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Deceptive Changes: Kat LaMond Book 1

Page 5

by R A Baker


  “Todd, it’s Kat.”

  “Like I wouldn’t have guessed, babe.”

  “Are you at the new house?”

  “Yeah. We have it all set up. See you when you get here.”

  “Wait. Did I need to grab something for dinner?”

  “No. Sandra made dinner for us. She saved a plate for you.”

  “Okay, see ya soon.”

  >< ><

  When I arrived at the house, I was amazed by its complexity once more. I parked and walked slowly to the door. This was my house. The very thought blew my mind. Yeah, I have the hotel and the apartment building but both were given to me; this was the first one that was really mine.

  Before I could open the door, Todd threw it open with grand flourish. “Hold on, you can’t come in yet.” I looked at him funny. Why would he make me wait? It was my damn house. All three guys came outside. They opened up the second part of the double doors and looked at me.


  “We’re going to carry you over the threshold.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Are you kidding?” Apparently not by the looks I received. I heaved a sigh and nodded. Yeah, that was my guys for ya.

  Todd lifted me into his arms and then slowly allowed Trace and Erick to grab my shoulders and legs and they all carried me in. They let me down the moment we were past the threshold. I rolled my eyes at them. “You guys are so weird.” I laughed softly as I walked into the kitchen. Sandra had a plate set aside in the fridge. I grabbed it and nuked it.

  Trace, Erick, and Todd came into the kitchen. They didn’t say anything. I grabbed my food from the microwave and started eating. I had taken about two bites when I realized that they weren’t sitting down or leaving. I looked up from my spaghetti and asked, “What now?”

  “What do you mean?” Erick asked.

  “I mean, what? You guys are just staring at me. Did you want to talk about something?”

  “Now that you ask. Yes, we would like to speak with you,” Erick said, and shut the kitchen door. They all sat down.

  Finally. “What did you want to talk about? Just say whatever it is while I eat, I’m starved.” I continued to eat while they watched. This was getting ridiculous. I felt like I should have had a spot light on me or something. I had almost finished when Todd started to speak.

  “Kat, we were wondering…” He paused and looked at the other two. My fork was half way to my mouth when he started speaking again. “We were wondering if you want to try what we did last night, again.” The fork was nearly to my mouth. I stared at them and started cussing when the spaghetti dropped into my lap. I grabbed the napkin and cleaned the spaghetti off my lap. Damn.

  I blew out a sigh and plopped the spaghetti on the plate and threw everything away, plate and all. I didn’t care at that moment about some dumb plate.

  “I…” I made a strangled sound in my throat and stormed into my bedroom, our bedroom. I grabbed dark blue jeans and a pinky-grey t-shirt with the words, ‘Sexy’, written in silver glitter and flounced into the bathroom. I changed quickly and stayed in the bathroom. I wasn’t ready to face them. I had no idea what they thought of that fiasco.

  I’m normally really cool around them but when they suggested…I lost whatever cool I had. I really enjoyed myself and I know they did or they wouldn’t have suggested it for tonight but I was still embarrassed about thinking in those terms, to have an orgy. Yikes.

  A knock came at the door, drawing me out of my thoughts. “Go away.” I didn’t know why I should be embarrassed about what just happened, maybe I was transferring guilt or something.

  “Kat, let me in, please?” Todd asked.

  “No. Just…just go away and I’ll be out in a minute.”

  “Please?” I could hear him listening and breathing outside the door.

  “It’s only you?”

  “Yes.” I opened the door to him. He walked in and locked the door. “Are you okay?”

  “Why wouldn’t I be?” I tried for blasé but it didn’t work when I couldn’t look him in the eyes or speak above a whisper.

  “You seemed a bit flustered when I asked about tonight’s activities.” I flicked my eyes to his and then looked away. “Are you embarrassed about what we did?”

  “I don’t think so. I’m not really sure. You know how I am. If I hold certain things in they tend to leak out in weird places.”

  “Are you holding something back?”

  “Yeah, I guess I am. Maybe guilt. Maybe depression. Maybe something. I don’t really know what I might be holding back. I’m not into psychology. I tend to live for the moment not in the past or whatever.” I needed to stop speaking, I was babbling. I clamped my mouth shut and looked at Todd, raising my nose a fraction of an inch.

  “Did you not like what we did last night?”

  I could hear a bit of sadness creep into his voice. “Of course I did. Why would you ask me that?”

  “The way you stormed out seemed to indicate just that, Kat.”

  That was the very thought that I feared. “I think it was just everything. A new home, the threshold thing, not eating, and then being asked that particular question while I was eating. It just added up.” Yeah, I’ll stick to that.

  “You mean, us asking surprised you?” I nodded. I couldn’t lie to him even if it sounded better the way I put it. “Why would it surprise you?”

  “Because…well, just because.” I looked at Todd from the corner of my eye and saw him smile. “I didn’t know if you would do certain things again, that’s all.” I shrugged and really looked at him this time. He still had on his dark jeans, black t-shirt, and black pea-coat jacket that made him look really hot.

  He stopped smiling and got serious once more. “I know that you enjoyed Erick and me kissing. Is that what’s bothering you?”

  “I think it is. I really liked it but I don’t want to influence either of you to do something that you don’t want to do.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with liking it, Kat. I enjoyed my time with Erick as well. Though I don’t know about going any further than kissing.”

  “Shouldn’t you be the least bit uncomfortable about this?”

  “Not really. Erick and I have talked about this before. We just didn’t know how to bring it up so we just did it. Trace is different though. He’s not into men, period. Though he was able to participate yesterday, I believe it pushed his boundaries a little too far. I should also let you know that I’m not into men either.”

  I blinked at him. “Why would you think that I thought you were into men?”

  “Since I did allow two men to fondle, caress, and one man to kiss me. I just assumed you would think that of me.”

  I chuckled. “Yeah, I really thought you were into men, Todd,” I said and rolled my eyes. “I didn’t think you were into men and I still don’t. It’s different with the three of us. We live together and share our lives fully with each other. I don’t want you guys to do things you aren’t comfortable with.”

  “We don’t want you uncomfortable either, though we may choose other activities that we can all share in, if you’re up to it.”

  “I don’t know if I’ll be up to it since I don’t know what it is.” I tried not to think of the numerous activities that could happen.

  “Come to bed and find out.” He winked and walked out of the bathroom.

  I stared after him for a moment and then walked out. No one was in the bedroom instead I found them sitting in the kitchen. They looked at me, smiling and went back to talking quietly.

  I grabbed four beers from the fridge and handed them out as I took a seat next to Todd and Erick. Trace looked uncomfortable. “What were you guys talking about?”

  “The usual, how we’re going to ravish you,” Todd winked and turned back to Trace. “It’s your choice.” What did that mean? Trace pursed his lips in concentration and then nodded.

  “What’s this about?”

  Trace spoke up before any others could. “Tod
d and Erick were curious as to whether or not I would participate tonight. I have to say I was a bit freaked out by what I did. You know the whole kissing, biting, thing. I mostly watched from the sidelines and felt a bit left out.”

  I held out my hand to him and he took it. “Trace, I don’t want you to do something that makes you uncomfortable. I can understand how you feel and I’m not asking you to do anything except be here, and I’ll understand if you don’t.” I let my eyes drop. My heart had squeezed into the size of a grape at the thought of him leaving. I tried not to let the tears have a claim to my eyes but I couldn’t. I loved them dearly and didn’t want to lose them, any of them.

  Tears collected in my lashes and I blinked several times to get rid of them. Trace’s hand squeezed mine and I looked at him. He shook his head and said, “I’m not going to leave, Kat. I might not be able to participate in the collective bedroom activities but that doesn’t mean I’m going to leave. I might just want to have you all to myself. Selfish, I know.” I smiled at him. He didn’t smile back, instead he looked confused. “Why do you immediately assume that we don’t want to be with you?”

  “I…” I paused and thought about it. “I guess because I didn’t think something like this would ever happen. I’ve always been happy with my life. I’ve always been secure about what I’ve wanted and I always went after it. You can ask Todd, he knows all too well.” I flicked my eyes to Todd and he nodded. “This is different. You each can go your separate ways and find that one girl that floats your boat. You won’t have to share. I guess I mostly just think you’re all going to realize this fact and find the one who makes your heart beat faster.”

  Trace’s hand in mine tightened. “I won’t leave you, Kat. You are my one. The one who makes my heart beat faster just by thinking of you, by holding your hand, by brushing my fingers across you neck. When I hear you sigh in your sleep. I suppose I have the same fear as you.” My heart fluttered and then went back to beating normal.

  “If you want to sit this one out, I understand, Trace. After, we can be together, if you prefer?” I was giving him an out. I liked having him in the room with us but I really didn’t want him uncomfortable.

  “No. That came out wrong. What I mean to say…” He paused for a second. I hadn’t ever really seen him stumble over his words before. “What I mean is, I want to be in the room with the three of you. I’ll figure a way for us to be together together.”

  “Okay. Just know that I really don’t want you to feel that you have to.” I guess I had also made my decision.

  “I understand, Kat. I’m willing to try it again. If I can’t handle it a second time then I’ll refrain from participating with the three of you.”

  I nodded and then looked at Todd. I wondered if he had coerced Trace to participate. I shut that thought down. Todd wasn’t the type to coerce someone to do something that would make them uncomfortable, at least in the bedroom.

  I finished my beer and let them know that I was taking a shower and would be waiting in the bedroom for them. I went into the bathroom and started the shower. I looked in the mirror and cringed. I was leery of mirrors now. It was ridiculous. I shook my head and brushed my hair and teeth and then stepped into the hot water of the shower.

  I shaved everything that needed to be shaved and cleaned up. I stepped out of the shower and changed into pj’s, even though I knew they would be coming off shortly. I walked out of the bathroom and found only Trace in the room. I frowned. “What’s going on?”

  “I wanted to speak with you, alone.”

  I looked around the room and said, “It looks like we’re alone.”

  He grinned and walked over to me. He pulled me into his embrace. “I just wanted to say thank you.” I frowned and kept the frown as I looked at him. “Thank you for giving me the out, Kat. I will be helping tonight and see how it goes. Maybe I won’t be as nervous this time.” He kissed my cheek and walked out of the room. I was alone. Okay, what the heck?

  I walked out of the bedroom and found that they were in the sitting room. “Hey,” I said with a small wave.

  “Kat, come sit, please.”

  My stomach squished. “What’s going on?”

  “We’re going to be going out.”

  “Out? Where?”

  “We’re going to take you to the new club. I know how you like a little alcohol in your blood if we attempt what we plan on doing. This should relax you.”

  I frowned, again. “Why do you want to go to a club?”

  “I have to speak with someone. It’s as good an excuse to get you out as any.” Todd shrugged and stood up. “Let’s change and we’ll go out. I have to be there in a little over an hour. We don’t have a lot of time since it takes a half hour to get to town.”

  I nodded and let my shoulders slump as I walked into the bedroom. They followed and himmed and hawed at my clothing choices.

  We finally decided on a see-through black slip shirt with a black bra and tight fitting flare legged dark blue jeans. I added some three and a half inch heeled boots and a leather corset jacket. The guys dressed in dark blue jeans, layered shirts, flat shoes that could be dressy or casual, and nice, warm coats.

  I grabbed a flashy purse and we left.

  Chapter Seven

  Todd drove us to the night club and we walked through without a glance at the beefy muscle at the door. I did catch sight of the looks of those waiting their turn, and was glad there was more than one bouncer. Todd had reserved a VIP table, which meant being guided through a set of double doors, down a subdued hallway, up a short flight of stairs, and into the VIP area.

  I plopped my purse on the table and sat in the middle of Trace and Erick. The club wasn’t boring so much as I wasn’t in the mood to deal with this.

  Todd nodded to me and then flicked his hand. Erick got up and walked away with Todd. Trace put his arm around my shoulders and kissed the top of my head.

  A few moments later, he grabbed the bottle of wine and opened it. He poured some into two glasses and handed one to me. It was a very expensive, very exclusive, wine that I had no idea on. I took a sip of the dark liquid and sighed in pleasure. It was smooth and just the way I liked it, slightly fruity with a hint of spice to it. I’m not a wine connoisseur so I wouldn’t know who made it or where it came from, and I didn’t much care to look at the label. I continued to sip at the wine as I watched Todd and Erick sit at the bar.

  A few minutes later a man walked in. The only reason my attention was drawn to him was because he was a vampire and unusual. He had shoulder length silver hair, like spun metal, pale skin, about six-two, and lean but muscular.

  I watched as he walked over to Todd and Erick. He said a few words and then they followed him. I started to get up but Trace put a hand on my shoulder. I looked at him and he shook his head. I guess I was to stay here. I didn’t like that I had to stay when two of my men went off with some vampire.

  >< ><

  I sipped at my wine for the better part of twenty minutes and started to get antsy. Whatever they were talking about shouldn’t take this long. I leaned into Trace and spoke at normal volume, “I should see what’s going on.”

  “No. Todd said to have you stay here. It shouldn’t be too much longer.” I nodded and lifted my glass but it was empty. Trace filled it half way and I continued to sip the wine. I was bored. It wasn’t like the club wasn’t busy, it was, I just wasn’t in the mood for the party stuff.

  “I’m bored and I don’t want to dance either. If they don’t get here soon, I’m leaving.” Trace sighed. “Don’t sigh at me, mister, you guys wanted to take me to this place and then half of you leave.”

  Trace stood up and held out his hand, “Come on.” I grabbed his hand and allowed him to lead me out onto the dance floor.

  The DJ was playing some techno beat. Trace pulled me to him and kissed me deeply. He ran his hands along my back and back up. “Dance, Kat.” I looked at him and sighed. “Just do it. It’ll be fun. We can dirty dance ourselves into oblivion.
” He winked at me and started.

  I picked up the rhythm and danced with him, lightly at first. Nothing exotic or anything. The music changed and the beat took on a sexier tone.

  I slid down his body, running my hands along his chest and back and went into an almost squatted position, running my hands just this side of touching his groin. On my way back up I did run my hands over his groin and butt.

  I was so focused on dancing that I didn’t realize Todd and Erick were with us. They ran their hands on my body as I danced. The music changed to something softer and I smiled at them. I was happy now. We went back to the lounge and drank the rest of the wine.

  I was ready to go home now that I had danced and drank wine but the guys weren’t. They talked amongst themselves as I drifted to sleep. I woke up when a loud bang went through the room. I looked around, grabbing my purse. I had a knife hidden in the stupid thing. I really couldn’t wear a gun or two and enter the club, since I like leg holsters instead of shoulder or back holsters. “What the hell was that?”

  “It was the music, Kat.” Todd’s voice soothed my worries for a moment.

  “Can we leave now?”

  “Yeah. We’re done.” They stood up and Trace held out his hand. I took it and he led me out of the club.

  We drove home and went inside. The lights were out and it was quiet in the house. You’d think with six other people living here that it would be busy at all hours but no, they all slept on the same general schedule except us. We stayed up late and rose early, or at least I did.

  I threw my jacket on the chair in the sitting room and, with it, my purse. I walked into the bedroom and fell onto the bed face down with my arms and legs spread out.

  I fell asleep for about two minutes when Todd, Erick, and Trace walked into the bedroom. They were whispering about something. I didn’t even try to hear what it was about. If they had wanted me to know they wouldn’t be whispering. My eyes slid shut again.


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