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Deceptive Changes: Kat LaMond Book 1

Page 17

by R A Baker

  I stretched and walked out of the sitting room. “Hey, guys,” I said as Charles, Nadja, Sandra, and Mark walked in. “You guys need to get cleaned up. You have dinner reservations.” I gave them the address. They walked off with a bounce in their steps, even Charles. I smiled as I watched them walk off. They were a good group of people who were all given a second chance at life.

  Trace walked out of the kitchen and immediately came to me. He wrapped his arms around me. “I’m so glad you’re okay, Kat.” He kissed my cheek.

  I let out a breath as his mouth brushed against the bruises. I pulled back. “I’m sorry, Trace. My head hurts really bad.” His eyes held concern. He let one arm drop and pulled me to his side. I smiled as he guided me to the bedroom.

  I stopped in the doorway when I saw that Sven was in the room. “What’s going on?” I looked at Trace. He shook his head. I guess he didn’t know either. I looked at Sven and raised my eyebrows.

  “I came in to see how you were doing. When I didn’t find you here I figured you’d be in eventually. I can help with your pain, Katja. One thing that’s good about having vampires around is that they can help heal just about any wounds.” I must have looked skeptical. “It’s true. How do you think we seal your bite wounds?” I shrugged. Was his question rhetorical? “Our blood and saliva have healing properties. That’s how we’re able to sustain killing wounds and survive.”

  “What were you thinking of doing?”

  “I was thinking of you taking some of my blood.”

  I shook my head and laughed. “I’m not taking your blood, are you kidding? You’d probably turn me into a vampire.”

  He let out a sigh. “It’s not like that. It would take only a sip or two of my blood to heal your face.”

  I thought about what he was offering me. I couldn’t accept. “No. I’ll suffer through the healing process. Thanks.” I remembered Thorn’s blood in my mouth and how quickly the cuts in my mouth had faded, until he had hit me again.

  “If you’d only try it. I promise you won’t be my slave.” I shook my head.

  He started to say something more but Trace cut him off. “She said no.”

  I put my hand on Trace’s arm. “It’s okay, Trace. I can handle this.” I stretched on my toes and gave him a kiss. I looked at Sven. “I really appreciate the offer, Sven, but I’d rather not. Especially right now. It’s not a good time to be asking me to donate some blood or to take your blood. Maybe later when everything’s not so fresh.” He nodded and walked past us, and out of the room.

  Trace shut the door and guided me to the bed. I crawled on the bed. Trace slid in beside me and cuddled me against him. I fell asleep to his gentle breaths and warm body.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  My eyes fluttered open on another day. I smiled as I felt Trace cuddle closer to me. I turned to give him a kiss and found Sven lying next to me instead. His arm tightened around my waist. I groaned and said, “Get off me.” I tried to pull away but he wouldn’t relax his grip.

  “Just a moment more, Katja, please?”


  “I know I won’t get another chance. Let me have this fantasy for another minute.” He curled into me further, if that were possible. The sadness in his voice pulled at my heart. I nodded. He put his nose against the back of my neck and breathed in my scent.

  “Okay, I’ve had enough. Let me go.” I sat up because he let me. His arm fell into my lap and curled around my hip. “Why isn’t Trace here?”

  “I don’t know,” he mumbled into the pillows. “He said that I was to watch you. He said to protect you. I don’t ask questions, Katja, I just follow orders.”

  “And your orders were to sleep in the same bed as me?” I raised an eyebrow. That couldn’t be right.

  “He didn’t say I couldn’t. You were shivering when Trace got out of bed.”

  I felt my face. It didn’t hurt. “What did you do to me?”

  He groaned and sat up. “You were really bad off, Katja. I knew I could heal you but you didn’t want me to. The shivers and pain got so bad last night that I opened a vein and let you have some of my blood. I only gave enough to heal you. You won’t turn into a vampire.”

  I turned to him then. His chest was free of clothes. I didn’t want to know if he was dressed under the covers or not. I slipped out of bed and stood up. I stretched and said, “Thank you. Even if I didn’t want you to.” I walked into the bathroom and locked the door.

  I looked at myself in the mirror and was surprised that all bruises and cuts were gone. I put my hand to my mouth and felt my lips. Nothing, they were as smooth as ever. I turned on the shower and got in. I felt better than I had in days. My head was clear and my body felt renewed.

  >< ><

  I stepped out of the shower and toweled off. I applied a tiny bit of makeup, some eyeliner, mascara, and a touch of lip gloss that had a faint pink tinge to it. I looked at my hair. I needed a cut. It was long, down to my hips, and I was annoyed with it. I tied it back in a ponytail and called it good for now then dressed in black slacks and a dark blue blouse.

  I stepped out of the bathroom and found Sven still in bed. He was snoring softly. I watched him for a moment and then quietly left the room. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a juice from the fridge. The house was awfully quiet. I wondered what was going on.

  I decided on seeing how Thorn was doing. I walked slowly down to the basement. We had built a ‘dungeon’ in the last part of the basement, away from the armory and near the far end of the house. The ‘dungeon’ is a heavy, thick, glass enclosure. The room has fluorescent lighting, a small bed, a bathroom, and a door that had a small opening to give food, blood in this case.

  I flipped the switch and found Thorn lying in the bed. He sat up when I walked closer. “Thorn.”

  He stood up, walked to the glass wall, and kneeled onto one knee. He bowed his head. “How can you let me live?” His words almost too quiet for me to hear.

  “You chose to kill the big vampire. You only took my blood. It wasn’t like you were going to kill me, right?”

  He shook his head. “I wanted to kill you. I wanted to take your blood, all of it, and have you for myself.”

  My heart beat faster at the memory of looking into his crazy eyes. “Do you want to die, Thorn?”

  He looked up at me but stayed kneeling. It looked uncomfortable. “I wanted to.”

  “Will you try to kill me again if I let you out?”

  He seemed surprised by my question. “I can’t be let out. I want you so badly that I fear I may try to harm you again.” His brown eyes brightened as he looked at me.

  “I can’t have you, Thorn. I don’t want you. Beatrice seems very taken with you, though. What’s so wrong with her?”

  “She is a girl, beautiful, yes, but just a girl. Her blood has the potential for being powerful but yours is already powerful. It sings to me as no other.” He stood up and went back to the bed. I watched as he jerked his head from my gaze. I didn’t want to leave him in here but I couldn’t let him out if he couldn’t control himself.

  “How long have you been a vampire, Thorn?”

  He didn’t answer right away. I stayed where I was, waiting. “I’ve been a vampire for ninety years. I’m rather new as a vampire. I suppose that’s why you call to me. I can’t…” he stopped talking. He laid down on the bed and folded his hands on his stomach. “Leave please. I can smell your blood. I want to tear a hole in the glass and taste you.” I nodded. Not that he could see me. I left the basement. I had to find a way to help Thorn.

  I walked back into the kitchen and found my guys sitting at the table. “Kat,” Todd said. “What were you doing down there?”

  “I wanted to see how Thorn was holding up. He’s in bad shape.” I sighed and took a seat across from them. “Thanks for having Sven near me when I woke up,” I said sarcastically. Trace raised an eyebrow. “He was lying next to me when I woke up,” I explained.

  “He wasn’t supposed to.”

sp; “Well, he was. He also healed me.” They nodded.

  Todd said, “I asked him to. You were pretty bad off, Kat. I know you didn’t want to but I didn’t need you in the hospital.”

  I smiled at Todd. “Yeah, I guess that would be bad, huh?” All three nodded. “I have some things to do today. I’m not going into work though, I’ve already decided that. I think I’ll get my hair cut.” Groans from them. I frowned. “Why not?”

  “We like your hair long.”

  It was my turn to groan. “Sorry, but it’s getting cut.” I pulled out my cell phone and called the salon. They had a cancellation and the appointment was set an hour from now. “Gotta go. See you later tonight.”

  I was walking out of the room when Todd called back to me. “Take Sven.”

  My shoulders sagged a bit. I grimaced and walked to the bedroom. Sven was still in bed. I walked over to him and pushed on his shoulder. “You have to get up. You’re my escort. Again.” He stretched and sighed.

  I started out of the bedroom and Sven was just there. “Will you stop doing that? You startled me,” I said as I put my hand to my chest.

  He shrugged but didn’t move from the doorway. “Sorry.”


  He hugged me to him. I kept my hands at my sides. “Thanks for letting me sleep in your bed.” He gave me a peck on the cheek and disappeared. I sighed and shook my head.

  I grabbed my jacket and purse from the hall closet and waited for Sven to be ready. I didn’t have to wait long. He sauntered out of the guest room. I walked outside and blinked into the bright sunlight.

  We got into Todd’s truck and Sven drove us to my appointment.

  >< ><

  We walked into the salon and Sven got whistled at. I shot the woman a look; she blushed and hid behind her magazine. Sven grabbed my hand and held tightly. “Haven’t you been in a salon before?” I whispered to him.

  “Not where women are looking at me like I’m food.”

  I lifted an eyebrow. “I figured you’d be used to being ogled.”

  We took seats in the back where no one was waiting. “I don’t mind being ogled as long as I’m not on duty. If it were just another day, not a problem, but I’m your bodyguard. I can’t be sidetracked with ogling women.” I chuckled. He frowned at me. The frown made his dark blue eyes lighten.

  He leaned into me and kissed my cheek. “Thanks for saving me from that woman.”

  “What are you talking about? I didn’t save you.”

  “Yeah, you did. If you hadn’t shot her a look she would have come up to me and tried to take me out to a hotel or something.”

  “You know this, how?”

  “I saw the look she gave me. It had one hot night written all over it.”

  I rolled my eyes. “You could have gone with her if you wanted to.”

  He pulled back from me and frowned. “I don’t want her, Katja.” He didn’t get to say anything further.

  The beautician walked up to us. “Ms. LaMond. I’m so glad you’re in. I haven’t seen you in a long while.” I nodded and took the offered seat. Sven stayed in the waiting area. He picked up a magazine and pretended to read.

  An hour later I was cut, styled, and my eyebrows were waxed. I can deal with vampires and bad people but you show me wax and I want to hide.

  Sven stood up and walked over to me. He put his arm around my waist and said, “It looks good, different but good.” He walked us outside.

  “I need to go to a dealership. I’m tired of Todd’s truck.” He nodded and guided me into the passenger seat. He drove us over to the BMW dealership.

  I walked the lot for a moment and a petite woman, dressed conservatively in a black skirt suit approached. “Hello, may I help you with anything?”

  “Yes. I’d like to buy a vehicle.”

  She clasped her hands and asked, “Do you have a preference?”

  “Not really. I’m just looking at the moment.” We stopped in front of a black X3. It was small enough for me but big enough to feel comfortable in. “I’d like to test drive this one.” She nodded and had us walk into the office. She copied my ID and grabbed a set of keys.

  We loaded in to the X3. She took us around the block as I investigated the collection of instruments. She parked the car in the dealership lot and got out. “Have a nice time.” She walked into the office and I took off.

  It drove like a dream. Smooth handling, powerful engine. Sven commented on this and that as we drove. I took it out on the freeway. I really couldn’t open her up being that we were in the States but I could feel the power. I drove us back to the dealership and walked into her office.

  “I’ll take it.”

  She was startled by my directness. “Would you like to design your own?”

  I shook my head. “No. I’m not interested in much else. I’ll take the one I just drove.” She nodded and pulled the paperwork.

  I signed everything and gave her my bank information. She made a couple phone calls and I was set to go. She warned me that I had ten days to get it into the DMV for new tags. She gave me some BMW promo items and the keys.

  I told Sven that I’d meet him back home. He shook his head. “I’m sorry, Kat. I can’t let you out of my sight. I’ll come back here to pick up Todd’s truck.”

  I sighed and nodded. “Okay.” We got in the X3 and drove off.

  We drove past my work center. Everyone was in. I almost stopped but Sven shook his head. “You already said you weren’t going into work today.”

  “I know,” I grumbled as I continued forward.

  I drove along Main Street.

  As soon as I was past the main drag I hit the gas and climbed to almost a hundred miles an hour, just to feel the vehicle move at speed.

  Someone hit my back end. I looked in the mirror and found a big black truck. “Fuck.”

  Sven looked back. “You have to go faster, Kat.”

  “I know.” I gripped the steering wheel tighter and gave the Beemer more gas. She took off like a light. The big truck fell back for a minute and then was once more on my tail.

  “Switch places, Kat.” I gaped at Sven. How the hell were we going to do that? I pushed the speedometer to over one-thirty. The truck was still behind but not right on my bumper.

  Sven slid over and lifted me. He slid in behind and I was in the passenger seat. It took seconds for the transfer to take place but it felt like it had taken hours.

  Sven let the truck get on him. The truck was going to ram us again when Sven jerked the wheel and hit the brakes. He did a one-eighty and the truck flew past us. I was holding on to anything and everything that I could. “That’s not going to hold them long.” I looked back and found the truck already making a U-turn. Sven hit the gas. I continued to look back but the truck was nothing more than a small black dot on the road way.

  Sven slowed down as he approached town. We drove past a driveway and in a second the X3 was hit on my side by a big black something. The side-impact airbags exploded. I could hear the powerful engine as it pushed us sideways.

  Sven tried to keep the X3 from going over the embankment but it was no use. The other truck was too powerful, and had a hefty weight advantage. The BMW tilted to the side and started to slide. I hit the airbag to get it out of my way. I watched as we slid further from the road. Two men got out of the truck and watched as we slid. It was only a minute from the time we got hit to now.

  Sven steered as best as he could. Good thing the SUV had run-flat tires. The X3 came to rest, gently, against a tree. Sven unbuckled his seat belt and pushed on the windshield. It cracked but nothing else. He groaned and punched through. Shards of glass sprayed me as I brought my arms up to cover my face. He had opened enough of the windshield for us to escape. I unbuckled my belt, and with Sven’s help, got out of the truck. Damn, another freakin’ car down the drain and I hadn’t had it more than ten minutes.

  I could hear people calling from the roadside but I didn’t know if they were good or bad people. We didn’t stop. Sven
literally threw me on his back and ran like a bullet through the woods. He stopped after a half hour. I slid down his back.

  He leaned against a tree. “Are you okay?” He nodded. He was awfully pale. “Do you need to feed?” His eyes snapped to me. I took an involuntary step back. He was holding his side. “What happened?” He pulled his hand from his side. I saw the blood covering his hand. “How did that happen?”

  “They took a shot at me as we were running.” I stepped over to him and held out my wrist. “I’m going to need more than just your wrist.”

  I sighed and tied my hair up. “Okay.” He pulled me to him and sank his teeth into my neck. I hissed at the first bit of pain. He took long pulls from my throat but didn’t try anything fancy. He pulled back and smiled. He licked the wound. “Ready to run back to the house?”

  “Can we just walk back? I’m sure we lost them.” He nodded. He took my hand and we walked the six miles back to the house.

  >< ><

  We walked into the house and found no one around. “I’m going to change,” I said as I looked down at my clothes. They were filthy from the chase and my shoes were ruined.

  Sven pulled me into the bedroom. “I’ll be right here in case something happens.” I nodded.

  I grabbed a pair of dark jeans and a stretchy black t-shirt, then stumbled into the bathroom and changed. I cleaned my face and walked out. Sven was still standing by the door.

  “Why don’t you change?” I looked over him.

  He shook his head. “No. I’ll be fine.” He took my hand and walked us into the kitchen. My men were sitting at the table. They looked at us; taking in Sven’s disheveled appearance and my change of clothes.

  Todd sighed and asked, “What happened?”

  “We got ambushed. I bought a new freakin’ car and it’s now totaled. I didn’t even have it for a day.” Todd rolled his eyes. “It’s true, Todd. We did get ambushed. If it hadn’t been for Sven we probably would still be out there running from two big, black trucks.” My guys stood up and gave me a hug. It was a one handed hug on my part since Sven wouldn’t let me go.


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