight frown.

  “It's a reference to a movie about drag queens. Girl, you need to broaden your horizons.”

  “Sure.” I chuckled. “So do you drag?”

  “With a beard? No, sorry.”

  “Shame, you'd look pretty good in a sparkly dress and a nice pair of pumps.”

  “D'ya think?”

  Seb frowned as he leaned over to look at his foot.

  “Not sure if they'd have my size though.” he muttered and then lifted himself up to look at me “But you know, just because I'm that way, doesn't mean I drag.”

  “Sure, I know that. I said I looked like one, you're the one that's talking drag movies.”

  His smile curled into one corner, a hint of white flashed from below his soft pink lips.

  “So what are you doing here?”

  “Bit of shopping with my mom. She's you know, off somewhere else at the moment.”

  Seb nodded, his eyes darting to the bag and its sprawling label that told the world where I had been.

  “Buy something nice?”

  “Looking for a fashion show?”

  He grinned as he shook his head.

  “I am offended, I have great assets.”

  “I'm sure you do, just nothing that I need to see.”

  “Fine.” I huffed, rolling my eyes “Your loss.”

  My fingers toyed with the edge of the menu as I wondered how much longer El was going to be. It was likely that she had seen Seb sitting at the table and decided to give us some space. No doubt she would stop her loitering and return to the table when he looked like he was getting ready to leave. Which didn't look like it was any time soon.

  “So uh, the thorn in my side made his move.”

  “Finally.” Seb groaned. “You know Nate filled me in, I swear girl you are far too patient and quiet.”

  I nodded, agreeing with him.

  “But you're good, right?”

  “Yeah, slow but sure. I don't think he's going to move at anything faster than a snail's pace until the healing is done.”

  Seb chuckled.

  “You two should come around to my place one day soon, meet the other half. I think you'll love him. Maybe we
could go out somewhere or something.”


  He handed over his business card just a shadow loomed over us. I looked up to the cold and angry face of Jaxon.

  Trying my best to diffuse the situation, I slid over and patted the bench seat beside me. He reluctantly sat down.

  “Jaxon, this is Sebastian. He and Nate went to school together. We were just catching up.”

  “Looks like lunch to me.” he grunted under his breath.

  “No, he was passing by and stopped to say hello when he saw me. I'm here with El.”

  Who thankfully had appeared and was making a hasty beeline to us. Almost like she could figure out the situation just by looking at it.

  “Sorry I took so long darling, the line was a nightmare.”

  Sebastian stood to his feet.

  “Hello Sebastian, good to see you again.”

  She hugged him warmly which probably wasn't the most ideal thing to do considering Jaxon's trying to kill him with his death stare.

  “Hello El, I just stopped to see how Kaylee was doing.”

  El smiled at me, her usual smile that was her head tilted to one side slightly and warm, affectionate eyes.

  “I suggested that her and Jaxon should come around for a meal.”

  Casually he took a slight glance at Jaxon.

  “Or maybe go out somewhere.”

  El clasped her hands together with delight.

  “Oh you could double date. Danny would love that.”

  Seb chuckled.

  “Yeah, he probably would. I'll see you later.”

  I waved as he walked out of the coffee shop, El sat on the now free chair.

  “Whatever issue you've got rattling around in your mind, cut it out.”

  As I looked at El I raised an eyebrow. I had never heard her speak so directly like that before. Her interest was in the menu, she didn't bother to look at either of us. Clearly she wasn't prepared to take his crap and I would have agreed in normal circumstances but this wasn't normal. Nate had fooled Jaxon and Seb was the bait. He'd fallen for it and believed that Seb was a potential threat.

  I turned slightly to face Jaxon, taking his hands and making him look at me.

  “He's gay.” I said quietly.


  “Sebastian, that man that you were ready to kill... well, you've got a better chance with him than I do.”

  I looked at the face of a man that couldn't comprehend it. Of course, I knew why. Seb had been all over me at the party. From the exterior it would look like he was, one hundred percent straight.

  “Gay, not into girls, not into me. Anything registering in there?”

  “Yeah.” he sighed.

  “Oh and he's not really out so you need to shut your pie hole about it.”

  His mouth twisted with a slight grin.

  “Pie hole, huh? Sounds like a plan.” he said as he pulled the menu away from me. “So what are you lovely ladies up to?”


  Jaxon looked at the pathetic attempt at a shopping trip. It was early in the afternoon, El was yet to get going. Once she was fired up, our legs would be tired and our arms would be laden with a lot of bags.

  “Okay, I'll go up to the counter and order. Three pies and coffees?”

  “Yes thanks.”

  I wanted to say that it should be two pies and coffees because it was supposed to be mother and daughter but I didn't. El wouldn't care and Jaxon was still a little annoyed about Seb being here.

  “You know, when you said that you wanted to spend the afternoon with your mother I thought it would be at home.”

  “And you saw him and thought that I had lied to you?”

  “Yeah.” he sighed “Is that wrong?”

  I shrugged. I suppose it was possible, though I wasn't going to berate him about feeling jealous. It meant that he cared enough to ensure that no one else encroached on his turf.

  “Yes and no. He's not a threat so you need to dial down the anger. Then you need to think a little realistically. Would I really cast you away after wanting you for so long?”

  “How long?”

  The bastard grinned.

  “Too long.”

  “What did you buy?” he whispered as he hugged me.

  “Stuff. I'll show you later.”

  “Wearing them?”

  I leaned back out of the hug, his deep blue eyes were wide with anticipation. I had a deep hunger that had been awakened and couldn't be satisfied. But the problem was, I had a sinking feeling that last night was a one off and that until the bruises faded there wasn't going to be any more. Well, two can play at this game.

  “Only if you take them off me and give me everything that I want.”

  His fingers gently brushed my hair off my shoulder, exposing my neck. I wanted to crumble, to beg and whimper as he drew into the crook and kissed it softly. Slowly he nipped his way up my neck, not in any rush, not even a care for El who might be returning to the table or the other customers.

  I clutched at his shirt, feeling the desperation fly through me. His proximity was closer than before, like he was moving closer to me to fuel my desire for him.

  Soft lips pressed onto my jaw, etching a delicate need on my skin. Warm breath caressed the skin of my ear, his hand grasped my jaw, just under my other ear. I had to bite my lip to suppress the whimper as his lips dragged over my ear.

  “I wouldn't have it any other way.” he whispered.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Jaxon's 'wouldn't have it any other way' hadn't eventuated. It wasn't as if I could blame him, he was doing stuff for the band. With the songs for the new album being written and recorded, the whole band was in lock down. Even Jerry was there, El seemed a little annoyed but went about her life as if nothing was different. It was always the same, every time they recorded an album they all disappeared into the depths of the recording studio and life on the outside was forgotten.

  The only times we got to see them was if we went to the clubhouse and they happened to venture out. They would take a break if the children were around, but that was only if they had been locked away for a long stretch of time. Today was one of those days, fed up wives and complaining children. I could understand why they would be a little annoyed, children don't understand why their fathers aren't around like they usually are. And the wives would wade the waters of uncertainty. Unable to give an answer as to when they will return and for how long, unable to give an answer to the questions of visiting them at the clubhouse. All the while thinking that with an album comes the inevitable tour.

  But this time was going to be different. They were in the studio trying to get it done fast, knowing that Evan was going to be rather occupied with becoming a movie star. It meant maybe a year or more of hiatus for the band, maybe the occasional performance to keep the buzz going. After what Frankie said about something brewing I knew that there would be some kind of connection. I just didn't know what though.

  I managed to crack the code for the lock down, finding that spying on my father as he entered the code was the easiest way to get to the kitchen. It didn't matter how many times I had complained that the set up was ridiculous, if you weren't a part of the band or the recording crew then you didn't get in. But my silent footsteps and watching from the shadows had paid off, now I had a code to get to the kitchen.

  My days for being at home and resting were still rather large, in fact I should be there now. Except that El had lunch planned with friends and I didn't want to go so she said that I had to be here. The chance for a black out was unlikely in my opinion but she still fretted. I hadn't had the forethought to pack lunch and the media out the front of the building was still a little horrendous so I chose to raid the kitchen.

  As soon as I walked into the kitchen, I remembered that day. The day where Jaxon had managed to sneak a woman into the clubhouse and she was eating my red vines. My mouth twitched with derision but all of my issues melted away when I opened the cupboard where I hid
my vines. It was filled with dozens of packets, I looked to the full jar on the bench and I smiled. He was just that sweet.


  I turned to the shocked voice, his eyes were wide and his mouth was a little slack. It had been a week and I was beyond frustrated. Give me a taste of love and then disappear for a week. So maybe I might have worn clothes that might incite certain feelings. They were still work clothes but they were ones that I wore when I wanted him to look at me.

  The skirt was too short, barely making it over the edge of my stockings and the top was floaty and soft. If I happened to lean over, it revealed too much.

  “Hey.” I said right before munching on a vine.

  “How come you're here?”


  Jaxon grinned as he drew closer, softly padding his bare feet across the wood floor.

  “No smarty pants, how come you're at the clubhouse?”

  “El is having lunch with friends.”

  He wrapped his arms around my waist, pressing me into the bench.

  “Did you miss me? I missed you.”

  “Of course. The bed is very cold without you.”

  “Not too much to do.”

  His eyes watched as I took another bite.

  “Then we can take a little break for a while.”

  I knew what that meant. Little break was defined as a day, maybe two tops.

  “How did the shopping go?”

  “Great.” I groaned, rolling my eyes.

  Every single day that he's been in lock down, El's kept me occupied by going shopping. I had replaced the offending bikini, bought other necessary beachwear even though there was no plans for a holiday on the horizon. She'd insisted on pretty clothes and accessories, adding to the already burdensome wardrobe.

  El was a lot like Jaxon in that respect. Both of them had a generous nature and a good heart, they would want to give you things just to make you happy.

  Jaxon grinned, his devious nature shining brightly.

  “I missed you.”

  “You said that.”

  “I know.”


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