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Deceptive Changes: Kat LaMond Book 1

Page 11

by R A Baker

  “There isn’t much to tell. I’m 210 years old. I’ve never been married, I live life to the fullest, and I try to stay out of disputes over power. How I got roped into this one I’ll never know.”

  “Well, thanks again for saving my life. I owe you one.”

  “No, you don’t, I owed someone a favor,” he said, sounding mildly morose. Well, now we both knew how he got roped into helping me out of an awful situation.

  “You took an awful big risk. What will you do after you drop me off?”

  “I’ll disappear. You won’t hear from me or see me again, if that’s what you’re asking.” I nodded. I could understand the desire to disappear.

  Chapter Eighteen

  We didn’t speak until we were on the ground and in a rental car going home. It wasn’t that long a drive to my house, and yet I didn’t want the time to end. Sven seemed so uncomplicated and I had to face the wrath of three men; it wasn’t going to be fun. He seemed to be taking his time, as well.

  “Would you like to come in for something?”

  “No. I will drop you at the house, speak with Todd, and then be off.” I nodded and didn’t say anything more. He turned at my driveway and drove slowly up the paved road. When he pulled through the portico, my guys were standing on the porch, arms across their chests. Damn.

  I got out and tried to walk past them. Trace caught me as I started past and held me in his arms. He stroked my hair and kissed my face from one side to the other.

  “Trace,” Todd’s voice came through loud and clear. Trace put me down but held me to his side.

  Todd walked up to Sven and held out his hand. “Thank you for helping us, Sven. I know how much danger you were in.”

  Sven shook Todd’s hand and said, “You’re welcome. She’s not as fearsome as I would have thought.” They looked at me and nodded their heads. I raised an eyebrow and tried to go inside but Trace wouldn’t let me go.

  “Would you like to come inside? I have some blood stocked if you would care to have some.” Todd motioned with his hand toward the house but Sven declined.

  “I’ve been here much longer than I wanted. Take care of her, she’s very special.” Sven tipped an imaginary hat at me and walked away.

  I heard Todd mutter, “She definitely is,” and turned to me.

  I watched Sven disappear through the woods.

  Todd caught my attention, his stern cop face on. “Kat, we need to talk.”

  I sighed and nodded my head. I knew it. Trace picked me up in his arms and carried me into the house. “Trace, do you think I’m going to run off again?”


  I looked at him and asked, “Then why are you carrying me?”

  “You’ve been through quite an ordeal, besides I just want to feel you in my arms. Is that a problem?”

  “No.” I wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He carried me into the kitchen and set me down in a chair. Todd grabbed beer for all of us and passed them around before he sat down.

  I opened my beer and drank some of it. Erick drank some of his beer and said, “You had us quite worried, Katja. Why did you leave?”

  “I left because you guys thought it would be better to keep me cooped up in this place and keep me from going after the person who wants my life.”

  “We only wanted to protect you. You have a knack for getting into trouble,” Todd said. I couldn’t dispute that.

  “Are you guys just waiting to bawl me out or can I go to sleep? I’ve been through a lot these past few days.” Odd. They should have nodded, at the very least, but they all had strange looks on their faces. “What?”

  “You’ve been gone for two weeks, Kat,” Todd said gently.

  I stood up and looked at them in shock. “What?”

  “It took us a week to gather enough info on you. I needed to find someone that I trusted to get the information. My contact put out feelers and found you in Germany. I had Sven infiltrate Cyril’s group and get you out of there. I guess you were pretty injured and they wanted you alive and conscious when they killed you.”

  “Sit down, Kat,” Trace said, and patted the seat.

  I plopped down in the seat. How could so much time have passed?

  Trace slung his arm over my shoulders and pulled me to him, chair and all. “How could you leave?”

  I pulled back from Trace and looked at him. “How could you keep me cooped up here?” I didn’t feel like getting into in depth conversation. I wanted to sleep even though I had, apparently, been asleep for at least two weeks.

  “We thought we were protecting you,” Todd said quietly.

  “That was rather idiotic of you. I’m sorry to be mean about it but you saw that I was actually really good at what I do. Why would you think that would be different?”

  “What happened in Germany is exactly why we didn’t want you to leave our sight.”

  As stupid as this may sound, I had wanted them to rescue me when I was being eaten by that dumb vampire. “If you hadn’t kept me prisoner at the house maybe you guys would have been with me when I was kidnapped. You weren’t and I had hoped, stupidly, that you would rescue me.” I finished my beer and stood up. “I’m going to bed. I’ve had enough of this.” I walked out of the kitchen and into my bedroom.

  Everything was neat and orderly; I grabbed my pajamas. I wasn’t mad at them so much as I was mad at myself. It was stupid for me to go out on my own. It was idiotic for me to get captured. It was also a child’s wish that they would ride in on their white stead and rescue me. Though they did rescue me, just indirectly.

  I took a shower and felt better. I dressed in pj’s and went out to the kitchen.

  No one was in the kitchen when I walked in. I grabbed a salad and ate it. How could things get so messed up so quickly? I threw the tray away and grabbed another beer from the fridge.

  I walked into the bedroom and found all three lying on the bed. I stopped and looked at them. They were so yummy and I had missed them so much. I just didn’t know if we could reconcile.

  They watched me watch them, and then each got a smile on their faces. “I don’t think I should sleep in here. I’ll go to the office.” I turned on my heel and walked out of the room.

  I grabbed pillows from the linen closet and walked into the office.

  I dropped the pillows when I found that my couch was gone. The only things in the office were my computer, the desk and chair, and the telephone. Everything else had been removed. I blinked at the empty space for a moment. Where the hell was everything?

  I backed up and bumped into something, someone. I tilted my head back and found Todd standing behind me. “What happened to the couch?” I asked as I stepped away from him.

  “We got rid of the stupid thing. We want you to be with us. Even if we all acted like a bunch of adolescents.”

  I looked at him from two feet away and found that he had changed. He was older without showing his age. “I don’t think I should. I don’t think I can. I’ve acted pretty shitty to you guys and yet you seem to have forgiven me. I don’t know if I can forgive myself. I have a lot to think through. You and the guys have a lot to consider when you tie yourselves more truly to me.”

  “We don’t care about the killer in you, Kat. We care about you, the person. If we couldn’t deal with the lethal side of you then we’re stupid but I know that we can, we have.”

  “I appreciate the sentiment but I think I should stay away for a little while.” I missed them so very much but I couldn’t let my heart decide things any longer.

  Todd decided for me. He closed the gap and pulled me into his arms. I held him to me, as tight as he held me to him. God, I had missed him.

  He peppered my face with kisses. I put my hands on either side of his face and kissed him deeply, as passionately as I had wanted to when I got home. He lifted me into his arms and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He carried me into the bedroom, shutting the door with his foot. He set me on my feet and kept his arm around my shoulde
rs. I looked at the other two. They looked sexy, happy.

  I leaned into Todd and whispered, “What’s going on?”

  “We’re happy you’re home, babe.” He pulled me with him to the bed.

  I stood there and pushed against him as he tried to have me sit or lie down on the bed. “I don’t think I should.”

  “We think you should, Kat. This is your room, too. Besides, we want you here.” Todd let his arm drop from my shoulders and crawled on the bed.

  I watched as he caressed Erick’s face and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. My stomach flopped when he ran his hand along Erick’s chest and stomach.

  “You’re trying to seduce me,” I whispered as I looked into Todd’s eyes. Todd knew exactly what turned me on. He nodded. Erick turned to Todd and gave him a light kiss on the cheek. “Have you guys been doing something that I should know about?”

  Todd gave me a look. “Of course not, Kat.”

  Trace was lying on the bed nearest me. He held out his hand to me. I stifled a sigh and grabbed it. He pulled me onto the bed and I fell against his body and ran my hands along his chest. He moaned quietly as I ran my hands down to his groin. I could tell that he was naked under the covers.

  He wrapped his arms around me and turned me so he was lying on top of me. He kissed my neck. “I’m so glad you’re home, Kat.” He tickled my neck and ear with his breath. I laughed and pushed at him. He moved off me but kept me on the bed with an arm across my stomach. Erick wrapped his arm around me. I felt like I was home finally.

  Todd climbed over Erick’s body and spread my legs and laid his head on my stomach. I ran my hand through his hair. He lifted my shirt and kissed my stomach. I whimpered when Trace and Erick ran their hands along my chest and stomach.

  Chapter Nineteen

  As we were getting into celebrating my homecoming, a banging sounded at the door. We all sat up and looked at the door. “Todd, Mistress, come quick,” Charles said urgently.

  We got off the bed and ran to the bedroom door. I put my hand against it, stalling our forward progress, and looked at them. Trace and Erick were naked. “I think you should put clothes on. We’ll go see what happened.” Trace and Erick grabbed clothes as Todd and I left the room.

  “What is it, Charles?” I asked.

  “It’s Sven, mistress. He’s severely injured.”

  “Where is he?”

  “In the sitting room.”

  Todd and I ran to the sitting room. Sven was lying on the couch, bleeding. I kneeled beside the couch, and grabbed his hand, it was clammy and cold. “What happened to him?”

  “I’m not sure. I went to toss the trash, and found him lying on the porch. I carried him in here and got you.” Trace and Erick entered the room.

  I looked at Todd. “How do we help him? We can’t let him die.”

  “The only way is to get blood in him.”

  I looked at the men in the room and no one volunteered. I sighed and said, “I’ll do it.”

  “I can’t ask you to do that, Kat, he’s my vampire. I should be the one to help him.”

  “I didn’t see you volunteering. Just get me a knife. I’ll open a vein for him.”

  Almost at once a knife was placed in my hand. I stared at it in surprise and shook my head slightly. It was Charles’s knife. The one I had gotten him for his birthday, even though he never celebrates his birthday.

  “Hold his head, Todd.” Todd held Sven’s head as I held my wrist over his mouth. I made a deep cut and blood started to dribble into his mouth.

  A moment later, Sven’s throat started to convulse as he tried to swallow the blood. His chilly hands grabbed my wrist and brought it to his mouth. He continued to swallow but the cut was closing up. Sven’s teeth slipped into my skin. I flinched and started to pull my hand away but his grip was too strong.

  He sucked on my wrist for three or four minutes and then blinked his eyes at me. His dark blue eyes glowed with power. He took his teeth from my wrist and licked the wound, closing it. Todd removed his hands from Sven’s face and allowed him to sit up. Sven smiled at me and then looked at the guys.

  “Sven? Do you know what happened?” His eyes swung back to me and he did a slow blinked. “Sven?”

  “Hmm?” He licked at the blood on his lips.


  “Yeah. Sorry, it took a moment to remember. I do have to say your blood is much sweeter this time around, Ms. LaMond.”

  “Kat or Katja. What happened?”

  “I was running from here and a group of vampires ambushed me. I tried to fight them off as best I could. I got at least three of the four. The other one took off, leaving me for dead. I stumbled and crawled here, hoping you could help.” He smiled at me and said, “And you did.”

  “Now, we’re even. You saved mine, I saved yours. Is there anything else we can do for you?” I asked.

  “No. I will leave. I appreciate your help.” He stood up and started out of the room.

  “Sven?” I called. He turned at the door. “Do you have a place to stay?” I couldn’t just let him leave after what had happened. He shook his head. “You can stay here for the night. I’m sure we have room for you.”

  “Thank you, but I couldn’t.”

  I looked at Todd and nearly begged with my eyes, trying to get him to have Sven stay at the house.

  Todd’s shoulders sagged for a moment, then he turned to look at Sven. “Why don’t you stay here for the night, Sven? It’ll be safe in the morning for you to leave. It’s the least I can do for you since you saved Kat’s life.”

  Sven seemed to think about it for a moment and then nodded his head. “Thank you.”

  I got up and tried to think of a room that was free. Beatrice and Ardeness shared one room, Sandra and Mark slept in another. Now that Nadja had coerced Charles to go out with her, they shared a room. That left two rooms free.

  I left the sitting room and made my way upstairs to the linen closet, where I grabbed linens, blankets, and pillows. I choose the room next to Charles and Nadja’s room.

  I finished making the bed just as Sven walked in. I turned and said, “Here you go. The bed’s all made, and like Todd said, though I don’t know why, there’s some blood somewhere. If you need anything you can knock on a door, someone will answer.” I started past him but he blocked the doorway.

  “Thank you for allowing me to stay. The blood won’t be necessary until morning.” I nodded and tried to move around him. “Don’t go, please?”

  I frowned. “Did you want to talk or something?”

  “That will do, I suppose.” He walked to the bed and looked at me.

  “Um, what did you want to talk about?”

  “I lied. I don’t actually want to talk. I just wanted to be near you.”

  I swallowed the lump in my throat and backed up. “Uh, I think my blood might be affecting you. You should get some different blood in you. I’ll go get some.” I turned and he had my arm in his hand before I could take a step. I put a hand on his chest and said, “Look, it’s flattering and all but I’m attached to three guys. I don’t need a fourth. So, why don’t you let me go and I won’t mention this to Todd?”

  “I don’t care about the consequences. I have to be near you.”

  I tried to pull my arm out of his grasp but he had a firm hold on it. “Let me go. I’d really hate to kill you after I saved you.”

  “It doesn’t matter, Katja, I’ll be dead soon. Once Todd finds out what I’m about to do, he’ll kill me anyway.” He pulled me into his arms and crushed his lips to mine. I kept my lips sealed but it hurt. He pulled back. His eyes showed the pain of my rejection.

  “Why did you do that?”

  “I…” he paused for a moment. “I haven’t been with a woman in twenty-five years. I haven’t found one strong enough for me. Even vampire women aren’t as strong as you.”

  “Thanks and all but really, you shouldn’t have.” He kept his arms around me. “Sven, really, let me go.”

  “I can’
t. You’re too powerful. It’s not your blood that’s making me want you, it’s your power. I need you like I’ve needed no other.”

  I pulled against his arms. Where was Todd or Erick or Trace? Didn’t they think it odd that I wasn’t in our room yet? “Did you do something to my men?”

  His eyes widened in surprise. “I have not. Why would you accuse me of something like that?”

  “Just the way you’re acting, that’s all. I should see what’s going on.” I attempted to pull away and walk out the door but he wouldn’t let me go. “Sven, look, I don’t want you in trouble, okay? So let me go and we’ll pretend this never happened, okay?”

  He thought about it a moment and then shook his head. “No. I have to have you.”

  “To conquer or to love?”

  “Conquer or both. I’m not sure. How would you have me?”

  I frowned at him. “I don’t want you. I have enough on my plate as it is. You said that you weren’t drawn to me. What changed?”

  “Nothing. I lied. That’s why I didn’t want to come in earlier. I felt an immediate connection with you. As soon as I walked into your hospital room in Germany, I knew I was in love.”

  I blinked at him and pulled again. This time he let me go so fast that I stumbled into the door, catching myself before I fell to the floor.

  “Come with me. We need to find out if there’s something more going on.” I growled in my head and held out my hand to him. He grabbed it, thinking it was something more, I was sure.

  I pulled him with me and we found the guys still in the sitting room. They were talking about something but stopped when we walked in.

  “Todd, there’s something wrong with Sven.” He looked at us and then down at our hands. I pulled, trying to get him to release my hand but he tightened his fingers. I hissed as my bones were rubbed together.

  “Let her go, Sven,” Todd commanded.

  Sven hesitated a moment then dropped my hand. I rubbed my hand and went over to my guys. I sat between Trace and Erick. They put their arms around my shoulders and held me possessively. At that moment I didn’t care, I wanted Sven to know that he wasn’t mine and I wasn’t his.


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